V. Раскрыв скобки, употребите глагол в нужном времени в форме действительного или страдательного залога

1. His pay just (to raise).

2. The taxes (to fall) last year.

3. My English (to improve) since last year.

4. Microeconomics (to study) economy as a whole.

5. Knowledge (to increase) by means of research.

VI. Прочитайте предложения. Найдите причастие и определите его форму и функцию. Переведите предложения на русский язык

1. The improving picture will…. 2. The applied method will give…. 3. The improved picture of the process showed… 4. The statement made is consistent with… 5. When realizing this plan we… 6. While giving his reason for it he… 7. When applied carefully this method may…. 8. If changed a little the problem will be easy to solve. 9. Having imagined this figure one must… 10. Having been asked to remain in the lab the researcher said…

VII. Вставьте слова в форме причастия I или II. Переведите предложения на русский язык:

1. Large nations relatively well (providing/ provided) with fundamentals may follow the policy of self-sufficiency. 2. Small nations (imported/ importing) large amounts of foodstuffs and natural resources are more dependent on the world market. 3. The country (following/ followed) the policy of self-sufficiency should rely only on its domestic resources. 4. Enterprises (manufacturing/ manufactured) final goods get higher profits than enterprises which only export resources.

Повторите грамматический материал 1-го семестра и выполните следующие упражнения

VIII. Запишите следующие числительные

88, 97, 123, 678, 1050, 207, 712,

12/IV.2001 7/XI.1917 6/III.1987 31/VII.2003 3/5, 5/8, 7/16, 25.16; 31.75; 49.165; 0.36;

1 1/2 часа; 1/3 фунта; 2 3/4 процента; 0,105 метра; 2,18 фунта; 17,562 тонны; 5 процентов; 23 сан­тиметра; 1/2 процента; 1 1/3 фунта; 2 1/2 тонны; два миллиона тонн; сотни ящи­ков; тысячи книг; двести восемьдесят один доллар; три тысячи рублей; сорок фунтов.

IX. Определите число выделенных существительных. Поставьте их, если возможно, в форму множественного числа

1. My friend spends much money on education. 2. He gave me all the necessary information. 3. Her hair is dark. 4. These data are quite correct. 5. He took five or six fish out of the net. 6. A series of English classics has recently been published.

X. Вставьте a lot (of), many, much, few, a few, little.

1.... oil products are used now in manufacturing agriculture. 2. Are... industries developing rapidly? 3. They work very... but they haven't made any progress yet. 4. There are... countries that are highly industrialized. 5. There is... modern equipment in the factory and it doesn't work efficiently.

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