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Unit 1. All about me Lesson 3. All about me

School: #


Surname /name of the teacher:


Number of attendees:

Number of absent learners:

Aims of the lesson:

To introduce the new words a girl/boy, goodbye, teacher; practise building basic communication skills using structures What’s your name? I’m … / My name is …; I’m a boy/girl, foster tolerance and respect for a teacher/each other.


Objectives of the lesson

The learners will be able to:

· recognize with the considerable support and exchange short simple greetings.

· recognize with the considerable support a few basic personal questions spoken slowly and distinctly.

· pronounce the basic words and expressions with some mistakes.

The majority of learners will be able to:

· exchange short simple greetings.

· respond to the very basic supported personal questions using short answers.

· make basic personal statements.

Some of the learners will be able to:

· make the basic personal statements unsupported and without mistakes.

Background knowledge

The learners know simple greetings like “Hello, children/ girls and boys”; expressions “What is your name? I’m …/ My name is …”


Scheduled time

Scheduled activity

Beginning of the lesson   5 minutes

Warm up:

Ask the learners to clap their hands to the beat as they sing ‘The Hello song’ (Track 5).

Show the pictures of all the characters and ask them to act out the song saying their names.

Introduce them the topic and the objectives of the lesson.


To develop correct pronunciation, we recommend to play tongue-twisters with the learners for the sounds [g], [t], [oi], [ǝ:], [ai], [w] etc.

  You can use the following resources for tongue – twisters: s/.../easyt.
Main part of the lesson   25 minutes

Exercise 1.Listen and repeat.

Before the children start listening, introduce the new words by showing flashcards of a boy/girl: I’m Alma. I’m a girl. I’m Marat. I’m a boy.

Then play the track and direct the learners’ attention to the



new words boys/girls they hear. Make the leaners repeat them. Track 6. Hello, Mr Old Fox. Hello, boys and girls.



You can download Hello and Goodbye worksheet to practise “Hello” and “Goodbye” expressions using this resource:


For better memorizing of the new words, make male learners clap their hands once when you say boys, and female learners clap twice when you say girls. As a variation say the names of the boys/girl sand the learners should say “ a boy/ a girl” as they hear the corresponding name.
Exercise 2. Listen, learn and repeat. Ask the learners to look at the pictures, listen and repeat. Explain the meaning of the word too. Track 7. Foxy: Hello, what’s your name? Turtle: I’m Slowy. I’m a girl. What’s your name? Foxy: I’m Foxy. I’m a boy. Digger: Hello, what’s your name? Wolf: I’m Wolfy. I’m a boy. What’s your name? Digger: I’m Digger. I’m a boy too.
To practise this skill you can use puppets. Make the learners act out using models and the names of the puppets. As a variation, the children can use their dolls, toys.
Exercise 3.Pairwork. Act out the dialogue. Act out the dialogues of this exercise and direct the children for pair work using the model.
Exercise 4. Listen and learn. Make the students listen and repeat. If necessary, explain the word goodbye. Track 8. Student: Goodbye, Mr Old Fox. Teacher: Goodbye, boys and girls.
Exercise 5. Listen and sing. Make the children listen and chant the song. After they learn the words, play the audio and sing the song. Track 9. Boys and girls, goodbye, goodbye. Goodbye, Teacher, goodbye.
Activity book Exercise 1. Listen to your teacher and circle the right picture. Draw the children’s attention to the pictures. Explain the task. To explain the instruction circle, show the gesture in the air

  and make sure they understand it. Teacher’s instructions: 1. Circle a boy. 2. Circle a teacher. 3. Circle a girl.   Exercise 2. Circle the hello hands with the colour green and circle the goodbye hands with the colour red. Ask the children to take green and red pencils and to circle “hello” and “goodbye” hands.  
End of the lesson   5 minutes End of the lesson: At the end of the lesson ask the learners to summarize their activity at the lesson. Elicit their answers via supportive questions: e.g.: What the new words did we learn today? Which word/words do we say when we see each other? What do we say when we finish our lessons? Then encourage them to say all the words in chorus, you can say the words in Kazakh/Russian and they will give the English equivalents or show the flashcards and name the pictures. Sing the song of the lesson one more time. Keep encouraging the young learners for any success during the class/ whole course to make them feel more comfortable, confident and more motivated to acquire the language.  



