Task 1. Learn the following words and word combinations

pharmacy / drugstore / chemist’s shop ['fɑːməsɪ] ['drʌgstɔː]['keməsts] [ʃɔp] аптека
prescription department [prɪs'krɪpʃ(ə)n] [dɪ'pɑːtmənt] рецептурный отдел
chemist's department ['keməsts][dɪ'pɑːtmənt] отдел готовых лекарств
working areas ['wɜːkɪŋ]['ɛərɪəz] производственные помещения
galenical preparations [gə'lenɪkəl] [prep(ə)'reɪʃ(ə)nz] галеновы препараты (настойки, экстракты, сиропы, полученные обработкой растительного или животного сырья)
glassware ['glɑːswɛə] стеклянная посуда; стеклянная тара
drug cabinet [drʌg] ['kæbɪnət] шкафчик для лекарств
expiry date [ɪk'spaɪərɪ] [deɪt] срок годности
manufacture [mænjə'fækʧə] производство
ointment ['ɔɪntmənt] мазь
to be arranged [bi:] [ə'reɪnʤd] размещать, располагать
glass case [glɑːs] [keɪs] витрина
hot-water bottle [hɔt] 'wɔːtə] ['bɔtl] грелка
diuretics [daɪju(ə)'retɪk] диуретик, мочегонное средство
antiarrhythmics ['æntɪə'rɪðmɪks] антиаритмические препараты

Task 2. Find the following words and words combinations in the text, reproduce the context they are used in and translate it into Russian.

1. working room

2. to make up according to the administration

3. to be bought without prescriptions

4. the pharmaceutical plants

5. to be kept in special drug cabinet

6. drugs for the immediate use

7. to be stored at the constant room temperature

8. to know all necessary information before using

9. according to their therapeutic use

10. different pills and tablets for internal use

11. pain or fever relievers

12. officially authorized

13. to make the right choice

Task 3. Answer the questions.

1. What goods can you buy at a pharmacy?

2. How many departments are there at every pharmacy?

3. What things can be bought at the chemist department?

4. How are different drugs kept at the pharmacy?

5. What drugs should be kept in a refrigerator?

6. At what conditions should drugs be kept at a pharmacy?

7. Where are the dose and administration indicated?

8. How are all medicines classified and arranged in the pharmacy’s glass cases?

9. Who can help the customers to make the right choice at the pharmacy?

10. What should be done for the public protection?

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