III. That

Слово that может выступать в качестве:

1. указательного местоимения. В этом случае оно всегда стоит перед существительным и на русский язык переводится соответствующими указательными местоимениями: тот, та, этот и т. д.

The imperialists strived to preserve the colonial system, but that system is fal­ling apart. Империалисты пытались сохранить колониальную систему, но эта система распадается.

2. союза, вводящего придаточное предложение. На русский язык перево­дится соответствующими союзами: что, чтобы.

The peoples of all countries know that the danger of a new world war still ex­ists. Народы всех стран знают, что все еще существует опасность новой миро­вой войны.

3. союзного слова, вводящего придаточное определительное предложе­ние. На русский язык переводится соответствующими союзными словами: который, которая и т. д.

The peoples of Asia, Africa and Latin America that have won their independ­ence have begun to take an active part in world politics. Народы Азии, Африки и Латинской Америки, кото­рые завоевали независимость, начали принимать активное участие в политиче­ской жизни всего мира.

4. слова-заместителя, которое употребляется вместо существительного или группы слов, упомянутых раньше (that для единственного числа, those для множественного числа). На русский язык переводится существительным или соответствующим личным или относительным местоимением.

The development of monopoly in the British Empire proceeded differently from that in other countries. Развитие монополий в Британской империи отлича­лось от развития монополий в других странах.

 Переведите следующие предложения.

1. An increase in the circulation of the Morning Star is needed to strengthen the movement in Britain for a new policy which will bring peace, prosperity and social advance. It is the platform for the Left and all who want progress. It is the only daily paper which can be relied on by trade unionists to defend them and help their struggles.

2. From the Tory Front Bench[4], Mr P. Т., formerly of the Foreign Office, asked if they could take it that the Government supported the U.S. action.

3. He is ready to support a measure of political unity in the Six but made it as clear as ever that such a union will be firmly grounded in national direction.

4. Britain naturally finds it difficult to make European commitments in an elec­tion year. But it is important to be aware of the implications of what is now afoot in Europe.

5. The Budget makes it more essential than ever to defend trade union rights.

6. It is the strength of the peoples that can ensure a world without war, without arms, a world of our dreams.

7. It is the demonstration of a new step towards mutual confidence which is essential if international tension is to relax.

8. It was the failure either to coordinate these Ministries successfully, or to present an intelligent picture of their activities to the electorate, which was the chief weakness of the previous Cabinet.

9. The share of imports in Britain's consumption of manufactured and semi-manufactured goods increased from 7 per cent to 13½ per cent over the ten years. It was this growth which alarmed the Government and business last year when the expansion of imports had a severe effect on the balance of payments.

10. It is not until June 5 that the Bill will be published.

Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на многозначные и многофункциональные слова.

1. Glasgow-born Macrea, who threw up teaching to become an actor at the age of 40, will be remembered as one of Scotland's outstanding theatre comics who used the vernacular with great effect.

2. In the light of this, all those concerned with world peace must realize that the Common Market is one of the means by which the cold war is intensified and the nuclear war danger increased.

3. When one hears such thoughtless declarations, one must realize that one has to face here a fundamental misconception.

4. Discretion is another necessary quality one finds highly developed in interpreters. They often participate in the most confidential and far-reaching discussions, and delegates must feel that they can speak freely.

5. The only items remaining on the agenda were the ones listed in the Journal for 16 February.

6. The task before the Eighteen Nation Disarmament Conference which has been meeting in Geneva since March, is the momentous one of working out the terms of a treaty for general and complete disarmament.

7. The decision was not an easy one to make. The mechanics of maintaining an embargo presented obvious difficulties.

8. Of all candidates, the one who comes most closely to the people's interests is the one with the least apparent chance of winning the nomination.

9. The Transport Minister commented that it was "out of the question" for any settlement other than one which satisfied the board.

ƒ Переведите следующие предложения.

1. The unprecedented destructive power of modern means of warfare de­mands that the main actions of anti-war and peace-loving forces should be di­rected towards preventing war.

2. The peoples of the countries that have won state independence are working to abolish the grim aftermaths of colonial rule.

3. "We hope that this lobby will be as large as any that has ever taken place," said Mr B. The lobby, he said, would be followed by a meeting at Central Hall, Westminster, with international leaders.

4. The democratic and peace forces today have no task more pressing than that of safeguarding humanity against a global thermonuclear disaster.

5. But for all that, England has always been part of Europe and her history is in­separable from that of the Continent.

6. A Foreign Ministry spokesman said today that the Turkish Government re­garded the problem of Cyprus and that of Turks living in Greece and Greeks living in Istanbul as part of the same problem.

7. Stressing that the salaries were not as high as those paid "in certain sec­tions of industry," Deputy Leader of the House said that the Power Minister had referred to the possibility of a review of salaries in other nationalized industries.

8. For the few that have ruled modern Japan the political struggle that really counted was that carried on among themselves for wealth and power.

Переведите на русский язык.

1. Mr Curry had been about to launch forth into a long tirade on the subject of bears in general and the one living next door in particular, but he suddenly seemed to change his mind.

2. He picked the ball up in order to examine it more closely. He’d never actually seen one close to before and he hadn’t expected it to be s oval in shape.

3. To the Browns’ surprise she still had a label attached to her poncho. It was not unlike the one Paddington had first worn.

4. “I am sure you would have found today’s trip and the one to St Bonaventure tomorrow also, very fatiguing.”

5. “Which,’ she said, “Which one of them? That’s what one has got to know. Do you know what I am talking about?”

6. The Thespians was like a club – one which, particularly if you were a young man, was very easy to join.

7. I am not at all sure what title has been conferred upon this group of writers by their disparaging critics…

8. The question one hears most frequently about writers of the Gothic school is this little classic: “Why do they wrote about such dreadful things?”

9. This is a question that escapes not only from the astonished lips of summer matrons…

10. …my eye was caught by some slight movement at the corner, and I glimpsed a figure. It seemed to be that of a boy, some twelve or thirteen years old, thin, with pale face above a dirty, collarless shirt.

11. When we consider other societies in the world today, we find much variation in health practices and standards of living. Only a small number of countries can be discussed in this book. Some of these are from among the developing nations and others from those countries with very high standards of living and the most advanced health services.

4. Явления, связанные с исчезновением флексий в английском языке:

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