Isomorphisms and Allomorphisms in the System of Sentences with Syndetically and Asyndetically Joined Component Parts

As to their structure, compound sentences in English and Ukrainian fall into two clearly distinguishable groups: 1) compound sentences prop-

er; 2) intermediaries between the simple extended sentences and the

compound sentences proper.

The compound sentences proper may be of some structural forms: a) unextended compound sentences consisting of two simple clauses

joined syndetically or asyndetically, eg:

"I'm old, but you are young." (Caldwell) Their hair was cropped; they wore jeans. (Steinbeck)

"Я старий, а ти — молодий." Всі вони були пострижені; всі були в джинсах.

b) two-componental compound sentences with one or both extended clauses joined syndetically or asyndetically:

The girl opened the bag and there sure enough was a bottle of milk and half a dozen Spratt's biscuits. (Jerome)

Her back was straight, her shoulders and her features were as the features of a tiny goddess on a pedestal. (Anderson)

Дівчина розкрила сумку, а в ній — і треба ж — була пляшка молока та п'ять-шість (бісквітних) коржиків.

У неї була пряма спина, рівні плечі, а її фігурка була мов у тієї вилитої статуетки богині на п'єдесталі.

с) compound sentences consisting of more than two clauses joined by different conjunctions, due to which the clauses have a fixed place, eg:

He turned his head to look at it, but he didn't speak and I said nothing. (Maltz)

Він оглянувся, щоб подивитися на це, але нічого не сказав, і я промовчав.

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