Назовите слово или словосочетание, которое заменяет местоимение «it»

Example: It ’s very interesting. I’ve just read Chapter 1! A book / a novel

1) I like it dry and white.

2) I don’t take it in tea, but I take one spoonful in coffee.

3) It barked and ran away.

4) You study at it to get higher education.

5) You can open an account with it.

6) It is the type of business when one person provides all the capital.

7) It is the means by which firms or individuals make known to the market what they have to sell, or what they want to buy.

8) It helps the marketer to determine to determine customer needs.

9) The company is run by it. It consists of a number of Directors.

10) It is the market place where listed securities can be traded efficiently.

§ 4 Функции «that»

The Functions of «that»

Функции Перевод Примеры
указательное местоимение мн. число - those (э)то, тот, та те Thatyear was very successful. Thoseyears were also successful.
союз что I think that companies are part of society.
то, что That the Loch Ness monster exists has not been proved.
чтобы They should act in such a way thata company is profitable.
относительное местоимение который Sometimes you have to do things that you don’t like.
заместитель сущ. ед. числа мн. число - those сущ-м, которое заменяет The problem for the country was that of liquidity. The prices are lower than those on the world market are.
часть усилительной конструкции ’it is … that’ не переводится It is for those studying English thatthe MN reprints foreign press.

Запомните, как переводятся следующие словосочетания с «that»:

that is (i.e.) so that now that the more so that so much that that/this is why that/this is how that/this is what the fact/thing/point is that the main thing is that the most important thing is that то есть так, чтобы; с тем, чтобы теперь, когда тем более, что настолько, что вот почему вот как вот что дело в том, что главное то, что самое важное это то, что


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