Unit 1. All about me Lesson 4. All about me

School: #


Surname /name of the teacher:


Number of attendees: Number of absent learners:
Aims of the lesson:

To introduce the cardinal numbers from 1to 10, practise building their basic communication skills, foster tolerance and respect for each other.

Objectives of the lesson

The learners will be able to:

· recognize simple short instructions for the basic classroom routine spoken slowly and distinctly.

· recognize and exchange with the considerable support simple greetings.

· recognize simple sounds of phonemes.

· pronounce basic words and expressions with some mistakes.

The majority of the learners will be able to:

· recognize with support a few basic personal questions.

· respond to the basic supported personal questions using short answers.

· make the basic personal statements.

· use the cardinal numbers 1–10 to count.

Some of the learners will be able to:



· use the cardinal numbers 1 – 10 to count without any difficulty.

· make the basic personal statements without any mistakes.

Background knowledge

The learners know simple greetings like Hello, children/ girls and boys/goodbye; expression What is your name?


Scheduled time

Scheduled activity

Beginning of the lesson   5 minutes

Warm up:

Ask the learners to clap their hands to the beat as they chant “The Hello Song” (Track 3). Point to the children from the group and sing their names.


To review the vocabulary of the previous lesson, show the flashcards with pictures of children. Students should say out: “a boy/ a girl”.

Introduce the topic and the objectives of the lesson.

To develop the correct pronunciation, we recommend saying tongue-twisters with learners for the sounds [g], [t], [θ], [ǝ:], [u:], [f].

  You can use the following resources for tongue-twisters: s/.../easyt.
Main part of the lesson   25 minutes

Exercise 1.Listen and say the chant.

Make the learners listen to the audio for two or three times and repeat the cardinal numbers from 1 to 10.

Track 10.

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Exercise 2. Listen and sing.

Encourage the learners to sing “The Number Song”. While singing tell them to point to the numbers.

Track 11.

I can count to five. I can count to five. One, two, three, four, five.

I can count to five. I can count to five. One, two, three, four, five.

I can count to ten. I can count to ten. Six, seven, eight, nine, ten.

I can count to ten. I can count to ten. Six, seven, eight, nine, ten.

To memorize the numbers, show the cards and ask them to say the corresponding number.

As a variation, you can write or stick the numbers on the board, point to them and count from 1 to 5or 6-10 and vice versa or you can ask them to count the classroom objects.

E.g. three windows, one door, one board, four lamps, etc.


Exercise 3. Listen and learn.

Explain the task and make the learners repeat the phrases.

    You can use the following resources for various chants: ongs/english-songs-for-k. m/ om/playlist?list. om/watch?v=lsq5ZjzL _9M

  Track 12. Foxy: Hello, I’m Foxy. I’m a boy. I’m 3. Wolfy: Hello, I’m Wolfy. I’m a boy. I’m 5. Slowy: Hello, I’m Slowy. I’m a girl. I’m 4.   Exercise 4. Practise and speak for the children. Draw the learners’ attention to the pictures. Ask them to act out. Answers: I’m Sasha. I’m a boy. I’m 6. I’m Tom. I’m a boy. I’m 9. I’m Karina. I’m a girl. I’m 4. I’m Timur. I’m a boy. I’m 7.   Activity book Exercise 1. Trace and draw the right number of dots. Ask the learners to take their pencils. Explain the task.   Exercise 2.Listen to your teacher and draw the candles, write the number in the circle. Ask the children to listen and write the correct number.   Teacher: 1. I’m 8. 2. I’m 10.   3. I’m 3. 4. I’m 4. 5. I’m 6.   To differentiate the task, ask the more advanced students to comment on their actions: e.g.: I’m a boy. I’m 2. I’m a girl. I’m 5.  
End of the lesson   5 minutes End of the lesson: At the end of the lesson ask the learners to summarize their activity at the lesson. Elicit their answers via supportive questions: e.g.: What the new words did we learn today? Which word/words do we say when we see each other? What do we say when we finish our lessons? Then encourage them to say all the words in chorus, you can say the words in Kazakh/Russian and they will give the English equivalents or show the flashcards and name the pictures. Sing “The Number song” of the lesson one more time. Keep encouraging the young learners for any success during the class/ whole course to make them feel more comfortable, confident and more motivated to acquire the language.  

