Lesson 2. Higher education

Москва 2005

bbk 81.2.Апгл

КУЦЕНКО Л.И., ТИМОФЕЕВА ГМ. Английский язык. Учебнос пособие „для юридических учебных заведений. — Издательство «[Цит-М», 2005 зоо с.

Учебное пособие ставит целью обучения студентов учебных заведений юридического профиля практическому владекию английским языком для решения профессиональных задач.

Пособие построено па коммуникативно-функциональном принципе и предусматривает развитие всех видов речевой деятельности в рамках учебной программы по иностранным языкам для неязыковых вузов.

kSBN 5-93004-209-8

О Издательство «Щит», 2005

О Куценко Л.И., Тимофеева Г М., 2005


„Данное учебное пособие является осНОВНЫм элементом комплекса учебно-методических материалов, предназначенных для обучения английскому языку.

ОСНОВНаЯ цель пособия обеспечить практическое владение всеми видами речевой деятельности в рамках программы по иностранным языкам для неязыковых ввов. Содержание лексического и грамматического материала также соответствует требованиям программы по английскому языку для неязыковых вчзов.

Учебное пособие и рассчитано примерно на 160--190 часов ах:диторных занятиЙ.

Структура учебного пособия

Учебное пособие состоит из вводно-коррективного kvpca и 9 уроков. Основная цель уроков 1-4 и 9 — формирование и развитие навыков '.,'СТНОЙ речи. Остальные уроки в основном предназначены для формирования и развития НЕIВЫКОВ чтения. перевода и рефериро-


Учебное пособие построено па коммуникативно-фуакциональном iEPhlll.ll{lte.

Все тексты, как правило, взяты из англоязычных ИСточНИКОВ и ЗНаК'О.мят учащихся с жизнью, историей и культ крой стран изучаемого языка и профессионально ориентированы.

Грамматический материал изложен почточво, в кратком виде в форме инстршкций. В каждом уроке предкмотрсны также правила словообразования. Учебное пособие включает англо-р«џсский словарь, содержаший около 1.500 лексических единиц, встречаюшихся в текстах и унра•жнениях.

Структура урока

Каждый урок имеет рамку, в которой ч;казапы: словообразовательные элементы, грамматические явления и текстовой материал, подлежащие изучению.

Работа над каждым уроком требует от 8 до 20 часов аудиторного времени в зависимости от сложности урока и подготовленности учащихся.


Каждый урок содержит 3 основных текста, при этом текст ”А' предназначен для изучающего чтения, лекст ' В • для ознакомительного чтения и реферирования, текст ”С” — для перевода или контроля уровня сформированности соответствующих навыков.

В уроках, основная цсль которых развитие навыков устной речи, имеются также диалогические тексты и тексты для пересказа и обсуждения, а в уроках, основная цель которых развитие навыков чтения, содержатся дополнительные тексты для ознакомительного, просмотрового и изучающего чтения.

Упражнения, предшествующие тексту ”А”, предназначены для закрепления грамматического материала урока, а также знакомят с правилами словообразования и развивают у них навыки антиципации и языковой догадки.

Послетекстовые упражнения служат для закрепления лексикограмматического материала урока и для Ра:ЗВИТИЯ навыков устной речи и чтения. Сюда включены как тренировочные. так и речевые упражнения.


Lesson 1. l. AFT-IIHìicKHii aj1(þaBHT

2. rupaBH.qa q-reHH¶

3. OCHOBHble rŒpaBHna B I I l

B at-irnvtÜCKOM an(þaBHte 26 6VKB (6 It 20 cornaCHb1X), KO-

•ropble nepeAaFQT 44 3BVKa.

c c

[d Ablju:]


npanl'.ma qreHR* COFJ1acHb1.x

l. COIL'fflCHble lie C_Mm-qaarcq: (bi:], [mi:t], [ s t ]

2. KOHe11Hble 3BOHKMe COFnaCHb'e He or„qvwawtcq: bed [bed].

3, Cornaellb't.: B,1HFJ11.rÏCKOM ¶3b1KC rlPOH3HOCflTC¶ 3HeprH¶Hee, Ile-

B pyccK0M 93b'Ke.

4. YABoeHHh'e cornacHb1e K-aK OI_IHH 3BVK: better, summer, butter, summit.

3BVK [IphMep llpn.MeqaHHe bad nepen i, y, e

[k] cake door form gym [d im] nepeA i, y, e,

Ho: give, get game [getrn]

place [plcis]  
quest [kwest] g COYemaHM¼ C ÕYKBOä
unique [ju;'nik] 'u"; nPOM3H. B Haqane ca10Ba [kw], B KOHLIe — [k) nepen rnac-
brcak Hb1MH

home [houm]

(k] keep [ki:p]

lake middle [midl] need Lni:d]

wave [we'v]  
  [iq'zist] Me-,KAY rnac.


