Exercises. Найдите в тексте эквиваленты следующих слов и словосочетаний: Невосприимчивость к заболеванию

УПРАЖНЕНИЕ 1. Найдите в тексте эквиваленты следующих слов и словосочетаний:

1. Невосприимчивость к заболеванию

2. Вырабатывать антитела

3. Все факторы

4. Они присутствуют в крови

5. Предупреждать повторное инфицирование

6. Приобретенный иммунитет

7. искусственно

8. Вакцинация

9. Они действительно стимулируют

10. Таким образом

11. Наследовать

12. Врожденный иммунитет

13. Это помогает объяснить

УПРАЖНЕНИЕ 2. Процитируйте предложения из текста со следующими словами и словосочетаниями:

1. to be provided

2. Causative factors

3. Antigents

4. to involve

5. to help overcome

6. to remain for life

7. to occur

8. to be reproduced artificially

9. a non- immune person

10. dead microorgamisms

11. a subsequent infection

12. prior exposure

13. more resistant to disease

УПРАЖНЕНИЕ 3. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1. What is immunity?

2. What is it provided by?

3. What factors can stimulate white cells to produce antibodies and antitoxins?

4. What happens when infection occurs?

5. How long can antibodies and antitoxins remain in the blood?

6. Does acquired immunity occur for every type of microorganism?

7. Can it be reproduced artificially?

8. How may it be done?

9. What do dead microorganisms stimulate?

10. Is acquired immunity always present?

11. What is natural immunity?

УПРАЖНЕНИЕ 4. Поставьте артикли, где это необходимо:

Where immunity to particular disease is not present, it can be provided by vaccination to prevent that disease; but it can also be introduced by injecting antibodies or antitoxins to treat or temporarily prevent disease concerned. Such protection is called passive immunity and is commonly used against tetanus. During pregnancy mother passes on her own antibodies and antitoxins to her unborn baby and this provides passive immunity for first few months after birth.

УПРАЖНЕНИЕ 5. Поставьте предлоги, где это необходимо:

Some people have a defective immune system and are accordingly much more suspectible infection. Such individuals are said to be immuno – compromised and one the most important examples is the destruction the body’s defense mechanism by the AIDS virus, resulting death from an inability to resist infection.

Other immuno – compromised patients may be those suffering leukemia, kidney failure and diabetes; and those taking drugs which suppress immunity; for example, cytotoxics, used the treatment of cancer, and drugs used to prevent rejection transplants.

УПРАЖНЕНИЕ 6. Составьте предложения, используя следующие слова:

1. Is, immunity, by, provided, cells, white,.

2. Can, many, factors, white, stimulate, to produce, cells, antibodies, antitoxins, and.

3. Antibodies, antitoxins, and, some, remain, of, for, can, in, remain, the, for, blood, life.

4. Inherit, natural, individuals, all, degree, immunity, some, of.

УПРАЖНЕНИЕ 7. Переведите на английский язык:

1. Иммунитет – это невосприимчивость к заболеванию.

2. В теле человека лейкоциты выполняют функцию пожирателей болезнетворных бактерий.

3. Воспаление – это защитная реакция организма в борьбе с болезнью.

4. Существуют два вида иммунитета: врожденный и приобретенный.

5. И.И.Мечников первым открыл явление иммунитета и назвал свою теорию фагоцитарной теорией иммунитета.

6. Английский врач Эдвард Дженнер открыл способ искусственно создавать иммунитет к опасной болезни – натуральной оспе.

7. Ослабленные микроорганизмы не могут вызвать заболевание,

но они стимулируют выработку организмом антител и

антитоксинов против микроорганизмов, вызывающих данное заболевание.

УПРАЖНЕНИЕ 8. Составьте 10 различных вопросительных предложений к тексту “Immunity”.

УПРАЖНЕНИЕ 9. Приготовьте пересказ текста “Immunity”.


If an infection is too virulent, or the body resistance too weak, the white cells are unable to contain the infection and it can spread throughout the body. Before the discovery of antibiotics, such spread was usually fatal. If the balance between infection and body resistance us equal, a condition of stalemate may supervene, often leading to a persistent state of chronic infection.

During the battle between invading bacteria and white cells in the inflamed area, many casualties occur. These dead white cells and bacteria form the creamy liquid known as pus. A localized collection of pus is called an abscess. Abscess of the skin are called boils. Sometimes pus formation spreads diffusely instead of forming an abscess. This is called cellulitis.

In the absence of infection, pus formation does not occur and any damage done by the causal irritant is repaired.

Following inflammation the damage is repaired by white cells which rebuild the area by filling the breach with a temporary repair tissue called granulation tissue. This consists of rapidly growing white cells and new capillaries which form a fibrous scaffolding in which damaged parts are removed and reconstruction take place. But repair cannot take place in the presence of pus.

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