Classified, furnace, mechanical, piping, ductwork, circulate, ensure, exchanger, cylinder, filament, equal

Exercise II. Give the Russian equivalents to the following words:

Classification, central, local, private, boiler, mechanical, radiator, circulation, conditioner, minimise, condensation, subjective, actual, public


Heating systems may be classified as central and local. Central heating is often used in cold climates to heat private houses and public buildings. Such a system contains a boiler, furnace, or heat pump to heat water, steam, or air, all in a central location such as a furnace room in a home or a mechanical room in a large building. The system also contains piping or ductwork to distribute the heated fluid, and radiators to transfer this heat to the air. The radiators may be mounted on walls or buried in the floor to give under-floor heating.

Boiler fed or radiant heating systems have a pump to circulate the water and ensure an equal supply of heat to all the radiators. The heated water can also be fed through another heat exchanger inside a storage cylinder to provide hot running water.

Forced air systems send heated air through ductwork. During warm weather the same ductwork can be reused for air conditioning. The forced air can also be filtered or put through air cleaners.

Heating can also be provided from electric, or resistance heating using a filament that glows hot when you cause electricity to pass through it. This type of heat can be found in electric baseboard heaters, portable electric heaters, and as back-up or supplemental heating used in a heat pump (or reverse heating) system.

The heating elements (radiators or vents) should be located in the coldest part of the room and typically next to the windows to minimise condensation. Drafts contribute more to the subjective feeling of coldness than actual room temperature. Therefore, rather than* improving the heating of a room/building, it is often more important to control the air leaks. The invention of central heating is often credited* to the ancient Romans, who installed a system of air ducts in the walls and floors of public baths and private villas. The ducts were fed with hot air from a central fire.

Notes to the text: rather than – вместо; is credited to – приписывается;

Exercise I. Translate the following attributive groups into Russian:

Central and local heating systems; hot water circulation; under-floor heating system; forced air heating work; air leaks control; air ducts system installation; under-floor heating equipment.

Exercise II. Form adjectives from the verbs with the help of the suffix “able” and translate them:

Model: to replace - replaceable

Заменять – взаимозаменяемый, сменный

To suit, to remove, to change, to use, to adjust, to control.

Exercise III. State the part of speech of the following words and translate them:

1) heat, heating, heated, heater 2) differ, different, difference, differential

3) operate, operation, operator, operated, operating 4) boil, boiler, boiled, boiling

Exercise IV. Pay attention to the translation of the word “number”:

Model: number – номер, число; a number of – ряд, несколько; the number of – количество

    1. Heating may be classified into a number of classes. 2. Every boiler has its own number. 3. The number of air-conditioners in Russian homes grows from year to year.

Exercise V. Find the predicates and translate the following sentences:

    1. This group of experts have to design the new HVAC models. 2. The results obtained by engineers can lead to the reduction of the project cost. 3. The duct constructed should help to improve air ventilation. 4. These old pipes must be removed to improve the work of the ducts. 5. The job is to be fulfilled in time. 6. The quantity of heaters sold may increase with cold weather.

Exercise VI. Find the English equivalents for:

1) отопление 2) распределять нагретую жидкость 3) насос 4) трубопровод 5) пар 6) котел 7) монтировать 8) переносной электрообогреватель 9) принудительная вентиляция 10) отапливать общественные здания 11) обеспечивать равномерную подачу тепла

a) steam b) ductwork, c) boiler, d) heating, e) pump f) portable electric heater g) to ensure equal heat supply h) to distribute heated liquid i) to mount j) to heat public buildings k) forced air system

Exercise VII. Choose the correct word from those underlined:

1. It is fossil fuel/materials that mainly provide the necessary energy for people. 2. Carbon dioxide is released in the process of burning/producing fuels. 3. Safety/efficiency is very important when we deal with radioactive waste. 4. It is difficult/different to exploit the sun’s energy. 5. The discovery/invention of central heating is credited to the ancient Romans. 6. Radiators and vents should be located/locating in the coldest part of the room. 7. The ducts were filled/fed with the hot air from a central fire.

Exercise VIII. Tasks to the text.

1. Say if the following statements are true or false:

a) Central heating is used to warm private houses and public buildings in cold climates. b) A radiator is usually mounted on the floor surface in the central part of the room. c) The heated water is fed to the radiators with the help of a pumping system. d) Forced air systems use heat exchangers. e) Electric or resistance heating is more common as it is the main type of central heating system. f) The heating elements should be located as far away from the windows as possible.

2. Explain why it is more important to control air leaks than to improve a heating system.

3. Describe the work of boiler-fed systems, forced air systems and electric heating systems.

Exercise IX. Read the following text without a dictionary. Give a title to the text:

    Under-floor heating was first used by the Romans. Under-floor heating became very common in public buildings and villas of the rich people, particularly in the colder regions of the Roman Empire. The Roman system was based on hypocausts (гипокаусты), consisting of ducts that lay under the floor and flues (дымоходы) that were built into walls. Hot air or steam from fires circulated up through this system, warming the floor and walls, with heat passing into the rooms. The floor was laid out as series of concrete slabs (бетонные плиты) supported by columns of tiles (изразцы), with a furnace at the bottom of one exterior wall. By placing the fire here, the draught took the heat under the floor, and up through the walls to chimneys (дымовые трубы) located in the corners of the room.

    In Roman baths, the furnace was placed next to the hottest room (caldarium) in which three walls were heated so that the room reached a temperature of up to 120°F (50°C). The warm room (tepidarium) had only one wall heated, which made this room cooler than the caldarium. The furnace was the heating source of the system and this was placed on the outside of the house, below the floor that ran under the room that was to be the hottest room in the house. The Roman hypocaust was called the most important heating invention ever by the British HVAC industry.


Exercise X. Tasks to the text:

1. Who invented under-floor heating? 2. What was the Roman system based on? 3. Where did hot air circulate? 4. What is the difference between tepidarium and caldarium? 5. What did the British HVAC industry call the Roman system of heating? 6. What new facts did you learn from the text?


Exercise I. Make sure you pronounce the following words correctly:

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