Me-,KAV r.'l., nocne rjlacfl. H 3B. corn.

box [b2ks) buzz [b AZ)

OC110B11b1e npaB11J1a qreHnq raacHb1x 8 1 Il

B r-ilae•-raq qwrae•rcq TRR, '-eaR ORR Ha3h1Bae-rcq B agu«þagwre:

t) ecnu rnacHaq eaH1fCTBeHH0ii H rnacaoii 6VK-

B CJIOBe: no, my, be, so, me, go;

r nacwa» e He quraemcn: take, late, mile, like, tvpe, note. vote, tune;

3) ec.-1M B CJ]OBe,r1Be CTO¶T PflAOM, B 3TOM cnvqae 06bHfIO BTopafl rnacHaq He LIHTaerrcH: seat, meet, wait, say, road;

4) ecnvt ga KOPHCBO" r.qaCHoö1 caeaver OAHa cornacHaq -k le, re, Id, nd: child, kind, metre, table, noble, old.


leap, seat, sea, beat, meals ee meet, see, deep, bee, keen break, steak, great


heavy, health, head, death, weather high, fight, night, right, sight.

rnacHaf1 qwraercq KpaTKo:


I) ecJIH 3a KOPHeBOlä rnacH0ii CTOHT 0A11a KOHe11Ha¶ corJ1aCHaq•. sat. let, fit, not, but, myth;

2) ecnø 3a KOPHeeoÏ1 rnacHoï1 CTOflT ABe 60jee stand, better, kiss, lost, butter, littlc, system.


mile, five, take, fate, we, go, sce, weak, dcep, latc, tune, coat, date, be, day, type, kind, way, find, smoke, wife, spoke, bike, fight, table, child, light, size, home, style.

3aAaHHe 2. Ilpoqnrre CJIOBa, 06pmuaq BHHMt1HMe Ha FJlac"bJX B Il up, not, better, summer, winter, but, spring, bottom, judge, job, his, sit, butter, letter, svstem, pen, battle, carry, lost, absent, well, it, us, little.

3auaHHe 3. 11130BTHTe CllOBa, 06pauan BilHMaHHe lia HTei1He coruacHblX: c, g, s, X:

  [k] (nepen i, e, y) (nepe}l i, e, y) city, centre, cell, cat, carrv, clean gym, gypsy (Ho: give, get) gas, gold, grab
s     (nocne LJiac. 3BOH. corn. Me-,KAY rnacH.) test, paste, stand, still pose, roses, days, meals, gods
x   (M e)KAY rnacH.) exist, exam taxi, box, fox

a) face, case, cell, cite, club, city, cut, ice, cat, nice, cod, picnic, pencil, place, cold, close, lace, cone;

b) page, game, gun, gin, gym, dog, bag, gyps, gas, stag, struggle, oent\e, go, give, great, get;

c) sky, since, rose, loss, solve. fuse, cast, so, please, beds, wise, see, cups, nose, sit, apples;

d) exam, text, fix, exact, except, six, example.

3ananne 4. [Ipoq-rme cnoBa, Ha qTellMe COFJlaC-

can, find, life, take, stay, fill, if, met, type, will', time, same, well, his, but, net, speak, take, egg, tune, nine, me, tell, man, has, free, note, close. vote, green, gun, table, kill, street, us, he, size, place, get, cold, since, wise, please, joke, age, map, bus, struggle.

5. CKTA<HTe no Õ_YRBaM lipoqwraVlTe c10Ba.• gentle, city, ease, sky, page, gym, solve, wet, kill, absent, job, sorry, fight.


Stand up! Attention! The students of group one hundred and three are ready for the English lesson. Alt are present today, (Students A. and B. are absent today. Student A. is ill. Student B. is on duty). Today is the fifth of September, Tuesday. Reported b" Student


Lesson 2. l. gmenøe [JiaCHb1X Ill M IV rlOJIOhœHHS.X.

2. MH0Kec.TBeHHoe MHCf]O cyueCTBHTCJlbHblX. Onpe,aenøreJIH CYLIœCTBnreJ1bHblX: apTHK.1b. 11PL5TWA<areJ1bHbie Me VKa3aTeJ1bHb1e MeCTOHIMCHUR, npnj.acare."b-

[Ipamuua '-rreH11H r:1aCHb1X B Ill

(B ynapHOM nepeA 6YKBOÜ r).

or er, ir, yr, ur
car for girl, her, fur
star border bird, Berns, burn
far sport first, murder.

llpaBH-T1a rnaCRb1X B IV

(r.rtaeaaq + re, LIBe EJuaCRb1X + r)

arefare, care, hair, fair, dare air oremore, course, forest, court


ire fire, tired, tyre yre

ere here, near, ear, mere ear ure Iju31 cure, pure

3anaHHe 1. Flpowwre CJ10ßa, oõpaluaq BHHMaHHe Ha q•teH11e r.rtac-

Hb1X B Ill n IV board, clear, tyre, sport, lord, large, first, circle, force, sir, wire, more, turn, murder, here, fire, spare, fear, care, hare, hair, dear, dear, bird, first, hire, her, your, card, star, term, course.

