Chapter Two Vocabulary


bathtubs -ванная

carpentry -плотницкий

carving – резьба по дереву

cement -цемент

ceramics – керамические изделия

clay - глина

column -колонна

compression -сжатие

concave – вогнутый

concrete -бетон

convex -выпуклый

crack – трещина; трескаться

cross-sectional area – площадь поперечного сечения

cylindrical water-towers – цилиндрическая водонапорная башня

door -дверь

elastic limit – предел упругости

floor -пол

frog -ложок

furnace brick -кирпич

furniture -мебель

glass -стекло

gravel -гравий

ground floor – первый этаж

header – тычок (в каменной кладке), ригель

ignite – прокалывать, воспламенять

iron -железо

kiln – печь для обжига

lighting - освещение

limestone -известняк

load – нагрузка; нагружать

marble -мрамор

marl – известковая глина, мергель, кирпич из мергеля

mortar – известковый раствор

mould – формировать, отливать в форму

pipe -труба

prestressed concrete – преднапряженный бетон

putty – цементное, известковое тесто

rectangular -квадратный

reinforcement -усиление

roof -крыша

sand -песок

scratches -царапина

sheets -лист

Silicate industry

silicon -кремний

span – пролет; перекрывать (об арке)

stone -камень

storage tanks – резервуары для хранения

stretcher – постель (кирпича)

sunlight exposure – подверженность солнечному свету

three-dimensional - трехмерный

tile – плитка, черепица

wall board – стеновая панель

weight -вес

wood -дерево

Глава 3

Строительство дома.

Вариант 1


One of the amazing things about American homes is that the huge majority of them are built using completely standardized building practices. One reason for this consistency is a set of uniform building codes that apply across the country. Another reason is cost -- the techniques used to build homes produce reliable housing quickly at a low cost (relatively speaking). If you ever watch any house being built, you will find that it goes through the following steps:

· Grading and site preparation

· Foundation construction

· Framing

· Installation of windows and doors

· Roofing

· Siding

· Rough electrical

· Rough plumbing

· Rough HVAC

· Insulation

· Drywall

· Underlayment

· Trim

· Painting

· Finish electrical

· Bathroom and kitchen counters and cabinets

· Finish plumbing

· Carpet and flooring

· Finish HVAC

· Hookup to water main, or well drilling

· Hookup to sewer or installation of a septic system

· Punch list

Many of these steps are performed by independent crews known as subcontractors. For example, the framing is generally done by one subcontractor specializing in framing, while the roofing is done by a completely different subcontractor specializing in roofing. Each subcontractor is an independent business. All of the subcontractors are coordinated by a contractor who oversees the job and is responsible for completing the house on time and on budget.

We will walk through these different stages so that you can see what is involved, understand all the steps and learn about the different materials used in the construction process. We will use a typical three-bedroom home as our example.




1. Give the English equivalents.

    1. Каркас
    2. Опорная поверхность
    3. Устанавливать прокладку трубопроводов
    4. Водосток
    5. Стена из стоек
    6. Водопроводный канал
    7. Водонагреватель


2. Translate the following word combinations.

    1. amount of housing
    2. analysis if structure
    3. construction works management
    4. aesthetic inconsistency
    5. fireproof
    6. a composite system
    7. killed lime


         3. Answer the following questions.         

1. What are the main steps to build a house?

2. What are the reasons for using completely standardized building practices?

3. What does a subcontractor do?

4. What should every house be provided with?

Вариант 2


The first crew on the site handles site preparation. Often, this crew and the foundation crew are the same people, but sometimes not (especially if there are a lot of trees on the lot). Houses are generally built on a foundation that is either a basement, a crawl space or a slab. The site-preparation crew typically arrives on the site with a backhoe and/or bulldozer. The crew's job is to clear the site of any trees, rocks and debris, level the site if necessary and dig as necessary for the foundation being built.

