III. З’єднайте частини речення, що підходять за змістом. Перекладіть речення

1. Richard is very athletic 01. you could get a better job.
2. These exercises are rather difficult 02. I was able to beat my brother yesterday.
3. When I was younger 03. he could not throw or kick the ball properly.
4. If you work quickly 04. No, thank you. I can manage.
5. I’m no good at tennis, but 05. he can win the swimming race.
6. Helen has performed well this season. 06. we won’t be able to do them quickly.
7. In childhood he was bad at sports 07. I could run much faster.
8. If you learn English 08. you will be able to finish on time.
9. Can I help you? 09. he can play golf and cricket very well.
10. Bob has trained much 010. she could win the World Cup.

IV. Заповнить пропуски в реченнях дієсловами can (could),to be able(to) у відповідній формі. Перекладіть речення:

1. In Great Britain only rich people….afford (дозволити собі) to play golf.

2. Ann….take part in the competition because of her injured knee (через травму коліна)

3. I had some free time yesterday so I …. go skiing.

4. Physical exercises…. make your life more active.

5. Jack was an excellent tennis player. He….beat anybody.

6. When Bob was 16 he was a fast runner, he … run 100 meters in 11 seconds.

7. I doubt (сомневаюсь) that he…. play football again, his injuries are so severe.

8. Anybody who wants to play basketball properly….join the sports club.

9. When she was the manager of the company she … take holidays twice a year.

10. Cricket games are very long, some of them…. last for several days.


V. Перекладіть наступні речення, звертаючи увагу на різні значення модального дієслова may(might) та його еквіваленту to be allowed to:

1. May I use your car? – I am afraid you may not.

2. May I come in? – Certainly, please, do.

3. May I participate in the school skiing race?-

I am afraid you won’t be allowed because of your injury.

4. If you want to play tennis you may join a tennis club or hire a public court.

5. Where is Bob? – He may be at the training session.

6. Be careful. It is very icy. You may slip.

7. What are you doing this weekend? – I haven’t decided yet. – We might go to the fitness club.

8. Alex missed his training practice for the first time. – He might be ill.

VI. Напишіть речення, які виражають ввічливе прохання з модальним дієсловом mаy. Відреагуйте на прохання короткою позитивною або негативною відповіддю:

Зразок: (smoke here)

May I smoke here?

Yes, you may (Please, do)

Sorry, you may not.

No, you mustn’t.

1. I’m sorry. I’m late (come in)

2. (go home) I feel bad

3. (train in the gym)

4. (miss tomorrow’s training practice.)

5. Mike, (borrow your skis)..

6. Ann, (take your tennis racket).

7. I’ve got some interesting information (speak to the coach).

8. (play football) with your team next Sunday.

9. (join your sports club).

10. (ask) you a few questions now. I’m sorry, I missed part of your lecture.

VII. Напишіть наступні речення в простому теперішньому або майбутньому часі, використовуючи еквівалент модального дієслова may- to be allowed to:

Зразок: She may stay with us for the week-end.

She was allowed to stay with us for the week-end.

She will be allowed to stay with us for the week-end.

1. You may practise in the gym any time you like.

2. Athletes may not miss training practices.

3. Students may use the University sports facilities free of charge.

4. Students of higher educational establishments may attend physical training lessons or may join sports clubs.

5. Children may not play in the streets.

6. People may hire public courts to play tennis.

7. Tourists may not take photos in the cathedral

8. Any student may take an exam or make a report on the subject.

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