Other Terms and Conditions

8.1. Any rights to use the results of work under this Contract in any form shall belong to the Customer, the Executor may transfer the results of work to any third party only with the consent of the Customer.

8.2. This Contract shall be deemed concluded and shall come into effect from the moment of receipt by the Executor of the relevant advance payment, and shall be valid until full performance by the Parties of their obligations under this Contract. In case of its termination, this Contract shall continue in force in part of not performed obligations until full and proper performance of such obligations by the Parties.

8.3. In all other cases not specified in this Contract the Parties shall be governed by the provisions and rules of the laws of the Russian Federation in force.

8.4. This Contract is drawn up in two copies, in two languages (in Russian and English), each copy for each Party, both copies have equal legal force. In case of any discrepancy in interpretation, the Russian version of this Contract shall prevail.

8.5. All Appendixes to this Contract are its inalienable parts.

8.6. All disputes in connection with this Contract shall be settled by negotiations.

8.7. If the Parties are unable to settle any disputes by negotiations, such disputes shall be settled by the Arbitration Court in the city of Moscow. The governing law shall be the law of the Russian Federation.


Addresses, Bank Information and Signatures of


Translate the «Паспорт» into English in written form.





Код страны-

Номер паспорта-





Дата рождения-

Место рождения-

Дата выдачи-

Дата окончания-

Подпись предъявителя-



Translate the text «Skin» into Kazakh or Rus sian in written form.

The largest organ in the body is the outer covering called skin. (The average man has about 20 square feet of it). The skin plus its associated structures (hair, nails, sebaceous and sweat glands, and specialized sensory receptors that enable the body to be aware of touch, cold, heat, pain and pressure) make up the integumentary system. Skin protects the body from the microbes and other impurities, prevents the loss of body fluids, and regulates body temperature. The layers of tissue make up the skin – the epidermis, the dermis, and the subcutis (subcutaneous layer). The epidermis is in constant growth, with its outer later of dead cells continuously being replaced as new cells are formed in the lower layer. Hair, fingernails, and toenails are specialized forms of epidermis. The middle layer (or dermis) is the location for two main types of glands – sweat glands and oil glands. The innermost subcutis contains fat cells, blood vessels, and nerves.


Translate the «Контракт» into English in written form.


г. Алматы "_"_______199_г.

Закрытое акционерное общество ________________, именуемое в дальнейшем Работодатель, действующее на основании Устава, с одной стороны, и гражданин (ка)_______________, именуемый в дальнейшем Работник, с другой стороны, заключили настоящий контракт о нижеследующем:

Предмет контракта

2.1. Работодатель принимает Работника на основную работу на должность _________ и дополнительную работу для исполнения обязанностей______________________________________________

2.2. Прием на работу в соответствии с настоящим контрактом оформляется приказом руководителя, наделенного правом найма персонала предприятия.

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