For (preposition and conjunction)

For — грамматический омоним. Наряду с его употреблением в качестве предлога, который отличается боль­шой многозначностью, for является союзом и вводит части сложных предложений или самостоятельные предложения. Он соответствует в переводе русским союзам «так как», «потому что», «ибо», напри­мер: I asked her to stay to tea, for I had something to tell her. — Я приг­ласила ее остаться (у нас) на чай, так как я должна была кое-что ей сообщить.


(1) Aunt Ann did not ask him to explain this strange utterance. She knew what he was thinking. If Irene had no money she would notbe so foolish as to do anything wrong: for they said — they said — she had been asking for a separate room... (Gals.)

Тетя Энн не попросила разъяснить это странное заявление. Она поняла мысль брата. Если у Ирэн нет своих средств, зна­чит, она не наделает ошибок; потому что ходили слухи... хо­дили слухи, будто она просит отдельную комнату... (Лорие)

(2)But, afraid of losing the expansion of his chest, he leaned back again into a state of immobility, for he prized nothing so highly as a distinguished appearance. (Gals.)

Но вспомнив, что в таком положении его грудь кажется не столь широкой, Суизин откинулся назад и замер в неподвижности, ибо он ничто так не ценил, как внушительную внешность. (Лорие)

(3)I never did rightly see George, but his sulking presence was everywhere. For George is an old gray cat who has accumulated a hatred of people and things so intense... (Stein.)

Мне так и не удалось разглядеть Джорджа как следует, но при­сутствие этого мрачного существа чувствовалось повсюду. Ибо Джордж — это старый седой кот, в котором накопилось столько ненависти ко всему живому и неживому... (Волж.)


Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык.

1.In order to have the right to play it was necessary for him to keep up in his studies, a very difficult matter, for while he was not dumber than an ox he was not any smarter. (Thurber)

2.This was the worst season of the year for car travel among the precipitous mountains. For days it had rained; now snow was falling. (Denis)

3.His mother, he knew, lived each day in an agony 0f fear for him, a gnawing pain that she had suffered and concealed for nearly two years now. (Shute)

4.As Мог looked at him now, at his suspicious and sideways-turning face, he felt a deep sadness that he was not able to express his love for his son... (Murdoch)

5.These two missionaries were shocked at the news; for they had a genuine love and respect for the natives and the natives loved them in return. (Denis)

6.As I say, there is no need for Caroline to go out to get information. She sits at home and it comes to her. (Christie)

7."She died of an overdose of veronal. She's been taking it lately for sleeplessness. Must have taken too much." (Christie)

8."...If it's not all in there within thirty seconds I shall... I shall..." Mr Curry paused for breath, suddenly at a loss for words. (Bond)

9.Clelia said this with a certain violence, and Clara's attention quickened, for she thought she was about to witness the emergence of one of the buried conflicts of which she had heard so much (Drabble)

10. "Shall we help you?" said Mother May. "You see we always eat picnic fashion here, for simplicity. Everything is on the table, in these bowls. Or would you rather help yourself?" (Murdoch)

11. His mother died when he was two... His father was a stern, preoccupied lawyer, who gave him little attention аnd expected great things of him. For all his brightness he found life grey and dull, I think. (Wells)

1.3.Word order: conjunction "nor"

Союз nor служит для связи независимых, равноправных единиц внутри простого предложения, для связи равноправных предикатив­ных единиц в составе сложносочиненного предложения, а также для связи самостоятельных предложений в тексте.

В сложносочиненном предложении первая предикативная еди­ница должна содержать отрицание, и союз nor соответствует в рус­ском языке сочетаниям «(да) и не», «также/тоже не»: I know nothing about the incident, nor do I care — я ничего не знаю об этом случае, да меня это и не интересует; he cannot do it, nor can I — он не может сделать этого, и я тоже не могу/и я тоже нет.

Во второй предикативной единице сложносочиненного предло­жения и в самостоятельном предложении, которые вводятся союзом nor, имеет место инверсия подлежащего и вспомогательного глаго­ла. При их переводе глагол-сказуемое в русском предложении иног­да занимает начальную позицию:...his clothes were not of the latest pattern. Nor did they fit particularly well —...его одежда не была сши­та по последней моде. И сидела она не особенно хорошо.

Как коррелят not или по, союз nor вводит однородные члены предложения и соответствует в переводе союзу «ни»: he had no time, nor wish to help them — у него не было ни времени, ни желания им помогать.


(1) Consequently, he (Nikolai Rostov) did not like Zdrzhinski's story, nor did he like the man himself... (Dunn.)

И потому ему не нравился рассказ Здржинского, не нравился и сам Здржинский... (Тол.)

(2)The position of their houses was of vital importance to the Forsytes, nor was this remarkable, since the whole spirit of their success was embodied therein. (Gals.)

Местоположение домов было для Форсайтов вопросом громад­ной важности, и в этом не было ничего удивительного, ибо дом олицетворял собой самую сущность их жизненных успе­хов. (Лорие)

(3)The greatest opera-goer of his day! There was no opera now! That fellow Wagner had ruined everything; no melody left, nor any voices to sing it. (Gals.)

Когда-то он был завзятым театралом! Нет теперь оперы! Этот Вагнер погубил все — ни мелодии, ни голосов. (Лорие)

При использовании приема антонимического перевода имеет место замена отрицательного предложения утвердительным:

(4)"Well, he takes good care of himself. I can't afford to take the care of myself that he does."

Nor was it easy to say which, admiration, envy, or contempt was dominant in that remark. (Gals.)

Да, он себя бережет. Я вот не имею возможности так беречься. И трудно сказать, чего было больше в этих словах — восхи­щения, зависти или презрения. (Лорие)


Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык. Chaucer's time a Kentish man would have sounded almost unintelligible to a Cumbrian, and each would have failed to understand a Devonian. Nor was this Babel based solely on differences in pro­nunciation... (Peel)

2...for a long time we did not see any lights, nor did we see the shore but rowed steadily in the dark riding with the waves. (Hemingway)

3.Farther on I got an excellent picture of a tree kangaroo. It did not rest on its long tail like the more numerous kangaroos that live on the ground but used the tail for balancing among the branches. Nor did it look much like its cousins. (Barton)

4.This secret, shared only with herself, is a secret no longer; nor is her despair in her father's rectory....she believed she would not, even once again, pass through the white gates of Carriglas, nor sit beneath the strawberry trees. She believed she would not enter the drawing-room, nor see the island's fuchsia hedges in bloom, nor open the door of the ice-house, nor watch the waves breaking on the rocks at Elador's Bay. (Trevor)

5.In spite of himself, the Captain could not regain his neutrality of feeling towards his orderly. Nor could he leave the man alone. In spite of himself*he watched him, gave him sharp orders, tried to take up as much of his time as possible. (Joyce)

6.In the early years he wrote the "Shepherd's Calendar", and nine comedies on Italian models. The comedies have not survived, nor can we regret the fact. Certainly Spenser's talents did not point that way. (Primer)

7.Why do boys take "Robinson Crusoe" so warmly to their hearts? Because he gives exactly those matters which the boy is so curious about — i.e. how many biscuits he ate, how he built the raft, what the parrot talked about. Nor are the details overdone. Defoe could make an inventory as appetizing as Scott could an adventure. (Primer)

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