VI. Find in the text and decide from the context what the word could mean, then choose the appropriate definition

a) family law makes it illegal for others to manufacture or use the invention without permission.

b) defamation is usually owned by the creator of the work- the writer, painter or musician- but like other property, it might be passed to someone else.

c) breach of contract — is a wrongdoing for which a private citizen (or company) is sued by another private person.

d) damages — is the aggrieved party that starts criminal proceedings.

e) copyright — money paid by one party of a legal action (usually civil) to compensate the other party for loss or injury.

f) tort — deals with the family as a special institution, marriage, the process of divorce, custody of and responsibility for children.

g) patent — is the tort of saying or writing something which is untrue and which harms another person's good name.

h) negligence — it is called so if one party fails to fulfil his obligations under the agreement.

i ) plaintiff — is a tort consisting of the breach of a duty of care resulting in damage to the plaintiff, carelessness.

I. Read the text to understand what information is of primary importance or new for you.

Criminal law

Criminal Law is the body of law that defines criminal offences, regulates the apprehension, charging, and trial of suspected persons, and fixes punishment for convicted offenders.

The offences that involve criminal law, a part of public law, are those against the state. Criminal law presupposes a rule of law in defining acts as criminal. In other words, however immoral or unjust an act may be thought to be, it is not a crime unless the law says it is one. Under the common law, custom and precedent define criminal action; in countries or states where a legal code exists, statute defines it. Criminal law usually prohibits the trial of a person a second time for the same offence (double jeopardy) and contains statutes of limitations — that is, limits for the period during which charges may be made.

A crime is usually defined as a voluntary act or omission, in conjunction with a given state of mind. Acts committed during fits of epilepsy or while sleepwalking are involuntary and thus do not qualify as crimes. Mental disorders are also widely recognized as limiting responsibility for acts otherwise regarded as criminal. Other factors entering into the determination of criminal intent are self-defence, defence of other persons, protection of property, and enforcement of the law. The law of most countries recognizes that the use of force, while not justifiable, may be excused if the defendant believed that the use of force was necessitated by special circumstances.

Criminal acts include arson, rape, treason, aggravated assault, theft, burglary, robbery, and murder. Other concerns of criminal law are conspiracy, a rather broad term that denotes agreement between two or more individuals to commit a crime, and attempt. The definition of attempt varies from one legal system to another, but essentially it is preparation for criminal action that has gone beyond a legally defined point.

Important differences exist between the criminal law of most English-speaking countries and that of other countries. The criminal law of England and the United States derives from the traditional English common law of crimes and has its origins in the judicial decisions embodied in reports of decided cases. England has consistently rejected all efforts toward comprehensive legislative codification of its criminal law; even now there is no statutory definition of murder in English law. Some Commonwealth countries, however, notably India, have enacted criminal codes that are based on the English common law of crimes.

The criminal law of the United States, derived from the English common law, has been adapted in some respects to American conditions. In the majority of the U.S. states the common law of crimes has been repealed by legislation. The effect of such statutes is that no person may be tried for any offence that is not specified in the statutory law of the state. But even in these states the common-law principles still exist, for the criminal statutes are often simply codifications of the common law, and their provisions are interpreted by reference to the common law.

InEurope the criminal law of modern times has emerged from various codifications. By far the most important were the two Napoleonic codes of 1808 and 1810. The German codes of 1871 (penal code) and 1877 (procedure) provided the models for other European countries.

In the last few decades the movement for codification and law reform has made considerable progress everywhere.

Modern criminal law has been affected considerably by the social sciences, especially with respect to sentencing, legal research, legislation, and rehabilitation.

II. Match the following English words and expressions with their Ukrainian equivalents:

1 codification of law а бездіяльність
2 double jeopardy b свідома дія
3 voluntary act с злочинний намір
4 omission d кодифікація права
5 sleepwalking e визначення, передбачене законом
6 mental disorders f лунатизм
7 criminal intent g заборона повторного переслідування з однієї і тієї ж справи
8 statutory definition h психічні захворювання

III. Give the definitions for the following legal terms:

a. Criminal law is...

b. Crime is...

с. Conspiracy is...

d. Attempt is...

IV. Answer the questions:

1. What are the two important elements of a crime which the prosecution must prove?

2. What is «double jeopardy»?

3. What differences exist between the criminal law of most English-speaking countries and that of other countries?

4. What criminal codes provided the model for many European countries?

5. What has modern criminal law been affected by?

I. Read the text, make a plan of annotation and annotate the text.

Labour Law

In general, the state has extensive authority over labour relation matters, including the labour market, unemployment, social insurance, labour safety, standard employment conditions and resolution of labour disputes. The state provides additional employment guarantees to women with children under the age of 6, single mothers with children who are disabled or under the age of 14, senior citizens of pre-retirement age and persons released from prison.

The Labour Code, which covers nearly all aspects of employee relations in Ukraine, governs employment agreements and contracts; working hours and time off; compensation and social benefits; discipline; employment of women and minors; resolution of employment disputes; liabilities of employees and employers.

The Labour Code provides that an employment contract is a special form of employment agreement that may be used only where permitted by law. While an employment contract may be entered into for a definite term or until a specific job is completed, an employment agreement, being the major legal basis of employment relationships, is usually concluded for an indefinite term.

Under the Labour Code, employment may be terminated by: agreement of the parties; expiration of the employment agreement; entry of the employee into military or alternative non-military service; the employee, the employer, or the trade union, if applicable.

An employee has the right to terminate his or her permanent employment agreement without reason upon two weeks notice.

The minimum wage is the lowest compensation allowed by law for simple, unskilled work. The minimum wage does not include any additional compensation payable to an employee. Overtime and holiday work must be compensated at a double rate.

Under the Constitution and the Labour Code, all Ukrainian citizens have equal employment and labour rights regardless of race, colour, political, religious or other beliefs, gender, national or social background, financial status, or language. The Labour Code and other laws also provide protection and special employment and labour rights for working women, minors, students, senior citizens and disabled individuals.

I. Read the text to understand what information is of primary importance or new for you.

Administrative law

Administrative law is a branch of law regulating the powers, procedures, and acts of public administration. It applies to the organization, powers, duties, and functions of public officials and public agencies of all kinds. Its development has been concurrent with the modern growth in the functions of government and in bureaucracy and with the parallel expanding need for legal safeguards over the agencies and officials of government.

