Exercise 11. Complete the notes

curriculum, easier, equal, wars, 1.6 million speakers, nineteenth century, too difficult


Spoken today by ______people. Developed at the end of the____by L.L. Zamenhof. He thought that common language would help to avoid conflict and prevent_____. He thought that exciting languages (French, German, Russian, English) were ____for people to learn. He proposed a new language where everyone would be ______. That language was Esperanto. So, Esperanto is______ to learn than other languages? Yes, much easier. Experts say that for an English speaker, Esperanto is five times easier to learn than French or Spanish, ten times easier than Russian, and 20 times easier than Chinese or Arabic. Esperanto is spoken as a second language in about 90 countries of the world, it’s on the school ______ in China, Hungary, Bulgaria and it’s also being taught in some British schools as a way of helping students to learn other languages.

Exercise 12. Write an essay (7 sentences). Explain the advantages and disadvantages of being bilingual, trilingual, understanding foreign words without dictionary.

1. Choose the right variant. I don’t like stories… have unhappy endings.

a) that

b) they

c) which

d) who

2. Choose the right variant. What is the name of the man….?

a) you borrowed his car

b) which car you borrowed

c) whose car you borrowed

d) his car you borrowed

3.Choose the right variant. Colin told me about his new job, …very much

a) that he’s enjoying

b) which he’s enjoying

c) he’s enjoying

d) he’s enjoying it

4. Choose the right variant. I didn’t believe them at first but in fact everything …was true

a) they said

b) that they said

c) what they said

d) that said


English Russian Kazakh
origin ['ɔri dʒin] происхождение шығу тегі
meaning ['mi:niŋ] значение мағына
overpaid ['əuvə peid] переплатить артық ақша төлеу
borrow ['bɔrəu] занимать қарызға алу
preconceived [,pri:kən'si:vd] предвзятый біржақты
compound words ['kɔmpaund wз:dz] сложные слова күрделі сөздер
payday [pei dei] день платежа ақша төлеу күні
explanation [,eksplə'neiʃ(ə)n] объяснение түсүндіру
definition [,defi’ni ʃ(ə)n] значение мағына
SIW №25

1. Prepare a report about international terms in different areas (construction, architecture etc).

2. Learn by heart the poem.

SIW №26

1. CD “New English File” F.7 C (grammar, audio-video, vocabulary).

2. Discussion “About origin of words” [1.111]. In pairs, point and ask and answer about words from English

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