
Infrastructure is fixed installations that allow a vehicle to operate. It includes terminals and facilities for parking and maintenance. For rail, pipeline, road and cable transport all the way the vehicle travels must be built up. Air and water craft can avoid this, because the airway and seaway cannot be built up. But they require fixed infrastructure at terminals.

Terminals such as airports, ports and stations, are locations were passengers and freight can be transferred from one vehicle or mode to another. The terminals for automobiles are parking lots, while buses can operate from simple stops. For freight, terminals act as transshipment points, though some cargo is transported directly from the point of production to the point of use.

The financing of infrastructure can be public or private. Transport is often a natural monopoly and a necessity for the public; roads, and in some countries railways and airports, are funded through taxation. Many infrastructure owners therefore impose usage fees, such as landing fees at airports, or toll plazas on roads. Independent of this, authorities may impose taxes on the purchase or use of vehicles.

7. Add to your vocabulary:

1. installation установка, оборудование
2. to fix налаживать, устанавливать
3. to allow позволять, давать возможность
4. vehicle транспортное средство
5. to operate действовать, работать
6. to include включать
7. facility оборудование
8. maintenance эксплуатация, техническое обслуживание
9. pipeline трубопровод
10. road дорога
11. to build up строить, возводить
12. to avoid избегать
13. airway воздушный путь
14. seaway морской путь
15. to require требовать
16. freight груз
17. to transfer перевозить
18. mode вид, форма
19. parking lot место стоянки автотранспорта
20. coach пассажирский вагон
21. transshipment point перевалочный пункт, пункт перегрузки
22. though хотя
23. cargo груз
24. directly непосредственно
25. the point of production точка производства
26. the point of use место использования
27. natural monopoly естественная монополия
28. necessity необходимость
29. taxation налогообложение
30. to fund финансировать
31. to impose usage fees налагать сборы за пользование чем-нибудь
32. therefore поэтому
33. landing fees сборы за посадку
34. toll plaza сборы за платные дороги
35. authority власти, администрация, полномочные органы
36. independent независимый
37. purchase покупка

8. Translate word combinations:

Fixed installations, facilities for parking, terminals for maintenance, to require installations, to transfer passengers, transshipment point, the point of use, to transport cargo, parking lot, the financing of infrastructure, natural monopoly, to fund through taxation, infrastructure owner, to impose usage fees, toll plaza, taxes on purchase

9. Derive the nouns from verbs and translate them:

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