Of the powers delegated to administrative authorities by modern regulatory statutes, four types may be mentioned: (1) the rulemaking power, or the power to issue general rules and regulations having the force of law for the purpose of filling up the details of statutory policy; (2) the licensing power, or the power to grant or refuse, to renew, and to revoke licenses or permits that may be required by statute for the pursuit of such professions as law and medicine and the conduct of certain forms of business; (3) the investigatory power, or the power to require witnesses to testify and produce books, papers, and records for the purpose of acquiring the information needed for effective regulation; and (4) the directing power, or the power to issue, usually after notice and an opportunity to be heard, administrative orders by which a private party is required, in conformity with the governing statute, to do or refrain from doing specified things.

Whatever the public-service and control functions of the administrative system may be, however, their performance depends upon the conduct of everyday auxiliary operations: the management of personnel, financing, planning, and so on. Accordingly, the law must also establish rules to authorize and govern these auxiliary and managerial operations and the relations that the administrative system is to bear, with respect to these operations, to other parts of the government.

In the broadest sense, the problem of administrative law is an aspect of the central problem of political theory: the reconciliation of authority and liberty. More specifically, the purposes of legal control of public administration are: (1) to establish administrative authorities and enable them to carry out public policies designed to protect the public interest and (2) to safeguard private interests against administrative arbitrariness or excess of power.

It is important to remember, however, that in the larger view each of these interests includes the other as a factor. The public interest includes the welfare of all members of the community, those who are regulated no less than those for whose protection regulation is undertaken. Accordingly, the public interest itself suffers if those who are regulated become victims of administrative oppression. Yet it is equally true that the private interest of those who are regulated includes in the long run the public interest. They may profit in the short run if the law renders ineffective those administrative efforts designed to prevent their exploitation of the public; but by the same token it may render ineffective their protection against forms of exploitation indulged in by others. The aim of administrative law is thus to attain a synthesis of public and private interests in terms of the social and economic circumstances and ideals of the age.

Administrative law has a valuable contribution to make as an instrument for controlling the bureaucracy. In social democratic regimes, political control and judicial control of administration are regarded as complementary but distinct. Political control is concerned with questions of policy and the responsibility of the executive for administration and expenditure. Judicial control is concerned with inquiring into particular cases of complaint. Administrative law does not include the control of policy by ministers or the head of state.

One of the principal objects of administrative law is to ensure efficient, economical, and just administration. A system of administrative law that impedes or frustrates administration would clearly be bad, and so, too, would be a system that results in injustice to the individual. But to judge whether administrative law helps or hinders effective administration or works in such a way as to deny justice to the individual involves an examination of the ends that public administration is supposed to serve, as well as the means that it employs.

In this connection only the broadest generalities can be attempted. It can be asserted that all states, irrespective of their economic and political system or of their stage of development, are seeking to achieve a high rate of economic growth and a higher average income per person. They are all pursuing the goals of modernization, urbanization, and industrialization. They are all trying to provide the major social services, especially education and public health, at as high a standard as possible. The level of popular expectation is much higher than in former ages. The government is expected not only to maintain order but also to achieve progress. There is a widespread belief that wise and well-directed government action can abolish poverty, prevent severe unemployment, raise the standard of living of the nation, and bring about rapid social development. People in all countries are far more aware than their forefathers were of the impact of government on their daily lives and of its potential for good and evil.

The growth in the functions of the state is to be found in the more-developed and in the less-developed countries; in both old and new states; in democratic, authoritarian, and totalitarian regimes. The movement is far from having reached its zenith. With each addition to the functions of the state, additional powers have been acquired by the administrative organs concerned, which may be central ministries, local, provincial, or regional governments, or special agencies created for a particular purpose.

II. Mark these statements T (true) or F (false) according to the text.

1. One of the problems of administrative law is an aspect of the central problem of political theory: the inconsistency of authority and liberty.

2. The licensing power, or the power to grant or refuse, to renew, and to revoke licenses or permits that may be required by statute for the pursuit of such professions as law and medicine and the conduct of certain forms of business.

3. Constitutional Law is a branch of law regulating the powers, procedures, and acts of public administration.

4. The purpose of administrative law is to attain a synthesis of public and private interests in terms of the social and economic circumstances.

5. An element of administrative law that impedes or frustrates administration would clearly be good, and so, too, would be a system that results in injustice to the individual.

I. Read the text to understand what information is of primary importance or new for you.

Employment law

Employment law is that part of law which deals with the legal problems arising from the employment relationship. The relationship between employer and employee is based on the contract of employment. However, with the development of trade unions, employers' organizations and, in particular, state intervention, the subject covers many aspects other than simply the contract of employment.

Traditionally it has been thought that employment law, perhaps more than any branch of law, exists largely to prevent the need for the parties to a dispute to resort to the tribunals or courts. Recent trends have meant increased confrontation in the employment sphere and parties in such disputes seem more willing to resort to legal redress in order to test the legal merits of their actions. The law, therefore, is becoming increasingly important in such areas. The use of practice and procedures, which are based on the legal framework, are obviously still important but so is the use of the legal remedy.

Particularly in the past twenty years, employment law has had a growing significance for managers — whether general managers or human resource practitioners. Potentially, it influences and may constrain action that managers want to take.

A manager advising on the handling of a dismissal, for example, is more likely to produce an effective and lawful outcome if s/he does not focus exclusively on the problem in hand (terminating the employment of an employee who has misbehaved). Remembering the purposes behind the legislation (to provide fair reasons, fair treatment and natural justice and consideration of all the circumstances) is important. Similarly, recognition of the business context and organisational needs is important.

Likewise, the development of corporate policies is more likely to be effective and well-informed if they are not seen, narrowly, as a series of conditions of employment to be applied mechanistically. For example, when parental leave policies are formulated, an understanding of the social trends against which they are developed is important (e.g. greater economic activity by women, longer working hours, difficulties of reconciling work and non-work life). Furthermore, the social purposes behind this legislation (to promote family-friendly policies and provide a better balance between work and non-work life) should be acknowledged to ensure that the corporate policies achieve the statutory objectives. A manager who understands these purposes is better able to defend and argue for policy developments with colleagues.

Broadly speaking, the employment relationship is regulated by voluntary and legal measures. Voluntary measures comprise agreements and other decisions. They also include voluntarily accepted standards of good practice. In practice, these do not exist as isolated sets of measures. They, invariably, interlink and influence each other.

These voluntary and legal mechanisms achieve two broad purposes.

