Typology of the Adverbial Clauses of Purpose (мети)

Subordinate clauses of purpose (мети) in both contrasted languages extend the matrix clause and point to the purposefulness of its action or state. Consequently, the sub-clause of purpose modifies the matrix clause as a whole. Complex sentences of this subtype, with the sub-clause of purpose modifying the matrix clause as a whole, are well exemplified in both contrasted languages:

He stopped talking that she might Він припинив розмову, аби вона

not see her reaction. (Maugham) притлумила свою реакцію.

One more typologically common subtype constitute the sub-clauses of purpose with mediating parts of the sentence in the matrix clause (usually the object or the adverbial modifier), eg:

He picked up an evening bag so Він підняв вечірню театральну

that I might see it. (Christie) сумочку, щоб я могла роздивитись її.

The subordinate clause here modifies the predicative centre of the matrix clause through the substantival object "bag" (сумка).

The adverbial parts of the matrix clause that mediate the modification

of its predicate by the sub-clause of purpose are usually those of time or place. For example:

...you could come to the theatre tonight...ти міг би ввечері прийти до so that you can meet him. (O.Wilde) театру, аби зустрітися з ним.

A similar mediating adverbial modifier expressed by the phrase "in time" can be observed in the English sentence and in its Ukrainian equivalent below:

He had come in time so that he Він з'явився вчасно для того,

could tell the whole story about that щоб детально розповісти все

incident. (Christie) про той випадок.

It should be added in conclusion that the conjunctions and phrases introducing the adverbial clause of purpose in English and Ukrainian are also of a common structural form. They are as follows:

that, so, so that, so as, lest, щоб/щоби, аби, щоб тільки,

in order that, for fear that. для того, щоб.

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