Road transport

A road is a route, way or path between two or more places. Roads are smoothed, paved, or otherwise prepared to allow easy travel. Historically many roads were simply recognizable routes without any formal construction or maintenance. In urban areas, roads may pass through a city and be named as streets.

The most common road vehicle is the automobile; a wheeled passenger vehicle that carries its own motor. Other users of roads include buses, trucks, motorcycles, bicycles and pedestrians.

Automobiles offer high flexibility and with low capacity, but they use much energy and area. They are the main source of noise and air pollution in cities. Our cities become more and more inconvenient for living because of traffic congestions. Traffic congestions have many negative effects: wasting time, late arrival for work and education, air pollution, wear and tear of vehicles, reducing health of people.

2. Put the verbs in the correct form, and translate the sentences:

1. Roads (to prepare) to allow easy travel.

2. The most common road vehicle (to be) the automobile.

3. Automobiles (to offer) high flexibility.

4. There (to be) 590 million automobiles in 2002 worldwide.

5. Other users of roads (to be) buses, trucks, motorcycles, bicycles, pedestrians.

6. My father (to have) a new automobile.

7. Workers (not to construct) new roads last year.

8. He usually (no to travel) by car.

3. Put the verbs in the correct form, and translate the sentences:

1. A hundred years ago, it (to take) about one hour to travel from Parramatta to the centre of Sydney by horse and cart.

2. Nowadays, it (to take) longer to travel the same distance by car because of traffic jams.

3. The invention of the steam engine (to make) land transport independent of human or animal muscles.

4. After World War I, airplane (to become) the fastest way to transport people and goods over long distances.

5. In the future, cars (not to run) on petrol, which is dirty and noisy.

6. In Great Britain, traffic (to keep) to the left side of the road.

4. Translate the sentences, pay attention to the modal verbs:

1. The drivers must obey traffic rules.

2. People must be careful at crossroads.

3. The drivers must be careful when turning into another road.

4. A driver must not drive if he is tired or ill.

5. People may cross the street at crossroads.

6. Many students can drive a car.

7. Small children must not play in the streets.

5. Answer the questions:

1. What is a road?

2. Why are road usually smoothed and paved?

3. What is the most common road vehicle?

4. What are other users of roads?

5. Do automobiles offer high flexibility?

6. The automobile is the main source of noise and air pollution, isn’t it?

7. Have you got a car?

8. Do you go to the Academy by bus or by car?

6. Read and translate the text:

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