Аудиозапись № 70 к упражнению 1

Speaker 1

I’m Mark. My best friends are the members of my family. I think I have a perfect family: perfect parents, two great sisters and a younger brother. We all got along well. I have a lot of love and a lot of support. I think my brother is very close to me. Maybe he is the best.

Speaker 2

My name is Brenda. Linda is my trusted friend. We go back a long way. We live not far from each other, go to one and the same school and sit at the same desk. People say we live in each other’s pockets and that’s true. We send e-mails to each other every hour if we can’t be together.

Speaker 3

Hi! I’m Sophia. I think mum is my soul mate. I know that she will stand by me through thick and thin. She has always been a tower of strength and give me support and love whenever I needed them.

Speaker 4

My name is Paul. William is my old friend. He is already a university student but in my view he understands me much better than my classmates. William is very knowledgeable and I think he can answer all my questions which I usually have a lot. We often play football or tennis. It’s not difficult for us to spend an hour in the evening together as we live in the same building.

Speaker 5

I’m Maria. I’m absolutely sure that Miss Loveday, our principal, is my true and loyal friend. She is always ready to help, to explain, to understand. She gives us a lot of freedom but asks us to follow the school rules. The majority of pupils in my school support Miss Loveday’s ideas and consider her to be a tower of strength.


Ключи к заданиям учебника

Unit 1

Step 1

Ex. 1. b) freedom.

Ex. 4. 1) The first television was made by Logie Baird of old cars, bicycle parts, lenses and other things. 2) The first TV was demonstrated by Baird in 1925. 3) The first television service was opened in Britain in 1936. 4) Colour television was first used in the United States in 1956. 5) In the early days of television, television sets were bought by few people because they were expensive. 6) Soon new technologies were developed and lot of TV stations were built. 7) Programmes in forty different languages as well as in English are shown by the BBC World Service. 8) TV programmes are published in the TV Times, a popular weekly magazine. 9) Nowadays television can be found practically in every family. 10) A lot of programmes are always devoted to sport. 11) New programmes will be introduced (by TV people) in the future.

Ex. 5. 1) were developed; 2) are devoted; 3) will be built; 4) was founded; 5) be used; 6) is known; 7) will be taught; 8) will be dominated; 9) was developed; 10) is/was called.

Ex. 6. 1) Через реку сейчас строится (ят) новый мост. 2) Когда я вошел в гостиницу, я заметил, что все горничные были заняты. Комнаты готовили для прибывающих гостей. 3) Джон сказал, что не уверен, что эти словари все еще продаются. 4) Сюда нельзя входить. Здесь моют полы. 5) Где моя любимая футболка? — Извини, милый, она в стирке сейчас. 6) Я знаю, что сейчас эту статью переводят. 7) Где твои сумки? — Их сейчас взвешивают. 8) История, которую рассказывали, когда я вошла в комнату, удивила меня. 9) Какую музыку играют? Я не могу узнать ее. 10) Когда я вошла в зал, играли красивую новую мелодию.

Ex. 7. 1) The hall is being decorated. 2) The windows are being cleaned. 3) The curtains are being hung. 4) The chairs are being brought in. 5) The floor is being cleaned. 6) The wall newspaper is being made. 7) The tables are being moved about. 8) Some food is being prepared. 9) Some music is being played. 10) A song is being sung.

Ex. 8. 1b, 2c, 3e, 4a, 5f, d — extra.

Ex. 9. 1) is being translated; 2) were being painted; 3) were not played; 4) are brought; 5) is being built; 6) is being completed; 7) are celebrated; 8) are made; 9) was being decorated; 10) were being prepared.

Ex. 10. 1) were shown; 2) are being developed; 3) is being discussed; 4) is being built; 5) are devoted; 6) is known; 7) are being prepared; 8) were done; 9) was being cooked; 10) are sold/are being sold.

Ex. 11. 1c, 2e, 3a, 4f, 5d, 6b.


Step 2

Ex. 1. Alice Radcliffe — channel 3; Will Smith — channel 1; Christina Bruce — channel 2.

Ex. 2. Channel 1. True — 2, 3, 5; false — 1, 4.

Channel 2. True — 4; false — 1, 2, 3, 5.

Channel 3. True — 1, 2, 3; false — 4, 5.

Ex. 3. 1) The lights are being turned on. 2) The studio is being lit up. 3) The cameras are being checked. 4) Some extra chairs are being brought in. 5) Flowers are being put on the tables. 6) The host is being given some last-minute recommendations. 7) A nice melody is being played on the piano. 8) The scenario is being read again. 9) The visitors are being instructed. 10) The microphones are being switched on.

Ex. 4. On Channel 2 an old horror film was being repeated. On Channel 3 a talk show was being given. On Channel 4 a modern opera was being performed. On Channel 5 a ballet performance was being given. On Channel 6 pop songs were being sung. On Channel 7 food was being prepared. On Channel 8 women’s clothes were being demonstrated. On Channel 9 kids’ bedtime stories were being told. On Channel 10 classical music was being played.

Ex. 6. A. 1) broadcast; 2) services; 3) discussion; 4) serving; 5) advertised; 6) stand; 7) current; 8) main; 9) citizens; 10) discuss; 11) news.

Ex. 7. A. True: 1, 2, 7, 10, 11; false: 5, 8, 9; not stated: 3, 4, 6.

D. 1) They stand for the British Broadcasting Corporation. 2) It was formed in 1927 to educate the British citizens. 3) It consists of national and local radio stations, national television stations, the international BBC World Service and BBC Worldwide Television. 4) It means that the BBC gives services to the whole nation. 5) They can give political broadcasts on it. 6) Probably to have their own listeners and viewers.

Ex. 9. 1e, 2d, 3f, 4b, 5c, 6a.

Ex. 10. 1) is being; 2) were; 3) are; 4) will be; 5) were being; 6) be; 7) are; 8) will be; 9) is still being made.

Ex. 11. A. 1) (the) main questions; 2) broadcast; 3) wonderful service; 4) current events; 5) to advertise clothes; 6) fellow citizens; 7) the main character of the book; 8) the latest (current) news; 9) the doctor’s services; 10) to broadcast on the radio/to give a radio broadcast.

B. 1) What do you know about the current events in this country? 2) Tea was served at five. 3) The news is broadcast regularly. 4) Let’s not discuss this problem (question) today. 5) The new novel is being advertised everywhere. 6) What are your main achievements? 7) That day a lot of citizens came to the central square. 8) Bad news travels fast.

Ex. 12. 1) discuss; 2) current; 3) advertise; 4) news; 5) citizen; 6) serve; 7) main; 8) broadcast.


Step 3

Ex. 1. 1) My work with pupils shows that if you use television, your classes become more interesting for schoolchildren. 2) Television programmes can be especially useful for those people who live far from big cities and have no chance to visit language centres or watch foreign films in the cinema.

Ex. 2. 2) When Magnus arrived in China, the Great Wall of China was being built. 3) In England the first book in the country was being printed. 4) In North India the Taj Mahal was being constructed in the city of Agra. 5) In England London was being destroyed by the Great Fire. 6) In St Petersburg the city was being founded. 7) In the USA the Constitution of the United States was being written. 8) In Russia the French army was being driven out of the country. 9) In Italy Christmas was being celebrated. 10) In Russia the first man was being sent into space. 11) In France pictures by Marc Chagal were being shown to the public in Paris. 12) In Germany the Berlin Wall was being destroyed.

Ex. 3. 1) are being written; 2) are they informed; 3) was being called; 4) will be informed; 5) is being decorated; 6) are being washed; 7) will be hung; 8) be done; 9) will be bought; 10) will be checked; 11) will be done.

Ex. 4. 1) born; 2) California; 3) United States, District of Columbia; 4) compact discs; 5) British Broadcasting Corporation; 6) before Christ; 7) has; 8) American English, British English; 9) United Kingdom.

Ex. 5. B. 1) has; 2) are; 3) was; 4) were; 5) is; 6) is; 7) has; 8) have; 9) is; 10) has.

