Содержание учебной дисциплины

Название дисциплины: Иностранный язык

Код дисциплины: IYaPC 5205, IYaPTs 5205, IYaPTs 5205

Количество кредитов: 2

3.Время и место проведения учебной дисциплины:1семестр(согласно расписанию).

Пререквизиты учебной дисциплины: -

Постреквизиты учебной дисциплины: -

5. Характеристика учебной дисциплины:

Назначение учебной дисциплины.

Данная дисциплина является одной из обязательных дисциплин общеобразовательного цикла. Изучение иностранного языка направлено на развитие роста профессиональных знаний, необходимых в условиях углубления международных связей, развития иноязычного образования для формирования межкультурной компетенции как способности к межкультурной коммуникации.

Цель учебной дисциплины.

Основной целью учебной дисциплины является формирование межкультурно-коммуникативной компетенции магистрантов на сверх-базовой стандартности -С1,которые будут применяться в коммуникативной и профессиональной деятельности.

5.3 Задачи изучения дисциплины:

- осуществлять устное и письменное общение на английском языке во всех видах речевой деятельности (аудирование, говорение, чтение, письмо) при ведущей роли чтения.

-самостоятельно углублять знания и совершенствовать умения, полученные в вузе, для дальнейшей профессиональной деятельности в области информатики.

Магистрант должен уметь:

- сравнивать и комментировать политические, экономические, культурные др. события в СИЯ и РК;

- анализировать и давать детальные аргументы по наиболее актуальным проблемам в области выбранной профессии;

- передать содержание текста используя разнообразные языковые средства(цитаты, пословицы, клише и тд.);

- уметь писать научную статью употребляя терминологию по специальности;

- интерпретировать оригинальные тексты на изучаемом языке,

- использовать дополнительные материалы из разных источников (научные журналы,газетные статьи, Интернет) и выражать собственное мнение по теме.

Содержание учебной дисциплины.

Содержанием курса является обучение речевой деятельности на основе оригинальной литературы по специальности для совершенствования знания и умений в области чтения, говорения, реферирования, перевода и аудирования.

