Переведите предложения на английский язык, обращая внимание на время глагола в действительном и страдательном залоге

1) Завтра в 10 часов утра мы будем писать сочинение.

2) Мы всегда обсуждаем наши проблемы с родителями.

3) Когда я добрался до станции, уже темнело.

4) Его брат преподает в школе с 1965 года.

5) Я никогда прежде не видела этого фильма.

6) Я пытаюсь объяснить тебе наш план целый час, а ты меня не слушаешь.

7) Его брат преподает в школе с 1965 года.

8) Я уверен, его будут слушать с большим вниманием.

9) На него можно положиться.

10) Когда лодка пропала из вида, мы пошли домой.

11) За ними уже послали?

12) Мне еще ничего не говорили об этом.

13) В нашем городе сейчас строится новый театр.

14) Когда вы позвонили, работа была только закончена.

15) Эти книги продаются во всех книжных магазинах.


2. Вставьте следующие количественные определители: little,(a) little, few, (a) few., переведите предложения.

1. When did you see Mary? –..... days ago.

2. There was..... food in the house, so we had to go to a restaurant.

3. Do you speak Chinese? – Yes,......

4. If you have..... spare time, look through this issue in the magazine.

5. I have got..... pictures in my room, but not so many.

6. There is..... paper in the bookcase. You may take it.

7. There are..... restaurants having nice food, music and decorations.

8. We only get..... rain in this region in summer.

3. Вставьте следующие количественные определители: much, many, a lot (of), plenty (of), переведите предложения.

1. Did you take..... photographs when you were on holiday?

2. There aren’t..... offices here.

3. Do you know..... people here?

4. Pete always puts..... sugar into tea.

5. How..... money have you got?


Заполните пропуски, выбрав соответствующие формы местоимений some, any, no и их производных. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. I am very sorry, but I have..... message for you.

2. I have..... problems with my research paper.

3. «What did you do?» – «.....».

4...... phoned, did they?

5. I was too puzzled to say......

6. Is there..... here who speaks Japanese?

7.. I knew...... about their problems.

8. My glasses are..... in the room, but I can’t find them.

9. We didn’t get..... information.

10. There’s..... at the door.

В условных предложениях поставьте глаголы в нужной форме.

1. I (to come) and see you off if I not (live) so far away.

2. If she (live) in the country, she (have) a dog.

3. If my colleagues (know) the overseas investors were coming,

4. Should we (need) such goods we (write) to you again.

5. The manager said the company (to suffer) losses last month if the stand-attendant not (to work) efficiently.

Часть 2.

ЗАДАНИЕ: Ответьте на вопросы несколькими предложениями

1. What can you tell about your family?

2. What sort of man is your friend?

3. What is your hobby?

4. Have you got a flat or a house of your own?

5. Can you describe it?

6. What is the role of sports in the life of people?

7. What is your favourite kind of sport? Why?

8. What kinds of art do you know?

9. Why do you think so many people like travelling?

10. Have you ever been abroad?

11. What kinds of public transport do you know? Which do you prefer?

12. What is your favourite holiday?

13. What are the most important public holidays in Great Britain?

14. What do you prefer to read?

15. What kinds of books do you know?

16. Who are your favourite modern authors?

17. What qualities do you most admire in people?

18. What characteristics annoy you most in people?

19. What are your future plans?

20. Why did you decide to study at our college?

21. What professions do you know?

22. What is the main role of mass media?

23. What are the advantages of the Internet?

24. Do you like watching TV?

25. What TV programmes are most popular with young people?


Часть 3.

ЗАДАНИЕ: Прочитайте текст, письменно переведите на русский язык. Подготовьте текст на чтение и устный перевод. Выпишите в тетрадь незнакомые слова с транскрипцией и переводом. Выполните задания к тексту.

Mixed economics

(Смешанная экономика)

Command and market economies both have significant faults. Partly because of this, an intermediate system has developed, known as mixed economies.

A mixed economy means very much what it says as it contains elements of both market and planned economies. At one extreme we have a command economy, which does not allow individuals to make economic decisions, at the other extreme we have a free market, where individuals exercise considerable economic freedom of choice without any government restrictions. Between these two extremes lies a mixed economy. In mixed economies some resources are controlled by the government whilst others are used in response to the demands of consumers.

Technically, all the economies of the world arc mixed: it is just the balance elements between market and planned elements that alters. Some countries are nearer to command economies, while others are closer to free market economies. So, for example, Hong Kong has some state-controlled industry, while Cuba has some privately owned and controlled firms.

The aim of mixed economies is to avoid the disadvantages of both systems while enjoying the benefits that they both offer. So, in a mixed economy the government and the private sector interact in solving economic problems. The state controls the share of the output through taxation and transfer payments and intervenes to supply essential items such as health, education and defence, while private firms produce cars, furniture, electrical items and similar, less essential products.

The UK is a mixed economy: some services arc provided by the state (for example, health care and defence) whilst a range of privately owned businesses offer other goods and services. The Conservative government under Margaret Thatcher switched many businesses from being state-owned and controlled to being privately owned as part of its privatization programme. This has taken the UK economy further away from the planned system.


significant faults –значительные недостатки at one extreme... at the other extreme –на одном полюсе... на другом to exercise considerable economic freedom of choice –иметь значитель­ную экономическую свободу выбора restriction –ограничение whilst [wailst] (syn. while) –в то время как, пока state- controlled industry –промышленность, контролируемая государством to avoid disadvantages –избегать недостатков to enjoy the benefits –иметь преимущества, пользоваться преимуществами to interact –взаимодействовать to solve economic problems – решать экономические проблемы a share of the output –доля в объеме производства essential items –товары и услуги первой необходимости a range of businesses – зд. ряд компаний, фирм


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