A fateful encounter at the holy grounds

Yuki: Oh, there he is. Yamato-kun!
Nanase Riku: Huh? Yuki-san?
Yuki: There’s something I’d like to talk about. Do you have time after this?
Nikaidou Yamato: ……
Nikaidou Yamato: Nope, I’m busy.
All: WHAT!?
Nanase Riku: H-how about you just go and talk to him? He took such good care of us!
Takanashi Tsumugi: Yeah! If you’re worried about time, we have plenty!
Nikaidou Yamato: I’m sure their end is busy, though. And saying that there’s something he needs to talk about is just lip service. Senpai, if you don’t mind, I’m leaving first.
Takanashi Tsumugi: W-Wait, Yamato-san!? S-sorry about this, Yuki-san!! I look forward to seeing you again! Now, if you’ll excuse us!
Izumi Mitsuki: Thank you very much for today!
Osaka Sougo: Thank you very much. If the chance arises again, we humbly look forward to working with you again.
Momo: Yep, yep! We look forward to it too! Good work guys!
Yuki: ……So I got rejected.
Momo: So that glasses kid was the one you were talking about?
Yuki: Yes. He’s all grown up now. When I first met him he was still wearing a school uniform.
Momo: Ooh, a blazer?
Yuki: No, no. A gakuran.
Yuki: ……He had lost all faith in humanity and looked upon those in the entertainment industry as if they were cockroaches, if not worse.


Nanase Riku: Yamato-san, are you sure it’s okay?
Nikaidou Yamato: Yeah.
Rokuya Nagi: OH, is he an acquaintance? I’ve heard that Yamato knows lots of people in the industry–
Osaka Sougo・Yotsuba Tamaki: Shut up!
Rokuya Nagi: What!?
Osaka Sougo: It’s best if you don’t bring that subject up.
Yotsuba Tamaki: Just… don’t.
Nikaidou Yamato: What a strange response. What is it, MEZZO"?
Osaka Sougo: Well…..if you do bring it up, you get called a ‘persistent bastard.’
Yotsuba Tamaki: Or a 'fucking dumbass’ …… (1)
Nikaidou Yamato: What!? That bothered you guys? Sorry about that!
Osaka Sougo・Yotsuba Tamaki: Not at all……
Izumi Mitsuki: Yamato-san, don’t bully the younger members. You honestly have no chill sometimes. Or maybe 'immature’ is a better word……
Nikaidou Yamato: Ahaha. Like you’re one to talk about maturity. Maybe give it a few years?
Izumi Mitsuki: Listen, I’ve been an adult for a damn long time, alright!! Do you needa see my seijin-shiki pictures as proof!? Huh!? (2)
Izumi Iori: They’re really cute.
Izumi Mitsuki: Shut it!
Rokuya Nagi: ……Yamato.
Nikaidou Yamato: What?
Rokuya Nagi: Take off your glasses.
Nikaidou Yamato: No. I’m not gonna turn into a hot girl like they do in your anime. Manager, what are you going to do about the reopening concert?
Takanashi Tsumugi: Zero Arena’s reopening concert…… If we get the call, then this will be IDOLiSH7’s first major job since debut! If possible, I’d like to accept the offer!
Takanashi Tsumugi: Because then IDOLiSH7’s name will be engraved in the history of Zero Arena, the holy grounds of legendary idol Zero!