5.5. План изучения учебной дисциплины

№ Недели Название темы Формы обучения, количество часов Задания для СРМ
1 семестр
1. Theme: Political system of Kazakhstan. Grammar: Linking clauses. Time and Reason. Практ.2 СРМ 8 Make a short summary of the given topic http://www.government.kz. Doing grammar exercises: Unit 79/79.1-79.3 p.159 Advanced Grammar in Use, 2006 by Martin Hewings
  Theme: Foreign Policy of Kazakhstan. Grammar: Linking clauses. Result and Purpose. Практ.2 СРМ 8 Discuss on the topic “Foreign Policy of Kazakhstan”. http://www.government.kz. Doing grammar exercises: Unit 80/80.1-80.3 p. 161 Advanced Grammar in Use, 2006 by Martin Hewings
  Theme: Political system of Great Britain. Grammar: Linking clauses. Contrast and Reduced. Практ.2 СРМ 8 Making presentation on the theme “Political system of Great Britain”. http://www.government.GB Doing grammar exercises Unit 81/81.1-81.3 p. 163 Advanced Grammar in Use, 2006 by Martin Hewings
  Theme: Social problems in the USA. Grammar: The uses of Conditionals. Практ.2 СРМ 8 Making presentation on the theme “Social problems in the USA”. http://www.english-social problems/easy.info. Doing grammar exercises Unit 83/83.1-83.3 p. 165 Advanced Grammar in Use, 2006 by Martin Hewings
  Theme: Mathematics as a science. Grammar: Posessive and Compound Nouns. Практ.2 СРМ 8 Make a short summary of the given topic http://www.english-easy.info/topics/topics_The_mathematical_sciences.php#axzz2B47MFA98 Doing grammar exercises Unit 43/43.1-43.3 p. 87 Advanced Grammar in Use, 2006 by Martin Hewings
  Theme: Computer models. Grammar: Phrasal Verbs. Практ.2 СРМ 8 What computer models do you prefer? Why? Discussion http://www.english-easy.info/topics/topics_Computers.php#axzz2B47MFA98 Doing grammar exercises Unit 87/87.1-87.3 p. 175 Advanced Grammar in Use, 2006 by Martin Hewings
  Theme: Development of internet. Grammar: Grammar Review. Практ.2 СРМ 8 How does the internet influence on the youth nowadays? Share your opinion http://www.english-easy.info/topics/topics_Internet.php#axzz2B47MFA98 Grammar review p. 219 Advanced Grammar in Use, 2006 by Martin Hewings
  Theme: Geometry as a science Grammar: Complex Modals. Практ.2 СРМ 8 Discussion the canons of Geometry, Canons of Mathematics, Kazbek Khasseinov, Moscow-Nauka, 2007.(pp 67-70) Doing grammar exercises Unit 18/18.1-18.3 p. 37 Advanced Grammar in Use, 2006 by Martin Hewings
  Theme: Computer programs Grammar: Simple Infinitives and Gerunds. Практ.2 СРМ 8 What computer programs do you know? Discussion http://www.english-easy.info/topics/topics_Scientific_technological_progress.php#axzz2B47MFA98 Doing grammar exercises Unit 28/28.1-28.3 p. 57 Advanced Grammar in Use, 2006 by Martin Hewings
  Theme: Information systems Grammar: That - clauses and Wh-clauses. Практ.2 СРМ 8 Write an essay on modern information systems Sky Marsen, Professional Writing, The complete guide for business, Industry & IT, 2003 (pp. 112-114) Doing grammar exercises Unit 70/70.1-70.3 p. 141 Advanced Grammar in Use, 2006 by Martin Hewings
  Theme: The role of computers in modern life Grammar: Prepositions and prepositional phrases. Практ.2 СРМ 8 Making a presentation on the following topic “The role of computers in modern life” http://www.english-easy.info/topics/topics_Scientific_technological_progress.php#axzz2B47MFA98 Doing grammar exercises Unit 90/90.1-90.3 p. 181 Advanced Grammar in Use, 2006 by Martin Hewings
  Theme: Interactive board. How does it work? Grammar: Adjectives with Infinitives and Gerunds. Практ.2 СРМ 8 Presentation of slides about Interactive board Computer in Wonderland. Ф.Петров. Москва,1989 (pp 123-127) http://www.english-easy.info/topics/topics_Computers.php#axzz2B47MFA98 Doing grammar exercises Unit 29/29.1-29.3 p. 59 Advanced Grammar in Use, 2006 by Martin Hewings
  Theme: Writing Research Papers Grammar: Complex Infinitives and Gerunds. Практ.2 СРМ 8 Making discussions about writing Research Papers. http://www.articleteller.com. Doing grammar exercises Unit 30/30.1-30.3 p. 61 Advanced Grammar in Use, 2006 by Martin Hewings
  Theme: Organizing ideas. Grammar: Verbs with Infinitives and Gerunds. Практ.2 СРМ 8 Discussion on the topic. www.codeproject.com. Doing grammar exercises Unit 31/31.1-31.3 p. 63 Advanced Grammar in Use, 2006 by Martin Hewings
  Theme: Theme: Writing the Paper: Structure, Linguistics and Style. Grammar: Grammar Review. Практ.2 СРМ 8 Making a list of rules of writing a dissertation. http://www.wringcenter.unk.edu. Grammar review p. 202 Advanced Grammar in Use, 2006 by Martin Hewings
Итого   Практ. – 30 час. СРМ – 120 час.  

6. Список основной и дополнительной литературы.

6.1 Основная литература.

1. Ажетова Ж.Т., Алимкулова Д.Ж., Дюсенгалиева А.А., УМКД для магистрантов специальностей: «Механика», «Математика».

  1. Canons of Mathematics, Kazbek Khasseinov, Moscow-Nauka, 2007.
  2. History of modern Science and Mathematics, Brian S. Baigrie, Volume 1, 2002.
  3. Sky Marsen, Professional Writing, The complete guide for business, Industry & IT, 2003
  4. Oxford Practice Grammar, George Yule, 2007
  5. Oxford Practice Grammar. Supplementary exercises, George Yule, 2007

6.2 Дополнительная литература.

1. Advanced Grammar in Use, Martin Hewings, Cambridge University Press, 2006.

2. Computer in Wonderland. Ф.Петров. Москва,1989

3. Образовательные интернет ресурсы





4. Английская грамматика в диалогах. Употребление времен/ Н.И.Шпекина, Н.И.Цаплина, Е.М.Алексеева [и др.].- учебное пособие для студентов.- М.: Высш. шк., 1986.- 207 с.

7. Контроль и оценка результатов обучения.

