Ex. 3. Open the parentheses and give the correct form of the verb in the Passive Voice

1. Don’t enter the room! A student (to examine) there just now. 2. The letter (to type) by the typist when I came in. 3. I am sure that his work (to complete) by the end of the month. 4. A lot of new words (to learn) already by the students. 5. All the dinner (to eat) before they finished the conversation. 6. The question (not to answer) yet. 7. The proposal (to consider) by 9 o’clock yesterday. 8. The papers (to sign) just by the dean of the faculty. 9. The results of the test (to discuss) by the students at the moment. 10. The article (to translate) by the time you return.

Pre-Reading Activity

Guess the meaning of the following words.

Algebraic adj. ["xlGI`breIIk]; polynomial n. ["pOlI`nqumIql]; integral adj. [`IntIgr(q)l]; constant n. [`kOnstqnt]; coefficient n. ["kquI`fISqnt]; exponent n. [eks`pqunqnt]; fundamental adj. ["fAndq`mentl]; process n. [`prquses].

Read and learn the basic vocabulary terms:

term n. [tE:m] член, термин;
upper adj. [`Apq] верхний, высший;
degree n. [dI`grJ] степень;
appear v. [q`pIq] показываться, появляться;
above prep. [q`bAv] над, выше, сверх;
monomial n. [mO`nqumIql] одночлен, adj. – одночленный;
binomial n. [baI`nqumIql] двухчлен, adj. – двухчленный;
trinomial n. [traI`nqumIql] трёхчлен, adj. – трёхчленный;
power n. [`pauq] показатель степени;
place v. [pleIs] размещать, ставить;
obtain v. [qb`teIn] получать, приобретать;
arrange v. [q`reInG] размещать, располагать, расставлять;
arrangement n. [q`reInGmqnt] размещение, расположение;
ascend v. [q`send] подниматься, восходить;
descend v. [dI`send] спускаться, снижаться;
state v. [steIt] сообщать, формулировать;
concern v. [kqn`sE:n] касаться, иметь отношение.
precede v. [prI`sJd] предшествовать, стоять перед чем-л.

Memorize the following word combinations.

1. such as – такой как

2. in other words – другими словами

3. is known as a polynomial – известен как многочлен, называется многочленом

4. thus – таким образом

5. either … or – либо … либо, или … или

6. in order to – для того, чтобы

7. by the aid of – с помощью (чего-либо)

Reading Activity

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