.3anaHøc 2. flpoqrHTe cn0Ba, BC!IOMHHB npaBuna y-reE-l"H r.qacilbl,x B



name made

rare face farm nat hard


be pen her here
me bed   mere
he ten term dear
  end nerve hear
mete     ear


nine lie mire

[3] no not bore

vote hot sport more
rode box form ore
  off for  
tune up fur dure
due but mud burn cure

note lord

Liu:] use run

aocne r, I, j:


by fly system try


1 1.

Множественное число имен существительных

1. Имена существительные во множественном числе принимают окончание -s, которое читается:

а) [z] после гласных и звонких согласных:

а боу
— cities (города)
а friend — friends Ь) [s] после глухих согласных: (друзья)
а text — texts (тексты)
а street — streets (улицы)
а stop — stops (остановки)

с) [ z] пОсЛС согласных -s, -x, -g, -sh, -ch: а judge judges а case cases (дела) ап exercise — exercises (упражнения)

При образовании множественного числа обратите внимиис па изменение букв:

  — cities а wife — wives
а duty — duties а shelf — shelves
а family — families а knife — knives

2. Ряд СУИССТВИТельНЫ.Х образуют множественное число путем изменения корневой гласной:

а chitd chiIdren (деки)
а тап — теп (мужчины)
а woman — women (женщины)
а tooth — teeth (зубы)
а foot   (НТИ)

3. В английском языке есть существительные, которые употребляются тОЛЬКО в единственном или тоЛьКО во множественном числе (что часто с русским языком не совпадает):

monev (деньги)
реасе (мир)
evidenee (улики)
weather (погода)
information (сведения)
news (НОВОСТЬ, новости)
goods (товары)
trousers (брюки).

111)'1TsrxareJ1bHb1e MeCrOHMeHHR

my MOSI, Moe, MOM mine
your TROìi, TBOR, TBOe, TBOR yours
his ero his
her ee  
its ero, ee its
your Bal_ll, BallJa, Bame, BalflH yours
our Haw, Hat_ue, Har_uH HX ours
my friend MOVI,upyr  
our lessons HRLUH ypoKH  
The book is yours - KHhra TBOH. Y KR3a-rc.;IbHb1e MetTO¥fMeHMH  
3tOT, T)Ta. •jTO
TOT, Ta, TO those Te

this day 3TOT neHb these days these pages those pages that street

3aaauwe I. [Ipom,1TaVrrc CyrneCTBnre.!1bHb1e, 06pmnaq BHHMaHqe Ha


— days a text — texts

— cities a stop stops a plan — plans a flat — flats a wife — wives a street — streets a bag a cat — cats a lesson lessons a lamp — lamps a friend — friends a book — books

a §age — pages a case — cases

a bus buses
an office offices
a judge — judges

nepeBeA"Te MX:

a stop, a day, a man, a judge, a child, a wife, a student, a friend, a city, a woman, a town, a sister, a boy, a bridge, box, a table, a tram, a lesson, a text.

3aaaH11e 3. Ilpoqumä're nepeBeAHTe coqeTaHH¶ CJ]OB, 06pauaag

BHVlMaHHe Ha onpeAe.qntej•pt HMeH their children, our city, my book, her friends, our lab, your child, my elder brother, his little sister, a difficult text, these long days, my best friend, a black cat, those green streets, this long text, that thick book, that long bridge, those women.


our targe city, my little sister, their large family, your hest friend. this green street, our large lab, my happy day, that good flat, a green pencil, a good pen.


those difficult texts, my best friends, their wives, our children, these long knives, our labs, good cities, these streets, thesc stops, their large flats, those dark horses, my feet, his teeth, big tables.

3aga11He 5. [lepeBeA1.rre Ha Y4b[K:

a) Moi 211211b, TBOä ropožl, HilliAa na60paropH¶, ero upyr,

MaJ1bLIHK, WIHl[Haq crpaaøua, ym•ua, TBOH cecrpa, TOT AJIHHHblii

-reKCT, 3Ta OCtaHOBKa;

6) 9TH Ma.neHbKHe KBaPTHPb1, •re OCTaHOBKH, HMeHa, ero TPYAHbte Aena, xopolune CTYÄeHTb1, Hawn ManeHbKne ACTH, 3e.qeHb1e MOM.rryqmne ltpY3bfl, •re MY)KHHHb1, 31M MCHU_lHHb1, HalLIM ropoaa, •re AT111HHb1e

TeKCTb1, MOH HON-I, TBOM 3v6b1, HX _ae-HbrH, 3Ta HOBOCTb, HalliH c.eMbU, Haul" 06R3aHHOCTH-

Lesson 3. l, CoqemaHHe carnaCHb1,x.

