XII. Составьте письменную аннотацию текста

UNIT 13.

I. Выполните полный письменный перевод всего текста на русский язык.


Today’s global economy has been formed by market, not by the principles of ecology. This has created an economy that is destroying its natural support system. It is eco-economy that is needed today to save the planet. An eco-economy is one that satisfies our needs without affecting the prospects of future generations to meet their needs. Therefore, It is necessary to turn our economy into in eco-economy. To build an eco-economy means to restore carbon balance, to stabilize population and water use, and to conserve forests, soils and variety of plant and animal life if the world.

Such an eco-economy will affect every side of our lives. It will change how homes are lighted, what is eaten, where is to live, how it’s possible to use free time, and how many children to have. It will give a world where people are a part of nature.

Building a new economy means eliminating and replacing old industries, restructuring existing ones, and creating new ones. The generation of electricity from wind is one such industry. Soon millions of turbines will be turning wing into electricity. In many countries, wind will provide both electricity and hydrogen. Together, electricity and hydrogen can meet all the energy needs of a modern society.

Another industry that will pay an important part in the new economy is management of available water supply most efficiently. Irrigation technology will become more efficient. The recycling of urban waste water will become more common. At present, water flows into and out of cities, carrying waste with it. In the future, water will be used again and again, never discharged. As water does not lose its quality from use, there is no limit to how long it can be used, as long as it is cleaned before reuse.

II. Прочитайте и запомните следующие слова и выражения:

Natural support system – система естественной поддержки

Eco-economy – экологическая экономия

To restore carbon balance – вернуть в прежнее состояние углеродный баланс

To discharge – выливать, спускать (воду)

III. Переведите слова и выражения на русский язык:

To conserve forests, soils; to eliminate; to replace old industries; to restrict existing industries; to create new industries; hydrogen; generation of electricity from wind; management of available water supply; irrigation technology; recycling of urban waste water.

IV. Заполните предложения словами и выражениями из упражнения I и II:

1. Infrastructural capital is not … … … (e.g. clothing, shelter, roads, personal computers) that minimize need for new social trust, instruction, and natural resources. 2. For producing things more dynamically and effectively people … … … for creating new ones. 3. The Center for … … has also produced many publications concerning water management. 4. … is the chemical element with atomic number 1. It is represented by the symbol H. 5. … generated … … power can be highly variable at several different timescales: from hour to hour, daily, and seasonally.

V. Проанализируйте первые два абзаца и назовите времена английского глагола, которые используются в тексте. Используется ли страдательный залог (Passive Voice) в первых двух абзацах?

VI. В последних двух абзацах найдите причастие 1 (Participle I) и причастие 2 (ParticipleII). Переведите предложения с ними.

VII. Составьте все типы вопросов к предложению:

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