Ответьте на следующие вопросы к тексту

1. What does foreign exchange dealing mean?

2. How will you explain the term "rate of exchange"?

3. Why do many companies need foreign currencies?

4. How does a bank make a profit buying and selling currencies?

5. What documents does a foreign exchange dealer fill in?

6. What do dealers aim for?

3. Вместо пропусков вставьте подходящее по смыслу слово в соответствии с информацией текста.

1 The rate of exchange is the... of one unit of the foreign currency expressed in the other currency concerned. gains enables value an invoice balances exposed settlement detected
2 Many companies need foreign currencies to pay... in other countries.
3 A bank may make... on buying and selling currencies on the interbank market.
4 A forward deal... the company to protect itself against future adverse movements in the exchange rate.
5... for a spot transaction is two working days later.
6 Any discrepancies in foreign exchange dealings may be... quickly.
7 A bank holding debts and claims in a foreign currency is... to an exchange risk.
8 As long as the total position... there is no risk for the bank.


(образец оформления титульного листа контрольной работы)


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Контрольная работа № 2

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