An overview from start to finish


‘I do not like the _________ (term/word/phrase) ‘creative producing,’ says Julius Green, ‘because all producers are creative by _________ (nature/definition/character): they create the piece of theatre from the _________ (ground up/beginning/ start). The producer ________(puts together/unite/combine) the _________

(group/company/team) of directors, designers and actors, books the theatre, issues the contracts, raises the________(money/ finance/resources) and builds the budget.’ ‘No two jobs are the same,’ says Roxanne. ‘Every time I start a new job as a producer, I ask them what ________ (exactly/ strictly/truly) it is that they_______ (want/ expect/wait) because it is always ______ (different/ other/ variant). In very loose terms, it’s an __________ (overview /examination/inspection) of the whole production, from start to finish, across all areas.’


4) Complete the following sentences  

1)Three successful practitioners explain _______________________

2) The producer creates _____________________________________

3) The producer puts together ________________________________

4) Money is ________________________________________________

5) The job of a producer is ___________________________________

6) The producer is responsible for ____________________________

7) The producer should only produce _________________________

8) The producer sometimes has to make ______________________



5)Translate the following sentence, paying attention to the verbals (participle, gerund, infinitive)  


1) The classes on stage movement are very essential to the stu-dents helping to feel free and confident on stage.


2) There are some people carrying out the work of a theatre pro-ducer although they don’t have a qualification.


3) The producer should bring people together to achieve the objective.


4) To manage is ‘to forecast and plan, to organize, to command, to

coordinate and to control’.

5) Why is it so much better to listen instead of talking?

6) To succeed in this task, managers need to have social skills.

7) Produces motivate people including themselves.

8) Managers must select people for the jobs to be done.

9) The task of a doctor is to explain how to stop smoking.

10) Theatre critics spend a lot of time watching performances.




Инверсией в английском языке называется нарушение прямого порядка слов в предложении, в котором сказуемое может быть поставлено перед подлежащим. Стандартный порядок слов в утвердительном предло-жении подразумевает расположение на первом месте подлежащего на втором - сказуемого. John (1) went (2) to the theatre yesterday. Джон ходил в театр вчера. This story (1) is (2)rather boring. Этот рассказ довольно скучный. Инверсия применяется, когда мы хотим выделить определенное слово или выражение, либо придать более эмоци-ональное звучание предложению. Never before have I seen such beauty. Никогда раньше не видел я такой красоты. Away ran the witch and the monster. Прочь убежали ведьма и чудовище. Основные случаи инверсии в английском языке: 1) Инверсия в вопросах. Самый распространенный случай инверсии - постановка вспомогательного глагола перед подлежащим в вопросе. Следует отметить, что инверсионный порядок слов в вопросе считается стандартным для вопроса. (2) Did (1) John go to the theatre? Джон ходил в театр? (2) Is (1) this story boring? Эта история скучная? 2) Конструкция ‘there is, there are ’ Инверсия требуется в конструкции ‘there is, there are’, а также в случаях, где модальный глагол или основной глагол употреблён в таких конструкциях. (2)There are (1) a lot of spectators in the auditorium. В зрительном зале много зрителей. (2)There must be a reason for it. Для этого должна быть причина.    

  3) Инверсия после ‘ here’ и ‘ there’ Инверсия встречается в предложениях, начинающихся с наречия ‘ here ’ или ‘ there ’. Некоторые фразы, начинающиеся с ‘ here’ или ‘ there’, имеют идиоматический характер. Here comes the sun. Вот восходит солнце. There goes my money! Вот и пропали мои денежки! 4) Конструкции с ‘so’ и ‘neither’ Обратный порядок слов требуется во фразах-откликах типа ‘ So do I’ и ‘ Neither do I’. I like ice-cream. – So do I. Я люблю мороженое. Я тоже. I don’t like ice-cream. Neither do I. Я не люблю мороженое. Я тоже. I will come in time. SowillI. Я приду вовремя. Я тоже. 5) Условные предложения Инверсия требуется в придаточных предложениях, где опущен предлог if. Если предлог if есть в предложении, инверсия не применяется. 1st Conditional: Should you meet him, tell him to come to me. Если увидишь его, скажи, чтоб пришел ко мне. 2nd Conditional: Were I you, I would run more. На твоем месте я бы пробежал больше. 3rd Conditional: Had I known it, I would have helped him. Знай я это (раньше), я бы помог ему. 6) Инверсия после прилагательных и причастий Gone are the days when he was young and full of energy. Ушли те дни, когда он был молод и полон энергии. Beautiful was her singing. Прекрасным было ее пение.


6) Rewrite the sentences, omitting ‘if’

1) If you sleep enough, you will not have problems with your

health. _________________________________________________________

2) If he had repaired the washing machine, his mother could have

done the washing.


3) If I were you, I would visit your aunt. _________________________________________________________

4) If you had taken a compass, you would not get lost. __________________________________________________________

5) If you stop smoking, your lungs will be OK. __________________________________________________________


7) Transform the conditional sentences


1) If I had realized how unhappy she was, I would not have

shouted at her.

REALIZED Had I ________was, I would not have shouted at her.

2) If I were you, I would change the car.

YOU Were I _________, I would change the car.

3) If our electricity bill is high, we won’t use the lamps.

BE Should our electricity _________,we won’t use the lamps.