Ex. 6. 1) for, in; 2) on; 3) on; 4) of; 5) for; 6) of, at; 7) of; 8) in; 9) in; 10) of.

Ex. 9. 1) was; 2) most enjoyable; 3) had ever seen; 4) took; 5) was/is played; 6) most talented; 7) twentieth; 8) have already found; 9) her; 10) will recommend.

Ex. 10. 1) it; 2) they; 3) it; 4) it; 5) it; 6) They; 7) It; 8) It.

Ex. 11. 1) is being played; 2) will be completed; 3) was discussed; 4) be watched; 5) was still being done; 6) were not heard; 7) is being broadcast; 8) are practically never answered; 9) will be sung; 10) be taken.


Step 4

Ex. 1. A — 3b, B — 2e, C — 1a, D — 4b, 5c — extra.

Ex. 2. 2)...money is kept…. 3)...I almost always follow it. 5) There is some good news... 7)...to share it with his classmates.

Ex. 3. 1) on; 2) down (off); 3) into; 4) on (up); 5) over; 6) off; 7) off; 8) on and off; 9) over; 10) up.

Ex. 6. 1) A new dictionary has been bought. 2) A new TV centre has been opened. 3) The letters have been posted. 4) This news has been broadcast. 5) Our cottage has been painted green. 6) The new project has been finished. 7) A new theatre has been opened in the city. 8) All the details of our future journey have been discussed. 9) The poem has been learned by heart. 10) Dinner has been served.

Ex. 7. Fred saw that: 2) the old library had been rebuilt; 3) the town centre had been turned into a real shopping area; 4) a new fire station had been opened; 5) some street names had been changed; 6) the old local stadium had been closed; 7) new paintings for the gallery had been bought; 8) a lot of trees had been planted in the park; 9) the old oak near the school had been cut down; 10) the market had been moved away from the central square.

Ex. 8. B. 1) The window has not been closed. 2) The cups haven’t been washed. 3) The door hasn’t been painted. 4) The picture hasn’t been drawn. 5) The church hasn’t been built. 6) The letter hasn’t been written.

Ex. 9. 1) keep the television turned on; 2) when they have meals; 3) including trash; 4) get used to TV watching; 5) feel depressed; 6) young children are not recommended to watch TV; 7) serve the needs of any age groups and any interests; 8) never miss important football matches; 9) both men and women; 10) those who have more developed tastes; 11) political broadcasts; 12) educational programmes; 13) bedtime stories.

Ex. 10. 1) over; 2) up; 3) down (off); 4) into; 5) off; 6) on; 7) over; 8) into.

Ex. 11. 1) The shops have been closed. 2) It has been broadcast many times. 3) He has been offered to take part in the sea voyage. 4) It has been washed. 5) She has been given a wonderful birthday gift. 6) An important match has been won. 7) It has been sent to me by Ann herself. 8) The dog has not been given food since yesterday. 9) The young men have been informed about their trip. 10) Lots of books have been read by Ann.

Ex. 12. 1) He said the room had not been painted pink. 3) She knew she had not been allowed to go there. 4) We saw that the baseball game had not been finished. 6) The closing ceremony had not been broadcast by nine o’clock. 8) She said the book had not been devoted to her best friend.


Step 5

Ex. 1. 1b, 2c, 3c.

Ex. 2. A. 1) По четвёртому каналу показали интересную комедию. Ты её посмотрел? 4) «Чайка» Антона Чехова только что была показана (сыграна) труппой Московского Художественного театра. 5) Дорис предложили чашку крепкого горячего кофе и вкусное пирожное. 7) Рождественские свечи зажжены. Пора садиться за стол. 8) Для нашего проекта получено много новых сведений.

В. 1) Он сказал, что разбили мамину любимую, стеклянную вазу. 4) Я знал(а), что Джона всегда уважали. 5) Учитель добавил, что на вопрос не ответили. 6) Джулия согласилась, что ей дали разумный совет. 8) Ром объяснил, что много времени было потрачено зря.

Ex. 3. 1) has been done; 2) has been decorated; 3) have been bought; 4) (have been) put; 5) have been prepared; 6) have been brought; 7) have been cleaned; 8) have been washed; 9) (have been) hung; 10) are turned; 11) Have they been sent? 12) have been invited; 13) are just being unpacked; 14) are being put; 15) Have they all been cooked? 16) is being finished; 17) will be laid.

Ex. 4. 1) are; 2) (have) heard; 3) appeared; 4) first; 5) were brought; 6) were sung; 7) them; 8) their; 9) was played; 10) scientists; 11) is/was made.

Ex. 6. A. 1) shoot; 2) shame; 3) rude; 4) humiliated; 5) spoil; 6) spies/spied; 7) society; 8) threats.

Ex. 9. 1) have; 2) had; 3) had; 4) have; 5) had; 6) have; 7) had; 8) have; 9) had; 10) had.

Ex. 10. 1) Plans for the coming year are being discussed (by the managers) in Room 30. 2) Some new information about the exams has just been given to us. 3) These problems shouldn’t be discussed now. 4) How many tennis sets have been done yet by the players? 5) Hundreds of cartoons have already been seen by these children. 6) What is being broadcast on Channel 4 at the moment? 7) The plan has been made and it won’t be changed. 8) When I entered the sitting room,...a quiz or a talk show was being watched. 9) The lessons have been already done. 10) The difficult task has just been completed by the pupils.

Ex. 11. (samples): 1) to spoil: job, food, children; 2) to shoot: pictures, plays, TV serials, animals, horses, swans; 3) to spy on: people, enemy, officers; 4) to humiliate: servants, everybody, students, women; 5) rude: words, behaviour, people, jokes; 6) instead of: cycling, dancing, playing games, wasting your time…

Ex. 12. 1) spoil; 2) humiliate; 3) shoot; 4) shame; 5) society; 6) threat; 7) rude; 8) instead; 9) spy.


Step 6

Ex. 1. 1d, 2b, 3c, 4e, 5a.

Ex. 2. 2) Instead of watching television Ann decided to read a book. 3) Instead of cooking Kathie decided to go to a/the restaurant. 4) Instead of working on the computer Robert decided to go to bed. 5) Instead of calling her grandmother Alice decided to visit her. 6) Instead of walking to the shop Tom and Maggie rode there on their bikes. 7) Instead of listening to the radio (to music) Bob decided to play the piano. 8) Instead of drinking (having) some tea Mrs Smith decided to have a cup of coffee.

Ex. 3. 1) humiliation — унижение; 2) rudeness — грубость; 3) shameless — бесстыжий, бессовестный; 4) a spy — шпион; 5) to threaten — угрожать.

Ex. 4. The broadcaster said: 1) a new record had been broken; 2) a new play had been performed; 3) a new hospital had been built; 4) a well-known politician had been interviewed; 5) a concert had been given; 6) a speech to the government had been made; 7) a new planet had been discovered; 8) the most important match of the season had been played; 9) a collection of pictures had been brought to the country from Paris.

Ex. 5. А. 3), 5).

Ex. 7. 2) The police have caught the criminal. 3) The police were asked for help. 6) The police are looking for the criminals. 8) Somebody called the police and they came very fast.

Ex. 9. 1) television has been criticized; 2) even worse; 3) naturally; 4) if they have to be shown at all; 5) people are made to fight over a sum of money; 6) the most intimate moments; 7) introduce the views and ideas; 8) TV commercials.

Ex. 10. 1) —; 2) to; 3) on; 4) from; 5) to, to/with; 6) of; 7) on; 8) for; 9) —; 10) for.

Ex. 11. 1) is/has always been; 2) has just arrived; 3) is; 4) is/was; 5) has already been received; 6) was; 7) has been achieved.


Step 7

Ex. 1. 1b, 2e, 3a, 4f, 5c, d — extra.

Ex. 3. 1) impossible, non-stop; 2) specialists, unfortunately; 3) violence, disappear; 4) disability; 5) illegal, immoral; 6) inactive, unable.

Ex. 4. 1f, 2h, 3a, 4j, 5d, 6b, 7g, 8i, 9c, 10e.

