Part B

I. Look through the list of English words and their Russian equivalents facilitating reading text B.

Internal storage - внутреннее запоминающее устройство;

magnetic core - оперативная память на магнитных сердечниках;

stack -собирать, скомпоновывать;

punched card - перфокарта;

batch processing - пакетная обработка;

treat - рассматривать, трактовать, интерпретировать;

queue - становиться в очередь; образовывать очередь.

II. Define the meaning of the “x” word.

store: storage= хранить: х;

appear: appearance= появляться: х;

capable: capability= х: способность;

process: processing= обрабатывать: х;

internal: external= внутренний: х;

increase: decrease= увеличивать: х;

complex: complexity= х: сложность;

fast: faster= быстрый: х;

efficiency: inefficiency= эффективность: х.

III. Find in the list the following parts of speech: a) nouns, b) adjectives, c) adverbs, d) verbs.

Magnetic, generation, provide, storage, transistor, compare, tremendous, reduction, previous, greater, complexity, usually, location, easily, capability, user, numerous, require, data, external, utilize, circuit, improve, fast, totally, appropriate.

IV. Complete the sentences with the following words:

increased, have been classed, to be brought, using, are provided, external, compared to.

1. Computer systems … into three generations.

2. The first computers used magnetic drums for internal storage and magnetic tape for … storage.

3. Early computers were slow … modern machines.

4. Solid-state memory greatly … the speed and capacity of the internal memory.

5. Early computers required data … to them.

6. Modern computers … with the capability of handling numerous input devices directly.

7. This data was usually prepared by … punched cards.

V. Read the text and say which paragraph contains the information about the advantage of computers to have large information capacity but small physical dimensions.

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