4) If she had gone there, she would have had a good time.

GONE Had she__________, she would have had a good time.

5) If he says something, he will be in trouble.

SAY Should he ___________, he will be in trouble.


8) Rewrite the following sentences, using inversion


1) She had never heard such a beautiful voice before.


____________________________ such a beautiful voice.

3) You must not touch these exhibits under any circumstances.


Under_________________________________ these exhibits.

4) We have not seen a more handsome man anywhere.


Nowhere______________________a more handsome man.

5) He is a good teacher and a good translator as well.


Not_____________teacher but he is also a good translator.

6) John had never seen such a fantastic circus show.


____________________________ such a fantastic circus show.

7) Mary does not often laugh at my jokes.


Rarely_____________at my jokes.

8) People rarely appreciate this musician’s talent.


______________________ this musician’s talent.

9) This place rarely gets so crowded.


Seldom________________________so crowded.




Прочитать и пересказать тексты ‘What’s the producer’s role’ и ‘Arts Management’. (На экзамене кандидатского минимума аспирантам (соискателям) будет предложен текст объемом не менее 1000 печатных знаков) На выполнение подобного задания на экзамене отводится 10-12 минут.



As I am a theatre director, people often ask me exactly what it is I do or assume that I am really some kind of actor. But at least the director's role is generally understood within the industry. A recent series of discussions set up at the ‘Young Vic’ made me realize that the role of the producer is much more mysterious.

Thirty directors gathered to discuss what a theatre producer is or does. According to ‘Stage One’, the organization that exists to pro-mote new commercial producers, ‘the producer is responsible for making arrangements for every aspect of the production in order to prepare it for presentation to the public on stage’. This is a job description that suggests the producer is a boss of all they survey.

The mistrust is often mutual. Those old cliches come into play: the cigar-chomping producer with dollar signs in his eyes, vetoing the extravagant requests of the director.

Those old stereotypes need not apply. For a start, producers and directors are no longer all men. There are many good examples: Thelma Holt, one of the industry's best-known producers. But stereotypes come from somewhere, and perhaps all directors secretly do think that producers lack creative heart, while produ-cers wish directors would show some common (financial) sense. Producers hate to be seen as solely or even chiefly concerned with the money required to make art, but no one in the industry would deny that the producer does control the budget. At London South Bank University, a new course in ‘creative producing’ hopes to teach how to fuse ‘the producer's vision and creator's art’. Stellar Network has already managed to promote fruitful communication between directors and producers, and an online forum launches this month. Let us hope it works - we really need to talk. Whatever the job involves and whatever it is called - producing, creating, facilitating, enabling, realizing - theatre cannot happen without it.

Laura Baggaley

The Guardian, Apr 2012


9) Answer the following questions  

1) What question people often ask the author of the article?


2) What made the author realize that the role of a producer is much more mysterious?


3) What kind of organization is ‘Stage One’?


4) What is a job description of a producer according to ‘Stage One’?


5) What is the old clichés of a producer?


6) What is one of the industry's best-known female producers in the UK?


7) What do all theatre directors secretly think about producers?


8) What does a new course in ‘creative producing’ teach the students at the London South Bank University?


10) Read the above text and find main ideas using the following expressions


1) The text is about ________________________________________.

2) The first part of the text is focused on ______________________.

3) Then the author describes smth (suggests, states that) ________.

4) After that the author passes on to (description of, statement of,

analysis of ______________________________________________.

5) At the end of the text the author pays attention to the fact that…

6) I have read theу text with great interest because _____________.





‘Arts Management’ is one of the most innovative and respected companies specializing in arts management in Australasia.*) Established in 1979 by Virginia Braden, the firm is now jointly owned by Judith Alexander and Graham Pushee. Virginia Braden retired in March 2008. Now in their 32nd year, they provide perso-nal management for many distinguished Australasian and inter-national conductors, opera and concert singers, instrumentalists, ensembles, directors, designers and lighting designers. With head-quarters in Sydney, they collaborate with partners worldwide to provide seamless and creative personal management for the cli-ents. They work regularly with all major orchestras, opera compa-nies, chamber music promoters, theatres and festivals in the re-gion and internationally. Many of the clients hold major posts as Chief Conductor, Principal Conductor, Artistic Director, and Music Director of a number of orchestras, opera companies and festivals and major events. The company is active in project ma-nagement including concert and tour management, promotion, project administration, corporate identity and sponsorship, con-ference and seminar organization, research, compilation of pub-lications and radio programmes in all fields of the arts including literature, visual arts, theatre, dance. Their client list reflects the extent of their activities in this area. Current biographies, photo-graphs, recordings and other information about all their clients can be obtained by contacting any of their employees.


*) Australasia, a region of Oceania, comprises Australia, New Zealand, the island of New Guinea, and neighbouring islands in the Pacific Ocean.



11) Answer the following questions  


1) When was ‘Arts Management’ established and what does it

specialize in?

2) What companies does ‘Arts Management’ provide personal

management for?

3) Where does its headquarters locate?

4) How long has the company existed?

5) What kind of clients does the company work regularly with?

6) Does the company work in a project management?

7) What does the company’s client list reflect?