Ex. 6. 1) laptop/notebook; 2) mouse; 3) keyboard; 4) monitor; 5) message; 6) data; 7) crack; 8) create; 9) online; 10) the Internet; 11) save.

Ex. 9. 1) dislike; 2) non-stop; 3) violence; 4) aggression; 5) disagree; 6) inactive; 7) unfit; 8) information; 9) impossible.

Ex. 10. 1) e-mail message; 2) to exchange information; 3) to surf the Internet; 4) to crack the programme; 5) to be online; 6) a printer and a scanner; 7) a mouse pad (mat); 8) a new keyboard.


Step 8

Ex. 2. 1d, 2c, 3a, 4b, 5e.

Ex. 3. 1) Leeds


September 5, 2007 (5 September 2007)

2) London


January 11, 2006 (11 January 2006)

3) St Petersburg


August 31, 2012 (31 August 2012)

4) Boston


November 5, 2013 (5 November 2013)

5) Perth


December 15, 2010 (15 December 2010)

6) Rostov


April 7, 2011 (7 April 2011)

Ex. 4. A. 1) Dear Uncle Tony; 2) Dear Grandmother; 3) Dear Dr Mason; 4) Dear Hazel; 5) Hi, Bruce; 6) Hi, Sue; 7) Hello, mum; 8) Hello, dear; 9) My dear Alice; 10) Hi, George.

B. 1) Sincerely, 6) Lots of love,

Julia Jane

2) Always yours, 7) Best wishes,

Victor Rita

3) Love, 8) With love,

Sofie Alec

4) Your friend, 9) All the best,

Kelly Richard

5) Take care, 10) Missing you,

Rose Kate

Ex. 5. (a simple variant)

It’s been great to hear from you.

My holidays are coming to an end. I’m having a lot of fun. I spend most of my time travelling with my parents. We have been to many interesting places around the city where I live. I love it because I hate staying at home during my holidays. I find it very boring. It’s more interesting to be out with your friends or travel with your family. Because I was away most of the time I didn’t do much sport, though usually I’m fond of cycling, playing football and skiing in winter.

Please write soon.

Ex. 6. (sample variant)



September 20, 2013

Dear Diana,

Thank you for the letter.

You are writing that you’ve begun doing French. Sorry that it gives you trouble but I am sure it will be easier soon. Everything is rather difficult at the beginning. I know it because I’m learning two foreign languages. My second foreign language is Italian. I’ve chosen it because it sounds beautiful and I love Italian songs. I find learning foreign languages fairly interesting. Especially I love speaking Italian and English and reading books in both the languages. As I hope to become a journalist, I’m sure these languages will help me in my career.

Keep in touch.



Ex. 8.



October 27, 2012

Hello, Robert,

Your letter has been a pleasant surprise. I’m so happy that you are coming to Russia. Do you think we’ll be able to meet? Of course you can’t do such a big city as St Petersburg in two days. There is so much to see. I stayed in St. Petersburg for a week last summer and couldn’t visit half the places I had planned. My advice is to begin with the city centre where Dvortsovaya Square is situated. From there you can start a bus tour around this beautiful city. As for the museums you should visit the Hermitage and the Russian Museum with their wonderful collections of pictures.

Write soon.



Ex. 9.



February 5, 2010

(5 February 2010)

Dear Jane,

I’ve just received your letter. Thanks very much. Guess what! (Continued as in the textbook.)

Looking forward to your answer.




Step 9

Ex. 1. 1c, 2b, 3c, 4c.

Ex. 2. 1) were; 2) the; 3) off; 4) over; 5) is, it, has; 6) is; 7) was, it; 8) has, it, is; 9) is, it; 10) is; 11) into.

Ex. 3. 1) are shown; 2) is being shot; 3) had been given; 4) be threatened; 5) has just been sent; 6) was being spied; 7) had been spoiled; 8) are often discussed; 9) can be saved; 10) was being broadcast; 11) were exchanged; 12) is being created.

Ex. 4. 1) multicultural society; 2) shameless behaviour; 3) save time; 4) important data; 5) security service; 6) global network; 7) shoot dead; 8) mass media; 9) current events; 10) advertise new plays; 11) feel humiliated; 12) computer keyboard.

Ex. 5. 1b, 2e, 3a, 4c, d — extra.

Ex. 9. 1) rudeness; 2) exchange; 3) society; 4) threat; 5) instead; 6) advertise; 7) broadcast; 8) discussion; 9) citizen; 10) current.

Ex. 10. 1b, 2c, 3b, 4a, 5c.


Step 10

Ex. 1. 1B, 2A, 3E, 4C, 6E, 5 — extra.

Ex. 2. 1d, 2c, 3b, 4e, 5f, 6a.

Ex. 3. 1) are; 2) had; 3) down; 4) was being discussed; 5) It; 6) series; 7) has not been; 8) are; 9) impossible; 10) on.

Ex. 4. 1) importance; 2) usually; 3) information; 4) Probably; 5) non-stop; 6) services.

Ex. 6. 1) a (computer) keyboard; 2) non-stop; 3) a laptop/notebook; 4) an impossible decision; 5) mass media; 6) humiliation and shame; 7) to spy for some country; 8) a rude answer; 9) to threaten my life; 10) current news.

Unit 2

Step 1

Ex. 1. B. The song is against wars, against people who don’t think about others. It calls for freedom, for human kindness and care.

Ex. 2. A. Hi, all! How is your trip? My friends and me are very busy here. They all send their love to you. What are your plans for the rest of the holidays? Write as soon as possible, please.

See you soon.

Your Carolyn

Ex. 5. A. (samples): I never fail to wash my hands. I never fail to say “thank you” after a meal. I rarely fail to do my morning exercises. I sometimes fail to watch the news. I never fail to do my homework. I sometimes fail to water the plants. I rarely fail to give my mum flowers on her birthday. I rarely fail to buy bread on my way from school. I sometimes fail to read the paper.

B. 1) Feodor Dostoyevsky is the author of “Crime and Punishment”. 2) Charles Dickens is the author of “David Copperfield”. 4) Mikhail Bulgakov is the author of “Master and Margarita”. 5) Jack London is the author of “Martin Eden”. 6) Mark Twain is the author of “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”. 7) Daniel Defoe is the author of “Robinson Crusoe”. 8) Lewis Carroll is the author of “Alice in Wonderland”.

Ex. 6. A. 1) People can be strange, cheerful, fascinating. 2) Death can be strange. 3) Books can be strange, cheerful, fascinating. 4) Clothes can be strange, cheerful and fascinating. 5) Dreams can be strange, cheerful and fascinating. 6) Business can be strange and fascinating. 7) Diseases can be strange. 8) Pain can be strange. 9) Addresses can be strange. 10) Music can be strange, cheerful and fascinating.

Ex. 7. 1) spoke, screamed/shouted/cried; 2) asked, answered/said/replied/mumbled/murmured/whispered; 3) screamed; 4) cried/shouted, spoke/cried/shouted, mumbled; 5) chat; 6) explains; 7) add, answered; 8) whispering; 9) tell, said/answered/replied.

Ex. 8. Nos. 2, 5.

Ex. 9. 1) happy; 2) cheerful, peaceful; 3) special; 4) whispering, turning; 5) lonely; 6) quietness, wisdom, printed.

Ex. 10. 1) fascinating; 2) rarely; 3) whisper; 4) fail; 5) mumble; 6) author; 7) scream; 8) murmur; 9) cheerful; 10) strange; 11) source.

Ex. 11. 1) rarely; 2) whisper/mumble; 3) cheerful/fascinating; 4) fascinating; 5) failed; 6) murmured; 7) strange; 8) author; 9) screamed; 10) source; 11) whisper.

Step 2

Ex. 1. 1c, 2b, 3b, 4c, 5a.

Ex. 2. 1e, 2c, 3h, 4f, 5g, 6a, 7b, 8d.