Unit 2. My school Lesson 1. My school

School: #


Surname /name of the teacher:


Number of attendees:

Number of absent learners:

Aims of the


To introduce the classroom words use the structure “It’s a …”.

Objectives of the lesson

The learners will be able to:

· recognize, with considerable support, simple greetings.

· recognize simple sounds of phonemes.

· pronounce the basic words and expressions with some mistakes.

The majority of the learners will be able to:

· recognize simple short instructions for the basic classroom routines spoken slowly and distinctly.

· produce words in response to the prompts.

· produce words in response to the prompts.

· exchange short simple greetings.

Some of the learners will be able to:

· name classroom subjects without mistakes and make statements in response to the prompts.



Learners should know greeting forms, the short basic classroom instructions, the cardinal numbers 1–10.


Scheduled time

Scheduled activity

Beginning of the lesson   5 minutes

· Warm up:

Ask the learners to clap their hands to the beat as they chant “The Hello Song” (Track 3), “The Number Song” (Track 11).

Introduce the topic and the objectives of the lesson. To develop correct pronunciation, we recommend playing the tongue-twisters for the sounds [g], [p], [s], [æ], [b], [k] etc.

You can use the following resources for various chants: gs/english-songs-for-k. /playlist?list. /watch?v=lsq5ZjzL_9M You can use the following resources for tongue –twisters: ./easyt.

Main part of the lesson     10 minutes Exercise 1.Listen and learn the new words. Before the children start listening, introduce the new words. Show the flashcards: a pencil, a pen, a book, a bag. Then play the audio, making pauses to repeat the words in turn. Then play the audio again and ask the learners to follow the new words in the book. After that ask the learners to read the words individually and then in pairs. Track 13. A pencil, a pen, a book, a bag.  
5 minutes    
  For better memorizing of the new words, ask the children to show their classroom objects. Say the words slowly and distinctively, as they hear the words they should show the corresponding object.  
  10 minutes   Exercise 2. Point and name the people and things. Ask the learners to look at the picture and point to the objects and name them. Students’ answers. Dynamic pause Play the game “Captains”. To play this game you need a paper boat. Put paper boats into the water. Divide the group into two teams and tell them to choose captains and think of the name for their teams. Each team should blow at the boats and pronounce sounds [f], [p]. Draw the students’ attention to the correct pronunciation of these sounds. You can find and develop different games for your group using this resource: html
  Exercise 3. Learn and repeat. Read the phrases aloud and encourage the learners to repeat. Draw the learners’ attention to the new structure It’s a …. For the further practice of this structure play with them. Show a flashcard, name the picture and the learners should say the complete structure: e.g. It’s a fox.  
  Exercise 4. Look at the pictures and say what they are. Explain the task. Organize pair work. Let the students work by themselves but model the task first. After they work for a while, ask them to swap the roles in pairs. Let a few pairs present their work at the board. Activity book Exercise 1. Match and name the objects. Direct the learners to look at the pictures attentively, match the halves and name the object. Students’ answers: “It’s a pencil. It’s a pen. It’s a book. It’s a bag”.  

