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Petroleum is an oily combustible liquid. It is usually dark in colour and has a distinctive odour. It is much lighter than water and does not dissolve in water.

1. What is petroleum? 2. What colour is petroleum? 3. Has petroleum an odour? 4. Does petroleum dissolve in water?

Закончите следующие предложения, выбрав один из предложенных вариантов.

There are several theories of … a) the discovery of oil;

b) the origin of oil;

c) the composition of oil.

Many scientists consider that petroleum was formed …

a) in remote epochs; b) not long ago; c) in 19th century.

Many scientists consider that petroleum was formed by …

a) the decomposition of plant and animal organisms in contact with air;

b) the decomposition of plant and animal organisms out of contact with air;

c) the decomposition of plant and animal organisms in contact with water;

Прочтите два варианта одного и того же отрывка. Найдите расхождения между вариантами.

1. Like natural gas, petroleum is a mixture of hydrocarbons, only of higher molecular weight. It consists for the most part of liquid hydrocarbons, but there are gaseous and solid hydrocarbons dissolved in them.

2. Like natural gas, petroleum is a mixture of hydrocarbons, only of lighter molecular weight. It consists of liquid hydrocarbons. Gaseous and solid hydrocarbons do not dissolve in them.

22. Английский юмор:


- What`s your father, Bobby?

- My father`s a college professor.

- That`s a good profession. Does he like it?

- He has only one thing to complain about.

- What`s that?

- Oh, the students.

* * *

Father: You know that mother is very angry when you get bad marks at college.

Son: Well, it`s not me who is to blame for it`s the teacher who puts bad marks.

* * *

A son at college wrote his father: “No mon, no fun, your son”.

The father answered: “How sad, too bad, your dad”.

1) He has only one thing to complain about. – У него всего лишь одна жалоба.

2) it`s not me who is to blame – я в этом не виноват

3) mon = money

23. Продолжите диалог, используя предложенные ниже выражения:

as is known, by the way, from my point of view, generally speaking, I`d like to say a few words about, it should be taken into consideration, to sum it up.

A: Hullo, Bobby. What`s the news?

B: Hullo, Ann. How are you? You know, I`ve read an interesting article in the magazine “Oil and gas”. It`s about the history of petroleum industry in the USA.

A: Is it really so? How very interesting: I`d like to know some more facts about it.

Could you tell me a few words about oil and its origin? I am going to enter Ufa

Petroleum University this year.

B: With pleasure …

24. Расскажите об истории добычи нефти, ее физических и химических свойствах, ее происхождении. Используйте активную лексику урока и следующие словосочетания:

ancient people knew, curing properties of oil, no search for oil, wells were sunk, seepages, one of the most important sources of energy, in sedimentary rocks, in geological traps, at the depth, a combustible oily liquid, smaller amounts of sulphur, a characteristic smell, the colour of oil varies, much lighter than, it doesn`t dissolve in …, the organic origin of petroleum.


Грамматика: 1. Видовременные формы глагола.

2. Модальные глаголы, их эквиваленты.

3. Количественные местоимения little, few, a little, a few.

Текст: Natural Gas.

1. Прочитайте вслух следующие слова:

- rush, under, production, industry, other;

- borehole, form, source, porous, important;

- obtain, remain, mainly;

- inflammable, sandstone, extraction, natural;

- reach, field, region;

- internal, occur, German, network;

- advantage, France, Carpathian, example;

- either, gigantic, pipeline, limestone;

- Austria, deposit, approximately, volume.

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