For a crawl space, the site preparation crew digs a set of trenches and holes. Concrete is poured into these trenches and holes and will act as the interface between the foundation wall and the ground. The concrete in the trench is generally about 18 to 24 inches wide (45.72 to 60.96 cm) and 18 to 24 inches deep. Once it hardens, it forms a massive concrete " beam " on which the house rests. The width of this concrete beam is controlled by the compressibility of the soil. In light soils, the beam will be wider to try to spread out the load, while in heavy clay soils it can be narrower.                  

Concrete takes approximately two weeks to cure to full strength (depending on the weather), so once the concrete is poured nothing will happen for some period of time while curing takes place. If this house had been built on a basement, the site-prep crew would have dug a square hole about 8 feet deep. If this house had been built on a slab, the site-prep crew would have trenched around the outside approximately 2 feet deep and then completely leveled the area for the pad. Slabs, basements and crawl spaces are the three main foundation systems used on houses. In wet and coastal areas, it is sometimes common to put houses up on posts as well.



1. Give the English equivalents.

1. водосток

2. кровельная черепица

3. плотничье дело

4. глина

5. армированная проволока

6. сохранять влагу

7. конденсировать тепловую изоляцию



2. Translate the following word combinations.

1. Plastic window light

2. To keep away from moisture

3. Cable junction

4. Index pf corrosion

5. Arterial highway

6. Waterproof fabric

7. Large – scale excavation



               3. Answer the following questions.

  1. What does a house include?
  2. What does a crew do?
  3. In what way should concrete be used?
  4. What are the three main foundation systems used on houses?

Вариант 3


Let's say you want to put a toilet in a house. Two-hundred or 300 years ago this was not an option -- everyone used outhouses. If you visit the governor's mansion in Williamsburg, VA, you will see that in the 1700s even England's high colonial governor used a pair of three-holer outhouses located at the back of the formal garden. Eventually, public water supplies and pressurized well systems allowed people to have indoor plumbing, and this allowed for the addition of indoor toilets. A toilet has to flush somewhere, so sewer systems evolved.

Why can't you run the sewer line from a toilet or a sink out of the side of the house so it spills on the ground? That certainly would be easy and inexpensive, but people learned fairly quickly that human waste spilled on the ground smells bad and leads to incredible disease problems. Septic tanks and sewer systems take care of this. The uniform plumbing code lists hundreds of rules for septic-tank installation. These rules ensure that tanks work properly over many years. Once you have a septic tank in place, you can add sewer lines from the sink or toilet to the septic tank. Say you tried this approach: The problem with this approach is that as the septic tank fills up with stuff, it produces a rather malodorous cloud of fumes. These fumes float from the septic tank up the sewer line to the sink and into the bathroom. Therefore, plumbing codes require a " P-trap " at every drain opening, as shown here: You may have wondered why you find these funny loops of pipe under every sink in your house. The idea is that water gets trapped in the "P." This water blocks the fumes from the septic tank and keeps them from entering the bathroom. Unfortunately, a P-trap alone does not solve the problem because it turns out that the fumes in a septic tank are under pressure. The fumes simply bubble through the water in the trap and cause the same problem. Therefore, there is the concept of a vent pipe, which allows the pressure to escape. They are vent pipes to relieve the pressure so that P-traps can do their jobs. It turns out that vents also break vacuums so water flows down the pipes faster. Besides covering P-traps and vent pipes, the uniform plumbing code specifies all sorts of other things:

· The required diameters for pipes

· The allowed materials for pipes

· The types of joints you can use

· The necessary supports for pipes

· The angle at which pipes must fall

· The longest distance for lateral pipes

· And on and on and on through hundreds of pages

Rough plumbing involves installing all of the water lines, sewer lines and bathtubs. Tubs are normally installed early because:

· One-piece shower-and-tub units are big and often cannot be maneuvered into place later in the construction cycle. They also frequently "change size" -- that is, the size drawn on the plans and the size delivered often differ significantly.

· A full tub is heavy. Therefore, the tub is installed and filled so that the frame can settle quickly. This step prevents cracked walls and tile the first time someone uses the tub.

Typically, rough plumbing involves installing all sewer lines and vents as well as all water supply lines for each fixture.

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