Планируется проведение текущего контроля в ходе аудиторных занятий; контроль качества выполнения СРО; два промежуточных контроля в каждом блоке в форме индивидуальных проектов, групповых проектов, рефератов, контрольных работ, тестов.

Текущий контроль в ходе аудиторных занятий - 20 %

Контроль СРМ - 20 %

Тест - 20 %

Текущий и рубежный контроли не менее -60 %

Итоговый контроль - 40 %

  1. Политика учебной дисциплины

Дисциплина «Иностранный язык (профессиональный)» имеет объем учебной нагрузки 2 кредита, из них 30 часов - практических занятий, 120 часов – СРО.

Требования дисциплины: обязательное посещение аудиторных занятий, активное участие в обсуждении вопросов, предварительная подготовка к практическим занятиям по учебно-методическому пособию и основной литературе, качественное и своевременное выполнение заданий СРО, участие во всех видах контроля (текущий контроль, контроль СРО, рубежный контроль, итоговый контроль).

Рассмотрен на заседании методической секции кафедры, протокол № __14__от «_20__» __06______2013 г.

Утвержден заведующей кафедрой _____________к.п.н., доцент Д.Е. Сагимбаева

3. План практических занятий

Unit 1

Theme: Political system of Kazakhstan

Grammar: Linking clauses. Time and Reason

Objectives: By the end of this unit, students should be able to use active vocabulary of this theme in different forms of speech exercises. Students should know the rule of non-finite form of the verb: the infinitive and fulfill grammar exercises.

Methodical instructions: This theme must be worked out during two lessons a week according to timetable.

Lexical material: Introduce and fix new vocabulary on theme “Mathematics as a science”. Define the basic peculiarities of Mathematics as a science and its role in our country. Grammar: Non-finite form of the verb: Linking clauses. Time and Reason.

Ex.1 Before reading the text, answer the following questions:

1 What do you know about Political System in Kazakhstan?

2 What kind of state the Republic of Kazakhstan?

Ex.2 Read and translate the text

Political System of Kazakhstan

According to the Constitution, adopted at the national referendum on August 30, 1995, the Republic of Kazakhstan is a unitary state with a presidential form of government, which has three independent branches: executive, legislative and judicial. President is a head of state. On May 21, 2007 President of Kazakhstan signed a Law amending the Constitution. These changes enlarge the power of the Parliament, enhance the role of political parties, thus transforming Kazakhstan from presidential into presidential-parliamentary republic. Head of State: President Nursultan A. Nazarbayev.The President of the Republic of Kazakhstan determines the main directions of the domestic and foreign policy of the state and represents Kazakhstan within the country and in international relations. The President of the Republic is the guarantor of the unity of the people and the state power, inviolability of the Constitution, rights and freedoms of an individual and citizen. Legislative Branch: Kazakhstan has a bicameral Parliament, which consists of the Senate (the upper house) and Majilis (House of Representative).

The 47-member Senate is made up of two elected representatives from each of Kazakhstan's 14 regions, cities of Astana and Almaty. Representatives serve terms of two, four or six years. Several members of the Senate represent the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan. The Senate is empowered to adopt laws in the period of temporal absence of the Majilis or due to termination of its tenure. Chairman of the Senate Mr. Kassym Jomart Tokayev. 98 members of the Majilis are elected in accordance with the proportional electoral system (party lists), 9 – by the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan in order to take into account the interests of the major ethnic groups. Deputies of Majilis serve a term of six years. Chairman of the Majilis Mr.Aslan Mussin. Government is the supreme executive body of Kazakhstan. Prime-Minister, head of the Government, is appointed by the President after consultations with political fractions of the Parliament and upon approval by the majority of the members of the Mazhilis. The Prime-Minister shall represent the political party having majority in the Parliament.

Executive branch

Executive power is exercised by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Composition of the Government is formed by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan in accordance with the Constitution.

Legislative branch

Legislative power is vested in the bicameral parliament. Parliament has two chambers: the Senate and the Majilis. The Senate consists of deputies: two persons from each province, city of national importance and the capital. The Majilis consists of 107 members. Member of the Parliament cannot be simultaneously a member of both chambers. The term of office of the Senate members is six years; the term of office of the Majilis members is five years.

Judicial branch

Judicial power is vested in the Constitutional Court and a system of local courts. Courts of the Republic are the Supreme Court of the Republic, local courts and other courts of the Republic, established by the legislation.

Ex.3 Mark true and false sentences:

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