Takanashi Tsumugi: The owner of Zero Arena contacted us! There doesn’t seem to be an audition for the spot.
Takanashi Tsumugi: However, the owner personally goes to watch the potential candidates’ lives, and evaluates them there.
Nanase Riku: So he’s coming to one of our lives?
Takanashi Tsumugi: Yes. He and the action committee for the reopening concert will be attending our next live in Tokyo.
Nikaidou Yamato: That’s impressive. Well, we have nothing to lose, so let’s give it our best–
Izumi Mitsuki: A concert with Re:vale and TRIGGER at Zero Arena…… Let’s put on our game faces and go for it!
Nikaidou Yamato: ……Yeah, what he said.
Izumi Iori: Speaking of the owner of Zero Arena, I hear he’s very strict about staging. (3)
Izumi Iori: He places great emphasis on the overall, big-picture for lives.
Takanashi Tsumugi: ……Staging, you say?
Osaka Sougo: Our stages are all arranged by you, Manager. We’ve gotten lots of high praise for them.
Nanase Riku: I look forward to our next performance!
Izumi Iori: I do not mean to put pressure on you, but we’ll be depending on your skills for this. It’s in your hands now.
Takanashi Tsumugi: Y-yes!
Takanashi Tsumugi: Whether or not they get to perform at Zero Arena depends on the staging for their next live….. I definitely want them to succeed!
Izumi Mitsuki: Manager! I can lend you Zero’s concert DVDs, if you don’t mind! I’m sure you can use them as reference. I was super moved when I watched them!
Takanashi Tsumugi: Yes! Thank you very much!
Takanashi Tsumugi: ….. I’ll do my best!
Takanashi Tsumugi: Zero’s concert…. It’s amazing…… It feels like I’m getting sucked into Zero’s world, bit by bit.
Takanashi Tsumugi: Zero himself is amazing, but the staging makes Zero and his songs shine even more brilliantly.
Takanashi Tsumugi: Who was in charge of staging? Let’s see, here’s the staff list……
Takanashi Tsumugi: ‘Staging’….. Haw9? (4)
*knock knock*
Takanashi Otoharu: Tsumugi-kun, is it okay if I come in?
Takanashi Tsumugi: Oh, of course!
Takanashi Otoharu: Pardon the intrusion.
Kinako: Myu-myuu!
Takanashi Tsumugi: What is it, Dad? Are you hungry?
Takanashi Otoharu: I heard you were watching Zero’s concerts, so I wanted to hear your thoughts on them.
Takanashi Tsumugi: They’re amazing! They’re all just so wonderful!
Takanashi Tsumugi: I’ve seen them countless times on TV before, but this is the first time I’ve watched after getting this job. There are so many things that I didn’t see before!
Takanashi Otoharu: There’s a special feeling that you can only get from watching Zero’s concerts, and only Zero’s concerts.
Takanashi Tsumugi: The person who staged it all… Haw9. I want to meet him…… Do you think it’s possible for me to contact him?
Takanashi Otoharu: It’ll be difficult. When Zero disappeared, people stopped saying his name as well.
Takanashi Tsumugi: I see……
Takanashi Otoharu: But in exchange, he left behind his wonderful creations. Learn what you can from them.
Takanashi Tsumugi: Yes, President! Ah, I mean, Dad……
Takanashi Otoharu: Ahaha. It’s like we’re still at the agency. Ah, right. Tsumugi.
Takanashi Otoharu: It’s almost Banri-kun’s 5th year working for us. I want to give him a present, but do you have any ideas?
Takanashi Tsumugi: Five years have already passed since Ogami-kun came to us……
Takanashi Otoharu: Time sure flies when you’re having fun.
Takanashi Otoharu: I sure didn’t know what to do when you gave Banri-kun chocolate for Valentine’s Day back in middle school. (5)
Takanashi Tsumugi: Dad! That was a long time ago!
Takanashi Otoharu: Ahaha! Goodnight, Tsumugi.
Takanashi Tsumugi: The one who staged Zero’s lives…. Haw9-san……
Takanashi Tsumugi: Tomorrow… I think I’ll pay a visit to Zero Arena.


Takanashi Tsumugi: I’m off!
Rokuya Nagi: Hi, Tsumugi. Where are you going?
Takanashi Tsumugi: Nagi-san. I’m going to go visit Zero Arena to see if I can get any ideas on staging.
Rokuya Nagi: OH! Then I shall accompany you.
Takanashi Tsumugi: Huh?
Rokuya Nagi: Let’s make it a date.


Takanashi Tsumugi: Zero Arena… Where Zero held his final concert…… The Holy Land for idols.
Takanashi Tsumugi: This sure brings me back to when I danced with Nagi-san.
Rokuya Nagi: Indeed.

