Часть III. Контрольно-обобщающие упражнения к уроку 20

Контрольно-обобщающие упражнения к уроку 20

Упражнение 1. Прочтите и переведите текст. Проверьте перевод ing-форм по ключу на стр. 209.

The Accident

The pilot of a single-engined monoplane with a passenger was carry­ing out1 a practice forced landing,2 when the left wing struck a tree.

The aircraft was severely damaged in the crash, the engine mounts breaking3 and the engine section being pushed back4 into the cockpit, trapping5 both occupants by their legs.

On arriving,6 4 minutes after the crash, the rescuers saw that both occupants were hanging7 upside down in their shoulder harnesses. The fuel tank was compressed and had burst at the side and bottom edges.

Most of the 55 litres of 80/87 octane petrol had spurted from the tank externally or into the cockpit.

The occupants' faces were directly beneath the petrol tank and petrol ran over them.

The rescuers released the passenger after about 5 minutes. When he was released he seemed shocked, but did not lose consciousness. Cutting8 equipment was needed to release the pilot, and he was re­tained in the wreckage for 25 minutes, but during this time remained conscious.

Lesson 21 <> 209

The volume of the cockpit was* 945 litres and there was an opening9 in it after the impact, of about 1800 sq. cm.

Both occupants were coughing10 and complained of some soreness of the throat and irritation of the eyes.

The injured were admitted to a hospital 2 hours after the accident.

(Ответ: 1. производил; 2. посадку; 3. сломался; 4. сдвинулся назад; 5. прищемив; 6. по прибытии; 7. висели; 8. режущий; 9. отверстие; 10. кашляли.)

Упражнение 2. Найдите в левой колонке слово или словосочетание, которое поясняет слово в правой колонке.

To substitute l. left as useless

Feasible 2. to begin

To originate 3. to throw down

Refuse 4. to put in place of another

To dump 5. possible, likely

(Ответ: 1-4, 2-5, 3-2, 4-1, 5-3.)



Повторение: Функции инфинитива (§ 25)

Часть I

Слова к части I

sewage ['sju:icfc] n сточные воды discharge [dis'tfcucfc] v спускать, вы-

in dust rial wastes [in'dAstnal weists] ливать; п спуск, сток, вытекание

отходы промышленного произ- solve [solv] v решать (вопрос)

водства solution [sa'lju:Jn] n решение

virus ['vaisras] п вирус sediment ['sedimant] n осадок

viral ['vaisrsl] а вирусный sedimentation [ sedimen'teijn] n


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