12) What kind of clients of the company have been mentioned in the text  
1) Australian and international conductors Австралийские и зарубежные дирижеры



13) Compose the sentences with the following pairs of phrases





  1) ‘Art Management’ - specializes
  2) The company – provides
  2) Virginia Braden - established
  3) The company – work with
  4) Their client list - reflect
  5) Conductors, opera and concert singers – apply  
  6) The information about the clients – can be obtained
14) Translate the Russian text into English and retell it  


Use the following words:

Notion- понятие; theatrical activity- театральная деятель-ность; budget – бюджет, acсounting– бухгалтерия; song-writer-поэт-песенник; piece of art- художественное произведение; film distribution – прокат кино; TV series – телесериал; shooting- съемки; film-editing –монтаж; promotion- продвижение



Понятие ‘продюсер’ появилось в России в 1920 году, сначала в театральной деятельности, а затем пришло и в кино. В России продюсерами в кинематографе называли директоров картин, а в театре – директоров постановки. Это были люди, которые

пределяли бюджет и бухгалтерию постановки. Продюсеры того времени приглашали разных артистов на роли, устраи-вали кастинги, договаривались с музыкантами и поэтами – пе-сенниками. Продюсер кино и телевидения – это руководитель процесса создания и реализации различных кино. Он, сов-местно с авторами художественного произведения, разраба-тывает тактику создания и проката игрового фильма или те-лесериала, направляет и объединяет всю творческо-производ-ственную деятельность коллектива, обеспечивает и органи-зует технологические процессы подготовки и ведения съе-мок, монтажа произведения, осуществляет контроль соответ-ствия снимаемого материала принятой художественной кон-цепции, принимает готовый фильм и обеспечивает его даль-нейшее продвижение. Основу подготовки специалиста – про-дюсера составляют гуманитарные, экономические и юриди-ческие дисциплины.

TASK # 3

Побеседовать с преподавателем о кино, о его жанрах, рас- сказать, какие фильмы вы любите смотреть, кто является ва-шим любимым актером. Допишите данные предложения.

На основании данного материала составьте свое сообщение по теме для экзамена.

1) The cinema plays ____________ (an important/leading/ won-derful) role in the life of any society.

2) The cinema is considered to be one of the best ways of spen-ding ________ (free/leisure/ waste) time.


3) There are ________(many/just a couple/a lot of) different cinema genres as they are: feature films, theatrical films, horror films, thriller films, popular science films, travelogues, feature films, melodramas, mystery films, documentaries, animated cartoon films. _____________ (Add a missing genre that is funny and makes the audience laugh.)

4) The films (British English) or movies (American English) may be color or black and white, full-length or short, sound or silent, dubbed in mother tongue, three-dimensional or wide-screen.

5) Some people prefer _______ (to watch/to see/to keep an eye on) foreign films with voiceover.

6) My favourite genre is ___________, I like watching films

_________ (in the cinema house/on TV/online).

7) I am fond of true-to-life films describing the life of the ordina-ry people, their feelings and problems. These films leave a deep and lasting impression upon me.

8) My favourite movie actress is Meryl Streep. She is an Ameri-can actress and she is cited in the media as the ‘best actress of her generation’.

9) Meryl Streep is one of only six actors who__________ (has won/ has got/ has received) three or more competitive Academy Awards for acting. (She has got three Oscar awards from her twenty nominations).

10) Meryl Streep has also received 29 Golden Globe nominations.

11) Mary Louise Streep was born on June 22, 1949 in Summit, USA to Mary Wolf Wilkinson, a commercial artist and Harry William Streep, a pharmaceutical executive. The eldest child, she had two __________ (younger /bigger/smaller) brothers.

12) Meryl Streep started voice training at the age of 12 and _

(took up/learned/absorbed) acting in high school. In 1971, she graduated from Vassar in New York, with a degree in drama and costume design.


13) Meryl Streep ___________(made her Broadway debut/acted or the first time/ appeared on Broadway) in 1975.


14) Two years later, she appeared in her first ________ (feature film/ documentary/ cartoon) ‘Julia’opposite Jane Fonda, most of her scenes were edited out, but the_______(brief /short/small) time on screen horrified the actress.


15) Her performance in ‘The Deer Hunter’ in 1978 earned Meryl Streep _________ (widespread/general/big) recognition.


16) Robert De Niro, who _________ (had noticed/had spotted/

had watched) Meryl Streep in her stage production of ’The Cherry Orchard’, suggested that she play the role of his girlfriend in the war film ’The Deer Hunter’


17) In 2006 Meryl Streep ____________(appeared/played/worked) in film The Devil Wears Prada, a loose screen adaptation of Lauren Weisberger's 2003 novel of the same name. Streep portrayed the powerful and demanding Miranda Priestly, fashion magazine editor. Though the overall film received mixed reviews, her portrayal __________(brought/presented/earned) her many awards.


18) In 2010, she was elected an honorary _______(member/ actress/ figure) of *) the American Academy of Arts and Letters.


19) My favourite romance where Meryl Streep performed is The Bridges of Madison County’ from film director Clint Eastwood. It _________(retells/relates/ is about) the story of Robert Kincaid (Eastwood), a photographer for ‘National Geographic’, who has a love affair with a middle-aged Italian farm wife in Iowa named Francesca (Streep).

20) In February 2016, Streep _______(was/ admitted/ appeared)

a president of the main competition jury at the 66th Berlin International Film Festival.