Rokuya Nagi: Your eyes were brimming with tears back then, but even so you smiled. You were beautiful, underneath the starry night sky.
Takanashi Tsumugi: 'Beautiful?’ Not at all……
Takanashi Tsumugi: Nagi-san…… He truly is a beautiful person.
Takanashi Tsumugi: He looks like someone right out of a story……
Rokuya Nagi: Are you inspired yet?
Takanashi Tsumugi: Ah– I’ll start brainstorming now!
Rokuya Nagi: Haha. How about now? What did you think of?
Rokuya Nagi: I would be overjoyed, if you had thought of me.
Takanashi Tsumugi: ……
Takanashi Tsumugi: I know Nagi-san is the most chivalrous out of everyone, but….. I’m still getting flustered.
Takanashi Tsumugi: Even though I know I shouldn’t be getting butterflies in my stomach, and by the hands of and idol I manage to boot…… (6)
Takanashi Tsumugi: I… I have to change the mood somehow……
Takanashi Tsumugi: R-right! Isn’t the “Magical★Kokona” notebook coming out soon?
Rokuya Nagi: Yes! It’s so lovely! It comes with Deluxe Stickers, Deluxe Sticky-Notes, and a Deluxe Bookmark! It’s a MUST-BUY!
Takanashi Tsumugi: W-whew……
Kinako: Myu-myuu!
Takanashi Tsumugi: Kinako!?
Rokuya Nagi: OH! Well if it isn’t Takanashi Production’s Kinako.
Takanashi Tsumugi: How did you get here!? All by yourself too……
Kinako: Myu-myuu!
Takanashi Tsumugi: Ah, wait!
???: You dropped your book.

To be continued……

TL Notes/Comments:

SHOUT OUT 2 @kuriiii​ FOR READING MY 4 AM TL’S!!! and fixing my eigo!!! goDBLESS

(1) tldr yamato’s said some Pretty Harsh things to both members of mezzo for broaching the subject of his ~entertainment industry connections~ and to adequately convey that in english, behold: Expletives. tbqh doing this just reminded me of hijikata in the hakuouki localization………. “tits on a bull” ………….. good times.
(2) seijin-shiki = coming of age ceremony, for when you turn 20 in Japan. Google 4 More Detailed information ayy.
I would like to see pictures of this, actually, Mitsuki in formal attire h h hh
(3) 舞台演出 is staging, aka the lighting + props + bg + etcetcetc. 'Worldbuilding’ is another way of putting it since you’re taking the stage and helping it tell a story/create a world.
[SPOILER for like next section but SPOILER ALERT ANYWYAS]
uH the textwall Kujou-san waxes about stageplay and the fact that Haw9 has 9 in his name makes me Strongly Believe Kujou-san was the one that was in charge of stage direction for Zero. Plus iirc Kujou is a big name on Broadway too, but who knows for what!!!
(4) speaking of Haw9 it’s pronounced “hawk” lmao
(5) Hello Read This article about VDay in Japan, because chances are it’s celebrated a little differently from where you’re from (unless you already know).
But LMAO dad opens his eyes and u kno he dea d.. rifp banri of the past…
(6) i get a headache every time i have to translate giongo negl, just know tsumugis like “AY SHITE I SHOULD NOT BE GETTIN DOKIDOKI OVER MY OWN?? IDOLS?? UMMM? “

As usual, if you see any mistakes/mistranslations, please message me!

Thank you for reading!!


2.4 - Encore!

