Underline the Complex Object with the Infinitive. Translate the sentences into Russian

1. The importance of mathematics for all sciences is known to be growing rapidly.

2. The development of the project appears to be improving.

3. This discovery proved to be of special value for this branch of science.

4. The lecturer seems to know everybody who attended the conference.

5. It was surprising they didn’t appear to know the results of our scientific work.

6. Judging by what he said he seems to have been working as a programmer since last year.

7. They proved to be experienced workers in that branch of science.

8. These students are likely to take part in our work.

9. He is sure to make a brilliant report on that subject.

10. He is certain to come to the lecture to be delivered by an English scientist.

11. This conference is likely to last for a few days.

12. The experiments are likely to be conducted in this lab.

Unit 3

The Classifications of Living Things

Reading and Speaking

3.1 You are going to read the text about the classification of plants and animals, check the meaning and pronunciation of the words in the dictionary if necessary:

Medicine, classification, sort, tiger, group, leopard, structure, actively, mollusk, effect, detail, utilize, foundation, microorganism, type, cultural, contribution, include, pierce, cause, tear, claw, capture.

State the part of speech of the following words. Translate them.

To specialize, specialist, speciality, special, specialization, especially.

Science, scientist, scientific, scientifically.

To include, to exclude, inclusion, inclusive.

To derive, derivation, derivative.

To divide, division, divisor, divisible.

To define, definition, definite.

To differ, difference, different, differently.

Indifference, indifferent, indifferently.

To resemble, resemblance.

Match the phrase in column A with its meaning in column B.

A Depend on In this way In turn Up to the present moment To take care Sponges Jellyfishes Spiny-skinned Jointed-legged Squids In doubt To keep track B зависеть от иглокожие в свою очередь таким образом до настоящего времени головоногие заботиться медузы членистоногие губки под сомнением прослеживать

3.3 Read the text and define its main idea:

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