*) The American Academy of Arts and Letters – (Американская Академия Искусств и литературы) TheAmerican Academy of Arts and Letters is a 250-member honor society; its goal is to ‘foster, assist, and sustain excellence’ in American literature, music, and art.



Синонимы –это слова одной части речи, имеющие похожее лексическое значение, которые способны заменять друг друга, например: to look – to stare, to glare, to gaze, to glance, to peep, to peer Синонимы являются важнейшим экспрессивным средством языка. Основной функцией синонимов является представ-ление какого-либо явления в различных оттенках. В процессе изучения языка очень важно выбрать наиболее подходящее слово в контексте определенной ситуации.

Рассмотрите пример прилагательных, имеющих похожее значение: stout, fat, heavy, plump, chubby, overweight, obese, fleshy, portly, corpulent

Fat – тучный, толстый, полный

Are you suggesting, I am too fat?

Stout – дородный, крепкий, крепыш

The bus was overcrowded and I was sandwiched in between

two stout women.

Heavy – крупный, мощный, тяжеловесный

The males are seven times heavier than the females on average.

Plump – пухлый, округлый

The nurse was a cheerful plump woman.

Chubby- круглолицый, пухлый-

Her baby has got round chubby cheeks

Overweight - грузный, с избыточным весом

Sally was fifty pounds overweight.

Obese – тучный, страдающий ожирением

She was stout, not obese.

Fleshy – толстый, мясистый

fleshy nose

Portly – дородный, полный

- a portly old gentleman

Corpulent –тучный, жирный

Их можно использовать в речи, во избежании повторения прилагательного fat.



Word   Synonyms
1) applause ovation, clapping, bring down the house, big hand, kudos, cheering  
2) actor star, player, performer, entertainer, comedian, artist, clown, character
3) circus festival, spectacle, bazaar
4) musician artist, instrumentalist, soloist, performer, player, virtuoso, diva, artiste,
5) success achievement, prosperity, fame, reward, big hit, successfulness, triumph, sensation
6) spectator viewer, fan, onlooker, playgoer, showgoer, watcher, theatergoer, audience (all the spectators)
7) to perform act, play, complete, create
8) rehearsal practice session, drill, tryout, going-over, recital, trail performance
9) scholar critic, intellectual, philosopher, scientist, bookish person, learned person, bookworm
10) ballet toe dancing, choreography, dance, expressive dancing
11) flop failure, fiasco, bust
12) manager producer, administrator, director, supervisor, organizer
15) Choose a proper synonym for the words  
Word   Synonym
1) kind a) nice b) wild c) funny d) best
2) difficult a) hard b) easy c) simple d) short
3) intelligent a) beautiful b) messy c) clever d) fortunate
4) slim a) impolite b) risky c) slender d) strong
5) rude a) feeble b) impolite c) secure d) wide
6) furious a) playful b) angry c) interested d) curious
7) dangerous a) noisy b) unsafe c) glorious d) practical
16) Write the synonyms for the underlined theatrical words  

1) Each song of the popular singer was greeted with enthusiastic



2) He let everybody know that the famous musician in the orche-

stra was a close friend of his.


3) Hollywood producers and movie stars have gathered at the

Oscar ceremony celebrations in Los Angeles.


4) The director is very nervous because there are only three more

rehearsals before the premier production of the play.


5) He couldn’t find the name of an actress in the playbill.

6) A very famous Broadway singer acts in this new play.


7) Madonna’s fame blazed widely abroad.


8) The spectators are always pleased to watch popular and funny

musicals on West End.



17) Find the synonyms for the underlined words. Use the dictionary.


1) Even though I have been on a diet for four months, I am still

rather corpulent in size.


2) Beatrice hates to take recommendations from anyone; she thinks

she knows everything herself.


3) Marty’s dilemma was that he couldn’t decide what college to



4) She was greatly delighted with the monkeys and kept her hand

on the star performer while he went through his tricks.


5) His woman hurried forward to the hall but stopped in front of

him, her intelligent eyes flashing with anger.

6) After working for some years at the provincial theatres of

France and Holland, he became director of the playhouse at Ge-



7) Some people think it is very rude to ask someone's age.


8) My mother is very active and vigorous even though she is over

90 years old.


9) Have I mentioned that the actor who played the leading role in

the performance is very talented?


10) ’I am enclosing two tickets to the first night of my new play,

bring a friend... If you have one.’ – G. B. Shaw wrote to W.


‘Cannot possibly attend first night, will attend second... If there

is one. – W. Churchill, in response.





Task 1 – Изучающее чтение: текст ‘Theatre of the Italian Renaissance ‘ Task 2 – Ознакомительное чтение: тексты ‘The History of the English language’, ‘The hardest language’ Task 3 – Беседа с преподавателем на тему ‘The role of the English language in modern life’ Грамматика: Question types/ Типы вопросов Лексика: English words with Latin roots

TASK # 1

Прочитать и перевести приведенный оригинальный текст со словарем. (На экзамене по кандидатскому минимуму аспи-рантам (соискателям) будет предложен текст объемом не ме-нее 2000-2500 печатных знаков). На выполнение подобного задания на экзамене отводится 50-60 минут.