???: You dropped your book.
Takanashi Tsumugi: I’m so sorry! Thank you very much.
???: “Staging Concerts” ….. Are you studying this topic, perhaps? (1)
Takanashi Tsumugi: Yes… Ah, Kinako!
Kinako: Myu-myuu!
???: Ahaha. What an interesting rabbit. It appears to be dancing, as it gazes upon Zero Arena.
???: It’s been 15 years since Zero disappeared. Plenty of idols have performed at Zero Arena in that time.
???: And there have been idols who, just like this rabbit, dreamed of standing upon that stage– only to disappear.
Rokuya Nagi: And you? Do you like idols?
???: Yes. Idols, and the fans that watch them, and the craftsmen who embellish those dreams– I love them all. (2)
Takanashi Tsumugi: ‘The craftsmen who embellish those dreams’ ……
???: Staging performances is part of that. Part of moving the hearts of those watching their idols sing and dance.
???: And when you add in a perfect performance, you’ll move the audience even more. Their eyes will shine, as if you had cast magic upon them.
Takanashi Tsumugi: ……
???: I too was in charge of raising idols, long ago. I’ve had experience with staging concerts too.
Takanashi Tsumugi: Is that so!?
???: Those days were filled with fun. The charm of each idol I raised, that only I knew… I wanted to let the whole world see it too.
Takanashi Tsumugi: I understand……
???: “Fight on, fight on–” I’d pray that my stars would reach the night sky, go beyond the rainbow…
Takanashi Tsumugi: I understand, completely. That’s how I feel when I cheer on my own idols.
???: I see. What a coincidence. Good luck, I hope you can make your stars shine.
Rokuya Nagi: Thanks. I am elated at your words.
Rokuya Nagi: She’s currently studying how to stage concerts. Could you perhaps offer her a word of advice?
???: The key to successfully staging, is knowing your idols’ charms.
Takanashi Tsumugi: Their charms……
???: You must be the most entranced by your idols, but strict in your analysis of them.
???: If you do so, then you’ll be able to see the colors that will make them shine.
???: Is it light, or dark? Red light, or blue light? Reveal, then hide. Tease them, leave them in suspense. Then show it all off.
???: Flash. Laser. Mirror ball. A quiet block. An showy block. Your setlist will become the stairway to the magic castle.
???: Enchant the audience until the clock strikes twelve. In this night, where even pumpkins can become carriages, what will your idols become?
???: They’ll become dazzling dreams. Smiling, bursting with happiness– their souls, dancing.
???: The roar of the crowd washes over the idols, shining in the midst of the light.
???: This is it– the peak of emotion, the very instant that the idols and fans and those backstage share, that’ll never come again.
???: The miracle, that happens here and nowhere else… The miracle that we all share.
Kinako: Myu-myuu!
???: It seems like this rabbit loves idols too.
Rokuya Nagi: Wonderful! It felt as if we were actually at a live!
Takanashi Tsumugi: Same! I think I understand now, just a little…… Just what’s important to staging concerts……
???: I’m glad.
???: Sorry for talking for so long. I must be on my way now. Good luck on your studies.
Takanashi Tsumugi: P-please wait! Ah…
Rokuya Nagi: OH…… He’s gone.
Takanashi Tsumugi: ……
Takanashi Tsumugi: I never got to ask his name……


Takanashi Tsumugi: The setlist and stage preparations are finished.
Nanase Riku: Thank you for all your hard work! What’s it gonna be like?
Takanashi Tsumugi: I have all the data! I just need to get it confirmed, and I’ll brief everyone on the entire thing alright?
Izumi Iori: Someone’s confident. Did you get feedback?
Takanashi Tsumugi: Yes. A certain someone gave me a hint.
Izumi Iori: 'A certain someone?’
Takanashi Tsumugi: I don’t quite know either, but he was someone I met in front of Zero Arena.
Takanashi Tsumugi: He said he had experience with training idols and had worked with staging performances before.
Rokuya Nagi: It was a chance meeting. Tsumugi’s Master. (4)
Takanashi Tsumugi: Yeah!
Izumi Mitsuki: Let’s do our best on the live! If we catch the owner’s attention, then we get to stand on stage and sing at Zero Arena!
Osaka Sougo: I want to meet Re:vale’s expectations!
Nanase Riku: Let’s do our best so we don’t put Manager’s staging to waste!
Takanashi Tsumugi: Thank you very much!
Takanashi Tsumugi: This will be a special gift to all the IDOLiSH7 fans out there, who are waiting in excitement.
Takanashi Tsumugi: With the best staging as embellishment, everyone’s charms will be brought out to the max! And then, we’ll make it reach the audience!

Nanase Riku: Good evening! We’re IDOLiSH7!
Fans: Kyaaaaaa!
Nanase Riku: I’m sure you already know, but our regular show “A Lovely Night with IDOLiSH7!” is starting soon!
Nanase Riku: I hope you cheer us on, be it TV or here, at our lives!
Fans: Kyaaaaaa!
Fans: Congrats!!
Fans: We can’t wait!!!
Fans: We’ll definitely watch!!
Nanase Riku: Thank you…!
Nanase Riku: We’ll keep on challenging new things! We hope to show you even more sides to IDOLiSH7!
Nanase Riku: And now, the song that started it all, our first song– MONSTER GENERATiON!
Fans: Kyaaaaaa!!
Zero Arena Owner: Oh, not bad.
Zero Arena Owner: Their singing and dancing and abilities all tie together nicely. The staging possesses finesse and is very polished.
Zero Arena Owner: What a great atmosphere. For them, the staff, and the fans.
Zero Arena Owner: They’re good, IDOLiSH7.
Takanashi Tsumugi: A picture of all 7 of them. Solo shots.
Takanashi Tsumugi: Five and two. Three and four. Six and one. Countless silhouettes unfold to the beat of the music– collecting, dispersing.
Takanashi Tsumugi: Iori-san’s perfection. Yamato-san’s theatrical ability. Mitsuki-san’s energy.
Takanashi Tsumugi: Tamaki-san’s powerful dancing. Sougo-san’s gentle silhouette. Nagi-san’s elegant mannerisms.
Takanashi Tsumugi: And Riku’s singing voice, that everybody falls in love with!
Takanashi Tsumugi: There’s no time to blink, now when IDOLiSH7 is stealing everyone’s gaze away!
Takanashi Tsumugi: Just like magic!
Nanase Riku: And that was IDOLiSH7! Thank you for tonight, everyone!
Fans: Kyaaaaaa!