First, at various points, they influence the function of management - i.e. the ways in which managers exercise power, control workforces and manage conflicts of interest. The influence on management can be illustrated in the following way. It is widely accepted that the employment relationship is characterised by an imbalance of power in favour of the employer. Both voluntary and legal regulation can restrain theunfettered exercise of this employer power. Furthermore, the law can establish both minimum conditions of employment and also set limits on the action an employer might take against employees.

The second purpose is to assert certain principles. On the one hand, there are those principles that influence the nature and quality of decisions that are made (for example, fairness, equal treatment, reasonableness, etc.). In addition are those principles, which mould the regulatory process itself — for example, the fundamental importance of consent to the contract of employment, and of procedural fairness in disciplinary cases.

PART III. Grammar Exercises

Дієслово to be


Exercise 1. Fill in the blanks with the proper form of the verb to be:

1. Ben... my friend. 2. He... a teacher. 3. I... in my room. 4.... Tommy and Billy babies?". "Yes, they... ". 5. We... students. 6. She... a teacher. 7.... you a student? 8. "... they doctors?". "No, they... not. They... students". 9. This... a cup. It... yellow. 10.The spoons... on the table. The table... in the room. 11.... those men friends?

Exercise 2. Translate into English:

1.Вона лікар? - Так. 2. Їй 17 років? - Ні. 3. Йому 14 чи 15? - Йому 14. 4. Цей м'яч маленький. 5. Вони зайняті, чи не так? 6. Його немає вдома. 7. Це важкий чи легкий текст? 8. Зараз 11 година. 9. Холодно. 10. Холодно? 11. Холодно, чи не так? 12. Мені холодно. 13. Холодно, чи жарко в залі? 14. В залі не жарко, чи не так?

Exercise 3. Fill in the blanks with the verb to be in the Past Indefinite Tense:

1. I... a student. 2. My father... not a teacher, he... a scientist. 3.... your aunt a doctor? - Yes, she.... 4.... they at home? - No, they... not at home, they... at work. 5. My brother... a worker. He... at work. 6.... you an engineer? -Yes, I.... 7.... your sister a typist?-No, she... not a typist, she... a student. 8.... your brother at school? - Yes, he.... 9.... your sister at school? -No, she...not at school. 10. My sister... at home. 11.... this your watch?- Yes, it.... 12. She... an actress. 13. This... my bag. 14. My uncle... an office-worker. 15. He... at work.

Exercise 4. Write positive or negative sentences. Use am/am not, is/isn't, are/aren't.

1. Paris... the capital of France. 2. I... interested in football. 3. I... hungry. 4. It... warm today. 5. Rome... in Spain. 6. I... afraid of dogs. 7. My hands... cold. 8. Canada... a very big country. 9. The Amazon... in Africa. 10. Diamonds... cheap. 11. Motor racing... a dangerous sport. 12. Cats... big animals.

Exercise 5. Translate into English:

1. Я студент. Я в Академії. 2. Мій брат не художник. Він артист. 3. Моя сестра на роботі. Вона лікар. 4. Він студент. 5. Ви студент? - Ні, я інженер. 6. Моя сестра дома. 7. Ми не в академії. Ми в кіно. 8. Мій брат студент. Він на лекції. 9. Ваша мама дома? - Ні, вона на роботі. 10. Ваш двоюрідний брат дома? - Ні, він в академії. 11. Ваша сестра вчителька? - Ні, вона студентка. 12. Твій тато на роботі? - Ні, він в саду. 13. Твоя сестра економіст? - Так. - Вона дома? - Ні, вона на роботі. 14. Мій дідусь учений. 15. Моя мама не вчителька. Вона лікар.

Exercise 6. Translate into English:

1.Чия це ручка? - Це моя ручка. 2. Чия це книга? - Це ваша книга. 3. Чий це стіл? - Це стіл мого брата. 4. Чия це сумка? - Це сумка моєї мами. 5. Чий це олівець? - Це олівець моєї сестри. 6. Це твій зошит? - Так. 7. Це зошит твого брата? - Ні, це мій зошит. 8. Де ваш стіл? - Він посередині кімнати. 9. Де твоя ручка? - Вона в моїй кишені. 10. Де твій зошит? - Він на столі. 11. Де твоя мама? - Вона на роботі. 12. Де твій брат? - Він у театрі. 13. Де твоя сестра? - Вона в магазині. 14. Чий це олівець? - Це мій олівець

Exercise 7. Translate into English using the verb to be in the Present Indefinite or the Past Indefinite Tense.

1.Я студент. 2. Він курсант. 3. Вона лікар. 4. Ми студенти. 5. Ви робітники. 6. Ти робітник. 7. Вони першокурсники. 8. Я дома. 9. Він у парку. 10. Вона в кіно?11. Ми в парку. 12. Вони в театрі? 13. Вона хвора? 14. Він старий. 15. Вона старанна. 16. Вони сильні. 17. Вона хвора. 18. Ви дуже зайняті? 19. Він спортсмен? 20. Я випускник Академії. 21. Я був на концерті учора. 22. Вона не була в театрі. 23. Ми були в кіно. 24. Вони не були в кіно.25. Вони не в бібліотеці. 26. Вони дома. 27. Ви були в парку вчора? 28. Він був у театрі вчора? 29. Він був робітником. 30. Вона була вчителькою.

Exercise 8. Translate into English:

1. Мій брат зараз у театрі. 2. Мій брат був вчора в кіно. 3. Мій брат буде завтра дома. 4. Ти будеш дома завтра? 5. Вона була вчора в парку? 6. Він зараз у театрі? 7. Де тато? 8. Де ви були вчора? 9. Де він буде завтра? 10. Мої книги були на столі. Де вони зараз?11. Моя мама вчора не була на роботі. Вона була дома.12. Мій друг не в парку. Він у бібліотеці. 13. Ми не були на півдні минулого літа. Ми були в Москві. 15. Завтра мій дідусь буде в селі. 16. Коли твоя сестра буде дома? 17. Ти будеш юристом? - Ні, я буду економістом. 18. Моя сестра була студенткою торік, а зараз вона лікар. - Ти теж будеш лікарем? - Ні, я не буду лікарем. Я буду інженером.

Exercise 9. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian.

1. Petrov and Ivanov are at the conference in Kyiv. 2. Are Petrov and Ivanov at the conference in Kyiv? 3. Petrov and Ivanov are not at the conference in Kyiv, they are in Dnipropetrovsk. 4. My aim is to master English. 5. Where is Bill? - He is in the library.

Exercise 10.