2. nane->K. VfH4)HHHTMB, 110BeJIHTea:lbHOe 1--1aKJ10HeHHe. llpeAnorH Mecma Hanpaxne-

\-ITeHMe CO"e-raHuïi coryEac.HblX.

shshe, ship, rush, shop, cash chess. much, such, chest chmachine technique, technology tchmatch, catch phphoto, phone, phrase ththin, thick, faith this, that, those, father (B CJ]Vxe6Hb1X CJ10Bax, Me-,KJIY rnaCHb1MH) white, when, while who, whose, whole (nepen 6YKB0ii o) ngsing, song, long

tank, thank, think cheek, black, stick write, wrong, wrap knknow, knife, knee pspsychology (B CJIOBaX rpcnecK0F0

3a/!aHMe I. [Ipoqqrañre CJlOBa, 06pamas Ha HTeHV1e 6VKBOCOryeTaHEfï1 cornaCHb5X.

she, dish, shut, shelter, shelf, sheep, shave, shine, shell, fish, sheet. shape

ch, tch: catch, chest, match, such, chin, chain, child, much
ck: black, lack, luck, thick, lock, check
th: thick, thin, faith, thing, think, they, these, that, those, father, mother, with
ph: phone, photo, phase, phrase, sphere
wh: when, where, what, whv, which, who, whole, whose, whom
ng: singer, long, thing, song, bring, finger,

bank, tank, sink, link, drink wr: written, write, wrist, wrote, wrap kn: know, knew, knight, knowR

b) three, when, catch, faith, whose, why, with, those, luck, think, such, lack, link, wrote, whole, wrap, they, much, shut, phase. shape, thing, when, know, where, knew, shy, knife, shame, long, whose, photo, sphere.

C'YUCCTBHTeJ1bHOe B 0603HaqaeT nexHOCTS npen,yera, OTBeqaeT Fla ßOFIPOC whose? (geü?), v110Tpe6,-1ŸeTcq B oapeue.!teHMY H c.T0HT nepen onpeuenqeMblM

HMM. ElepeB02L cnenyer 1-1aYMHaTb c onpene.nqeMoro C.'lOBa.

B llYIT¶NareJ1bH0.M nane)K-e U.MeeT OKOHqaHHe — 'S, KOTOPOÈ 11POLi3HOCHTCH no npaBHnaM MHO'*œCTBetiltoro CVlueCTBHTej1SHb1X (HanpMIMep: my friend's sister ceCTpa Moero Apyra).

I {pHT¶Yarenb11blii CYE1œCTBMTeJ1bHbliM BO MHOi<CCT8E'H-

HOM HidCJ1e 06pa3ycTcq ITOCPeACTBOM llPH6aBneHHH Ha aucbMe anocrpo(þa C). CYl_UeCTBWrei1b11biX men. children, women oopagveTcg -raK -•,Ke. KaK H B CJIHHCTERHHOM "l:lcne, T. e. npnoan-ICHHCM -'S. HanpHMep:

my brothers' friends,apy3bB MOVI,X 6paTbeB these children's names H.MeHa 3THX

3aa•aH'1e 1. [Ipoqnn•e n nepegeun-re coqeT'dHMH Cj10B. oõpmuag

M,qHqe Ha

a) my friend's family; this student's text-book; those judges' cases; our friend's flat; my son's room;

b) your friends' city; my parents' street; our teachers' room; these boys' words; his sisters' books; those women's money;

c) this student's family; our teacher's words; my friends' textbooks; our students' books; that boy's table; those men's knives: this man's wife; my elder brother's children; this girl's teeth; these students' teacher; these people's lilë•, our parents' work.


'DopN1a HH(þMHMïMBa (neonpeAeyeH110ìí (þOP.MS1 rnar0J1a) coB11aAaerr c OCIIOBOÜ rnarona. OTJIH'IHTC.-IBHB]M 11PLf3Haxo.M MH(þHHHThBa ABnqeTC9 qacTHua to, KOTopag CMY. Haapnxtep: to go to read - 11HTaT6.

flOBenu•reJ1bH01-o WdK.!10E1eHHH A.IIB 05pa30BaHH¶ noÕv•nwrefthHb1X 'IPCAJIONCHHÜ, KOTOPblC [3blpa-,K'dFOT npocb6y rup½Kå3 B V TBCPAHTeJ'bHoìá VIJIH orpøuaTCJlbH0ìi (þopxte.

l) YTBCPA"TeJTbHaq (þ0PMa T]OBeJIHTeJ1bHOFO naKJIOHCHMB 06pa_3veTcq OT rnarona 6e3 qaCTHUbl to

HanpHMep: Stand up! BcTarb! •

Read it! FIpoqTHTe 3T0!

2) K neñCTBUFO, 06pa1_ueHHOC K I-MY 3-_Mynquv, BblPa)1CaeTCfl CO CJ1y,Ke6Hb1M let.

hlanpHMcp: Let him do it. I]VCTb OH c,uejraer 3T0.

Let us (let's) go there. AaBaVfTe nort,IteM ryaa.

3) npochõa MO)KeT 6blTb Bblpa-,KeH'a C [10.MOl_ub10 BCfl0MOraTeÄbHoro [Jiaro:la will (could).

Will you help me, plcasc. [IOMOFMTC MHe, nowaalvücTa..(Could you help me, please).

4) Orpuuareü1bHaq (þop.Ma 06pagyeTcq c 110MOU1bkO BCHG.MoraTe.ílbHOl'O r.qarona do not (don't).