Fans: Encore! Encore!
Fans: Encore…
Nanase Riku: *cough* *cough* Haah– ha….
Izumi Iori: Nanase-san, please open your mouth! Here’s your inhaler. Breathe slowly.
Nanase Riku: No! It’ll make my voice go hoarse…… *cough*
Nikaidou Yamato: There’s no way you can do the encore, Riku!
Nanase Riku: I can still, do it– I can do it!
Izumi Iori: With the way you are right now, you can’t go on stage!
Izumi Iori: Osaka-san, Yotsuba-san! Can MEZZO" take it from here?
Osaka Sougo: Understood! Don’t force yourself, Riku-kun. Promise?
Nanase Riku: S-sorry– I’m, so sorry……
Yotsuba Tamaki: Don’t apologize! Rikkun. We’ll buy you time.
Yotsuba Tamaki: Let’s go, Sou-chan!
Fans: Kyaaaaaa!
Fans: Tamaki! Sougo-san!!
Rokuya Nagi: Riku, are you okay? You were coughing all night too……
Izumi Mitsuki: Just use your inhaler! MEZZO"’s singing right now, so you gotta calm down in the meantime!
Nanase Riku: It’s no good, if I use it then I won’t be able to focus! *cough* This is my job, I have to sing–
Takanashi Tsumugi: Riku-san……
Nanase Riku: …I promised…… That I’d sing… Until the very end of the live……
Nanase Riku: That and…… They came to see us…… The reopening ceremony people……
Takanashi Tsumugi: Riku-san’s health is by far more important! Please use your inhaler! If you don’t then we’ll pull you out on doctor’s orders!
Takanashi Tsumugi: At this rate, you’ll be wheeled out in an ambulance!
Nanase Riku: N-no…… We… finally got a chance…!
Izumi Iori: It can’t be helped. Nikaidou-san, please hold Nanase-san down and open his mouth.
Nanase Riku: Iori……!
Nikaidou Yamato: Sorry, Riku. Stay still. Your health is our top priority, got it?
Nanase Riku: …No! I can still go! I can– Ngh……!
Izumi Iori: Ready in 3, 2, 1. Breathe in slowly! …Now hold your breath.
Nikaidou Yamato: Don’t thrash about, Riku! It’s okay, you’ll be okay……
Takanashi Tsumugi: On that day–
Takanashi Tsumugi: Even though we used the inhaler, we couldn’t quell Riku-san’s attack. Riku-san never stood on stage for the encore.

???: …I’m home.
???: I brought back some cake. You should eat it with that kid.
???: I went to watch IDOLiSH7’s live. I had a wonderful time.
???: But it was truly unfortunate that the center didn’t come out on stage for the encore.
???: Do you know why, Ten?
Kujou Ten: I do, Kujou-san.
Kujou Ten: Because we’re twins.

To be continued……

TL Note/Comments:


(1) If I had translated it as is, it would’ve ended up “'Staging Concerts’ …. Are you studying staging?” and that’s not. It doesn’t. I. Yeah.
(2) soRRY PLEASE JUST LET ME PRETTY UP SENTENCES BECAUSE???-SAN SPOUTS ABSOLUTE POETRY, CV tsuda ken also helps, but he says 'wrapping’ aka the craftsmen that … wrap those dreams up in wrapping paper and make them even better … So. I just. Yeah.
(3)???-san waxes absolute poetry and it gives me a headache 2 put into english i am Sorry
(4) by Master, think someone in RPGs who teaches you all the stuff. Yep.

As usual, if you see any mistakes/mistranslations, please message me!

Thank you for reading!!


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