Describe the basic principles of the Declaration on low-waste and non-waste technology and the use of waste

In November 1979, a "Declaration on Low-Waste Technology and Wasteless Technology and Waste Management" was adopted at a meeting on environmental protection within the United Nations (UN) in Geneva. In accordance with the Declaration under wasteless technology is understood such a principle of functioning of industry and agriculture of the region, industry, as well as individual industries, in which all components of raw materials and energy in a cycle are rationally used and ecological balance is not disturbed.

By low-waste means such production, the harmful effects of which do not exceed the level allowed by sanitary norms, but for technical, economic, organizational or other reasons, part of raw materials and materials goes into waste and sent to long-term storage. Of course, the concept of non-waste technology is to some extent conditional. By non-waste technology is understood the theoretical limit, the ideal model of production, which in most cases can not be realized in full, but only partially (hence the low-waste technology), but with the development of technical progress - with increasing approximation. Technological processes with minimal emissions, in which the ability of nature to self-purification can sufficiently prevent the occurrence of irreversible environmental changes, is sometimes called low-waste technologies. However, the name "wasteless technology" has become most widespread.The strategy of non-waste technology is based on the fact that unused wastes are simultaneously not fully used natural resources and a source of environmental pollution. Reducing the specific output of unused waste per product of the technology will allow producing more products from the same amount of raw materials and will, at the same time, be an effective measure for the protection of the environment.The biosphere gives us natural resources, from which final products are produced in the production sphere, while waste is generated. The products are used either in the production sphere or in the sphere of consumption, and waste is generated again. Waste refers to substances that do not have consumer value at first. In many cases, if necessary, after appropriate processing, they can be used as secondary raw materials (secondary material resources) or as secondary energy carriers (secondary energy resources). If, for technical or technological reasons, it is not possible or economically disadvantageous to process waste, then they must be introduced into the biosphere in such a way that, if possible, it does not harm the natural environment.

In the creation of wasteless technology, the following four principles were determined:

1. development and implementation of various drainless process flowsheets and water circulation cycles based on effective cleaning methods (for example, in galvanic production);

2. Development and implementation of fundamentally new technological processes that exclude the formation of any type of waste;

3. creation of territorial-industrial complexes, i.e. Economic regions in which a closed system of material flows of raw materials and wastes within the complex is realized;

4. widespread use of waste as secondary material and energy resources.

Analysis of the current situation, calculations and forecasts for the future convincingly show that the implementation of non-waste production in all industries is possible provided that the achievements of science and technology are used actively, and primarily chemical technology.

A feature of chemical technology is that it is able to turn into resources not only its own waste, but also the waste of other industries. In this regard, chemistry and chemical technology contribute to the solution of such fundamental problems of nature protection as the integrated use of raw materials and waste disposal, neutralization of industrial emissions.

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