Hanpm•tep: Don't come in! He BXOAHTe! Don't let her do it today.

EVCTb Ok-la He zuenaeT 3TOrO cer011H¶.

3a,aanue 1. Hpoqrwre H nepeeeA1tre

a) Go to the classroom! 2. Take this book! 3.•Write this word on the blackboard. 4. Meet your friend at the bus stop! 5. Close the door! 6. Learn these words! 7. Read this sentence in English! 8. Give me your copy-book! 9. Tell me this story! 10. Do this exercise in your copy-books! -11. Be attentive at the lessons! 12. Work hard at your English!

b) Let him do it. 2. Let's go home. 3. Let's translate this sentence. 4. Let her read the sentence in English. 5. Let's close the window. 6. Let's learn these phrases by heart. 7. Let him write this word on the blackboard. 8. Let him meet us at the metro station. 9. Let's take these books in the library.

c) Could vou help me, please. 2. Will spell this word, please.

3. Wilt vou tell me about it. 4. Wilf vou translate this sentence, please. 5. Will you write this phrase in English, please.

d) Don't go to the lab now. 2. Don't translate the words into Russian. 3. Don't meet me at the bus stop. 4. Don't close the window. 5. Don't talk at thc lesson. 6. Don't speak Russian in the lab.

npea.noru Me-cra



at under

on — Éla 0603Haqaer npeAMera Ha I IOEPXHOCTH '(pyroro npemrlera•. (on the table — Ha c-rone).

under BOA — 060311'aqaeu• npeAMera 110A ApyrHM npeAMeroAt: (under the table — non CTO]IOM).

in B — 060'3Haqae-r Ha,XOHIlC11HC npeAMera Bliy•-rpu Hero-TO (in my room — B rvtoelä KOMHa-re).

at — y, OKO.IO — 0603HagaeT npeÃMera B6.1M3H npyroro: (at the table —y (OKOJIO) CTOJla). 11.

intoout of tofrom

to K, B, Ha — 06031iaqaer '-ianpaBntF-we, ItBW,KèHV1e npeAMera no HaupaßJ1eHH\O K;upyr0NfY npeAMe-rv: (to the school K a.1Ko:œ, B m KO.nv).

into B — 0603Haqaer ABHNCHHe vrpemøe•ra no HanpaBJ1eHH10

(in + to) K itpyrosty npenMe-ry c RPOHRKHOReHueM BHYTPb ero: (into that room — K0MHa•ry).

from — OT. "3. y — 0603Hat1'deT npenrqera: (from the librarv "3 61-1õ.nno-reKw. from your friend — v CBOero „.upyra.

from, Ott c, co — 060 rgnaqaeTuB1-1hœHHe npeAMeTa c nogepxHoc.TH Apyroro npeAMe-ra: (from the table, off the table co c-rona).

out of 143 — 060_3Haqae-r npex„tera H3HVTPVl npvroro apeAMera llapyacv.• (out of the room - KOMHaTb1).

l. ncpeBeAM'l-e CYIOB,

BH'fMa111.le na npca:york-c to rnv table, from my table, at his table, on her table, off the table, to the bus stop, from the bus stop, in his wilë's room, into my room. from my sister's room, at our club, in their flat. from this big house, in Moscow.

3a'J',1HMe 2. 3an0fiHVtrc nponycKH npc}taoraM11 H nepeae;urrc npe.r_l.'loxeH1tq Ha PYCCKH¥f ¶3b1K.

Take this thick book.... the table, please. Put it.... your bag. Go . that table, please. Don't give me your note-book. Please, put it.... thc table. Take the pen.... your fricnd. Come.... the lab, please. Don't write these wocds, do it.... home. Don't "0 school. Take your sister's note-book your bag.

3. Oõpa3vii•re npMTŸxa•rc.'1hHbte KOHCTPVKIUIII 0T

'11".X e.10R,• the boy, his school; these people, their lita•; his friends, the names; those women, the work: my sons, the room; our friend, the flat; those students, the lab; the houses, those people; this girl, the books.

3anm-11'e 4. i lepeBeAitre lla aHr!lHäeKVlñ)Ke11'c1 Moero npyra: MOMX MMR 'Toro pe6eHKa•, ltNteHa 'THX Aereii; apvr

11PS'3b¶ Tex KBaprqpa Tex AOM Moet-o Cb]lla•,

ZOlMa MOH.X CblHOBeñ•, KBap-rgpa 3TOFO MH.11MUHOHCP'd.

3 an•anøe 5. a) IlepeBeAHTe noÕY11HTœ1bHbie llpe..1J10>Kt-'HHH:

l. Stand still! 2. Turn over the page, please. 3. Let our friend take his bag. 4. Don't speåk Russian. 5. Let him come in. 6. Lct's begin our lesson. 7. Don't let the students go to the lab. 8. Don't do it today. 9. Let her come back in time. 10. Let's close the window. I l. Spell the word "turn", please.

