Read these words. They will help you to translate the text

· Advertise – рекламувати;

· profit – прибуток, користь;

· to offer – пропонувати;

· to purchase – купувати;

· to deal with – мати справу з;

· to drop in – зайти;

· universal providers – універсальні постачальники;

· all-wool cloth – чисто вовняна тканина;

· thick-wool cloth – драп;

· polka-dot cloth – тканина в горошок;

· outfitter – торговець речами чоловічого туалету;

· hosier – торговець трикотажем;

· stationer – торговець канцелярським приладдям;

· penholder – ручка (для писання);

· easy chair – крісло (низьке, широке й м’яке);

· quilt – стьобана ковдра;

· china-ware – фарфорові вироби;

· ironmonger – торговець залізними виробами;

· gingerbread – імбирний пряник, коврижка;

· sponge-cake – бісквіт;

· shortcake – розсипчасте печиво, тістечко;

· paste (nut paste) – халва;

· candied fruit – цукат;

· saveloy – сервелат;

· frankfurter – сосиска;

· fishmonger – торговець рибою;

· sole – морський язик, сіль.


Read and translate the text.


Shopping has common elements wherever it takes place. A buyer looks for a seller who is offering something the buyer wants or needs at a price the buyer can afford to pay. Sellers often advertise their wares in newspapers, on the radio or TV, on posters etc. Sellers use a variety of tactics to induce buyers to purchase from them at a price which leaves some profit.

Shopping is a part of our daily life. And we have to deal with it whether we like it or not. There are people who hate going shopping. So they make a list of what they need and run through stores buying the needed things. Sometimes they even don’t care about the price. And there are people who go from store to store looking for goods of better quality and lower price. Those don’t worry about the time they spend shopping.

So, when we want to buy something, we drop in at a shop. There are many different kinds of shops in every town and city: food shops, department stores, men’s and women’s clothing stores, grocer’s, baker’s, butcher’s, greengrocer’s, confectioner’s, dairy’s and so on.

There are so-called "universal providers", which can supply everybody with everything he needs, and a great many of ordinary shops.

The draper sells all sorts of textiles, such as cloth, all-wool cloth, thick-wool cloth, plain cloth, checked cloth, striped cloth, polka-dot cloth, linen, cotton, velvet, silk, rayon, etc.

At the gentleman outfitter’s one can buy ready-made suits, underwear, shirts, etc.

At the haberdasher's one can buy pins, thread, needles, lace, tape, buttons, ribbons and different trimmings.

The hosier sells such articles as socks, stockings, nylons, etc.

Men buy their hats and caps at the hatter’s and women get theirs at the milliner’s. The principal kinds of hats are felt and straw hats.

At the stationer’s one can buy different sorts of paper(drawing, tissue, blotting, carbon), notebooks, note-pads, note-paper, envelopes, hard (soft) pencils, coloured pencils, crayons, oil-paints, water colours, penholders, fountain-pens, rulers(rules), nibs, ink, india-rubbers, and many other objects belonging to the school-line.

At the bookseller’s one can buy books, magazines, dictionaries, pictures, etc.

The watch-maker sells and repairs watches and clocks.

The jeweller deals in jewels, but he also mends watches.

The tobacconist sells tobacco, cigars, cigarettes, matches, lighters, pipes, and so on.

At the furniture-dealer’s we can buy suites of furniture, chiffoniers, bookcases, writing-tables (desks), cupboards (side-boards), wardrobes, mirrors, chairs, arm-chairs, easy chairs, stools, beds, mattresses, blankets, quilts, pillows, feather-beds, sofas, divans, etc.

Bowls, dishes, soup-plates, saucers, sugar-basins, vases, wineglasses, china-ware, tea-sets, dinner services (sets) are bought at a crockery shop (the china-dealer’s).

An ironmonger is a man who sells articles made of iron or other metals, such as tools, locks, keys, door-handles, etc.

Bread is sold at the baker’s (the bakery). One can buy white and brown bread there. On the counter of a baker’s shop you see: loaves of white bread, different sorts of brown and black bread, gingerbread, buns and rolls, rusks and various kinds of pastry.

At the confectioner’s (at a sweet-shop, Am. a candy store) one can buy all kinds of sweets (Am. candy). The confectioner also sells sugar, cocoa, gingerbread, shortcake, paste (nut paste, etc.), candied fruits, jellies, etc.

Groceries are sold at the grocer’s (the grocery store). At the grocer’s one can buy rice, sago, flour, baking-powder, yeast, buckwheat, millet, oatmeal, semolina, macaroni, noodles, lump sugar, granulated sugar, tea, butter, lard, eggs, dried fruits, prunes, dates, all kinds of tinned (Am. canned) meats, oil, vinegar, salad-dressing and various sauces, jams and marmalade, etc. All these are arranged round the shop on shelves and in drawers.

Many kinds of meat (beef, pork, poultry, mutton, veal, etc.) are sold at the butcher’s, who cuts the meat into joints. He also sells kidneys, tripe, suet and sausages. There are many kinds of sausage: blood-sausage, liver-sausage, saveloys, frankfurters, etc.

Fish is sold at the fishmonger’s, where one can buy: cod, salmon, herrings, mackerel, plaice, eels, trout, pike, carp, and pilchard. Besides these, the fishmonger sells lobsters, crabs, oysters, caviare, sardines, sprats and diverse kinds of cured fish — haddock, kippers, bloaters, etc.

Greens (vegetables) are sold at the greengrocer’s. We can buy there potatoes, onions, garlic, cabbage, tomatoes, asparagus, cucumbers, carrots, beets, peas, beans, etc.

At the fruiterer’s one can buy: apples, currants (red, white and black), gooseberries, strawberries (wild and garden), raspberries, cherries (sweet and sour), peaches, apricots, oranges, tangerines (mandarins), lemons, pears, plums, grapes, pine-apples, melons, watermelons, bananas and so on.

When we choose goods that we need we ask the salesman: “What is the price of that?” or “How much is this?” He tells us the price. If the price is suitable for us we take this product and go to the cash-desk. There we give the money to the cashier, who gives us a check and our change.

If someone tries to take things from a shop without paying he is certain to be caught. Most shops have store detectives who have the job to catch shoplifters. Shoplifting is considered a serious crime by the police.


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