The medieval religious play reached the peak of its development in the 14th centu-ry. The 15th witnessed its decline, which was hastened by the impact of the Renais-sance. This great cultural upheaval began when the medieval religious play reached the peak of its development in the 14th cen-tury. theatre, like all the other arts, underwent a metamorphosis due to its widespread repercussions. By the end of the fifteenth century, the enthusiasm of wealthy Italian patrons of drama for plays based on classical models had seriously impaired the stan-ding of the sacre rappre-sentazioni. In Paris, the acting of religious plays was forbidden in 1548; in England the Reformation, com-bined with political expe-diency, brought them to an end by 1588; and though both the Re-formation and the Counter-Reformation had their plays, they were used more for propaganda than for theatrical purposes. Jesuit dra-ma, whose greatest period was yet to come, was a scholastic rather than theatrical, and was quick to take advantage of the new classi-cism, mingling Hercules, tritons and nymphs with saints and mar-tyrs. School drama was very lar-gely educational, and still written in Latin. It was in Spain that the religious play had the longest life. After a late flowering, it was forbidden there in 1765.

With the rediscovery of the works of classical drama came the re-alization that medieval stages, whether for indoor or outdoor per-formances, were not suitable for their production. Basing them-selves on the architectural works of Vitruvius, written in 16-13 centuries BC and first published with illustrations in 1511, theatre architects applied principles of Roman theatre architecture to Ita-lian buildings. With the physical aspects came also the recognition of classical form and restraint, two principles, alien to the spraw-ling and all-embracing Bible history, which were to be codified and enforced with greater severity than in classical times. How-ever, this was inevitable, as was the fact that it was the late, ornate Hellenistic and Roman theatres that were used as models rather than the simple fifth-century Greek precincts, and that the tragic excesses of Euripides and Seneca, and the more easily assessable comedy of Menander, Plautus and Terence, took precedence over the works of Aeschylus and Aristophanes.

The influence of a new learning spread outwards from Italy in a series of shock-waves, reaching the further shores of Western Europe after a time-lag which in some ways lessened the force of the impact and allowed a more thorough assimilation with native culture.

Although to Italy must always go the glory of having initiated the Renaissance world, it is sad to have to record that the serious thea-tre was the least important part of it. Yet two important aspects of theatre – as part from drama – must be credited to the Italian ge-nius. The first is the form of the new theatre building, with its pro-scenium arch, and the second is the development of painted sce-nery. Both these aspects of the theatre are connected with the ama-zing contemporary development all over Italy in all the plastic and pictorial arts.


1) Answer the following questions  


1) When did the medieval religious play reach the peak of its


2) What happened to a medieval religious play in the 15th


3) When did the great cultural upheaval begin?

4) What was the enthusiasm of wealthy Italian patrons of drama

for plays based on?

5) When was the acting of religious plays forbidden in Paris?

6) What were the characteristics of the Jesuit drama?

7) In what language was school drama was still written?

8) In what country did the religious play have the longest life?

9) When was it realized that medieval stages, weather for indoor

or outdoor performances, were not suitable for their produc-


10) What principles did the Italian architects apply to Italian

buildings of theatres?

11) What principles together with the physical aspects also came

to the theatre?

12) What comedies took precedence over the works of Aeschylus

and Aristophanes?

13) What important aspects of theatre must be credited to Italian



Dates Facts
1) In the 14th century The medieval religious play ______(reach) the peak of its development.  
2) In the 15th century The Italian Renaissance ________(hasten) the decline of the medieval religious plays.  
3)In1453 Constantinople ______ (fall) to the Turks.  
4) By the end of the 15th century The enthusiasm of the wealthy Italian pat-rons of drama for plays based on classical models had seriously _________(impair) the standing of the sacre rappresentazioni.  
5) In 1548 The acting of religious plays _______(to be forbidden) in Paris.  
6) By 1588 In England the Reformation, combined with political expediency, ______(bring) them to an end.  
7) In 1765 After a late flowering the religious plays _______(to be forbidden) in Spain.  
8) 13-16 BC Vitruvius _______(write) his architectural works.  
9) In 1511 The architectural works of Vitruvius _______(to be published) first.  
2) Compose the sentences with the following pairs of words  
1) Plays – become
2) The Renaissance - help
3) The fall - happen
4) The wealthy patrons - lose
5) The French authorities - ban
6) Jesuit drama – take advantage
7) The religious play in Spain - have
8) Vitruvius - write
3) Continue the following sentences from the text  

1) When Constantinople fell to the Turks in 1453, _________________________________________________________

2) The enthusiasm of wealthy Italian patrons of drama _________________________________________________________

3) In 1548, in Paris _________________________________________

4) Jesuit drama was ________________________________________

5) ______________mingled Hercules, tritons and nymphs with saints and martyrs.

6) The realization that medieval stages were ___________________.

7) School drama was _______________________________________.



1)Yes/No Questions (Direct) (Прямые вопросы) The answer- yes/no Do you play the violin? Yes, I do. No, I don’t Did you visit the art gallery? Yes, I did. No, I didn’t Have you been to London? Yes, I have. 2)Wh-Questions (Special) (Специальные вопросы) The answer- information Where do you live? When were you born? How much does the ticket cost? Why hasn’t she come to the party?
2)Tag Questions (Disjunctive): (Разделительные вопросы) 1) утвердительное+2)хвостик(-) 1)отрицательное+2) хвостик (+) The cinema critics like watching movies, don’t they? Dick is very happy, isn’t he? I am not angry, am I? 3)Choice question (Вопросы с вариантами ответа) The answer is already in question Do you want tea or coffee? Tea, please. Will we go home or to the park? To the park.