12. Work hard, please. 13. Let's read this text at home. 14. Don't let them turn off the light. 15. Let me take my sister's book. 16. Learn these words, please. 17.Don't look into your friend's book.

b) neÏCTBHfl.•

Take your book! 2. Open your book, please. 3. Please, close the book now. 4. Give it to your friend. 5. Please, put the book on your friend's table. 6. Take it off the table. 7. Go to the teacher's table.

8. Take the book from the table. 9. Stand up! 10. Close the door.

11. Look at your friend. 12. Speak English, please.

3auattHe 6. BCTaBbTe CJleAY'k01_ii1-1e npeAJ10NœHHH B (þ0PMy:

Open your book, please. Please, put your book on this table. Take your friend's note-book. Let the students read the text. Let me go there. Take your seats, please. Give your pen to your sister's friend. Come in, please. Let us go home. Turn off the light, please. Go to the teacher's table. Let's speak Russian at the lessons.

3agaHlte 7. a) Flonpocvne Bawero T0BaPH1_ua: BOÜT" B naõoparopmo.

2. FOBOP"Tb 110-aHrJIHiCKM Ha ypoKe.

3. Elocra•rb 3aaacnyro (extra) pyHKy• H3

4. B KHHry H rrepeBCCTÞ1 npeAJ10*CHHe.

5. FIPO'-lHTaTb 9TH CJIOBa 1-13 yqc6HHKa.

6. BcrpeTHTb Bac y avr06ycH01ä OCTaHOBKH.

7. Ha3BaTb CÄOBO "circle" [10 6YKBaM.

8. He BblXOAHTb KJ1aCCa 6e3 (without) Bac.

6) NonpocRTe npe110AaaaTe.1fl: FlepeBecT½ 3T0 CJIOBO Ha aHITlHì-ícKHìi ¶3b1K. AaTb BaM Vqe6HHK.

3. C Ka3aTb no 6YKBaM c,'IOBO "without".

4. rOBOPHTb MenneHHee (slower).

5. rOBOPHTb rrorpowre ("louder").

6. flOBTOPHTb 3T0 CJIOBO er_ue pa-3 rlOMe1VœHHee,

7. HanucaTb 310 CJIOBO Ha nocKe.

Lesson 4. ]. Чтение сочетаний согласных.

2. Особыс случаи чтения гласных а, i, о, и, У.

З. Личные местоимения.

4. Глагол to be в простом времени.

5. Числительные от 1 до 12.

б. Предлоги времени.

Чтепие сочетаний

      blood, f100d
ои     proud, out
    аи town, down (в середине слова и
в   словах now, how) grow, low (в конце слов)

ni, ov soil, bov, toy. oil тооп, too, spoon оо[ и ] book, took (перец буквой К и в словах good, foot, food)

Особые случаи чтения гласных

а + п + согласная а + f+ согласнаяstatT а + I + согласная(буква I не читается) а + S + согласная(если за бчжвой s идет сочетание te, буква а имеет алфавитное чтение: taste). а: path talk, all (бх.'ква перед К не читается)

аи, aw, warcause, saw, war

аwas, want (после w) true, blue, Јипе (после r. 1, ј) yes, (в начале слов) lady, very (в конце неодносложных слов)

wor [3: ] work, word heard, learn (nepe.[l cornacHb'_MÞt)

3aüat1Me l. Flpoywtaü•re c.-10Ba. oõpau_laq RHHMat-lHe Ha

rnacHb1x H cornacflblx.

town, how, proud, boys, look, last, plant, grow, now, blood, oil, brown, soil, pass, half, low, took, point, tooth. waste, down, yes, cause, war, word, look, yellow, lady, familv, word, saw, knew, sound, ward.

3apa1"1c 2. Pac110A0NHTe B COOTBCTCTBUII c rrpaBH.qaMH qreHnq:

sort, type, finger, care, tyre, murder, letter, sand, lie, far. bird, mere, fair, got, her, during, middle, blue, agent, frec.

1 Il Il l


3anaune 3. Bh111HL1]RTe CAOBa, I'MaCHb[X 'iHTaeTcq [ autumn, told, caught, war, cause, word, born, saw, bottle, for, was, want, pause, fall, talk, all, border, sole, sun, corn, daughter, work, nod, chalk.

3anaHHe 4. Bb111Hruwre CJIOBa, rue EJlacHaq c.oqcq-atu•e ['„'laCllbl.X B cornaCIIb1X qvrrae-rcq [a ]:

path, father, bag, lamp, sun, plant, glass, but, classroom, come, our, last, half, chalk, pass, staff, latter, part.

FIPOH½TaäTe c,10Ba CHaq a-la co 3BVKOM [we:) H [w2]:

watch, worker, wall, walk, worse, what, was, world, ward, word, war, want.

3a,vaHHe 6. Flp0HHTaüTe CJ10Ba H úqcerwre, no npaBqnaM OHM 'IHTaEOTcq:

a) zoo, crown, quick, why, teach, fury, write, whence, uncle, while, sow, might, fare, night, soon, sound, song, pause, middle, centre, mild, cold, lie, know, how.

b) false, wrong, right, yellow, pass, duster, better, gamble, gentle, north, south, cast, west. summer, spring, autumn, winter, morning, dav, March, June, August, what, while, who. when, whose, after, task, blood, ask, high.

