Write the classification of pollution of the biosphere

Pollution can occur as a result of natural causes - this is a natural pollution. For example, pollution of the biosphere as a result of volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, catastrophic floods, forest fires. Pollution, which is caused by human activities, is anthropogenic pollution. Both natural and anthropogenic pollutants can be of different types.

1. Depending on the origin of pollutants, the following types of pollution are distinguished:- Physical pollution is pollution associated with changes in the physical parameters of the environment: thermal, light, electromagnetic, radiation, etc. For example, although the effect of electromagnetic pollution on humans has not been fully explored, there is reason to believe that the proximity of the high-voltage power line contributes to the development of cancer in humans;- Chemical pollution is a change in the natural chemical properties of the medium as a result of exceeding the average annual concentrations of any substances or as a result of the penetration of new chemicals into it. Chemical pollution is the most common and often the most dangerous for living organisms.

- Biological pollution is pollution due to introduction into the environment and reproduction in it of undesirable for human organisms. Biological pollution is divided into: a) biogenic, associated with the spread of undesirable for humans nutrients, for example, secretions, dead bodies, in areas or water areas where they have not previously been observed; B) microbial, manifested in the appearance in an environment of an unusually large number of microorganisms as a result of their mass reproduction, which harms humans and other organisms. For example, outbreaks of infectious diseases are the result of biological contamination of the environment;

- Information pollution is any information capable of removing ecosystems from a state of equilibrium, causing damage to nature and rational nature management.

2. Depending on how the pollutant enters the environment, the following are distinguished:

- Primary pollution caused by contamination from the environment;

- secondary pollution, formed during the physico-chemical interaction of primary pollutants. For example, a photochemical smog (smoke, fog) is a mixture of products of secondary air pollution arising from the decomposition of pollutants by the sun's rays.

3. In terms of distribution of pollution, distinguish:

- Global pollution, found anywhere in the biosphere;

- regional pollution occurs within a region;

- Local pollution takes place around an industrial enterprise, a city, intraquarter.

4. On the degree of stability of pollutants in the environment, distinguish:

- persistent pollution caused by a chemically stable pollutant that is not part of the natural cycle of substances and therefore very slowly decomposing. For example, xenobiotics (Greek xenos - alien, bios - life), which are foreign compounds synthesized by humans, such as polyethylene, synthetic detergents, many pesticides, etc.;

- unstable pollution caused by pollutants entering into the natural cycles of substances, so that they quickly disappear, subject to biological destruction.

5. For pollution facilities, i.e. On Wednesdays, in which they spread, they release pollution of space, atmosphere, hydrosphere, soil, rivers, seas, oceans, etc.

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