  Exercise 2. Find and circle the objects. Ask the children to find the classroom objects, circle and name them. To motivate learners suggest them competing and finding out who will find all the objects faster.  
End of the lesson   5 minutes End of the lesson: At the end of the lesson ask the learners to summarize their activity at the lesson. Elicit their answers via supportive questions: e.g.: What did we learn today at the lesson? Did you like your work? Was it good? Then encourage them to say all the words in chorus, you can say the words in Kazakh/Russian and they will give the English equivalents or show the flashcards and name the pictures. Keep encouraging the young learners for any success during the class/ whole course to make them feel more comfortable, confident and motivated to acquire the language.  



Unit 2. My school Lesson 2. My school

School: #


Surname /name of the teacher:


Number of attendees: Number of absent learners:
Aims of the lesson:

To introduce the new words practise building their basic communication

skills, foster tolerance and respect to each other.

Objectives of the lesson

The learners will be able to:

· recognize, with the considerable support and exchange short simple greetings.

· recognize with the considerable support a few basic personal questions spoken slowly and distinctly.

· pronounce the basic words and expressions with some mistakes.

The majority of the learners will be able to:

· exchange short simple greetings.

· respond to the very basic supported personal questions using short answers.

· make the basic personal statements.

Some of the learners will be able to:

· make the basic personal statements unsupported and without mistakes.

Background knowledge

This is the second lesson of the unit, children know and can exchange simple greetings, know and can recognize words for the classroom objects

(“a pen/pencil/book/bag”).



Scheduled time Scheduled activity Resources
Beginning of the lesson   5 minutes Warm up: Ask the learners to clap their hands to the beat as they chant “The Hello Song”. Introduce the topic and the objectives of the lesson. To develop correct pronunciation, we recommend playing tongue-twisters for the sounds [g], [t], [ɔi], [ǝ:], [w]. [g] Greedy Grandpa grabbed Grandma’s greasy grubs. [oi] Noisy boys enjoy toys, but noisy boys enjoying noisy toys are annoying. [ǝ:] Curt’s shirt is shorter than Shirley’s skirt. [w] When the wizard winked and waved his wand, the wars of the world went away. [t] Stick strictly six stick stumps.   You can use the following resources for tongue-twisters: ./easyt.
Main part of the lesson   15 minutes   10 minutes Exercise 1. Listen and repeat. Play the audio and pay the learners’ attention to the new words they hear. Pause at each picture and mime the action. Then play the audio again and make the learners repeat them. Track 14. Foxy, stand up. Wolfy, take your bag, please. Sit down, boys and girls. Open your book, please. Digger, close your book, please. Goodbye, boys and girls. For better memorizing of the new words, make the male learners do the actions as you say them. As a variation give different instructions for boys and girls, e.g.: Boys, stand up. Girls, stand up too. Boys take your books. Girls, sit down, etc.   Exercise 2. Listen and point. Ask the learners to listen and point to the corresponding picture. Track 15. 1. Stand up. 2. Sit down. 3. Open your book. 4. Take your pen. 5. Close your book.   Exercise 3. Listen and sing. Encourage the children to sing the song and to mime while singing.  

  Track 16. Take your book. Open your book. Close your book. Stand up and sit down. Stand up, stand up and turn around. Stand up, stand up and turn around.   Activity book Exercise 1. Listen to your teacher and put the right sticker in the box. Explain the task to the children. Say the classroom instructions clearly. Go around the group and check whether the children did the task correctly. Teacher: 1. Sit down. 2. Take your bag. 3. Open your book. 4. Close your book. 5. Stand up.   Exercise 2. Listen to your teacher and number the pictures in the order you hear them. Tell the children to take pencils or pens and write down the right number opposite the given pictures. Teacher: 1. Take your pen. 2. Take your bag. 3. Take your book. 4. Take your pencil.  
End of the lesson   5 minutes End of the lesson: At the end of the lesson ask the learners to summarize their activity at the lesson. Elicit their answers via supportive questions: e.g.: What the new words did we learn today? Which word/words do we say when we see each other? What do we say when we finish our lessons? Then encourage them to say all the words in chorus, you can say the words in Kazakh/Russian and they will give the English equivalents or show the flashcards and name the pictures. Sing the song of the lesson one more time. Keep encouraging the young learners for any success during the class/ whole course to make them feel more comfortable, confident and motivated to acquire the language.  

