Vocabulary exercises

Exercise 1. Translate the sentences paying attention to the different words that mean the “road”.

· tollway, toll road, turnpike– платная дорога (AE)

· highway – скоростная автомагистраль (AE)

· highway crossing – переезд

· interchange - транспортная развязка (AE)

· interstate highway –федеральная автомагистраль между штатами (AE)

· divided highway – автомагистраль с разделительной полосой (AE), двухполосная дорога с односторонним движением

· express way – автострада (AE)

· thoroughfare – главная улица (города), проезд, no thoroughfare — проезд закрыт (надпись)

· entry – въезд (AE), No entry! — Вход (въезд) запрещен!

· roundabout – автострада (AE)

· dual-dual highway - четырёхполосная дорога

· access road - подъездная дорога (BE)

· country road, country-track, cart-way, back road - проселочная дорога (BE)

· main road - шоссейная дорога (BE)

· by-way - дорога второстепенного значения (BE)

Exercise 2. Read the dialogue and then make your own.

Driving in the city

Mr. Dawson:How did you get here, Gabriel?

Gabriel: By car. You know, I drive, don't you?

Mr. Dawson: Oh, good. Do you find it difficult to drive in New York? There's lots of traffic here.

Gabriel:Yes, but I'm accustomed to it now. I used to feel nervous at first and was always afraid that someone was going to bump into me, but I've got over that now. I try not to drive in Manhattan though.

Mr. Dawson:Me neither. How do you find driving here compared with driving in Europe?

Gabriel: It is practically the same. Of course, at first it seems more difficult because of the traffic, but when you get used to it, it's all right. And if you go out of the city, you feel so relaxed at the wheel.

Mr. Dawson:What do you mean?

Gabriel:As soon as you leave the city and go north, for example, you see almost no traffic at all. And the roads are good and well marked. And drivers are so polite.

Mr. Dawson:Have you been in an accident while you have been driv­ing?

Gabriel:No, at least so far.

Mr. Dawson:Oh, good. I've been in a couple of accidents myself, but they were not serious, thanks God, so I won't tell you about them. Let’s go to the dinning room. The dinner is ready.

Exercise 3. Translate the sentences into English.

1. Чтобы арендовать автомобиль, водитель должен быть не моложе 21 года. 2. В этой стране правостороннее движение. 3. Иностранцы должны иметь при себе права национального образца, переведенные на английский язык, или права международного образца. 4. Вы должны парковаться только в направлении движения. 5. На шоссе строгие ограничения скорости. 6. В некоторых штатах предел скорости за чертой города составляет 105 км/ч.7. Кредитные карточки принимаются для платежей на каждой заправочной станции Объединенного Королевства. 8. Правила движения отличаются от украинских, и нужно учить их правила и хорошо практиковаться, прежде чем начнете водить при левостороннем движении и ориентироваться на круговых односторонних транспортных развязках. 9. Если в машине какие-то неполадки, съезжайте на обочину и включайте аварийные огни.

Exercise 4. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. Under LHT traffic on roundabouts goes clockwise, it means that RHT traffic on roundabouts goes counter-clockwise. 2. In England, you must drive on the left (unless road signs tell you otherwise or if you are overtaking – passing another car. 3. Where neighboring countries use different traffic rules, drivers from one to the other must change sides at border crossings. 4. There are box junctions, where there are yellow lines painted in a box on the road and the drivers can use them to cross a junction or to turn. 5. In the UK, the driver’s seat is on the right hand side of the car, and the passenger’s seat is on the left, the gearstick is to the left of the driver.

Exercise 5. Be ready to discuss or tell in a few words about the stated below problems that are concerned with the traffic safety.

It’s interesting to know…

Research in 1969 by Leeming showed countries driving on the left have a lower collision rate than countries driving on the right. Some countries that have switched to driving on the right, such as Sweden, have seen their long-term accident rates increase by more than any increase in traffic volume. It has been suggested, but not proven that this is partly because it is more common to be right-eye dominant. Traffic flows in a clockwise direction when driving on the left which enables right eyed people to use right eye to see oncoming traffic. When overtaking on a right-side-driving road, the right-eyed driver looks in the wing mirror (side mirror) with the left eye and also views the oncoming traffic with the left eye which is not suited to the majority of right-eyed people.

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