II. A. Transform the sentences into the Past Indefinite Tense.

Model: Our teacher is at the conference in Kyiv (last month). - Our teacher was at the conference in Kyiv last month.

1. The students are in the reading hall (before the lessons) 2. I am glad to meet my friend (yesterday) 3. He is eighteen (in 1990) 4. My friend is preparing to enter the Academy. (last year) 5. I am going to the Crimea (when I met my old friend) 6. Such problems are discussed at our meeting (yesterday) 7. The train is to arrive at 10 (but it was late).

III. B. Transform the sentences into the Future Indefinite Tense:

Model: My parents are in Lviv now (in summer).

- My parents will be in Lviv in summer.

1. My friend is a doctor (in 5 years) 2. They are in Kyiv (during winter vacation) 3. On Monday our first lesson is English (next Monday) 4. She is working at the library now (at 5 o'clock) 5. The book is translated into English (soon). 6. The lesson is over (in 5 minutes).

Exercise 11. Make the sentences interrogative

Model: The students are at the English lesson now.

- Are the students at the English lesson now?

1. My father is an engineer. 2. Pete is waiting for you. 3. This book is translated by a group of our teachers. 4. I was to stay there till 5 o'clock. 5. Our students were in London last year. 6. Our educational establishment was founded in 1921. 7. We shall be in London in summer.

Exercise 12. Ask questions according to the model.

Model: His family is in Kharkiv. (Where?) Where is his family?

1. My friend's dream is to enter the Academy. (What?) 2. He is going to the cinema now. (Where?) 3.I am to take my exams in June. (What?) 4. He was preparing for the exams yesterday. (Who?) 5. He was ill, he didn't go to the classes (Who?) 6. The lesson will be over in 5 minutes. (When?) 7. I shall be eighteen in a year. (How old?)

Exercise 13. Answer the questions.

1. Where is the student’s¢ hostel? 2. Is it far from the Institute? 3. How old is your friend? 4. Is he a student? 5. Was the lesson interesting? 6. Is your group preparing for the winter session? 7. Are you reading or writing now? 8. Were the students of your group invited to the conference? 9. Are you to finish this work by Monday? 10. Were you to meet your friends at the station? 11. Were there any mistakes in your grammar test? 12. What is there on your desk? 13. Will there be any new guests at your birthday party?

Exercise 14. Make the sentences negative.

1. I shall be at home tonight. 2. My friend will be a lawyer in two years. 3. My parents are teachers at the Academy. 4. At two o'clock our family is having dinner. 5. The decision will be passed on Monday. 6. He is working in the library now. 7. They are to meet at 5. 8. There is a TV set in this room. 9. There were many new words in the dictation. 10. There will be a stadium near our school.

Exercise 15. Read and translate the sentences with the verb to be.

1. Our work will be completed next week. 2. He is to deliver a lecture on International Law. 3. Hard work is a guarantee of success. 4. The students of group No. 4 are having a seminar now. 5. The train was to come at 5, but it was late. 6. A foreign delegation was to visit the exhibition. 7. He is not at home now. 8. Which party is in power now in Great Britain? 9. My aim is to master two foreign languages. 10. The report was interesting.

Exercise 16. Write full sentences. Use am/is/are each time

Model: (my shoes very dirty)….. My shoes are very dirty..................

1. (my bed very comfortable)…………………...................….

2. (your spectacles in your bag)……………………………..…

3. (I not very happy today)…………………………………….

4. (this restaurant very expensive)………………………….….

5. (the shops not open today)……………………………….….

6. (Mr. Kelly's daughter six years old)………………………....

7. (the houses in this street very old)……………………………

8. (the examination not difficult)……………………………….

9. (those flowers very beautiful)………………………………..

Зворот there is (are, was, were, will be)

Exercise 17. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian.

1. There is a garden near the house. 2. There are many newspapers on the desk. 3. There is some chalk in the box. 4. Is there anybody in the corridor? 5. There are no mistakes in your test. 6. There aren't many mistakes in your test. 7. There was a concert at the Academy last Sunday. 8. Will there be a concert next Sunday? 9. There won't be many exams in winter. 10. There is much information. 11. There is a point of view that... 12. There are many problems to solve.

Exercise 18. Translate into English.

1.Усі студенти на лекції. 2. Мій друг - першокурсник. 3. Моя мрія-вивчити англійську мову. 4. Мій друг готується вступати до університету. 5. Декан буде о другій годині.6. Наша задача - оволодіти іноземною мовою протягом року. 7. У вашому місті є університет? 8. У цьому районі буде кінотеатр, кафе і декілька шкіл у наступному році.

Exercise 19. Make the sentences interrogative.

Model: There is a picture on the wall.

- Is there a picture on the wall?

1. There is a lift in the house. 2. There are a lot of bookshelves in this study. 3. There is some bread on the plate. 4, There are a few cups on the table. 5. There is much furniture in the hall. 6. There was a nice picture on the wall. 7. There were many seminars last week. 8. There will be a lot of people at the conference. 9. There will be a telephone in my flat.

Exercise 20. Make the sentences negative.

1. There is a pen in my hand. 2. There is some ink in the pen. 3. There is some bread at home. 4. There were old buildings in the city. 5. There will be a lot of fruit in our garden. 6. There will be a seminar next week. 7. There is some sugar in my coffee. 8. There will be a new stadium in a year.

Exercise 21. Make the sentences interrogative and negative

1. There's a blackboard in our classroom. 2. There are some English books on the table.3. There were very many mistakes in your dictation. 4. There's a new grammar rule in Lesson Four. 5. There was a telegram on the table.6. There was too little ink in my pen to write two letters.

Exercise 22. Choose the right form of the verb to be from the brackets

1. There (is, are) a large table in my room. 2. There (is, are) three windows in my classroom. 3. There (is, are) a table and four chairs in my sister's room. 4. There (is, are) a blackboard, four tables and five chairs in our classroom. 5. There (is, are) a text-book and two exercise-books on my table. 6. There (wasn't, weren't) a school here in 1920. 7. There (was, were) very many children in the park yesterday.