Unit 2. My school

Lesson 3. My school

School: #


Surname /name of the teacher:


Number of attendees:

Number of absent learners:

Aims of the lesson:

To introduce the new words practise building their basic communication skills, foster tolerance and respect to each other.

Objectives of the lesson

The learners will be able to:

· recognize, with the considerable support and exchange short simple greetings.

· recognize with the considerable support a few basic personal questions spoken slowly and distinctly.

· pronounce the basic words and expressions with some mistakes.

· The majority of the learners will be able to:

· exchange short simple greetings.

· respond to the very basic supported personal questions using short answers.

· make the basic personal statements.

· Some of the learners will be able to:

make the basic personal statements unsupported and without mistakes.

Background knowledge

This is the third lesson of the unit, children know and exchange simple greetings, recognize classroom objects and simple short instructions of the

teacher, numbers 1-10.


Scheduled time

Scheduled activity

Beginning of the lesson   5 minutes

Warm up:

Ask the learners to clap their hands to the beat as they chant “The Hello song”.

Introduce the topic and the objectives of the lesson. To develop the correct pronunciation, we recommend playing tongue–twisters for the sounds [ g], [t], [ɔi], [ǝ:], [ai], [w],etc.

    You can use the following resources for tongue the-twisters: ./easyt.
Main part of the lesson     15 minutes

Exercise 1.Look at the pictures and listen.

Play the track and ask the learners to follow the pictures. Pause at each picture. Make the leaners repeat. If necessary, explain the phrase Let’s start.

Track 17.

Digger: Stop, please, sit down.

Mr Old Fox: Boys and girls, be quiet! Sit down. Foxy: I am sorry.

Wolfy: I am sorry too. Teacher: It’s ok.


    10 minutes Take your books and open your books, please. Let’s start our lesson.   Exercise 2. Name the actions of the children. The children should look at the pictures and name the actions. Monitor the students’ answers.   Dynamic pause. Use this rhyme for the dynamic pause during a few lessons so that the learners will be able to remember the words and movements. One, one, one (children show their index fingers) I can run! (children jog in place) Two, two, two (children show two fingers) I can jump too! (children hop in place) Three, three, three (children show three fingers) Look at me! (children freeze in a funny posture)   Exercise 3. Listen to your classmate and do the action. Ask a volunteer student to give instructions to the group and make them do it.   Activity book Exercise 1. Listen to your teacher and complete the pictures. The children should draw the corresponding object they hear the teacher say. Teacher’s instructions: 1. Take your bag. 2. Take your pen. 3. Take your book.4. Take your pencil.   Exercise 2. Listen to your teacher and match the pictures. The children should listen to the information the teacher says and match the pictures in the first column with the pictures from the second one. Say the instructions slowly and clearly. Teacher: 1. Foxy, please, sit down. 2. Digger, please, stop. 3. Slowy, please, take your pen. 4. Wolfy, please, be quiet.  
End of the lesson   5 minutes End of the lesson: At the end of the lesson ask the learners to summarize their activity at the lesson. Elicit their answers via supportive questions: e.g.: What new words did we learn today? Which word/words do we say when we see each other? What do we say when we finish our lessons? What does the teacher say to you at the lesson?  

  Then encourage them to say all the words in chorus, you can say the words in Kazakh/Russian and they will give the English equivalents or show the flashcards and name the pictures. Sing the song to practise the instructions. Keep encouraging the young learners for any success during the class/ whole course to make them feel more comfortable, confident and motivated to acquire the language.  


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