4)Hypothetical questions(Гипоте-тические вопросы задаем, чтобы уз-нать общее пред-ставление о кон-кретной ситуации.   1) What would you do if you won the lottery? 2) If you had a superpower, what would it be?   5)Indirect questi-ons (Вопросы кос-венной речи- порядок слов-прямой) 1) Could you tell me how I can get the Central park? 2) She asked him if he wanted to join her. 6)Leading questions (Наводящие вопросы) Вопрос задаем, когда хотим получить желаемый ответ. 1 ) What do you think of the terrible side effects of drugs? 2) Were you with your family at the time of the crime?


4) Match the statements with the correct tags in the disjunctive questions
1) Her brother works for the news agency, a) have I?
2) My friend is an actress, b) didn’t he?
3) Tina has got two siblings, c) am not I?
4) I am going with you, d) doesn’t he?
5) You don’t know him, e) do you?
6) We didn’t see this horror film, f) won’t they?
7) He left early, g) doesn’t she?
8) They will share it, i) hasn’t she?
9) I haven’t told her, j) did we?
10) She misses her mom, k) isn’t she?
5) Correct the following questions  

1) What character do the actor play?


2) Where flew the plane?


3) Plays Mike in this performance?


4) Can the man a car drive?


5) Think you not that it's time to go?


6) Where did Peter went?



7) Like you Hip-hop?


8) Where Amanda studies?


9) How many plays do William Shakespeare write?


10) Have she already visited the capital of France?


11) Is she going to stage this play, doesn’t she?


12) Where does the nearest cinema house?



6) Make up questions to the underlined words  


1) ________________________________________________________

The medieval religious play reached the peak of its development in the 14th century.

2) ________________________________________________________

The medieval religious play reached the peak of its development in the 14th century.

3) ________________________________________________________

It was in Spain that the religious play had the longest life.

4) ________________________________________________________

Yes, they did. They applied principles of Roman theatre to archi-tecture to its buildings.

5) ________________________________________________________

I would read the Bible itself rather than scientific articles about it if I have more spare time.

7) Compose indirect questions  


1. How many times a week do you have an English class?

The freshman asks _____________________________________

2. What cinema genre do you prefer to talk about?

The teacher asked ______________________________________

3. What kind of books on modern art do you advise to read?

The student asked ______________________________________


4. Which metro station is the nearest?

I wonder ______________________________________________


5. When is the premier performance of this play?

Have you any idea _____________________________________

6. Do the children want to go to the circus with us?

I don’t know if ________________________________________

7. How much does a theatre ticket cost?

Does anybody know____________________________________


8. Can we start to rehearse the first act without the director?

I wonder if ____________________________________________


9. Has the book by famous English theatre director been already


I have no idea if ________________________________________



TASK # 2


Прочитать и пересказать тексты ‘The History of the English language’and‘The hardest language’(На экзамене по кандидат-скому минимуму аспирантам (соискателям) будет предложен текст объемом не менее 1000 печатных знаков) На выполнение подобного задания на экзамене отводится 10-12 минут.





The English language belongs to the lan-guage family known as Indo-European. However, English is an unusual language in the Indo-European family because it really comes from three different langu-ages: German, Old Scandinavian and French. The Anglo-Saxon tribes first came to Britain in the 5th century. They spoke a kind of German. So, most of the ordinary words of English come from German, for example, man, house, summer. Later tribes from Scandinavia, Vickings, attacked Britain. They brought many Scandinavian words. The words beginning with ‘ sk’ come from Old Scandi navi-an, for example: sky, ski, skate, skirt, skin. What is the reason for this? The explanation is that Danes and Norwegians settled in Northern and Eastern England during the 9th and 10th centuries, and the country was ruled by the Danish King Canute from 1016 utill 1035. During this period hundreds of rivers, hills, towns and villages were given Scandinavian names, and English borrowed hundreds of new words.

The biggest change in the language came in 1066. This year is very important in the history of Britain; this is the year of the Norman Conquest. The Normans came to Britain across the English Chan-nel. They conquered Great Britain and made William the Conque-ror the king of Britain. The Normans brought to Britain not only their king, but the French language as well. Then many French words appeared in the English language. Among these words we-re words: soup, jelly, boil and fry. Many other words from French came into English, for example: art, poet, prison, market, state, judge, soldier, parliament, hotel, example, government and Prime Minister. En-glish has borrowed words from other European languages as well. It got ‘guitar’ from Spanish, ’bank’ from Italian and ‘robot’ from Czech. In science there are a lot of words from Greek like ’helicop-ter’ and from Latin like ’temperature’, ‘dogma’. English has also ta-ken words from far away countries, for example ‘ pyjamas ’ and ’ bungalow ’ from Indian languages. Two of the most popular drinks (tea and coffee) are foreign words, too. Coffee comes from Arabic, and tea is a Chinese word.


8) Answer the following questions  


1) What language family does the English language belong to?

2) Why is the English language unusual in the Indo-European


3) Why did the German words appear in the English language?

4) What Scandinavian tribes attacked Britain and brought a lot of

new words?


