Geothermal exchange systems

    There are numerous advantages for consumers when they install a geothermal exchange system. Aside from the operating cost savings, which can be substantial, there are other advantages.

    The most significant one is the contribution to reduction of pollution of the earth's atmosphere, both from lack of consumption of natural gas and coal as well as a decrease in overall net energy use. There is no flue or chimney to build or operate and there is less risk of fire and no chance of carbon monoxide poisoning from your exchange system.

    Unlike traditional air conditioning systems there are no outdoor compressors or exposed systems. Everything is either indoors or under the ground. As a result there are no worries about vandalism, damage from the environment and you have less moving parts to repair and maintain. In addition, since there is no outdoor unit, there also is no noise to be concerned about to bother you or your neighbours.

    The major disadvantage is due to the construction cost. Most systems will cost more than the traditional heating system mainly due to the loop systems that must be installed outdoors. As mentioned previously, the cost can vary a great deal depending on the soil and rock conditions around your home.

    In addition you must have the available land to construct an outdoor closed loop system. Horizontal systems take up more space than vertical systems. Small urban lot sizes do not easily support horizontal systems since there is insufficient land area to deploy the horizontal piping that is required.

Tidal energy

    Tidal energy ( энергия приливов ), sometimes called tidal power, is the power achieved by capturing the energy contained in moving water in tides and open ocean currents (течения).

    There are two types of energy systems that can be used to extract energy: kinetic energy, the moving water of rivers, tides and open ocean currents; and potential energy from the difference in height between high and low tides. The first method - generating energy from tidal currents - is becoming more and more popular because people believe that it does not harm the environment as much as dams. Many coastal sites worldwide are being examined for their suitability to produce tidal (current) energy.

    Tidal power is classified as a renewable energy source, because tides are caused by the orbital mechanics of the solar system (ocean currents are caused by the surface effect of winds) and are considered inexhaustible. The main source of the energy is the orbital kinetic energy of the Earth-Moon system, and also the Earth-Sun system. Tidal power has great potential for future power and electricity generation because of the essentially inexhaustible amount of energy contained in these rotational systems. Tidal power is reliably predictable (unlike wind power and solar power). In Europe, tide mills (мельница) have been used for nearly 1,000 years, mainly for grinding grains (размол зерна).


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