J11t•.-1HbIe MeCTOHMe11i1H


(ea. ([Hcno) (MH. Y"C.JIO)


2-e JIUIIO you Tbl you Bbl

3-e JIMUO OH she OHa it OHO, 011, oua


(ell. tiHCJIO) (MH. gucno) me Meti9, MHe us Mac, Ha.M vou Te6fl, •reõe you Bac, Bar,' him ero, her them

it ero, ee

rnaro.-l to he B Present Indefinite Tense

rnaro.'l to be ("6blTb, Bblpals•aerr cocroqavte MeCTOHaxo-ñ,aeHHC Jinua Bpewean rna to be Ha PVCCKHVf H3blK ne nepeB0AMTC¶. Flanpwxtep:

I am in Moscow now. cermac 13 NIOCKBe.

He is a student. OH CTYAt$HT.

They are judges. OEtH CVAbH.


Отрицательная форма

В отрицательном предложении частица not ставится после ЛИЧ-

ной о мы глагола to be.  
  Единственное число Множественное число
  I ат not We аге not
  Уои arc not Уои are пот
  is not 1'hev аге not

Вопросительная форма

В вопросительном предложении личная форма глагола to be ставится пе ед подлежащим.

  Единственное число Мпожсствснное число
    Аге we?
  Аге уои? Аге ои?
  Are the

Краткие ответы на вопросы строятся при ПОМОшИ слов по, yes.

личного местоимения и личной формы глагола tc be. Например: Are упи а student?. Yes, ат.

No, I ат not.

Числительные от 1 до 12

Числительные обозначают количество предметов или их порялКОВЫЙ номер. Таким образом, они делятся на количествеивые и порядковые.

Количественные числительные от до 12 являются непроизводными.

Порядковые числительные, начини с 4-го, образмются от соответствующих количественных числительных путем прибавления суффикса -th. Порядковые числительные ”первый, второй, третий". имеют особую форму.

1 опеthe first 2the second з the third

  laur 4th the fourth
    5th the fifth
  six 6th the sixth
  seven 7th the seventh
  8th the eighth
  nine 9th the ninth
  ten 10th the tenth
  eleven the eleventh
  twelve 12th the twelfth.

06paTHTe BHHN.taHhe Ha CllCAYK)LUHe B HanøcaHHH H HPOH3HOURHHM LIHcen•. the fifth twelve the twelfth.

[Ipc,u.110rH BpesseHH

I]peJl.1GFH BpeMeRH BBOA¶T oÕ'.noqrenbCTBa BPeMeHkl, KOTOPb1e 0TBeqaIOT Ha Borrpoc: "Korua?" at yxa3b1ßaem na Atoxenm cogeptue.uua òeücmgua.• at 8 0 'clock a.m. — 8 8 qacog ympa in l) l,'Ka3b16aem na ompe30R gpe.vtenu_

a) C qaC151MH CVTOK'.

in the morning yrp0M  
in the evening BeqepoM  
Ho: at night 6) c Ha3BaHH¶MB Bpe.Meu rua: H011bkO  
  in spring B"CHOïf  
  in summer neTOIM  
  in autumn OCCHbR)  
  in winter 3klM0ii  
B) C Mecgnex    
  in January B flHBape  
  in February B cþe8pa_ne  
  in March B Map•re  
  in April B anpene  
  in May B Mae  
  in June B IdK)He B HfOJ1e  
  in August B aBryc•re  
  in September B ceHTfi6pe
  in October B OKTqOpe
  in November B HOB6pe
  in December B nexa6pe.

r) r1Pld YKa-3aHidH rona: in 1918, in 1945.

2) YKa_3b16aem Ha npo,we.-ycymaK gpe»teuu, qepe3 Komopblä itaquftaemc,g òeùcmgue:

in two days qepe3 ABa in a lesson qepe3 ypoK. on ynompeõ;tqemc" npu

a) AHeä HeaeYIH:

on Sunday B BOCKPeCCHbt on Monday B flOHeAeJ1bHHK on Wednesdav B cpeay on Thursday B qeTBepr on Fridav on Saturday B cy660TV.

6) aav:

on the 1 st of Mav nepBoro Mas on the 10th of November Aecqvoro HO¶6pq.

from... till• J.'K03b'€aem na M0Memn, c Ro»nopoeo natmnuem cq Do Romopoeo cogepzuaemca òeñcmgue:

from 9 a.m. till 7 p.m. c 9 yrpa no 7 Beqepa

during vxa3b16aem na nepuoò, 80 (,pe.'tn xomopoeo cogepzuaemc>-a t)eìcpnßlte (KOZÒa?). during the holidavs —RO RpeMH Kae-1HKVA.
for YRa3b16tzern nepuof) g meqenue Komopor?0 cogeputaemc.fi òeûcm«ue (Kt'ZK for two hours TeqeHHe ABVX qacog for four years — B teqeHne ne-r.
since vKQ3b1gaem Ha c Komopoeo co gepzuaemcH òeücmgue:

since 1980 —c 1980 roÅa since last Monday — c upoumoro noktenenbHHKa.