Exercise 23. Answer the questions:

1. What is there on the table?

2. How many books are there on the table?

3. What kind of books are there on the table?

4. Is there a blackboard in your classroom?

5. Are there many tables in your classroom?

6. How many tables are there in your classroom?

7. Are there many chairs in this room?

8. How many chairs are there in this room?

9. What is there in your classroom?

10. How many mistakes were there in your last dictation?

11. Were there many children in the theatre yesterday?

12. Was there an institute in your home town ten years ago?

13. How many institutes are there in your home town now?

14. How many theatres are there in Kyiv?

15. How many cinemas are there in the centre of Kyiv?

16. How many pages are there in this book?

Exercise 24. Put the questions to the words given in bold type:

I. There's a nice park in our city. (1)2. There are five chairs in the room. (1)3. There are some English text-books on my table. (2) 4. There are a lot of mistakes in your exercise-book. (1)5. There were three mistakes in my dictation. (2) 6. There's a new cinema near my house. (1)7 Mary teaches her children to play the piano. (2)

Exercise 25. Translate the sentences:

1. У нашому місті багато шкіл і п'ять інститутів. 2. Торік у нашій групі було двадцять студентів, а зараз тільки п'ятнадцять. 3. На тому столі багато журналів? — Ні, тільки два. 4. У цій кімнаті два вікна. 5. Які книги на тому столі? - На ньому російські й англійські книги.6.У нас на заводі багато інженерів. 7. На цьому столі нема (ніяких) зошитів.8. П'ять років тому біля нашого будинку не було школи, а тепер тут велика нова школа.

Exercise 26. Answer the following questions:

1. How many days are there in January? 2. How many minutes are there in an hour? 3. How many rooms are there in your flat? 4. How many students are there in your group? 5. How much money is there in the box? 6. How much water is there in the kettle? 7. What is there on the table? 8. In whose room are there two windows? 9. Will there be many people in the park on Sunday?

Exercise 27. Form questions to the words given in bold type.

1. There is a big park in the centre of the city. 2. There are two armchairs in the room. 3. There are twelve months in a year. 4. There was a school near my house before the war. 5. There were 50 hrivnas in his bag. 6. There will be no wars in future. 7. There will be a party tomorrow.

Exercise 28. Make up sentences of your own using the construction there is / are.

1. traffic lights, at every corner, of the street.

2. a few English books, in our library.

3. a lot of parks and gardens, there.

4. time, to visit the museum, no.

5. some years ago, only, a few new houses, in our street.

6. time, to do this work, tomorrow?

7. an institute, in your town, five years ago?

8. in three years, a theatre, near my house?

Exercise 29. Translate the sentences into English using the construction there is/are.

1. У нашому місті багато шкіл та інститутів. 2. На столі багато журналів і газет? - Ні, на столі мало журналів і газет. 3. У нашій групі було 14 студентів торік. 4. У Києві багато вокзалів? 5. Десять років тому недалеко від нашого будинку не було школи. 6. У цьому місті багато історичних пам'ятників. 7. Чи є хтось у кімнаті? - Там нікого немає. 8. За кілька хвилин буде фільм. 9. Ви можете йти додому. Сьогодні не буде більше занять

Зворот to be going to + V

Exercise 30. Read the sentences. Point out the cases when the structure to be going to indicates future time reference. Translate them.

1. We're going to have a picnic lunch on Strawberry Island. 2. This evening I'm staying at the Rand's for dinner. 3. I'm going to ask you a question, and I want an honest answer. 4. I'm going to buy a clock. 5. I've got the most wonderful news for you. Jane is going to be married. 6. We are going to Italy for our honeymoon. 7. May I ask you why you're going to marry this young man? 8. I couldn't know he was going to travel, could I? 9. Mr. Vole, I am going to ask you a very serious question. 10. I'm going to buy a car.11. When are you going to tell me about it?

Exercise 31. Paraphrase the following sentences as in the model.

Model: I shall buy a car.

—I am going to buy a car.

1. Ann will spend the summer holidays in the country. 2. The students will visit the Art gallery. 3. We'll learn Spanish next year. 4. She will take a taxi. 5. The students will decorate the hall. 6. I'll take part in the sports competition. 7. I'll think about it. 8. He will show her the house and the garden. 9. I shall talk French four days a week and Russian in the remaining three. 10. We'll talk about this some other time.

Exercise 32. Answer the following questions:

1. What are you going to do this evening? 2. What are you going to do on Sunday? 3. What are you going to do next summer? 4. What were you going to do after you finish school? 5. How are you going to spend your winter holidays? 6. At what time are you going to have dinner today? 7. Mary is entering the library. What is she going to do?

Exercise 33. Answer the following questions:

1. Are you going to have your English this evening?

2. When are you going to have your English?

3. What are you going to do in the evening?

4. When are you going to do your exercises?

5. When are you going to read this book?

6. When are you going to speak to your friend?

7. When's your friend coming to Kyiv?

Exercise 34. Translate into English:

1. Я збираюся вивчати французьку мову. 2. Коли ви поговорите з вашим викладачем? 3. Що ви будете робити увечері? 4. Я зроблю ці граматичні вправи. 5. Ми не будемо писати диктант, ми будемо читати новий текст.

Exercise 35. Put questions to every word in the sentence.

Victor is going to make a report at the meeting tomorrow (5).

Exercise 36. Translate into English

1. Я збираюся запросити її на день народження (birthday party). 2. Ви збираєтеся поступати в цей інститут? 3. Що ви збираєтеся купувати? 4. Де вони збираються відпочивати влітку? 5. Коли ви збираєтеся поговорити з ним? 6. Як вона збирається готуватися по цьому предмету? 7. Який подарунок ви збираєтеся їй зробити? 8. Я не збираюся залишатися на дискотеку.

Exercise 37. Make up the sentences using the models:

Model 1. I am (not) going to do it

(женитися на цій дівчині, говорить:, йому про це, відзначати свій день народження, запросити їх у кіно, жартувати про це)

Model 2. I am eager to do it.

(вивчати англійську мову, подивитися цей фільм, послухати цю оперу (opera), зробити їй подарунок, потанцювати).


Model 3. I am afraid (that) he is busy now.

(що ви неправі, що вони ще не приїхали, що не зможу вам допомогти, що ваш годинник несправний).


Model 4. I enjoyed this film.

(я одержав задоволення від цієї книги, вечірки, його жарту, цих танців, вчорашнього матчу, вашої розповіді).

Дієслово to have

Exercise 38. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian.

1. In our country all people have the right to education. 2. He has much work to do. 3. We have not much time to get to the station. 4. I have got many books on this question. 5. The participants of the conference have just discussed this problem. 6. Have you any books on history? 7. Did you have a good rest on Sunday? 8. The teacher had to explain this grammar rule again. 9. He had his watch repaired.

Exercise 39. Transform the sentences into the Past.

Model: We have an English lesson today, (yesterday)

- We had an English lesson yesterday.

