
Проанализируйте и сравните несколько вариантов перевода. В каких из них средства передачи смысла подобраны наилучшим образом?

Мы уже касались того, что таксис может быть зависимым (он вошёл, глядя на меня) и независимым (он вошёл и посмотрел на меня), которым соответствуют различные синтаксические структуры [ТФГ 2011: 240–242]. Важно понимать, что сохранение типа таксиса не всегда необходимо при переводе, т.к. соотношение действий может быть попросту нерелевантным для общего смысла высказывания. Поэтому переводчику нечасто приходится следить за сохранением зависимого или независимого таксиса в тексте перевода: его сохранение диктуется смыслом и так или иначе будет ясно.

Упражнение 3. Выполните устный последовательный перевод или перевод с листа данных отрывков. Обратите внимание на то, какими средствами выражаются таксисные отношения при их наличии в высказываниях. Сравните несколько вариантов перевода.

(1) Зачастую люди несведущие считают, что одно только знание языка позволяет переводчику с лёгкостью переводить любые тексты. На самом деле всё не так просто. Нам приходится часто листать словари, выискивая там именно те слова, которые наиболее подходят. Ведь главное не просто заменить слова одного текста словами другого, а передать смысл. Причём, не потеряв, и что ещё важнее, не добавив ничего лишнего.

(2) In 2006, scientists reported that the number of pandas living in the wild may have been underestimated at about 1,000. Previous population surveys had used conventional methods to estimate the size of the wild panda population, but using a new method that analyzes DNA, scientists believe the wild population may be as large as 3,000. Although the species is still endangered, the conservation efforts are thought to be working. The giant panda is among the world’s most adored and protected rare animals, and is one of the few in the world whose natural inhabitant status was able to gain a UNESCO World Heritage Site designation.

(3) While pseudobulbar affect [псевдобульбарный синдром] can cause normal reactions, such as a chuckle following a joke, to become exaggerated, the emotional responses sometimes run contrary to the actual emotion the patient is feeling, or have nothing to do with it at all. “Different patients suffer it in different ways” says Dr. Brian Greenwald. “Sometimes they’ll be hysterically crying but not actually feel upset. Sometimes they are angry but it comes out as laughter. It can be incredibly frustrating to live with because it starts to interfere with one’s social and professional life” he says.

(4) I’m a chemist, who’s been working at the prestigious university in Chicago for 10 years. I spend most of my time, carrying out big researches, teaching my students, and, of course, making experiments. But you know what? My experiments… What a big deal! What I’m really proud of is my family and my friends. My grandpa used to say: “All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better.” Actually, he’d stolen this quote from Ralph Emerson, but still…

(5) Исследуя работы ведущих отечественных лингвистов, невозможно оставить без внимания собрание избранных трудов Ольги Владимировны Буйко. Книга посвящена вопросам сравнительной лингвистики. В первой главе автор изучает статистически преобладающие черты всех языков как эмпирически (индуктивно), так и дедуктивно, анализируя общие тенденции функционирования языка. Во второй главе книги рассмотрены основные модели чтения для буквенных и иероглифических языков, сделаны некоторые выводы как в методологическом, так и в лингвистическом плане, и, в частности, определено общее и специфическое в рассмотренных моделях.

(6) Уважаемые дамы и господа! Спасибо за присутствие на столь важной для нашей компании конференции. Итак, обсудим результаты работы в первом квартале этого года. Как вы знаете, в прошлом месяце наша делегация направилась в Нью-Йорк на встречу с нашими партнёрами, поставив перед собой цель продлить контракт на более выгодных для нас условиях. Мы были радушно приняты, на заседании по этому вопросу присутствовал и директор “Virgin Group“, Ричард Брэнсон. Наши предложения были рассмотрены и одобрены, а контракт продлён на три года.

(7) There were many valleys along the coast hiding behind the trees. The mountains rolled down to the sea in long stately curves to promontories and bays which cut deep into the wild country. In one of these valleys Jean lived all by herself. James had known her for many years and knew very well that she used to do things in her own way and according to her own silly rules. But he had never been as incredibly and unrealistically happy as now, passing by her house and admiring the roses on the lawn.

(8) Poetry, however, was his solace, and he read much of it, finding his greatest joy in the simpler poets, who were more understandable. He loved beauty, and there he found beauty. Poetry, like music, stirred him profoundly, and, though he did not know it, he was preparing his mind for the heavier work that was to come. The pages of his mind were blank, and, without effort, much he read and liked, stanza by stanza, was impressed upon those pages, so that he was soon able to extract great joy from chanting aloud or under his breath the music and the beauty of the printed words he had read. Then he stumbled upon Gayley’s “Classic Myths” and Bulfinch’s “Age of Fable,” side by side on a library shelf. It was illumination, a great light in the darkness of his ignorance, and he read poetry more avidly than ever.

(9) Только под конец вечера я заметил на его столе конверт. Мельком взглянув, я догадался, что это – то самое письмо из университета, куда он с детства мечтал поступить. Теперь мне стало понятно, отчего брат весь день ходил в возбуждённом и приподнятом настроении. Было заметно, что, развернув письмо, он прочёл его несколько раз, улыбаясь и иногда глубоко вздыхая. Не удивлюсь, если вечером он пойдёт к Соне и возьмёт его с собой, чтобы не просто похвастаться, а показать ей подпись ректора.

(10) The rules of the Hunger Games are simple. In punishment for the uprising, each of the twelve districts must provide one girl and one boy, called tributes, to participate. The twenty-four tributes will be imprisoned in a vast outdoor arena that could hold anything from a burning desert to a frozen wasteland. Over a period of several weeks, the competitors must fight to the death. The last tribute standing wins. Taking the kids from our districts, forcing them to kill one another while we watch – this is the Capitol’s way of reminding us how totally we are at their mercy, how little chance we would stand of surviving another rebellion.

(11) The character of the book is a wealthy aristocrat, feared and shunned because of his ugly, blue beard. He has been married several times, but no one knows what became of his wives. He was therefore avoided by the local girls. When Bluebeard visited one of his neighbours and asks to marry one of her two daughters, the girls were terrified, and each tried to pass him on to the other. Eventually he talked the younger daughter into visiting him, and after having hosted a wonderful banquet, he persuaded her to marry him. After the ceremony, she went to live with him in his castle.

(12) He lived in that time, when the Internet, TV sets, and even phones did not exist yet, so all information was delivered by letters. They met a long period of time ago, suddenly and perhaps fortunately. He asked her to bear him a company for his little trip to Moscow, but she refused. And once, a few months later, he was having a breakfast, when the butler announced – a postman came. Suddenly he stopped enjoying his traditional meat jelly and baked piglet stuffed with apples and went in his room, where the letter had been already waiting him. It was noticeable that, having opened the letter, he read it several times, smiling and sometimes sighed.

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