Ex. 3. 1), 2) радостный возглас, приветствие; 3) подбодрить, приободрить, развеселить; 4) неудачник; 5) неудача; 6), 7) привлекать, очаровывать; 8) очарование; 9), 10) редкий; 11) незнакомец.

Ex. 4. 1) children; 2) lonely; 3) rarely/seldom; 4) murmurs; 5) lonely; 6) author; 7) cry; 8) shout.

Ex. 5. 1) librarians; 2) readers; 3) information; 4) different; 5) borrowing; 6) scientists; 7) education.

Ex. 6. 1c, 2a, 3e, 4d, b — extra.

Ex. 8. A. Boring, violent, terrible, silly, shallow, unreadable, stupid, unrealistic, a waste of time, trash.

Ex. 9. 1) a fascinating idea; 2) strange behaviour; 3) to speak in a whisper/whispers or to whisper; 4) to mumble the lines; 5) to see a stranger; 6) to be a failure/to fail; 7) the fascination of libraries; 8) to fascinate a/the traveller; 9) a rare visitor; 10) to cheer the speaker/to give the speaker some cheers.

Ex. 10. 1) seldom; 2) shout, scream; 3) a kid; 4) lonely; 5) an author; 6) mumble.

Ex. 11. 1) unable; 2) really; 3) fascinating; 4) interesting; 5) usually; 6) cheerful; 7) active; 8) information; 9) wonderful.

Step 3

Ex. 1. 1d, 2a, 3b, c — extra.

Ex. 2. 1d, 2e, 3f, 4g, 5a, 6h, 7b, 8c.

Ex. 6. 1) sell; 2) are published; 3) type; 4) general; 5) quality; 6) private; 7) earns; 8) pushed; 9) sold.

Ex. 7. 1) ones; 2) ones; 3) one; 4) (any) sun cream; 5) one; 6) cheese; 7) ones; 8) coffee.

Ex. 8. 1) ones; 2) ones; 3) ones; 4) —; 5) —; 6) one.

Ex. 9. 1) earn; 2) sold; 3) private/general; 4) general; 5) article.

Ex. 10. 1) quality; 2) push; 3) article; 4) type; 5) general; 6) earn; 7) print; 8) private; 9) publish.

Ex. 11. 1) ones; 2) one; 3) ones; 4) —; 5) one; 6) —; 7) ones; 8) ones.

Step 4

Ex. 1. A. 2) Wells wrote in English. 3) Both the authors wrote about flying to other planets. 4) Wells wrote about people on the Moon. 5) Both the authors wrote for newspapers. 6) Wells taught in a school. 7) Wells made people think about serious problems.

B. Verne: a, b, f. Wells: c, d, e.

Ex. 2. 1) published; 2) type; 3) printed; 4) type; 5) publish; 6) print; 7) printing; 8) publish; 9) publish; 10) typed.

Ex. 3. 1) Это хорошая книга, но его последняя (книга) лучше. 2) Каждый должен думать о своем будущем. (Нужно думать о своем будущем). 3) Они были теми, кто переселились из Европы в Новый Свет. 4) Это была проблема, но (проблема) несерьезная (большая). 5) Я пользуюсь этим компьютером временно, до тех пор, пока не куплю компьютер получше. 6) Он никогда не видел такой (подобной) игры. 7) Нельзя всегда быть правым, не так ли? 8) Дэвид тот самый человек, который работал на телевидении. 9) Я добросовестно ответил(а) на все ее послания (СМС), кроме последнего. 10) Никогда не знаешь, что может случиться завтра.

Ex. 4. 1) pull; 2) pushed; 3) pulled; 4) pushed; 5) push; 6) pull.

Ex. 5. 1f, 2c, 3b, 4e, 5a, 6d.

Ex. 6. 1c, 2a, 3c, 4b, 5b, 6c, 7a.

Ex. 7. 1) Улыбающееся лицо незнакомца было добрым, и я улыбнулся ему в ответ. 2) Новость, которую принес мой друг, была потрясающей. 3) Футбол, в который играют во всем мире, — одна из самых любимых игр. 4) В девять часов завершенная работа лежала на столе моего босса (начальника). 5) Ты заметил(а) разбитое окно в кухне? Интересно, кто это сделал? 6) Последними словами, которые Джейн прошептала мне на ухо, были: «Я всегда буду помнить тебя». 7) Класс был занят работой. Ничего не было слышно, кроме звука переворачиваемых страниц. 8) Деревья, растущие перед школой, были нам подарены. 9) Картинка, нарисованная моим младшим братом, — это портрет нашей семьи.

Ex. 8. 1) a — given, b — giving; 2) a — bought, b — buying; 3) a — singing, b — sung; 4) a — showing, b — shown; 5) a — asking, b — asked; 6) a — preparing, b — prepared; 7) a — spoken, spoken, b — speaking; 8) a — eaten, b — eating; 9) a — forgetting, b — forgotten; 10) a — fascinated, b — fascinating.

Ex. 9. 1i, 2f, 3b, 4h, 5a, 6d, 7g, 8e, 9c, 10j.

Ex. 10. 1) read; 2) playing; 3) broadcast; 4) prepared; 5) writing; 6) standing; 7) published; 8) chosen.

Ex. 11. 1) at; 2) for; 3) for; 4) about; 5) in/into; 6) in; 7) through; 8) in; 9) away; 10) by.

Step 5

Ex. 1. 1b, 2c, 3a, 4a, 5b, 6c.

Ex. 2. 1) The children visited some museums located in the city centre. 2) I enjoyed the new book bought by my father. 3) The family moved to a new house built a year before. 4) Yesterday I saw some big birds flying to the South. 5) Everyone could hear the sounds of music coming from the open window. 6) Our teacher asked us to share the information found on the Internet. 7) Did you enjoy the new play running in the children’s theatre? 8) I’m thinking of a name for my new pet given to me as a birthday present. 9) All my family read this magazine publishing interesting biographical stories. 10) It’s important to remember some rules given to you in your textbooks.

Ex. 3. A. 1) a singing girl; 2) a broken bridge; 3) a smiling child (kid); 4) dancing people; 5) a washed car; 6) polluted air; 7) a planted tree; 8) running boys; 9) a translated book; 10) a lost ticket.

B. 1) (the) jam prepared (made) in summer; 2) a/the castle built in the 13th century; 3) a/the poem learned by heart; 4) a/the book bought for the children; 5) a/the asked by a/the teacher; 6) a/the joke told by one’s brother; 7) a/the car driven by a woman; 8) (the) grapes grown in the South; 9) a/the room decorated with (the) flowers; 10) a/the watch lost on the river bank.

Ex. 4. 1) Старик сидел в кресле, просматривая толстый журнал. 2) Учреждение, получающее этот ежемесячный журнал, расположено на третьем этаже. 3) Читая британские ежедневные газеты, вы можете получить информацию о важных событиях в мире. 4) Когда он переходил улицу, его остановил полицейский. 5) Люди, пишущие детективы, обычно обладают богатым воображением. 6) Когда она писала письмо, она постаралась рассказать родителям, какой интересной стала ее жизнь. 7) Делая покупки в супермаркете, я встретил(а) одного из своих друзей, с которым не виделся (виделась) два или три года. 8) Когда она писала статью в местную газету, она столкнулась с определенными сложностями. 9) Слушая новую американскую песню, она не понимала ни слова. 10) Сидя за рулем автомобиля по дороге домой, Хелен поняла, что с машиной что-то случилось.

Ex. 6. 1b, 2f, 3a, 4c, 5g, 6e, 7d.

Ex. 7. 1) forward; 2) after; 3) for; 4) for; 5) through; 6) through; 7) at; 8) after; 9) to; 10) for.

Ex. 9. A. 1) a/the bird flying in the sky; 2) a/the woman hugging her son; 3) a/the child swimming in the sea; 4) a/the sportsman (athlete) running in front of the others;5) a/the train arriving at the station; 6) a/the cat sleeping in the armchair; 7) a/the grandmother kissing her granddaughter goodnight.

