Translate the text « Loan agreement » into Kazakh or Russian in written form

_____________ ________________ Company NEWTYLE COMPANY LIMITED, Cyprus, hereinafter referred to as the "Lender", represented by Ionics Directors Limited acting on the basis of Memorandum and Articles of Association, on the one hand, and company ____________________________, hereinafter referred to as the "Borrower", represented by ___________________________ acting on the basis of ___________________, on the other hand, have agreed as follows:
1. SUBJECT OF THE CONTRACT 1.1. Under the present Contract Lender lends to Borrower the sum of ________________ (________________________________) _____________, and Borrower undertakes to return a sum of a loan when specified in the present Contract and pay interest set forth in the Contract.
2. RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS OF THE PARTIES 2.1. Lender transfers the loan to the following banking instructions: Transferee ______________________ Transferee's bank account _________________ Reason of payment ______________________ Payment currency - ______________________ 2.2. Repayment of a loan takes place during 180 days from the moment of transfer of the sum of the loan or the loans` first transaction to the Borrowers` account. Borrower is entitled to repay the loan before the end of stated term. 2.3. Annual interest rate of ____ % is charged for the loan use since the loan is transferred to Borrower's bank account until its repayment to Lender. Borrower undertakes to pay interest simultaneously with loan repayment.
3. LIABILITY 3.1. Should the Party default in the performance of the present Contract or perform it improperly, it must pay to the other Party the damages caused by such default. 3.2. Should Borrower fail to repay the sum specified in paragraph 1.1. in term set forth in paragraph 2.2. he pays fine equal to ___ % of loan outstanding for each day of delay. 3.3. Payment of fine or damages does not dispense the Party, who is in breach of the Contract, from execution of obligations under the present Contract. 3.4. In cases not specified in the present Contract property liability is determined as set forth in the legislation in force of the Republic of Belarus.
4. FORCE MAJEURE 4.1. The Parties are exempt from liability for full or partial breach of obligations under the present Contract if the above breach is a consequence of circumstances of insuperable force, which arise after signing of the present Contract as a result of extraordinary situations, which the Parties could not foresee or prevent. 4.2. In the event of arising of circumstances set forth in paragraph 4.1. each Party must promptly notify the other Party in writing about such circumstances. Notice must include information on the character of circumstances as well as official documents, which prove existence of such circumstances and, possibly, their impact assignment on possibility of execution by the Party of his obligations under the present Contract. 4.3. Should the Party fail to send notice set forth in paragraph 4.2. or send it with delay, it must pay to the other Party the damages sustained by the other Party. 4.4. In the event of arising of circumstances set forth in paragraph 4.1. the time stipulated for the fulfillment of the obligations under the present Contract shall be extended for a period equal to that during which such circumstances and their consequences will remain in force.
5. CONFIDENTIALITY   5.1. The terms of the present Contract and agreements (protocols, etc.) thereto are confidential and are not subject to disclosure. 5.2. The Parties take all necessary measures so that their employees, agents and legal successors did not inform the third party about details of the present Contract and addenda thereto without prior consent of the other Party.
6. DISPUTES AND ARBITRATION 6.1. All disputes and discrepancies which arise between the Parties are to be submitted for the settlement to the Economic Court of Minsk according the law of substance of the Republic of Belarus.
7. TERM OF THE CONTRACT 7.1. The present Contract shall enter into force on the day of loan transfer from Lender to Borrower. 7.2. The present Contract shall cease to be in force: 7.2.1. When Borrower returns to Lender the sum set forth in paragraph full. 7.2.2. Upon the agreement of the Parties. 7.2.3. Upon other grounds set forth by the legislation in force.



Translate the «Контракт» into English in written form.

г. Алматы "_"_______199_г.

Закрытое акционерное общество ________________, именуемое в дальнейшем Работодатель, действующее на основании Устава, с одной стороны, и гражданин (ка)_______________, именуемый в дальнейшем Работник, с другой стороны, заключили настоящий контракт о нижеследующем:

Предмет контракта

2.1. Работодатель принимает Работника на основную работу на должность _________ и дополнительную работу для исполнения обязанностей______________________________________________

2.2. Прием на работу в соответствии с настоящим контрактом оформляется приказом руководителя, наделенного правом найма персонала предприятия.

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