1. They have a meeting today, (yesterday) 2. He has a lot of free time, (last week) 3. The students of our group have a scientific conference today, (yesterday) 4. We usually have our dinner in the canteen, (last year) 5. We have a dictation in English today, (two days ago) 6. They have to start this experiment now. (yesterday)

Exercise 40. Transform the sentences into the Future.

Model: I have much work to do. (next week)

- I shall have much work to do next week.

1. We have a good rest every Sunday, (next Sunday) 2.I have just finished my work, (by 5 o'clock) 3. We have plenty of fruit in our garden, (in autumn) 4. The students have a lecture in philosophy, (tomorrow) 5. We have to do this research today, (in a day) 6. The teacher has to explain this grammar rule again, (at the next lesson).

Exercise 41. Make the sentences negative.

Model A: I have many books at home.

- I haven't any books at home. - I have no books at home.

1. He has many friends in Kyiv. 2. She has three new dresses. 3. We have a lot of fruit in the refrigerator. 4. He has the right to do it.


Model B: I have got a brother.

- I haven 't got a brother.

1. He has got a car. 2. My friend has got a new fiat. 3. The pupil has got a dictionary. 4. They have got two sons.

Exercise 42. Make the sentences interrogative.

Model A: They have (got) a good library.

Have they (got) a good library?

1. We have many good friends abroad. 2. They have (got) a car. 3. She has many relatives. 4. Steve has many English books.

Model В: They have (had) to start at 5.

- Do (did) they have to start at 5?

1. I have to prepare for the lessons in the library. 2. Father had to agree. 3. She had to stay there for some more days. 4. She had to learn this rule.


Model C: They have (had) dinner at 3 о 'clock. (When?)

- When do (did) they have dinner?

1. They had a lecture yesterday. (When?) 2. We have an English lesson today. (What?) 3.1 usually have supper at home. (Where?) 4. The students have much work to do. (Who?)

Exercise 43. Answer the following questions.

1. Has Great Britain a lot of industrial cities? 2. Have you got any books by foreign writers? 3. Do you always have light supper? 4. Have you a great influence on your friends? 5. Where do you have dinner after classes? 6. Do you have to rewrite this exercise? 7. Did you have to learn the poem for today?

Exercise 44. Make the sentences negative.

1. He has many books on history in his library. 2. He had learnt to speakEnglish by the end of the year. 3. He has a lot of relatives in Kiev. 4.I often have a headache in the evening. 5. We have received some letters from you of late. 6.I shall have much work to do next week.

Exercise 45. Make the sentences interrogative.

1. We have some questions to ask you. 2. We have just discussed this problem. 3. Father has got a lot of technical books in his study. 4. Our students have dinner in the canteen. 5. He had finished reading the book by last Sunday. 6. The students have to work hard. 7. He has to finish his experiment in 2 hours. 8. You will have to stay here for 10 days.

Exercise 46. Read and translate the sentences with the verb to have.

1. I'm awfully hungry. I didn't have any dinner. 2. They haven't paid for the tickets yet. 3. I have to complete this work today, because I shall have no time for it tomorrow. 4. She had to look up the words in the dictionary. 5. I haven't seen you for ages. Where have you been? 6. The delegation has already arrived. 7. She has no relatives in Kyiv. 8. You have no right to do it.

Exercise 47. Translate into English.

1. Я маю багато друзів серед студентів Академії. 2. У моєї сестри багато вільного часу. 3. У нього є цікава колекція марок. 4. Йому доводиться зустрічати свою молодшу сестру після школи. 5. Ми змушені були перервати нашу роботу. 6. Ти коли-небудь чув щось подібне? 7. Деякі країни досягли великих успіхів у розвитку економіки.

Зворот have / has got

Exercise 48. Make the sentences interrogative or negative

а) 1. Mary has got a family. 2. Jane has got a lot of children. 3. I've got a sister. 4. My children have got a lot of friends.

b) 1. They have their English in the morning. 2. They had a dictation yesterday. 3. He's having dinner now.

c) 1. I often have a lot of work to do. 2. I've got a lot of work to do today. 3. She had a lot of work to do last week.

Exercise 49. Make up sentences using models:

Model 1: I’ve got a family.- I haven’t got a family.

- Have you got a family?

a son, a sister, a friend, a wife, a mother, a father, skates, an English (German, French) magazine, a text-book, a question.


Model 2: I have (had) dinner at two.

- Do (did) you have dinner at two?

- I don't (didn't) have dinner at two. - Is he having dinner now?

to have breakfast (supper), a dictation, a test, classes, one's English (German, French)


Model 3: I’ve got (haven’t got) a cold now.

- I often have (don’t often have) colds.

time, work, a cold, colds

Exercise 50. Answer the questions:

a) 1. Have you got a family?

2. How many children have you got?

3. Have you got a son?

4. Which of your friends hasn't got a family?

5. Which of you has got a sister?

b) 1. How often do you have English classes (dictations, tests)?

2. Did you have classes (a test, a dictation) last week?

3. When are you having a dictation (a test, your English)?

c) I. Which days do you have much work to do?

2. Have you got much work to do now?

3. When do you usually have time to go to the cinema?

4. Have you got time to go to the theatre tonight?

5. Do your brothers often have colds?

6. Has your sister got a cold now?

Exercise 51. Translate into English

а) 1. У мене є цікава книга про Шекспіра. 2. У сестри мого друга двоє маленьких цуценят. 3. У вашого друга велика чи маленька родина? 4. Скільки братів у вашого друга? 5. У мого брата багато російських книг, але в нього немає англійських книг. 6. У кого є питання? — У мене є одне питання.

б) 1. О котрій годині ви звичайно снідаєте? 2. Сьогодні ми дуже рано снідали. 3. Ви сьогодні пізно обідали? 4. Де ви обідали вчора? — Вчора я обідав дома.

в) I. Сьогодні в мене, на жаль, немає часу обговорювати це питання з вами. 2. У вас увечері досить часу, щоб приготувати домашнє завдання з англійської мови? 3. У вас учора було багато роботи? 4. Дайте мені, будь ласка, журнал, у мене зараз є час, щоб прочитати цю статтю.

Exercise 52. Insert in each blank the form of pronouns which you consider correct (I-me; we-us; you-you; he-him; she-her; it-it; they-them)

1. It was... who helped me most.

2. They invited you and... to the party.

3. Very few could do it faster than....

4. This book was intended for you and....

5. My friend,... are mistaken.

6. They came to see....

7. She told... about her life.

8. When we make mistakes, our teacher corrects....

9. It takes... only 10 minutes to go home.

Exercise 53. Fill in the blanks with proper possessive pronouns.