B. 1) Walking along the street he thought (was thinking) about his friends. 2) Doing morning exercises you look (are looking) after your health. 3) Looking at you, I remember your elder sister. 4) Building a house for his family he dreamed (was dreaming) about his family. 5) Listening to this melody she always cried (used to cry). 6) Taking pictures he remembered his father’s advice. 7) Close the door leaving the room.

Ex. 10. 1) are planning; 2) seeing; 3) best; 4) are already visiting; 5) greatest; 6) dreaming; 7) have landed; 8) are shocked.

Ex. 11. 1) at; 2) after; 3) for; 4) through; 5) for; 6) forward to; 7) after; 8) at.

Step 6

Ex. 1. B. True: 1, 3, 5, 7, 8; false: 6; not stated: 2, 4, 9.

Ex. 2. A. 1) admiring, admired; 2) devoting, devoted; 3) exciting, excited; 4) leading, led; 5) moving, moved; 6) receiving, received; 7) respecting, respected; 8) sharing, shared; 9) thrilling, thrilled.

B. 1) devoted (admired, admiring); 2) excited; 3) Admiring; 4) moved; 5) shared; 6) leading; 7) Devoting; 8) respected; 9) Receiving.

Ex. 3. 1) Sam had trouble (difficulty/a hard time) trying to get to the railway station on time. [Because there were a lot of cars on the road.] 2) Jane had difficulty (trouble) understanding people from Scotland. [They speak very differently from English people.] 3) The children had fun skiing and playing snowballs. [The weather was fine. They laughed a lot.] 4) Victor had difficulty (a hard time, trouble) doing his homework for the next class. [The task was too difficult. There was no one in the house to help him.] 5) Lucy had a wonderful time making a dress for her daughter. [She loved making clothes and was very good at it. She knew her daughter would enjoy wearing it.] 6) Vera and her friends had fun (a good/wonderful) time skating in the park. [There were few people on the skating rink. Nice music was playing.] 7) Tom and Dan had trouble (a hard time) getting home. [There was a terrible storm and they got wet and cold.] 8) The teenagers had fun spending time on the beach. [They played volleyball and lay in the sun. Everyone felt happy.]

Ex. 6. 1) invented; 2) occasions; 3) rewarded; 4) supposed; 5) lies; 6) investigate; 7) call; 8) courage.

Ex. 7. 1) lay; 2) lied; 3) lied; 4) lay; 5) lay; 6) lied; 7) lay; 8) lied.

Ex. 9. 1) called; 2) admiring; 3) demonstrated; 4) investigated; 5) Lying; 6) Invented; 7) Rewarding; 8) supposed.

Ex. 10. 1) investigate; 2) occasion; 3) lie; 4) courage; 5) reward; 6) call; 7) suppose; 8) invent; 9) lay.

Step 7

Ex. 1. 1c, 2d, 3b, a — extra.

Ex. 2. 2) Alice and Ed are busy painting their house. 3) The Johnson children are busy playing volleyball. 4) Mrs Griffin is busy watering the flowers. 5) Mr and Mrs Keaton are busy reading. 6) Valerie is busy talking on the mobile. 7) Philip is busy cutting the grass. 8) Mary and Sue are busy decorating the house.

Ex. 5. Courageous — храбрый; courageously — храбро; invention — изобретение; inventive — изобретательный; investigation — расследование; lier — лжец, врун; occasional — редкий, случайный; occasionally — время от времени, изредка, случайно; rewarding — благодарный (дающий удовлетворение).

Ex. 6. A. 1) improvement; 2) monthly; 3) anonymous; 4) mysterious; 5) courageous; 6) agreement; 7) movements; 8) nervous; 9) quarterly; 10) daily.

B. 1) journalist; 2) weekly; 3) famous; 4) interesting; 5) information; 6) dangerous; 7) ecological; 8) achievement.

Ex. 7. A. 1d, 2a, 3e, 4c, b — extra.

Ex. 9. 1) copies; 2) they were hung in public places; 3) called out the news; 4) the printing press; 5) the press is taken very seriously; 6) journalists-to-be; 7) have real influence; 8) some of them write about politics; 9) may be reproduced in hundreds of local papers; 10) MPs; 11) corruption or bad behaviour of officials; 12) many things that are hidden.

Ex. 10. 1) local; 2) unusual; 3) distant; 4) width; 5) length; 6) development; 7) growth; 8) monthly.

Ex. 11. 1) doing; 2) shopping; 3) fishing; 4) coming; 5) washing; 6) going; 7) watching; 8) dancing; 9) eating; 10) painting.

Step 8

Ex. 1. True: 1, 4, 6, 8, 9; false: 2, 5, 7; not stated: 3, 10.

Ex. 4. Positive: successful, entertaining, moving, courageous, brilliant, rewarding, terrific, powerful, unforgettable, exciting, inventive.

Negative: unreadable, terrible, unrealistic, boring, depressing.

Neutral: unusual, occasional, eventful, daily, general, humorous, modern.

Ex. 6.

1) Do you mind reading the text? 2) Do you mind driving her home? 3) Do you mind watering the plants? 4) Do you mind turning off the TV? 5) Do you mind completing the homework? 6) Do you mind closing the window? 7) Do you mind singing for them (singing your song)? 8) Do you mind correcting the mistake?

Ex. 7. 1) Do you mind me/my going shopping? 2) Do you mind me/my inviting Sally to our place (house). 3) Ted, do you mind closing the window? 4) Do you mind me/my opening the window? 5) Jean, do you mind buying me a copy of “The People’s Friend”? 6) Father, do you mind Mary/ Mary’s taking your suit from the cleaner’s? 7) Duncan, do you mind cutting the grass? 8) Lily, do you mind going to Greece for our holiday? 9) Ruby, do you mind typing some information in (to) the computer for me? 10) Carol, do you mind joining me and my friends for a tour of Ireland?

Ex. 8. A. 1) Иметь сомнения по какому-то поводу. Я сомневаюсь куда мне поехать в отпуск. 2) Напомнить о чем-то. Газетная статья напомнила о печальных событиях двухлетней давности. 3) Изменить решение, передумать. Что заставило тебя изменить свое решение пойти с нами? 4) Прийти в голову. Интересно, почему эта мысль никогда не приходила мне в голову? 5) Помнить что-то, держать в уме. Вспомни обо мне, если тебе понадобится помощь. 6) Быть не в своем уме. Он сумасшедший, если верит всем этим небылицам.

B. 1) I’m in two minds about (taking) the job. 2) You want to keep the name in mind. 3) The scene brought (called) your childhood to mind. 4) You changed your mind about going out with your friends. 5) You are out of your mind, I think. 6) Suddenly it came to your mind what to give your mother as a birthday present.

Ex. 9. 1) Will (Do) you mind me/my telling the truth? 2) Do you mind repeating your words? 3) Do you mind looking after my bags? 4) Do you mind Doris (’s) joining us? 5) Do you mind me/my opening the window? 6) Do you mind speaking in a whisper? 7) Do you mind coming back earlier? 8) Do you mind helping me with (the) shopping? 9) Do you mind cooking (making/preparing) dinner?

Ex. 10. 1) His students found Carroll humourless and dry. 2) The book is enjoyed all over the world. 3) The daughters of a university colleague. 4) It was not an unusual event. 5) The result of the journey was most unusual. 6) The little girl called Alice. 7) Under the pen name Lewis Carroll. 8) A child who doesn’t know the book and its characters. 9) He enjoyed the company of children. 10) A one-book author.

Step 9

Ex. 1. 1c, 2b, 3b.

Ex. 2. B. 1e, 2a, 3c, 4b, d — extra.

Ex. 5. 1) one; 2) some; 3) ones, ones; 4) some; 5) one; 6) one; 7) ones.

Ex. 6. 1) began; 2) understood; 3) tried; 4) could; 5) found; 6) best; 7) appearing; 8) became; 9) created; 10) solving; 11) worse.

Ex. 7. 1) fail to sell the vegetables; 2) pushed a trolley; 3) pull my bad tooth; 4) reward the athletes; 5) mumble your lines; 6) whisper in my ear; 7) publish his novel; 8) call out his name; 9) invent new medicines; 10) investigate the crime.

