Контрольная работа №2

(1 курс Рз, Рзс 2 семестр)


Задание 1. Перепишите и переведите текст

Catamaran Grounding-error of Navigation.

An error of navigation appears to have been the cause of serious damage to the French catamaran Saint Malo.

Preliminary investigation have largely confirmed suggestions that the vessel, which has an eight foot long gash in her portside hull, scraped rock rather than hit logs or other floating objects at high speed.

The master of another ship, Captain Michel Leroy, who was in that navigation, area said that Saint Malo had been following a normal route and not through a difficult channel when she was holed a mile offshore.

About 30 passengers are reported to have sustained fractures after jumping about 15th from the listing catamaran into inflatable life rafts, one passenger suffered a heart attack and others sustained less serious injuries.

Passengers criticized safety procedures as inadequate with no lifesaving demonstration before departure, no public evacuation order and claimed that alarms were not sounded until 10 minutes after the accident.

The England Ship Owners Mutual Association will be responsible for meeting injury claims, passenger liabilities, catamarans losses and damages, as well as for all the law expenses.

The official investigation will be conducted by both French authorities and UKs Marine Accident Investigation Branch.

Neither France nor the UK is a signatory to the Athens Convention that covers passenger liabilities, so compensation will be determined by ticket conditions, the laws of France and those applicable to the Channel Islands plus possibly n the nationality of passengers.


Задание 2. Ответьте на следующие вопросы.

1. What is the cause of ground of Saint Malo?

2. What was the scope of damage?

3. Who said that catamaran Had been following a normal route?

4. Why do you think the passengers sustained different injuries?

5. What injuries did the passengers sustain?

6. Was it safe to jump 15th the listing catamaran into life rafts? did you have to do this?

7. What did passengers criticize the ship authorities for?

8. What association will meet the claims of passengers?


Задание 3. Выберите те предложения, в которых сказуемое выражено формой страдательного залога. Подчеркните сказуемое и определите его время. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. The cause of the grounding is being investigated by the Marine Accident Investigation Branch.

2. The ship was refloated and berthed at the refinery jetty in the port of Liverpool.

3. The ship suffered extensive damage to its cargo tank after striking the rock.

4. The passage plan hadn’t been discussed with the pilot.

5. The salvage operation team decided to move the vessel to deeper water where they could inspect her.

6. Several possible solutions will be chosen by ship s authorities to solve the problem of ship s refloating.

7. I am always asked about my sea voyages.

8. Before the Master had time to think what to do the alarms were sounded by the officer-on-watch.

9. The third officer spent all his time in the cabin.


Задание 4. Раскройте скобки, употребив глаголы в Past Simple или Past Continuous.

1. Yesterday I (go) ashore to buy some gifts for my family.

2. On going ashore I (see) two crew members who (stand) at the port entrance and (talk).

3. I (come up) to them and (ask) them what they (talk) about.


Задание 5. Найдите в тексте “Catamaran grounding” английские эквиваленты.


официальное расследование, обычный маршрут, демонстрация спасательного оборудования, приказ об общей эвакуации, возмещение убытков пассажирам, кренящийся катамаран, плавающие предметы, ошибка в судовождении, район плавания, причина серьезного повреждения, судебные расходы; надувной спасательный плот; удариться о бревно. получить пробоину, удовлетворить претензию, определить размер компенсации, удариться о скалу, получить перелом, перенести сердечный приступ. подать сигнал тревоги, провести предварительное расследование.


Задание 6. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык

1. Причиной посадки судна на мель была ошибка судовождения.

2. Судно получило пробоину в корпусе с левого борта.

3. Говорят, судно следовало по сложному каналу.

4. Многие пассажиры получили серьезные повреждения при эвакуации.

5. Пассажирам пришлось прыгать в спасательные шлюпки с кренящегося судна.

6. Сигнал об эвакуации был подан 10 минут спустя после аварии.


Задание 7. Переведите диалог на русский язык.

Nick: There is a bad news. The passenger vessel has grounded near the west coast of England.

Mike: How did it happen?

Nick: They say, the ship was proceeding through a difficult channel and hitting some floating object.

Mike: Were there any casualties?

Nick: Unfortunately, there were some. Some passengers sustained serious injuries, one old man even suffered a heart attack.

Make: Oh, worst luck!

Задание 8. Переведите диалог на английский язык.

Mike: Привет, Ник. Где ты был все это время?

Nick: В море. Мы прибыли в порт только вчера.

Mike: Сколько длился ваш рейс?

Nick: 4 месяца. Мы вели промысел в Северо-восточной Атлантике.

Mike: О, я слышал, где-то в этом районе произошла авария судна.

Nick: Да, мы приняли его сигнал бедствия, но это было далеко от нашего района промысла. Люди пострадали?

Nick: Да, несколько пассажиров получили серьезные травмы. но сейчас ведется расследование и мало информации об этом.



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