Read the chapter paying attention to the commentaries. 2. State the meaning of the following words and phrasal verbs and find the situations in which they are used

2. State the meaning of the following words and phrasal verbs and find the situations in which they are used:

muffle (v.), incautiously (adv.), catch smb out (v.), demeanour (n.), stiff (adj.), move off (v.), absently (adv.), nursing home (n.), meticulously (adv.), see smb off (v.), cloak (n.), premises (n. pl.), legitimately (adv.), fall for smb (v.), shrewd (adj.), flush (v.), inkling (n.), accelerator (n.), come across (v.), abduct (v.), excuse (n.), wreck (v.), caretaker (n), beckon (v.), swathing (n.), telephone directory (n.), solicitor (n.), unconventional (adj.), impersonation (n.), snob (n.), raid (v.), attire (v.);

3. Find the Russian equivalents of the following expressions and word-combinations and use them in the situation of your own:

to take a gulp of smth;

to pause for an infinitesimal second;

on second thoughts;

to shoot a quick glance to smb;

to be on the right track;

to be mixed up in smth;

to go into details;

at the bottom of a business;

(not) to be concerned in the matter;

to reconstruct the crime;

to clinch matters;

to plunge into narrative;

to slacken speed;

to exchange significant glances;

to keep an appointment;

to eat out of smb’s hand;

to throw smb’s poverty in smb’s teeth;

to carry conviction;

an increase of confidence;

4. Translate the following passages:

1. Frankie flushed. “Don’t be so absurd, Bobby …we ought to follow it up.”

2. “What about clothes?...your father could lend me a hat?”

Comment on the following ideas. Whom do they belong and refer to?

1. “Do you think it possible that Roger might fall for me?” “I expect you know the symptoms pretty well”.

2. He is a great snob – he loves lords and dukes however little money he makes out of them.

3. With the might of Savile Row behind me, I feel a great increase of confidence.

6. Translate into English:

1) Когда полагается говорить "миледи", а когда "ваша светлость"? Серьезный вопрос. Не мешало бы это знать. Вот на таких мелочах настоящему шоферу или лакею ничего не стоит меня раскусить.

2) Эта его лечебница - неплохое прикрытие для подобного рода делишек. При этом какую-то часть наркотиков он может держать у себя на вполне законных основаниях. И делать вид, будто лечит наркоманов, а в действительности снабжать их этим зельем.

3) – Знаешь, мы действительно делаем успехи, - сказал Бобби. – Теперь надо хоть приблизительно воссоздать картину преступления. Давай разложим по полочкам все имеющиеся у нас факты и посмотрим, что получится.

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