Ex. 8. 1) fascinated; 2) selling; 3) investigating; 4) calling; 5) walking; 6) typed; 7) earned; 8) written; 9) rewarding; 10) published.

Ex. 9. 1) to, in; 2) in; 3) at; 4) away; 5) in; 6) for; 7) out; 8) to; 9) in; 1) to.

Ex. 10. 1c, 2a, 3e, 4g, 5f, 6h, 7d, 8b.

Step 10

Ex. 1. 1c, 2e, 3a, 4d, b — extra.

Ex. 2. True: 3, 4; false: 1; not stated: 2, 5.

Ex. 3. 1) climbing; 2) said; 3) used; 4) closed; 5) coming; 6) told; 7) living; 8) made; 9) growing; 10) published.

Ex. 4. 1) forward; 2) published; 3) occasionally; 4) lonely; 5) failed; 6) private; 7) fun; 8) lied; 9) invention; 10) fascinating; 11) for; 12) brought; 13) pulling.

Ex. 6. 1) the author of the article; 2) a unique case; 3) to investigate a crime; 4) to be in two minds; 5) an absolute (complete) failure; 6) the latest invention; 7) courageous behaviour; 8) to speak in a whisper (in whispers); 9) to look forward to a/the holiday; 10) to earn money.

Unit 3

Step 1

Ex. 2. True: 1, 3, 5, 6, 9, 11; false: 2, 4, 7, 8, 10, 12.

Ex. 3. 1e, 2a, 3d, 4e, 5b, 6h, 7c, 8f, 9g.

Ex. 5. 1f, 2g, 3b, 4d, 5e, 6a, 7c.

Ex. 8. A. sciences: medicine, chemistry, metallurgy, economics, archeology; technologies: making clocks and watches, house construction, car making, fruit growing, navigation, shipbuilding, photography.

B. 1d, 2g, 3h, 4b, 5f, 6i, 7c, 8a, 9e. In most cases technologies appeared first. The exceptions may be: Biology, Chemistry appearing before cloning and making new materials.

Ex. 9. 1h, 2j, 3b, 4f, 5i, 6c, 7a, 8g, 9d, 10e.

Ex. 10. 1) purpose; 2) gun; 3) use; 4) tool; 5) technology; 6) function; 7) continue; 8) simple; 9) technique.

Step 2

Ex. 1. 1a, 2c, 3b, 4c.

Ex. 2. 1) from; 2) of/about; 3) for; 4) of/about; 5) for; 6) from; 7) for; 8) from; 9) for; 10) for.

Ex. 4. 1) [ju:zd]; 2) [ju:z]; 3) [ju:s]; 4) [ju:s]; 5) [ju:s]; 6) [ju:st]; 7) [ju:s]; 8) [ju:z]; 9) [ju:st]; 10) [ju:z].

Ex. 6. 1) a crop; 2) a weapon/weapons; 3) trade; 4) a skill; 5) a device.

Ex. 7. 1) constructed; 2) crop; 3) skill(s). 4) devices; 5) trade; 6) dug; 7) weapons.

Ex. 10. 1) verb, [ju:z]; 2) noun, [ju:s]; 3) noun, [ju:s]; 4) verb, [ju:z]; 5) verb, [ju:z]; 6) noun, [ju:s].

Ex. 11. 1) construct; 2) weapon; 3) device; 4) dig; 5) draw; 6) skill; 7) trade; 8) crop.

Ex. 12. 1) the purpose of the visit; 2) to continue work; 3) to use guns; 4) a simple problem; 5) modern technology; 6) to do something on purpose; 7) garden tools; 8) free use; 9) to construct roads; 10) foreign trade/trade with foreign countries; 11) to dig a/the garden; 12) to draw curtains; 13) an important skill; 14) nuclear weapons; 15) successful trade.

Step 3

Ex. 1. True: 2, 4, 7, 8; false: 1, 3, 5, 6.

Ex. 2. 1) The boy is dreaming of playing football. 2) The girls are talking about their holidays. 3) The old lady is blaming the boy for breaking the window. 4) The girl is apologizing for breaking the cup. 5) The lady is complaining about dirty dishes. 6) The girl is thinking of buying the dress. 7) The boy is keeping his friend from falling down. 8) The young man is thanking the pizza boy for bringing the pizza.

Ex. 4. Million; Neolithic; bronze; agricultural; civilization; technique; pyramids; construct; construction; era; military; structure; massive; columns; Roman; engineer; legendary; arch; aqueducts.

Ex. 5. The Stone Age — 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. The Bronze Age — 1, 2, 10. The Iron Age — 9.

Ex. 6. 1) Члены моей семьи привыкли есть китайскую пищу (к китайской пище). 2) Я с нетерпением жду поездки по Дальнему Востоку. 3) Моя мама возражает против того, чтобы я возвращался домой поздно. 4) Моя старшая сестра против того, чтобы тратить много денег на одежду. 5) Мой брат заинтересован в том, чтобы вступить в ваш клуб. 6) Мой папа привык читать газеты за завтраком. 7) Дети с нетерпением ждали посещения Британского музея. 8) Я против того, чтобы ты смотрел телевизор весь день напролет. 9) Джону удалось получать только хорошие оценки по физике. 10) Студенты способны выучивать большие английские тексты наизусть.

Ex. 7. 1) to; 2) of; 3) in; 4) to; 5) in; 6) to; 7) in; 8) to; 9) of; 10) to.

Ex. 9.

1e, 2m, 3a, 4h, 5f, 6l, 7c, 8j, 9d, 10n, 11k, 12i, 13g, 14b, 15o.

Ex. 11. 1) are; 2) is; 3) are; 4) is; 5) are; 6) are; 7) was; 8) is; 9) is; 10) Is; 11) is.

Ex. 12. 1) It is useless to do it. It is no use doing it. 2) What’s the use of going there? 3) He decided to continue taking driving lessons. 4) He always carries weapons. 5) What’s the function of this element? 6) He told you that on purpose. 7) They work using new computer technologies. 8) It is necessary to develop science and technology.

Step 4

Ex. 1. Tools in the garden: 1c, 2a, 3b, 4d. Tools in the factory: 1c, 2a, 3b, 4d. Devices at home: 1a, 2b, 3d, 4e, 5c, 6i, 7g, 8h, 9f.

Ex. 2. 1) for; 2) to; 3) of; 4) of; 5) of/about; 6) to; 7) from; 8) in; 9) for; 10) for.

Ex. 4. 1) a trader — торговец; 2) skilful — умелый, искусный; 3) inventor — изобретатель; 4) complaint — жалоба; 5) apology — извинение.

Ex. 5. 1) The; 2) —; 3) —; 4) —; 5) A/The; 6) The/A; 7) The/A; 8) a; 9) A; 10) A/The; 11) —; 12) A.

Ex. 6. 1) invented; 2) discovered; 3) discovered; 4) discovered; 5) invented; 6) discovered; 7) invented; 8) discovered; 9) invented; 10) discovered.

Ex. 7. 1d, 2g, 3f, 4a, 5e, 6c, d — extra.

Ex. 9. 1) for; 2) from; 3) to; 4) for; 5) of; 6) in; 7) of/about; 8) to; 9) for; 10) of.

Ex. 10.

1) microwave; 2) dishwasher; 3) coffee maker; 4) washing machine; 5) earphones; 6) hairdryer (hairdrier); 7) notebook; 8) food mixer.

Ex. 11. 1) made; 2) be; 3) has produced; 4) come (have come); 5) are (have been) created; 4) working; 7) will never know; 8) thought.

Step 5

Ex. 1. 1a, 2c, 3b.

Ex. 2. 1) —; 2) The; 3) a, a; 4) —; 5) —; 6) —; 7) a; 8) a; 9) The, —; 10) The, a.

Ex. 4. 1) manages to find time; 2) cost of education; 3) break the promise; 4) afford to wait any longer; 5) consider looking; 6) exploring the garden; 7) small size; 8) kept arguing.