3 A EOM H n T E

6 0'clock now Ceñqac 6 qacog
  5 minutes past two 5 M'dHy•r rpeTbero
  a quarter past six qeTBepTb ccž1bMOFO
  half past ninc 110J10BHHa necg-roro

ten minutes to eleven 6e3 1 0 MHHYT OLIHHHaAuan, a quarter to three 6e_3 geTRepTH TP¼.

Excuse me, what is the time now? (Excuse me, could you tell me the time now?)

— It's half past two. (it's 9 0'clock now).

3•anaH1'e 1. FlepeBeAhTe c.neAY10L.une CO'1CTaHH¶ Ha pyccKHü *'3blK-:

a) at S o'clock; at a quarter past nine; at 10 minutes past one; at half past three; at a quarter to ten; at 10 minutes to eight;

h) from nine till eleven o'clock; from half past six till a quarter to seven; from 10.30 till 6.15;

c) during the day; during all his life; during the lesson; during the test; during their visit; during our summer holidays;

d) for an hour; tar half an hour; for an hour and a half; for two days; for five weeks.

Lillde npeA.!10141 BPCML'HH:

in - vrp0M, 3H.MOii, B Mae, B 1 147 ronv, B KOHUC ceHT¶6Pfl, B aBrycTe, AHe:M. qepe3 4 rona, qepe3 2 ce:vrecmpa (term), qepc3;-œHW, at - B 9 qacoB Beyepa, l\OHb10. HOHb10, B 1 1. 1 5, B 7 q,RCOB YTpa•, on — a BOCKpeceHbe, B qergepr, Maq, 7 B [IOHeAeJibH1fK; during — BO BpeMB KallHKVTl, BO BpeMq wpb', BO vpoKa; for — B Teqenvte 3 mreü, B TeqeHHe HttAeJWf, B TeqeHne qeTBePTn qaca; from....till — c YTpa 11032111eii aoqw, c 5.30 9 yrpa; c 1 0 no 10.45; since c npownoïl CV660Tb1', c Beyepa•, c 1989 rona.

3anaH11e 3. Flepegemrre cne.1tv10[uue coqera»-lhq cylueCTBHreJ1bHb1X H •-1Hc..1H•re11bHblx:

a) house one — the first house — one house;
  page two — the second page — two pages;


flat three — the third flat three flats;

lab four the fourth lah — four labs; lesson seven — the seventh lesson — seven lessons;

6) OAUH nepBb1ii, Illecrb - LMCCTOÏI, BOCCMS ..'lBa

BTOPOü, At'CHTb — AeC¶Tb1ü, qe-rslpe yeTBePTb[Ü, OAHHHaAU{lTb

OAHHHa,1UaTb1H, TPH — rperørr,

B) NOM H0Mep B Kgaprnpe, Tpø TeKcra, [_ueCTF, KHHr, 1_1Ba cnoaa, R rpcrl,eM TCKCTe, C.eMb AHeü, R nepB0ìt BO ßTOP0ìi naõopaq•opnu.

3aAaH1te 4. npoqu•raiiTe npeA.no•ace11M9 h ux:

They arc busy on Monday. 2. He is at home in the evening. 3. At thtee o'clock in the afternoon we are free. 4. At half past eight every morning I am in the Institute. 5. Every Sunday for 3 hours he is in the library.

3aRaHne 5. Ilpoqmaìi•re npeAJ10)KeE-we, 3aMeHHB pyccKoe MeCTO-


(1) am at the English lesson now. is at home on Sundays.

(OHH) are present today.

(OHa) is a teacher of English at our Institute. are busy now. are my best friend.

are first-year students.

3anaH1'e 6. [Ipoqnraü-re M nepegeAl•rrc AX, 06pa[11L£1H


1. Take the pen from my table.

2. Don't take his book, take mine.

3. Let's see the new flats: yours and ours.

4. Please write both names: yours and your friend's.

5. Let the students go to their labs.

6. Let's do our work together.

3anaHMe '7. llPOqTHTe npeano•açer-tøq, 3aMeH¶R MetTOHMeHHR, Am-1Hble B CKOÓKaX, aHrnuVfCK½MH N.reCTO½NteRHHMH.

1. Let's meet (ero) and (ero) wife here.

2. We are glad to see (Bac) and (Batuux) friends.

Let him go and see (ee) and (cc) new flat.

4. Will vou take (Hac) and students to your new school,

5. Let (MHC) and (MOeMY) friend read these English books.

6. Tell (HM) and (HX) students this news.

3aaaH1te 8. 3anonž1HTe nponycKH aPTHKJ]HMU, 3TO ne06XOAHM0. My friend is.... good student.

2. Is your sister.... judge? No, she is.... teacher.

3. Please, givc me pen and a pencil.

4. This pencil is not.... red. It is green.

5. The notebooks are on.... table.

6. Are vou.....studen

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