your school homework

I would like to start with the idea that probably all pupils, including me, don’t like doing homework. It is a very boring and time-consuming process. You should spend all your free time to get prepared to school subjects. I have to spend in average 4 hours a day to get everything done. And this fact really frustrates me. I usually start with the most difficult subject – Math. I guess it’s the only way to finish it. In my opinion, schoolchildren should be given less homework, because they should have enough time for their interests and hobbies. And those activities may not be necessarily related with school. In conclusion, I should say that homework is an essential part of the school life. But it must be limited. I believe that children should have enough time for their hobbies, too.

About TV.

Today millions of people around the world enjoy sitting in front of the TV and watching their favourite programs and shows. But we should admit that today television is not as popular among kids as it is among adults. I guess that teenagers don’t watch TV. Most of them have computers with the internet access. That is why if they want to watch some show or a movie, they use their computer. Speaking about me, I watch TV three or four hours a week. Sometimes I get bored from playing computer games. So I decide to watch TV programs. The main fact which I don’t like about TV is that it is a waste of time. Rather than to do something important, most people get distracted by siting in front of the TV. In conclusion, I think that televisions are mostly preferred by erderly people. But essentially watching TV is a waste of time.

About books.

I would like to start with the idea that I love reading books. It’s the only way of communication with people who lived hundreds or even thousands years ago. But I think that most of the modern teenagers don’t read at all. And it is a very sad fact. It seems to me that the main reason of why they don’t read is because there is a wide choice of social networks. Also there are many computers games which distract teenagers. As a consequence, kids can’t concentrate to read at least one page of the book. Speaking about me, I like reading science fiction because there are thousands of facts about nature and I know only a tiny percent of them. Also I’ve noticed that many people today prefer electronic books to paper books. I think e-books are convenient because you can upload hundreds of books in a one tiny device. In conclusion, reading is a great hobby. I enjoy it a lot.

About public holidays in Russia.

I would like to start with the idea that Russia is famous for its glorious holidays all other the world. Many tourists come to Russia to participate in celebrating those great events. We celebrate such public holidays as New Year, Victory Day, Easter. There are many others holidays but those are the most popular. I guess that we, Russians, like to celebrate. My favourite public holiday is New Year. I like it because all family celebrates that holiday together at home. New Year is celebrated in the night of the 31th December. After the speech of the President of the Russian Federation most of the families spend night walking in the streets. Also some familites like mine prefer sitting at home. In summary, I should say that public holidays make me a happy person. I get a chance to meet my old relatives and friends.


Holidays are the most pleasant times of the year for majority of kids. They can forget about school subjects and relax doing anything that they want. In my country the most important holidays are New Year, Victory Day and Easter. My favorite holiday is New Year because we get two weeks of vacations. I can sit at home all day and watch my favorite TV programs. Or, for example, play with my friends. Also there are many dishes in that time of the year. I celebrate that holiday at home with my friends and relatives. Also we give each other presents. Personally I like to give presents to other people because I think that it’s great that I can make them happy by doing it. In conclusion, I like holidays. They unite people together.


I would like to start with the idea that it’s good for a person to know at least one foreign language. It could help him to find a higher wage job. Also it can be useful if you want to read foreign literature. Or maybe you would like to watch foreign shows and movies. A lot of people learn foreign languages because they realize that it will help them in future. Moreover, today every person has a chance to learn a foreign language. I think it's great. In the past it was only a privilege for the rich people. I have chosen to do English exam this year because I believe that this language is widespread around the world. I learned a lot of grammatical rules and practiced speaking to prepare for my English exam. In summary, I can say that learning languages is a very important skill in the modern world. It can be useful both in professional and entertaining spheres.

Your school.

I would like to start with the idea that I love my school. Despite the difficulties I have a great time with my friends. Moreover, I like most of the subjects which we learn. That is why I have a wide choice of the potential professions. Speaking about my typical school day, I usually get up in 6 o’clock and I have 2 hours before my first lesson starts. I usually have 5 classes a day. After lessons are finished I go on a football field with my friends. As I have said before, I like many subjects but my favourite is Math. I love it because I’ve always liked precise sciences. Moreover, Math is very important for my future career as an economist. I think that I like school mostly because of great teachers. They not only learn us school subjects but also give useful instructions. In conclusion, I should say that my school years are great and I hope that 2 last years will be even better.

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