1. She has come to see... mother.

2. Put on... coat and go for a walk.

3. Tell him not to forget... note-book.

4. If they inquire about me, tell... that I am well.

5. Economics, like any other social science, has... own vocabulary.

6. Students work hard to perfect... language.

7. She has no children of... own.

8. A friend of... told me this.

9. The dog broke... leg.

Exercise 54. Translate into English using personal and possessive pronouns in the appropriate form.

1. Дай мені на хвилинку свій словник. 2. Скажи це йому, а не мені. 3. Де вона? Я II не бачу. 4. Що з нею? Вона хвора. 5. Їй сьогодні краще. Скажи про це лікарю. 6. Я прочитав його статтю минулого тижня. 7. Я не бачив його вчора. 8. Ми запитали його: "Як ваше прізвище?". 9. Погода була хороша, і діти попросили свою сестру повести їх в парк. 10. Я візьму ці журнали і прочитаю Iх вдома.

Exercise 55. Fill in the blanks with some or any.

1. Do you know... of these girls? 2. There are... foreign visitors in the park. 3.... of my friends live in this house. 4. We haven't... time. 5. Do you like... of these animals? Yes, I like... of them. 6. Give me... water. 7. There are... cups on the table, but these aren't... glasses. 8. I have... questions to ask. 9. There isn't... tea in the tea-pot. 10. Please add... more tea in my cup.

Exercise 56. Translate into Ukrainian:

1. He says nothing. 2. He does not say anything. 3. No man can do this. 4. Nobody can do this. 5.1 do nothing in the evening. 6. Do you go anywhere? 7. I do not know anybody in this city. 8. I know nobody in this city. 9. He sees nothing on the hill. 10. He does not see anything on the hill.

Exercise 57. Choose the proper word:

1. It gives me... pleasure to see you again, (much, many)

2. How... English lessons have you a week? (much, many)

3. He can read English.... (a little, a few)

4. Let him think....(few, little)

5. There is... (few, little) hope to get the railway station in time.

6. Did you have... difficulties in translating this article? (much, many)

7. There was... snow last winter, (much, many)

8. The students work... during examination session, (much, many)

Exercise 58. Use "many" and "much" instead of expressions such as lots of..., a lot of..., a great deal of..., plenty of...

1. There were lots of interesting books in the book-case. 2. I have a lot of work today. 3. There was a lot of water in rivers last spring. 4. My friend gets a great deal of enjoyment from a home computer. 5. We spent plenty of time on our translation. 6. Lots of trees were damaged by the storm. 7. He picked up a great deal of information during the afternoon.

Exercise 59. Form the degrees of comparison of the following adjectives.

Old, bad, cold, yellow, loud, clean, large, comfortable, practical, modern, good, small, careful, interesting, difficult, weak, important, easy, fat, low.

Exercise 60. Put the adjectives in brackets into the required degrees of comparison.

1. The twenty second of December is the (short) day of the year. 2. His plan is (practical) than yours. 3. You are much (well) today. 4. I have (little) experience than you. 5. Oleg is the (good) my friend. 6. This book is (interesting) than the last one I read. 7. Why do you take the (far) way home? 8. London is the (large) city in England. 9. There is (much) snow today. 10. This student speaks English (good) than you.

Exercise 61. Compare the objects according to the given example.

Example: A lemon - an apple (sour).

A lemon is sourer than an apple.

An apple is not so sour as a lemon.

1. The Black Sea - the White Sea (warm). 2. Oil - water (light). 3. Butter - caviar (cheap). 4. Stone - wood (heavy). 5. Carrots -cucumbers (useful). 6. China - Japan (large). 7. Meat - vegetables (expensive). 8. Japanese - Spanish (difficult). 9. The Indian Ocean - The Arctic Ocean (warm).

Exercise 62. Write the sentences of your own with the most frequency used comparisons.


as easy as: The teacher says that to learn to swim is as easy as ABC.

as hungry as: He comes from school as hungry as hunter.

as white as snow, as hot as fire, as clear as day, as green as grass, as cold as ice.

Exercise 63. Memorize these proverbs with comparison and find Ukrainian equivalents.

1. The devil is not so black as he is.

2. East or west home is the best.

3. Better a glorious death than a shameful life.

4. Better late than never.

5. Four eyes see more than two.

Exercise 64. Fill in the blanks with “every" and “each". Remember that "each" may be the subject, an object, or an attribute while "every" may only be an attribute.

1. The bridge had a tower at... end. 2. My friend goes to the institute... morning. 3.... wants to become happy. 4.... of you must prepare a home-reading. 5. Our professor shook hands with... student. 6.... has a bicycle in this town. 7.... student has to attend lectures.

Часи групи Continuous

The Present Continuous Tense

Exercise 65. Make up five sentences from each table.

I am (not) cleaning the room.
He is   playing hockey.
She are   having breakfast.
We     reading a newspaper.
You     cooking dinner.
They     listening to the radio.


What is I doing?
Who(m) are he reading?
  am she speaking about?
    we waiting for?
    you listening to?
    they playing with?


Is I watering flowers?
Are he watching television?
Am she drinking tea?
    writing on the blackboard?
  you washing up dishes?
  they having dinner?

Exercise 66. Make the following interrogative and negative.

1. The teacher is explaining a grammar rule. 2. The woman is playing with a child. 3. The boys are skating. 4. I am waiting for them. 5. The children are having supper. 6. It is raining. 7. I am cleaning the blackboard. 8. My sister Chris and David are getting married today. 9. I'm always thinking about her there days. 10. Ingrid and Dorothy are giggling and whispering together.

Exercise 67. Complete the sentences. Use am/are/is + one of these verbs: building, coming, having, playing, cooking, standing, swimming

1. Listen! Pat... the piano. 2. They... a new hotel in the city centre at the moment. 3. Look! Somebody... in the river. 4. "You... on my foot". "Oh, I'm sorry". 5. Hurry up! The bus... 6. "Where are you, George?". "In the kitchen. I... a meal". 7. {on the telephone) "Hello. Can I speak to Ann, please?". "She... a shower at the moment. Can you phone again later?".

Exercise 68. Do as you are told and say what you are doing.

Model: Clean the blackboard.

— I am cleaning the blackboard.