5) Why did hundreds of rivers, hills, towns and villages get the

Scandinavian names?


6) When did the biggest change come in the English language?

7) How did the Normans come to Britain?

8) What French words came to the English language?

9) What language did the word ’helicopter’ come from?

10) Did the English language get the words from the far away



9) Write the words come from the different languages  


Scandinavian Arabic Chinese French Italian




1) avant-garde [ævɑ:ŋ'gɑːd] radically new or original –for example, ‘an avant-garde theatre piece’
2) brunette[bru:'net] a white girl with dark hair
3) artiste[ɑ:'tist] a skilled performer, especially a dancer, singer or actor
4) ballet[bæ'leɪ] a type of dancing where carefully organized movements tell a story or express an idea
5) bouquet[bu'keɪ] a group of flowers that have been fastened together
6) buffet['bufeɪ] a meal consisting of several dishes from which guests serve themselves
7) cabaret['kæbəreɪ] a performance of popular music, singing or dancing, especially in a restaurant or bar
8) carte-blanche [kɑ:t'blɑːʃ] complete freedom to do smth
9) chauffer [ 'ʃəufə] someone whose job is to drive a car
10) cuisine [kwɪ'zi:n] a style of cooking
11) debut ['deɪbu:] when someone performs or presents the performance to the public for the first time
12) encore ['ɔŋkɔ:] a demand of an audience for an additional performance
13) prestige [pres'ti:ʒ] respect and admiration given to someone
14) café ['kæfeɪ] a restaurant where a simple and cheap food is served




People often ask which the most difficult language is to learn, and it is not easy to answer because there are many factors to take into consideration.

A native speaker of Spanish, for example, will find Portuguese much easier to learn than a native speaker of Chinese, for exam-ple, because Portuguese is very similar to Spanish, while Chinese is very different, so first language can affect learning a second lan-guage. The greater the differences between the second language and our first, the harder it will be for most people to learn. Many people believe that Chinese is the hardest language to learn, pos-sibly influenced by the thought of learning the Chinese writing system, and the pronunciation of Chinese is not easy for many foreign learners.

Some people seem to learn languages readily, while others find it very difficult. Teachers and the circumstances in which the lan-guage is learned also play an important role, as well as each lear-ner's motivation for learning. If people learn a language because they need to use it professionally, they often learn it faster than people studying a language that has no direct use in their every-day life.

Apparently, British diplomats and other embassy staff have found that the second hardest language is Japanese and the language that they have found to be the most problematic is Hungarian, which has 35 cases. This does not mean that Hungarian is the har-dest language to learn for everyone, but it causes British diploma-tic personnel consider it the most difficulty. Different cultures and individuals from those cultures will find different languages more difficult.

The Russian language is also considered difficult to learn for forei-gners since there are sounds in Russian that have no equivalent in English. English-speaking person finds it difficult to learn the dif-ferrence between «ш» and «щ», and to pronounce such sounds as «ы», hard «ж», soft «л» and «р».

No language is easy to learn well, though languages, which are re-lated to our first language, are easier. Learning a completely diffe-rent writing system is a huge challenge, but that does not neces-sarily make a language more difficult than another does. In the end, it is impossible to say that there is one language that is the most difficult one in the world.


10) Answer the following questions  


1) Why is it difficult to say what foreign language is the hardest?


2) Why does a Spanish speaker find Portuguese easier to learn?



3) Why do many people think that Chinese is the hardest lan-

guage to learn?


4) What facts play a vital role in learning a foreign language?


5) Is the student's motivation for learning a foreign language


6) What foreign language do the British diplomats consider the

hardest language to learn?


7) Why is learning foreign languages mandatory for the British

and other diplomats?


8) Why is Hungarian the most problematic?


9) Why is the Russian language difficult to learn?


10) What languages are easier to learn?



11) Complete the following sentences from the text  


1) The Portuguese language is _____________________________.

2) It is hard to learn the second language when ______________.

3) Chinese is difficult to learn because ______________________.

4) What plays an important role in _________________________?

5) British diplomats have found ____________________________.

6) The foreigners think Russian language ___________________.

7) English-speaking person finds ___________________________.

8) It is impossible to say ___________________________________.



  12) Read the above text and find main ideas using the following expressions


1) The text is about ________________________________________

2) The first part of the text is focused on ______________________

3) Then the author describes smth (suggests, states that) ________

4) After that, the author passes on to (description of, statement of, analysis of ________________________________________________

5) At the end of the text, the author pays attention to the fact_____

6) I agree/disagree with the author’s statements ________________

7) I have read the text with great interest because _______________


13) Translate the Russian text into English and retell it  


Peasant family – крестьянская семья; intellectual education- духовное образование; philosophical idea- философская мысль; classical heritage – античное наследие; scepticism – скептицизм; right to doubt – право на сомнение; religion beliefs – догматы религии; principal approach – главный принцип; Essays –Опыты; treasure of experience and super-vision– сокровищница опыта и наблюдений
Use the following words:





Мишель Монтень является французским философом эпохи Возрождения. Он ро-дился в 1533 году во Франции в богатой семье, его отец был мэром города Бордо. Образование Монтеня началось с раннего детства, вскоре после рождения отец отправил его в деревню в крестьянскую семью, где он прожил свои первые три года. Его отец считал, что мальчик должен быть ближе к бедным лю-дям, знать их жизнь, чтобы потом помогать им. После трех лет пребывания в деревне мальчик вернулся в семью. Его первым языком был латинский. Его отец нанимал слуг, которые гово-рили с маль-чиком только на латыни. Его духовным образо-ванием зани-мался немецкий учитель. Затем мальчика отдали в престижную школу, он изучал право в Университете Тулу-зы. Философская мысль Монтеня опирается на изучение античного наследия и на философскую литературу современ-ности. В историю Монтень вошел как основатель скептициз-ма, как продолжатель античного скептицизма Пиррона. Основным пунктом философии Монтеня является предостав-ление человеку права на сомнение. Сомнению подвергаются догматы религии, само христианское понятие о боге. Монтень не отри-цает познаваемости мира. Главным принципом его морали является убеждение в том, что человек не должен пас-сивно ожидать своего счастья, которое обещано ему на небе-сах, он должен стремиться к счастью в земной жизни. Основ-ным произведением Монтеня яв-ляются ‘Опыты’. В ‘Опытах’ Монтень продолжает культурные традиции, римского фило-софа Сенеки и историка Плутарха. Сенека много писал о че-ловеческой мудрости, которая заключается в том, чтобы пре-зреть страдания и смерть. «Опыты» стали одновременно ду-ховной автобиографией Монтеня и философской энцикло-педией эпохи Возрождения. Эта книга – сокровищница опыта и наблююдений над нравственной природой человека; на ка-кой бы странице ни открыть ее, можно быть уверенным, что найдешь в ней мудрую мысль.

TASK # 3

Побеседовать с преподавателем о роли английскийского языка в современном мире. Расскажите, насколько он важен для вашей научной работы. Допишите данные предложения. На основании приведенных примеров составьте свое сообщение по данной теме для экзамена.



1) Let me discuss about the importance of the use of English in the field of science. English is the language number one for our generation.

2) I was motivated to learn English by my ____ (parents/ friends / sisters or brothers) in my childhood.

3) I think English means _________(much/nothing) for me as it is the most common language spoken. One billion people speak En-glish today. It’s about 20% of the world's population. 400 million people speak English as their first language. For the other 600 mil-lion people it is either a second language or a foreign language.


4) The Internet has appeared________(long ago/recently). When a man works in the Internet, he gets _______(various/much) info in English. If you do not know ________(English/grammar) you can not find the essential information for your scientific work.


5) There is a Slovak proverb stating that ‘As many ___________

(languages/songs/poems) you know, so many times you are a human’. The more you know - the more you grow.’ is a similar theme not specifically languages.


6) The English language plays a _________(great/ important) role in a life of the modern society. The 21st century can be character-rized as a period of an active globalization process.

7) English for me is __________(a chance/an opportunity) to get friends all over the world using the Internet, to travel to ________ (any/ foreign/ different) country I want, to do business with foreign colleagues, to broaden my mind.

8) Due to English, those who speak it, can belong to the whole ________(world/community/universe).

9) English ______(gave/did not give) me an enormous access to good books written by scholars around the world.

10) It is generally accepted that knowledge is for the brain as is food for the body, and that a person with knowledge of English has gre-ater vision and ________(wider/bigger) horizon.


11) Michael Faraday said that any researcher has to follow three major steps: ‘work, analyze and publish.’ All the three parts are equally important. However, the importance of the language ap-pears in the third part — publishing.


12) Knowledge of at least______(one, three) foreign language besides your mother tongue has always been a sign of __________ (a well- educated/ polite) person. One foreign language is inclu-ded in a set of mandatory subjects in all _________(countries, cities/ regions). State decides what language is more _______ (useful, pleasant/needed) for its citizens to know. Socio-economic, political and cultural interests lie in the basis of this decision.

13) New language is new world view. Knowledge of a foreign lan-guage gives you an excellent ________(opportunity, chance/ way) to further explore the history and culture of an alien country.




Expression Translation
1) Let me discuss about…  
2) I was motivated to learn English  
3) the most common language spoken  
4) to get info from the internet  
5) The more you know, the more you grow.  
6) To play an important role  
7) It can be characterized as…  
8) To broaden smb’s mind  
9) To travel to a foreign country  
10) Enormous access to good books  
11) To be generally accepted  
12) Knowledge for the brain as is food for the body  
13) To have greater vision and wider horizon  
14) To follow major steps  
15) To be equally important  
16) to publish an article  




Приведем примеры некоторых латинских корней, сформи-ровавших английские слова. SPEC - see, look You should respect your parents/the laws of your country. (look up to) The police suspected he was guilty but they had no proof. (had a feeling) VERT -turn Missionaries went to Africa to convert people to Christianity. (change beliefs) The royal scandal diverted attention from the political crises. (took attention away) PORT – carry, take How are you going to transport your things to the States? (send across) Britain imports cotton and exports wool. (buy in, sell out) DUC /DUCT - lead She was educated at a very small private school. Japan produces a lot of electronic equipment. (makes)
Латинский язык повлиял на формирование многих евро-пейских языков, таких как испанский, французский, италь-янский и, конечно же, английский. Его называют мертвым, но в то же время он является ключом к живым, современ-ным языкам. 60% слов в английском языке имеют латинские корни. Зная основные латинские корни и их значение, вы существенно расширяете свой с

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