Exercise 11. Guess when it happened and read the dates correctly

1900 11th century 1852-1859 1948  1832 August 21st  2010 1825 1929

1. Pirogov became a student of the Moscow University in …, even though he was only 14.

2. In … Pirogov wrote his doctor’s thesis dedicated to the ligation of ventral aorta.

3. From … to … Pirogov created his famous anatomical atlas, Topographical anatomy of the human body.

4. In … A. Fleming discovered penicillin.

5. The first hospitals in Kyiv Rus appeared in ….

6. Our Medical university was created as the medical faculty of Novorossiysk University in ….

7. Odessa medical university became national on …. 

8. After the World War II the United Nations held an International Health Conference during which it was decided to found World Health Organization in …

Exercise 12. Join the parts from two columns so as to make sentences. Then translate them into Ukrainian.

Model: If he falls ill, he will go to the doctor. -Якщо він захворіє, він піде до лікаря.

If he falls ill       loses his diagnosis       sees her wound       receives his cardiogram       is given an injection he will not get medical help             recover soon             go to the doctor             lose his consciousness             be disturbed
If they   need help              want to be healthy              clean their teeth              take remedies              go to a chemist’s they will have no caries              visit a clinic              go in for sport              buy drugs              recover sooner

Exercise 13. Make up your own continuation of sentences using Present instead of Future Tense where necessary.

1. He will be operated on, if ….

2. After she has taken these pills, she ….

3. When …, they will buy new equipment for the hospital.

4. Unless his condition improves, ….

5. You will not have any problems as long as ….

6. As soon as the doctor starts consultations, ….

7. Could you give this patient an injection while …?

8. …, rub in that ointment.


Exercise 14. Re-write the given text below opening the brackets. Pay attention to the pronunciation of numerals.

The working day of any specialist at the polyclinic (to begin) at 9 o’clock in the morning. But, as a rule, they all (to come) to work at 8:45 a.m. so as to get ready for the reception of their patients. The work of a district doctor at the polyclinic (to last) for 3 hours during which he (to examine) about 10 and sometimes even 15 patients. In the afternoon he (to make) his daily round of visits to the district: if a patient (to be) seriously ill, his district doctor (to examine) him at home. As for other specialists working at the polyclinic their working day (to differ) from the one of a district doctor. They (to work) for 5 hours a day, i.e. from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. As a rule, it (to take) them 15 to 20 minutes to examine one patient. Thus, a specialist (to receive) about 20 patients a day. So, the working day of any specialist at the polyclinic (to be) quite intense. 

Exercise 15. Put questions to the underlined words.

1. Polyclinics serve to protect people’s health.

2. Such sick persons receive a sick-leave.

3. There is a wide network of medical institutions in Ukraine.

4. If he has a lot of of time, he will finish his experiment in time.

5. If the patient is relaxed, it’s easy to carry on this procedure.

6. Nurses carry out any of the doctor's administrations.

7. District doctors are especially busy during seasonal epidemies such as flu.

8. Polyclinics have their own laboratories, X-ray, surgical and other departments.


Exercise 16. Translate the sentences into English.

1. Минулої зими ми двічі хворіли на грип.

2. В нашому місті є поліклініки для дітей та для дорослих. 

3. Якщо у дитини буде висока температура, то я викличу районного лікаря з поліклініки.

4. Завтра він отримає результати аналізу крові, і тоді лікар поставить діагноз.

5. Коли ти отримуєш лікарняний лист, ти маєш дотримуватися постільного режиму.

6. Згідно призначенням лікаря медична сестра буде робити тобі уколи три рази на тиждень.

7. Робота районного лікаря у поліклініці триває три години, потім він йде на виклики.

8. Вчора лікар обстежив мене: він послухав серце та легені, поміряв тиск та температуру.


Exercise 17. Arrange the following sentences in order to describe the profession of a district doctor.

1. A district doctor is a specialist working at the polyclinic with a definite number of patients.

2. Then he leaves for the seriously ill patients who cannot come to the polyclinic and gives them sick-leaves.

3. The work of doctors is very intensive, especially during seasonal epidemies such as flu.

4. The work of a district doctor at the polyclinic lasts for 3 hours during which he receives about 10-15 patients.

5. His work consists of two parts: examinations at the polyclinic and visits to patients at home.

Exercise 18. Describe the notion “polyclinic” using the following table.

1. The type of establishment.  
2. The services provided.  
3. Its structural units.  
4. The specialists working at it.  
5. When we need it.  

Завдання для самостійної роботи студентів (СРС)

I. Перекладіть наступні словосполучення: стан пацієнта оглянути пацієнта викликати лікаря міряти кров’яний тиск призначити лікування отримати лікарняний лист слухати серце та легені пацієнта поставити правильний діагноз зробити назначений укол дотримуватися постільного режиму   II. Дайте відповідь на наступні питання: What will a person do if he falls ill? What specialists work at the polyclinic? What examinations help the physician to make a correct diagnosis? Where is the information about the patient’s condition written down? What procedures does a doctor carry on during the medical examination?   III. Розкрийте поняття:Поліклініка, районний лікар




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