Упражнение 4. подберите подходящий перевод для следующих устойчивых словосочетаний

1.to get out of it with clean hands;

2.to be left out in the cold, to get nothing for pain;

3.to be angry for no reason at all;

4.to do silly things;

5.to depart from his life, to join the majority;

6.to pay smb with his own coin;

7.golden opportunity;

8.to be on the top of the world.

a) блестящая возможность

b) отплатить той же монетой

c)наломать дров

d)быть на седьмом небе

e)приказать долго жить

f)остаться на бобах

g)выйти сухим из воды

h)лезть в бутылку

Упражнение 5. переведите предложения, содержащие фразеологические сочетания. Объясните их значение по английскм, используйте данные фразеоогизмы в своих собственных предложениях

In the times of stagflation many overseas companies pulled over, but some­how we managed to buck the trend.

Lots of hot money is being transferred to Switzerland which has always been the tax heaven for Europe’s wealthy.

The turnover has increased considerably before the triple witching hour.

If you think he is a soft touch, you have another guess coming; he is just a loan shark, something of a shylock.

The new company began to go into the red when the price of oil began to rise rapidly.

The steel company decided to jack up the price of steel at the beginning of the year.

Упражнение 6. переведите данные идиомы. Составьте свои предложения с идиомами(7-8 идиом)

To cut one’s losses; to cut comers; finger in the pie; bottom line; to carry through; on the block; to get a break; in black and white; kickback; to make a go of; to buy smth on credit; to sell like hotcakes; sweetheart deal; to take a nosedive; to take over; tight spot; to write off.

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