Ex. 5. A. 1) darkened; 2) enlarge; 3) lengthen; 4) strengthen; 5) enlighten; 6) widened; 7) enable; 8) encourage.

B. 1) originally; 2) protection, 3) enabled; 4) owners; 5) warmth; 6) mainly; 7) fashionable.

Ex. 9. 1) the production of power; 2) Gothic architecture; 3) the New World; 4) the Renaissance; 5) ship-building and iron industry; 6) in the early 19th century; 7) thanks to science and technology; 8) transportation, communications and use of energy; 9) better living standards; 10) such great technological achievements do not come without a price; 11) weapons of mass destruction; 12) question the advantages of high technology.

Ex. 10. 1) The Middle Ages; 2) a watermill; 3) a cathedral; 4) a gun; 5) the Renaissance; 6) shipbuilding; 7) Industrial revolution; 8) a steam engine; 9) achievement; 10) communications; 11) price; 12) stresses.

Ex. 11. 1) sadden; 2) size; 3) advantage; 4) afford; 5) consider.

Step 6

Ex. 1. 1a, 2c, 3c, 4c.

Ex. 3. A. 1b, 2a, 3e, 4c, 5d.

Ex. 6. A. 1) promised; 2) forget; 3) afford; 4) learned/learnt; 5) agreed.

Ex. 8. 1) Sam Johnson grew apples to get a good crop. 2) James went to a/the driving school to learn to drive. 3) Patrick bought some flowers to give to his friend. 4) The tourists arrived in London to have a look at Nelson’s Column. 5) The young people came to (the) church to get married. 6) The teenagers came to their granny’s house to have tea. 7) Donald sat down on the beach to paint.

Ex. 9. A. 1) offered; 2) learned/learnt; 3) manage; 4) refuse; 5) hope.

B. 1) easy; 2) pleasant; 3) important; 4) happy; 5) small.

Ex. 10. 1) This device is difficult to improve. 2) A sandcastle is easy to destroy. 3) Chinese is hard to learn. 4) New tools are interesting to invent. 5) This water is not safe to drink. 6) That football match was exciting to watch. 7) His plan was difficult to follow. 8) My friend’s cottage was easy to find. 9) A five-star hotel was hard to find on the coast. 10) His words were impossible to believe.

Ex. 11. 1) Yuri Gagarin (was); 2) German Titov (was); 3) Valentina Tereshkova (was); 4) Alexey Leonov (was); 5) Neil Armstrong (was); 6) The Orville and Wilbur Wright; 7) Alexander Popov; 8) Alexander Graham Bell; 9) Marie Curie; 10) Fyodor Bellingshausen and Mikhail Lazarev; 11) Roald Amundsen; 12) Fernando Magellan.

Step 7

Ex. 1. True: 3, 7, 8; false: 1, 2, 5, 6; not stated: 1, 4.

Ex. 3. 1) the; 2) The, the, the; 3) —; 4) the; 5) the; 6) the; 7) The, —, the; 8) the; 9) —; 10) The, the, the.

Ex. 4. 1) to come/to be/to arrive; 2) to understand/to follow; 3) to listen; 4) to buy/to get; 5) to explain; 6) to carry; 7) to water; 8) to swim/to have a swim/to drink some water etc; 9) to carry; 10) to wear/to put on.

Ex. 6. 1) generations; 2) memorable; 3) proved; 4) aim; 5) flight; 6) satisfy; 7) generation; 8) huge; 9) satisfied; 10) was launched; 11) prove; 12) flight.

Ex. 7. 1) into; 2) through; 3) down; 4) out; 5) into; 6) in; 7) out; 8) through; 9) down; 10) in; 11) in.

Ex. 9. 1) … because she was afraid of mice. 2) … because he was happy to play with (see) the child. 3) … because he had broken his bike (… because his bike was broken). 4) … because they had seen something funny on television. 5)… because she felt happy looking at the sunrise. 6)… because he was carrying heavy books upstairs. 7) … because he didn’t like the porridge that was (had been) given to him.

Ex. 10. 1g, 2h, 3f, 4c, 5b, 6a, 7e, 8d.

Ex. 11. 1) To launch rockets into space; 2) a memorable space flight; 3) a new generation of cosmonauts (astronauts); 4) the huge universe; 5) to achieve an/the aim; 6) to cancel the flight; 7) to delay the flight; 8) to launch a new space project; 9) to satisfy somebody’s interest; 10) to satisfy one’s hunger; 11) to prove to one’s teachers and parents; 12) to prove (to be) right.

Ex. 12. 1) a; 2) —; 3) The; 4) the; 5) The; 6) the; 7) the; 8) The, the; 9) a; 10) The.

Step 8

Ex. 1. 1c, 2b, 3c, 4b.

Ex. 2. 1) Mercury; 2) Venus; 3) Earth; 4) Mars; 5) Jupiter; 6) Saturn; 7) Uranus; 8) Neptune.

Ex. 3. 1a, 2b, 3b, 4c, 5b, 6a, 7a, 8c.

Ex. 5. 1b, 2c, 3a, 4c, 5b, 6a, 7a, 8c, 9c, 10b.

Ex. 6. Memory — память; aimless — бесцельный; aimlessly — бесцельно; satisfaction — удовлетворение; satisfactory — удовлетворительный; refusal — отказ; promise — обещание; promising — подающий надежды, многообещающий; proof — доказательство.

Ex. 8. 1) couldn’t, didn’t manage to; 2) were able; 3) couldn’t, wasn’t able to; 4) managed; 5) was able; 6) couldn’t, were not able; 7) couldn’t, didn’t manage to; 8) wasn’t able to, couldn’t; 9) was able to; 10) couldn’t, didn’t manage to.

Ex. 9. 1) proof; 2) aim; 3) refusal; 4) promising; 5) satisfaction; 6) refuse; 7) satisfy; 8) aimlessly; 9) promise; 10) memory; 11) aimless; 12) memorable.

Ex. 11. 4) They managed/were able to…; 6) I managed/was able…; 8) Sally managed/was able to…; 9) At last we managed/were able to see the film; 10) Why wasn’t he able to explain…/why didn’t he manage to explain…?

Step 9

Ex. 1. 1c, 2a, 3c, 4a, 5b, 6c.

Ex. 3. True: 1, 4, 5, 6; false: 3; not stated: 2.

Ex. 5. 2)…but Andrew managed (was able) to do it. 4) Jerry managed (was able) to run away. 6) Our team managed (was able) to win the match. 8) He managed (was able) to earn enough money. 9) …his friend managed (was able) to do it.

Ex. 6. 1) in; 2) on; 3) on, on, with; 4) in; 5) in; 6) to; 7) for; 8) into; 9) out; 10) into; 11) down; 12) at.

Ex. 7. 1) once in a blue moon; 2) came down to earth; 3) are over the moon; 4) are crying (asking) for the moon; 5) promised the earth (the moon); 6) had stars in my eyes; 7) aims at the stars.

Ex. 9. 1) continue — go on; 2) construct — build; 3) consider — think; 4) device — gadget; 5) function — operate; 6) huge — very big; 7) manage — be able; 8) prevent from — keep from; 9) simple — easy; 10) tool — device; 11) weapon — gun; 12) say that you are sorry — apologize.

Ex. 10. 1) of; 2) breakable; 3) afford; 4) to operate; 5) in; 6) proof; 7) the; 8) —; 9) argue; 10) achieved.

Step 10

Ex. 1. 1d, 2e, 3c, 4g, 5a, 6b, f — extra.

Ex. 2. 1c, 2e, 3d, 4b, 5a.

Ex. 3. 1) civilization; 2) scientists; 3) active; 4) equipment; 5) magnetic; 6) distant.

Ex. 4. 1) opened/was opened; 2) took; 3) cost; 4) began; 5) told; 6) later; 7) digging; 8) was stopped/stopped; 9) to continue; 10) later; 11) ran; 12) closer; 13) less; 14) to travel.

