
Упражнение 1. Закончите предложения, используя Present Perfect Continuous и подходящие обстоятельства времени, данные ниже:

Образец: The boys are playing football. They.... − They've been playing football for almost two hours.

1. Alex is talking on the phone. He.... 2. I am waiting for my friend. I.... 3. It's raining. It.... 4. Bob is sitting in the waiting room. He.... 5. I am trying to learn Greek. I.... 6. He is learning to drive. He.... 7. They are quarrelling. They.... 8. The baby is crying. She.... 9. I am living in the centre now. I.... 10. He is listening to his favourite music. He.... 11. Jack is doing nothing. He.... 12. The parents are watching TV. They.... 13. Father is sleeping in his armchair. He.... 14. Jane is walking with her dog. She.... 15. The teacher is still correcting our papers. She.... 16. My sister is looking for a pair of new shoes. She....


for an hour, for half an hour, for some days, for three months, for two years, since childhood, since early morning, since dinner, since 5 o’clock

Упражнение 2. Составьте короткие диалоги, как показано в примере:

Образец: - What are you doing?

- I'm writing a composition.

- How long have you been writing it?

- I've been writing it for about an hour.

- Have you written it?

- No, I haven't.

Используйте следующие выражения: translate an article, to clean the flat, to cook dinner, to do grammar exercises, to learn German words, to write a letter.

Упражнение 3. Измените предложения, используйте Present Perfect Continuous:

Образец:I began to wash up an hour ago/when the guests left. — I've been washing up for an hour/since the guests left.

1. He began to learn English last year. 2. Mrs. Dobbs moved to Bath five years ago. 3. She started working at the book shop when she came to our town. 4. He began to drive his car when he received his driving licence three months ago. 5. They went out to work in the garden after breakfast. 6. My brother started to repair the toaster at 10 o'clock. 7. They began to build the school building last June. 8. I started thinking about changing my job when they offered me a better-paid one. 9. The students started to write their test an hour ago. 10. Did you begin smoking when you were 16?

Упражнение 4. Используйте Present Perfect или Present Perfect Continuous:

1. I (to think) the proposal over these last few days. 2. I (to look) for my gloves everywhere, but (not to find) them yet. 3. Nora (to sit) at the office the whole morning but nobody (to phone). 4. What you (to do) all this time? 5. Who (to touch) my things on the table again? 6. How long you (to work) at our office? 7. How long they (to be married)? 8. I'm happy to meet you. I (to hear) so much about you. 9. It (to rain) since last Sunday. 10. I (to know) him for years, he (to be) always kind to everybody. 11. He (to sleep) around the clock. 12. You (to wait) for me long? 13. The Prime Minister (to make) a tour of Europe since last Monday and (to visit) three countries so far. 14. The police (to look for) the criminal for two months but (not to find) him yet. 15. We (to have) our exams since the beginning of January but (to pass) only two of them. 16. She long (to teach) at our Uni­versity and (not to think) of quitting her job. 17. What (to happen)? Why you (to cry)? 18. I (to learn) French irregular verbs for two hours and (to learn) only ten of them.

Упражнение 5. Раскройте скобки, употребив формы Present Perfect или Present Perfect Continuous:

1. We (walk) ten kilometres already. 2. We (walk) for three hours. 3. I'm on a diet and I (eat) nothing but apples for the whole week. 4. He (sleep) since ten o'clock. It's time he woke up. 5. The students (work) very well this term. 6. I (work) with him for ten years and he never (say) "Good morning" to me. 7. You (hear) the news? Tom and Ann are engaged! 8. How many baskets of apples you (pick)? It seems to me you (to pick) them for 3 hours already. 9. You (see) my bag anywhere? I (look) for it for half an hour.

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