1. Go to the door. 2. Stand at the blackboard. 3. Write a sentence on the blackboard. 4. Hold the duster in your left hand. 5. Sit at your desk. 6. Put your books into your bag. 7. Take your notebooks out of your bags. 8. Count the words in the text. 9. Draw a house. 10. Carry your friend's bag.

Exercise 69. Do as you are told and answer the questions: What are you doing at the moment? or What is he (she) doing now?

1. Please take your book. 2. Please open it. 3. Please read Test Seven. 4. Please close the book now. 5. Please give it to your friend 6.Please put the exercise-book on the table. 7. Please take it off the table. 8. Please go to the blackboard. 9. Please look at the blackboard. 10. Please read the word 'colour'. 11. Please go to your table now. 12. Please sit down.

Exercise 70. Ask questions as you are told.

Ask me:

1. if I am going to school; 2. whether I am preparing for the concert; 3. if my sister is working at a factory; 4. if the wind is blowing; 5. what I am thinking about; 6. whom I am waiting for: 7. what I am going to do: 8. where I am standing; 9. if I am going to the theatre; 10. if I often go to the theatre; 11. if I am speaking German; 12. if I speak German; 13. if it is raining; 14. if it often rains in autumn; 15. where I am going; 16. where I go in the morning.


Ask your groupmate:

1. if he is having supper; 2. whether he is doing his homework; 3. whether his friends are playing volley-ball; 4. what he is writing; 5. what he is listening to; 6. if he is skating; 7. if he skates well; 8. what he is doing; 9. what he does in the morning; 10. what languages he studies.

Exercise 71. Put questions to the italicized words.

1. The children are planting trees. 2. They are working in the garden. 3. The girl is trying on a dress. 4. Nick is talking with his friends. 5. The students are reading. 6. The man is sitting in the armchair. 7. The girl is drawing. 8. The woman is wearing a bluedress. 9. Peter's brother is riding a bicycle. 10. They are talking about the film. 11. He is speaking over the telephone. 12. The boy is running fast because it is raining.

Exercise 72. Translate into English.

І. Що ви робите? - Ми готуємося до концерту. 2. Куди ти йдеш? - Я йду в бібліотеку. 3. Де Микола? - Він у читальному залі. Він там виконує домашні завдання. Микола часто виконує домашні завдання в читальному залі. 4. Що зараз робить Петро? - Він ремонтує свій радіоприймач. 5. Олена вдома? - Ні, II немає вдома. У неї зараз урок музики. 6. Хто зараз у спортзалі? - Там тренуються студенти нашої групи.7. Не шуміть. Коваленко говорить по телефону. 8. Не заходьте до тієї кімнати. Там студенти нашої групи складають екзамен з математики. 9. Дощ іде? – Ні дощу немає, але дме сильний вітер. 10. Ми вирушаємо завтра вранці. 11. Його син збирається стати економістом. 13. Що ви збираєтеся робити? 14. Я зараз поясню їм це правило.

Exercise 73. Read the story. Then, write questions about the story

Break time

It's break time. Break time is from 8:00 to 8:15 every night. Some students are in the cafeteria. Kim is calling her son, Jason. He's home alone tonight. She's asking him, "Is everything all right?" Michael and David are sitting at the table and talking about baseball, their favourite sport.

Some students are in the ladies' room. Olga is washing her hands. Ellen and Susan are combing their hair. Ellen is saying to Susan, "Your new hair style is beautiful".

Some students are in the classroom. Teresa and Patty are doing their homework together.

Teresa is helping Patty with some new work. Mary and Ann are sitting and talking. Mary is putting on her lipstick, and Ann is filing her nails. Her nails are very long. Every night they are different colour. Ali and Harry are standing at the desk. Ali is sharpening his pencil. Harry is trying to fix his tape recorder. It isn't working. Ali is saying, "Maybe the batteries are dead".

The Future Continuous Tense

Exercise 74. Make up five sentences from each table.

I will (not) be packing at this time on Friday.
He shall     having dinner when you come.
She       doing some shopping at five o'clock.
We       taking a bath at that time.
You       making a report  
They       flying to Rome  


Shall I driving a car at this time tomorrow.
Will he answering letters at seven o'clock.
  she having a music lesson  
  we discussing the plan  
  you taking a walk  
  they training  

Exercise 75. Make the following interrogative and negative.

1. John will be coming soon. 2. We shall be flying to Kherson at this time tomorrow. 3. You will be meeting him every day. 4. We shall be packing our things when you come. 5. He'll be going to school soon.6. Jack will be looking for you all afternoon. 7. Mother will be cooking all day tomorrow. 8. We'll be walking among the New York skyscrapers this time tomorrow. 9. He'll be waiting for you. 10. They will be sending you invitations to dinner all summer.11. We shall be waiting for you at the cinema the whole day long. 12. He will be writing a text at 10 o'clock. 13. It will be raining all day. 14. He will be delivering a lecture from 5 to 6. 15. The students will be working in the laboratory at 12. 16. I shall be teaching her to skate from 6 to 7. 17. We shall be passing our examination tomorrow at 12.

Exercise 76. Turn the following into the Future Continuous.

1. They were having dinner at three. 3. I am doing my morning exercises. 3. The children will ski in the afternoon. 4. The girl was reciting a poem. 5. I shall wait for you at the metro station. 6. The boys will play hockey. 7. The students will discuss it on Friday.

Exercise 77. Answer the following questions.

1. What will you be doing at four o'clock tomorrow? 2. What will you be doing at this time tomorrow? 3. What will you be doing at this time on Sunday? 4. What will your mother be doing at this time on Sunday? 5. Suppose I come to your place at nine this evening. What will you be doing? 6. Will you be learning German next year?

Exercise 78. Use the Future Continuous instead of the infinitive in brackets.

1. You (to do) your homework at 5 o'clock. 2. Where the man (to sit) at that time? 3. What he (to do)? 4. The sun (to shine) at noon. 5. We (to translate) this text from 5 to 6. 6. What you (to do) tomorrow at 6? 7. We (to play) tennis the whole morning tomorrow.

Exercise 79. Translate the following.

1. Коли ви прийдете до мене, я буду працювати в лабораторії. 2. Я буду відпочивати в цей час. 3. Він гратиме в шахи з 8 до 9. 4. Ми будемо чекати на вас весь вечір. 5. У неділю о п'ятій годині я допоможу вам.

Exercise 80. Use the Past Continuous or the Future Continuous instead of the Infinitives in brackets.

1. When I got back they (to have) supper. 2. When І get back t

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