Ex. 6. 1) to launch a spaceship into space; 2) a bow and arrows; 3) simple devices (gadgets) and tools; 4) a skillful/ skilled worker; 5) to explore the universe; 6) science and technology; 7) a dangerous nuclear weapon; 8) a memorable flight; 9) It’s no use objecting and arguing; 10) a capable inventor.

Unit 4

Step 1

Ex. 1. The song presumably gives an idea of happy years when one is young and full of energy and hopes.

Ex. 5. A. 1) to stay; 2) to listen/listening; 3) playing; 4) telling; 5) to use/using; 6) to watch; 7) walking; 8) to wait/ waiting; 9) to do; 10) telling.

B. 1) taking; 2) to post; 3) to take; 4) watching; 5) crying; 6) to buy; 7) to telephone; 8) talking; 9) seeing; 10) to take.

Ex. 7. 1) mad; 2) rebel; 3) annoys; 4) pretty; 5) shake; 6) notice; 7) rebellion; 8) expecting; 9) couple; 10) shaking; 11) pretty.

Ex. 9. 1) being; 2) meeting; 3) to look; 4) to learn/learning; 5) to read; 6) to buy; 7) making; 8) dancing; 9) to feed; 10) to have.

Ex. 11. 1) annoy; 2) rebel; 3) rebellion; 4) shake; 5) shook; 6) notice; 7) couple; 8) mad; 9) pretty; 10) expect; 11) refuse; 12) laughter.

Ex. 12. 1) to shake with laughter; 2) a pretty (fairly, rather) good answer; 3) to annoy one’s classmates; 4) a teen (teenage) rebellion; 5) to shake hands; 6) to be mad about hockey; 7) a couple of schoolbags in the corner of a/the classroom; 8) to expect (the) holidays; 9) to notice changes; 10) a pretty young woman.

Step 2

Ex. 1. 1e, 2f, 3d, 4c, 5a, b — extra.

Ex. 2. 1e, 2c, 3f, 4b, 5g, 6h, 7a, 8d, 9j, 10i.

Ex. 3. 1) мятежник, бунтарь; 2) бунтарский, мятежный; 3) объявление; 4) досадный; 5) досада; 6) скука; 7) сумасшествие, безумие, глупость; 8) без ума, безумно.

Ex. 4. 1) pair; 2) couple; 3) couple; 4) pair; 5) couple; 6) couple; 7) pair; 8) pair; 9) pair; 10) couple/pair; 11) couple/pair; 12) pair; 13) pair.

Ex. 5. (samples): 1) What work is he trying to complete? Is he doing it himself? When did he begin doing it? 2) Why did Joyce feel annoyed? When did Joyce and Max talk? Did she tell him anything about her annoyance? 3) Where does he usually go to disco dancing? How often does he go there? Is he mad about anything else? 4) Where was Rick when you saw him? Why was he shaking with cold? What did you tell him? When you saw him? 5) Where were the changes made? When were they made? Why didn’t Gwen notice any changes? 6) How old was Kevin when he rebelled for the first time? Against whom did he rebel? Why did he rebel? 7) What news does Philip expect? Where from does he expect the news? When exactly does he expect the news?

Ex. 6. 1) anytime; 2) anyway/anyhow; 3) anymore; 4) anyplace/anywhere; 5) anyway/anyhow; 6) anyway/anyhow; 7) anymore/anyway/anyhow; 8) anyhow/anyway; 9) anywhere/anyplace; 10) anyway/anyhow.

Ex. 7. B. 1c, 2b, 3c, 4b, 5a, 6a.

Ex. 8. 1)» 1.86 metres.

Ex. 9. 1) being; 2) seeing; 3) reading; 4) to help; 5) to buy; 6) playing; 7) getting up, doing; 8) smiling; 9) to answer; 10) to understand; 11) to answer; 12) flying.

Ex. 10. 1) rebellious; 2) couple; 3) annoying; 4) pair; 5) anywhere; 6) pair; 7) madness; 8) anyway; 9) pair; 10) annoyed.

Ex. 12. 1) the book about a teenager; 2) teenage rebellion; 3) the main character; 4) poor academic performance; 5) have a seat; 6) Wednesday night; 7) they’ll be pretty annoyed; 8) Partly because; 9) I shook my head; 10) to act one’s age; 11) You couldn’t help it; 12) I sort of looked through it; 13) to hurt his feelings.

Step 3

Ex. 1. 1b, 2c, 3a, 4b.

Ex. 3. 1) him; 2) them; 3) us; 4) him; 5) them; 6) her; 7) us; 8) you; 9) him; 10) them.

Ex. 5. Mr Harrison would like/expects/wants the new secretary 1) to type documents; 3) to make tea; 5) to water the plants; 7) to photocopy documents. He wouldn’t like/doesn’t want/doesn’t expect her 2) to play computer games; 4) to do shopping; 6) to talk over the phone with her friend, to paint nails; 8) to be late.

Ex. 7. 1) answers to riddles; 2) extreme views; 3) serious reasons; 4) top of the hill; 5) note from my parents; 6) bottom of the page; 7) angry voice; 8) various nationalities; 9) wrap the scarf; 10) real challenge.

Ex. 8. Alternative, northern, ingredients, essay, sarcastic, lectures. All those are international words.

Ex. 9. 1) a very dirty trick; 2) I didn’t have any alternative; 3) for various reasons; 4) secret ingredients; 5) Your essay ends there; 6) in his very sarcastic voice; 7) It’s all right with me; 8) I’m flunking everything; 9) Respectfully yours.

Ex. 10. 1) at; 2) in; 3) at, of; 4) for; 5) for; 6) from; 7) up/ —, to; 8) in; 9) for; 10) with, for; 11) at; 12) with; 13) round/around; 14) in.

Ex. 11. 1g, 2b, 3d, 4a, 5f, 6e, 7c.

Step 4

Ex. 1. True: 1, 4, 6; false: 2, 3; not stated: 5, 7.

Ex. 2. 1c, 2f, 3h, 4b, 5d, 6g, 7e, 8i, 9a.

Ex. 3. Anger — гнев; challenging — трудный, но интересный; extremely — чрезвычайно, в высшей степени; to note — отметить; reasonable — разумный; variety — разнообразие.

Ex. 5. 1) I want you to read the book. 2) I don’t want Max to come home early. 3) I would like my friend to help me. 4) I wouldn’t like my mum to work so much. 5) We expect them to win the match. 6) They don’t expect us to come back so soon. 7) He didn’t want his parents to know about it. 8) Our teachers expect us to write the test well.

Ex. 6. 1) He often watches it flying around the house. — Он часто наблюдает за тем, как он (волнистый попугай) летает по дому. 2) Duncan always laughs when he sees Whipper dance in front of the mirror. — Дункан часто смеется, когда видит, что Виппер танцует перед зеркалом. 3) One morning when Duncan was still sleeping he felt Whipper’s beak touch his lips… — Однажды утром, когда Дункан все еще спал, он почувствовал, что клюв Виппера коснулся его губ... 4) [He] heard his bird say loudly “Hello”. — (Он) услышал, что его птичка громко сказала «Привет». 5) Later Duncan noticed Whipper say “Goodbye”. — Позже Дункан заметил, что Виппер говорит: «Пока». 6) In Florida you can see a young man walking a crocodile. — Во Флориде вы можете увидеть молодого человека, который прогуливает крокодила. 7) They… love to watch it running on the farm ground. — Им... нравится наблюдать, как он бегает по ферме. 8) Julia often watches her pet changing the colour and climbing the tree in its big cage. — Джулия часто наблюдает за тем, как ее любимец меняет цвет и лазает по дереву в своей большой клетке.

Ex. 7. 1) —; 2) to; 3) to; 4) —, —; 5) —; 6) to; 7) to; 8) —; 9) —; 10) to; 11) —.

Ex. 9. (samples): 1) heard; 2) watched; 3) hear; 4) felt; 5) seen/watched; 6) notice/see; 7) seen/watched.

Ex. 10. 1) James heard something fall on the kitchen floor. 2) Nobody noticed the boy disappear in the house. 3) The children watched the fish happily swimming in the bowl.

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