Find the equivalents in the article

бег на короткую дистанцию, спринт; в обнажённом виде, в голом виде; венок; метание копья; метание диска; состязание по ходьбе, состязание в беге; конный, верховой; наложить запрет, запретить; гонки на колесницах; возродить; переплетенные кольца; пятиборье; прыжки в длину; столица Олимпийских игр; олимпийский огонь; эстафета олимпийского огня; девиз; Быстрее, выше, сильнее; стрельба из лука; фехтование; троеборье, триатлон; тяжёлая атлетика; вольная борьба; греко-римская борьба; фигурное катание; конькобежный спорт; люж, состязание тобогганов-одиночек; бобслей; скелетон; лыжные гонки; горнолыжный спорт; прыжки на лыжах с трамплина; лыжное двоеборье; биатлон, лыжное двоеборье

(Key p. 132)

Answer the questions according to the article.

1. Who did the ancient Greeks dedicate the Olympic Games to?

2. Where were the original games held?

3. When did the Greeks hold the first Olympic Games?

4. How many events did the first Olympic Games have?

5. Who was the sprint run by?

6. What was the prize?

7. Was the olive tree ordinary in Greece?

8. Were women allowed to compete in the games/watch them? Why(not)?

9. What was called an Olympiad?

10. What is pentathlon?

11. What were the equestrian events?

12. What happened in the year AD 394?

13. Who revived the Olympic Games? When?

14. Describe the Olympic flag.

15. What is the history of the Olympic Flame?

16. Where is a new flame started?

17. How long does the Olympic Torch burn?

18. What is the Olympic motto?

19. What do the events in the Summer/Winter Olympics include?

20. What do the winners receive?

Do you ever watch the Olympics? Why (not)? What events do you watch? Why?

Professional Sports

Read the article and complete the tasks below it.

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