
Запомните значение следующих глаголов, после ко­торых часто употребляются формы сослагательного на­клонения:

advise — советовать

demand — требовать

desire — хотеть, желать

insist — настаивать

order — приказывать

propose — предлагать

request — просить, предлагать

require — приказывать, требовать

suggest — предлагать, предполагать

suppose — предполагать

want }

} — хотеть, желать

wish }

Запомните значения следующих неопределенно-лич­ных предложений, после которых часто употребляются формы сослагательного наклонения:

it is necessary — необходимо

it is important — важно

it is of importance — важно

it is essential — существенно

it is desirable — желательно

it is strange } — странно, удивительно

it is surprising }

it is likely — вероятно

it is unlikely — маловероятно; вряд ли

it is probable — вероятно


Запомните значения следующий союзов, обычно тре­бующих употребления сослагательного наклонения:

in order that } — для того чтобы
that }

as if }

} — как будто бы

as though }

so that — так чтобы

lest — чтобы... не

Упражнения I

Переведите следующие предложения. Укажите в них форму со­слагательного наклонения:

1. It is necessary that the type of the reaction be

2. It is suggested that only logarithmic plots for each
point be made.

3. It is essential that the substance be chemically pure.

4. We dilute the acid lest it be too strong.

5. If there were no air the stone and the piece of paper would fall together.

6. I should give you a lot of examples without any difficulty.

7. It is unlikely that the reaction should occur.

8. It is desirable that this method should be recommended.
9. This would result in hydrogen abstraction reaction

taking place.


Переведите следующие предложения и определите, чем в них выражено сослагательное наклонение:

10. The absolute zero is the temperature at which an
ideal gas would have zero volume at any finite pressure.

11. Suppose, just for the sake of an argument that the
large ball should come to rest after the impact.

12. The world itself behaves as if it were an enormous
but weak magnet.

13. It is necessary that atomic energy should be used for
industrial purposes.

14. It would be out of place here to give more than a summary of the work that has been done.

15. Don't expose hydrogen peroxide to the air, lest it
should decompose.

16. The geometric properties of crystal are the same
whether a crystal be large or small.

17. Electrons at less than a million volts would reach
practically a constant speed, almost that of light.

18. Magnetism is very often treated as if it were a subject
as fundamental as electricity.

19. It is natural that aluminium should receive a great amount of attention from research workers with a view to improving the mechanical properties of the metal.

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