Typology of the Subordinate Clauses of Result (наслідку)

Subordinate clauses of result (наслідкові підрядні речення) are characterised in English and Ukrainian by a number of common features. Thus, the clauses are introduced by semantically and functionally equivalent conjunctions (so, so that, therefore, as a result, seeing thatтак що, тож/отож, внаслідок того що). Some of these conjunctions and connectives introduce clauses expressing the adverbial meaning of result only, as, for instance, the conjunction so that and its Ukrainian equivalent так що:

She got quickly up, shaking the Вона, швидко встаючи, зачепи- yellow tree, so that it showered its ла жовте дерево, так що його petals again over my typewriter. пелюстки знову сипнули на мою (Greene) друкарську машинку.

The conjunction so or the adverbial connector therefore, and their Ukrainian equivalent отож/тож, introduce clauses of result which have an accompanying causal meaning. Cf.

The wild dogs could not attack me Здичавілі собаки не могли напас-

from any of these directions, so І ти на мене з жодного боку, тож

lay on the earth and drank... (O'Dell) я лежав на землі і пив з джерела.

The subject "I" of the matrix clause, as a result of there being no danger (and because of it as well), "lay on the earth and drank". And in

Ukrainian: "Я лежав і пив... внаслідок того (і тому що) собаки не могли напасти на мене".

Of isomorphic nature in both languages are also clauses of result with an inherent meaning of comparison, eg:

The reply was so theatrical that її відповідь була така театрально-

Fred began to chuckle. (Maugham) штучна, що Фред Гарді аж захихикав.

The adverbial meaning of comparison in the sentences above is partly expressed by the adverbial word-group "so theatrical... that" (така театрально-штучна, що).

Other Isomophic and Allomorphic Features in the System of the Composite Sentences in English and Ukrainian

It should be noted in conclusion, that composite sentences in the contrasted languages have some more isomorphic features to be marked. The main ones are as follows: the existence of indistinct/ mutually subordinating clauses in some complex sentences and 2) the existence of a variety of common types of ties which the subordinate clauses may have in polycomponental complex sentences of the two contrasted languages.

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