The verbs of the third Conjugation. (Present Indicative Active)

Rego, eге, 3 – rule

1. rego regimus
2. regis regitis
3. regit regunt

38. Conjugate: lego, ere; mitto, ere; scribo, ere; divido, ere; disco, ere.


Certain verbs in — io have the Present infinitive in ere and are called "— io verbs of the third Conjugation". Verbs in io, with the infinitive in ere, are conjugated like Facio - make.

Facio, facere – make

1. facio facimus
2. facis facltis
3. facit faciunt


39. Conjugate:

capio, ere, fugio,ere.

40. Pronounce and give the person, number and the meaning of:

legit, legunt, lego; mittis, mittunt, mittimus; scribitis, scribo, scribis, scriblmus; capimus, capiunt, capis; divldis, dividimus, divTdunt; discit, disclmus, discunt; fugitis, fugio, fugit.

The Imperative Mood in Latin


Singulars, 1,2,3,4: Pluralis, 1,2,3,4:

sperare 1 - spera! Sperate!

sa|vere 2 - salve! Salvete!

dividere3-divide! Dividite!

capere 3 - cape! Capite!

dormire4-dormi! Dormite!

Noli sperare! (Sing.) Noli docere!

Nolite sperare! (Plur.) Nolite docere!

Noli capere Noli dormire!

Nolle capere! Nolite dormire!

41. Read and translate:

Saepe Latine lege et scribe! Bene labora! Noli vetare: vetare non debes. Nolite tacere, si dicere debetis. Noli errare! Noli me tangere! Nolite male laborare! Vide, audi et tace!

Lesson 9

42. Translate into Latin:

a) (Sing.) Work! Don't work! Wait! Don't wait! Give (me)! Don't give me! Praise! Don't praise! Don't look! Look! Sleep! Don't sleep! Don't listen! Speak! Don't speak! Sit down!

b) (Plur.) Sing! Don't sing! Work! Don't work! Wait! Don't wait! Hope! Don't hope! Praise! Don't praise! Don't look! Look! Sleep! Don't sleep! Don't listen! Speak! Don't speak! Don't be afraid!


c) Don't hurry! Don't run away! Look at the stars! Walk near the forest! Don't wait for the sailor! Don't give money to the farmer! Don't sleep in your house! (sing. + plur.)


Questions and answers in Latin

A question not introduced by an interrogative word (such as quis? - who? Quid - what? Ubi - where?) is usually indicated by “ne” added to the first word (usually the verb) of the question, thus:

Is the farmer in the farmhouse? - Estne agricola in villa?

If an affirmative answer is expected, the question is usually introduced by nonne followed by the important word (usually the verb) of the question, thus:

Is not the farmer in the farmhouse? - Nonne est agricola in villa?

If a negative answer is expected, the question is usually introduced by num followed by the important word (usually the verb) of the question, thus:

The farmer is not in the farmhouse, is he? - Num est agricoIa in villa?

The answer yes is usually expressed in Latin by repeating the verb of the question; the answer no, by repeating the verb in a negative. Often an affirmative answer is expressed by sic or ita or certe or sane: a negative answer by non or minime.

Estne filia agricolae in villa? - ANSWERS: Affirmative - Est, yes (she is). Sic or Ita, yes (so). Certe or Sane (certainly), Negative - Non est, no (she is not), Non, no, Minime, (not at all).

Express in Latin

Where does your daughter live? Why are you afraid of wild animals? Is the sailor at the gate? Does the farmer give money to the sailor? Do you not praise the farmer? You do not encourage the girl, do you? We ought to love our motherland, don't we?

Read and translate

a) Silva agricolae nautam delectat. Nauta et silvam et villam laudat. Villam spectant. Puella agricolam vocat. Agricola et nauta in villam ambulant.

b) Filia agricolae cenam (dinner) parat (is preparing). Nauta agricolae fabulam narrat. Agricola nautam confirmat.

c) Nauta et agricola et filia Stellas spectant. Quis laudat Stellas? Puella Stellas laudat. Quid laudat puella? Delectantne stellae agricolam? Et agricolas et nautas stellae delectant.

d) Quid delectat nautam? Delectatne pecunia nautam? Datne Agricola pecuniam? Nonne laudamus agricolam? Num laudas nautam?

e) Quis laudat silvam? Num laudat nauta terrain? Ubi servat Agricola pecuniam? Pecuniam in villa servat.

Translate into Latin

a) The farmer is standing at the gate. They call the sailor to the gate.
They are giving money to the sailor.

b) The girl is praising the stars. Do stars please sailors?

c) Where are the farmer and the sailor? They are walking to the gate. The farmer is telling a story to the sailor.

d) Is the fanner telling a story to the sailor? Does the fanner's story please the sailor?

e) Where does the sailor live? He does not live in Italy, does he? He lives in Sicily. We praise the farmer. Do you praise the fanner?

Read and translate

a) Cur laboras male? Cur scribis male? Cur legere non amant? Bene laborare debetis. Bene legere debent. Semper bene discere debemus. Venire non debes NolTte venire. Bene audi, lege, scribe! Bene lego, sed male scribo. Patriam amare et defendere debemus. Aut disce, aut discede!

b) Discipulae in scholam ventunt. lbi magistram salutant: "Salve, magistral" Magistra respondet:

"Salvete, discipulae!" Puellae in schola legunt et scribunt.

c)Vivere est cogitare. Pro et contra. Aut bene, aut nihil. Malum est omnia credere, malum - nihil credere. Vale et me ama. Dum docemus, discimus. Nunquam errat, qui nihil agit.


d) Casus belli. Dictum - factum. In brevi. Mala galina - malum ovum. Ab ovo. Repetitio est mater studiorum. Deus ex machina. Lupus pilum mutat, non mentem. Homo homini lupus est, non homo.


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