Билеты для устного этапа зачета

Факультет педиатрический
Кафедра лингвистики и межкультурной коммуникации
Направление подготовки Педиатрия
Дисциплина иностранный язык
Форма обучения очная
Курс 2
Семестр 3
Вид контроля устный опрос  
Количество билетов 50
Количество вопросов в билете 2
Государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования «Новосибирский государственный медицинский университет Министерства здравоохранения Российской Федерации» (ГБОУ ВПО НГМУ Минздрава России) КАФЕДРАлингвистики и межкультурной коммуникации ПЕДИАТРИЧЕСКИЙ ФАКУЛЬТЕТ НАПРАВЛЕНИЕ ПОДГОТОВКИ: Педиатрия ДИСЦИПЛИНА: иностранный язык
  БИЛЕТ № 1 1. Письменно переведите текст «Bone» со словарем. Bone Bone forms the greater of the mammalian skeleton and serves as a store for calcium salts. Macroscopically, mammalian bone has either a spongy or compact structure. The first of these consists of a framework of intercrossing and connecting osseous bars of varying thicknesses and shapes. These branches, unite with one another, and partially surround intercommunicating spaces filled with bone marrow. The direction and the points of contact of these crossbars are so arranged as to give each part of the skeleton a maximum rigidity and resistance to changes in shape. Compact bone appears as a continuous hard white mass in which spaces can be distinguished only with the microscope. A sharp boundary cannot be drawn between the two types of bone tissue for they are merely different arrangements of the same histologic elements; moreover, both compact and spongy osseous tissues are present in practically every bone. In typical long bones (femur and humerus) the diaphysis (or shaft) consists of compact bone and contains in it voluminous, cylindrical, bone marrow cavity.   2.Прочтите текст «MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM» без словаря и кратко перескажите его по-английски.   MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM The musculoskeletal system includes the bones, muscles, and joints. Each has several important functions in the body. Bones, by providing the framework around which the body is constructed, protect and support our internal organs. Also, by serving as a point of attachment for muscles, bones assist in body movement. Joints are the places where bones come together. Several different types of joints are found within the body. Muscles are responsible for movement. Internal movement involves the contraction and relaxation of muscles which are a part of viscera, and external movement is accomplished by the contraction and relaxation of muscles which are attached to bones. Bones are complete organs, chiefly composed of connective tissue called osseous (bony) tissue plus a rich supply of blood vessels and nerves. During fetal development, the bones of the fetus are composed of cartilage tissue. As the embryo develops, the process of depositing calcium salts in the soft, cartilaginous bones occurs, and continues throughout the life of the individual after birth.   Заведующий кафедрой……к.филол.н.…Т.Ф.Извекова……………………. _____________________        


Итоговый тест




лингвистики и межкультурной коммуникации

Направление подготовки



иностранный язык

Форма обучения






Вид контроля


Размещение теста

сайт НГМУ: ngmu.ru – кафедра лингвистики и межкультурной коммуникации – Документы – Учебно-методическая работа – Фонд оценочных средств 2015

Структура теста

Объем банка тестовых заданий


из них:

открытой формы


закрытой формы


на упорядочение


на соответствие


Контрольный тест (заданий)


Предполагаемое время тестирования (мин)



Банк итоговых тестовых заданий

: Фонетика


S: Слово, где сочетание сh читается как [K]…

-: chest

-: chalk

-: children

-: chemistry


S: Слово, которое читается не по правилу:

-: look

-: took

-: blood

-: mood


S: Сочетание ph читается как

-: [p]

-: [h]

-: [f]

-: [pf]


S: Буква p не читается в слове

-: process

-: psychology

-: plenty

-: predictable


S: Слово, которое читается не по правилу

-: cut

-: must

-: put

-: but


S: Слово. в котором буква k читается

-: know

-: kettle

-: knee

-: knight


S: Слово, которое читается по правилу

-: bitter

-: mind

-: sight

-: kind


S: Слово, которое читается по правилу

-: little

-: light

-: sight

-: right


S: Слово, где буква s читается не по правилу

-: see

-: sorry

-: supply

-: sugar


S: Слово. в котором буква a читается как [ei]

-: rabbit

-: table

-: sandwich

-: battle


S: Слово, в котором сочетание th читается как [D]

-: father

-: think

-: thanks

-: thought


S: Слово, в котором буква e читается как [q]

-: pie

-: diet

-: quite

-: lie


S: Слово, в котором буква e читается как [q]

-: die

-: quiet

-: time

-: death


S: Слово, где буква g дает звук [G]

-: get

-: give

-: great

-: gentle


S: Слово, где буква g дает звук [G]

-: garden

-: forget

-: fog

-: age


S: Слово, где сочетание ea читается иначе, чем в других словах

-: heard

-: learn

-: heart

-: early


S: Слово, где буква a читается как [qe]

-: small

-: alcohol

-: always

-: wall


S: Слово, в котором сочетание ch дает звук [k]

-: charm

-: chose

-: change

-: school


S: Слово, в котором буква a читается как [qe]

-: age

-: any

-: able

-: case


S: Слово, в котором есть звук [w]

-: who

-: allow

-: write

-: one


S: Слово, в котором есть звук [w]

-: whose

-: slow

-: wrong

-: quite


S: Слово, которое читается по правилу

-: stand

-: last

-: after

-: past


S: Слово, где буква y читается как гласная

-: young

-: year

-: myth

-: your


S: Слово, в котором нет звука [ei]

-: brain

-: health

-: great

-: weight


S: Слово, в котором ea читается как [e]

-: treat

-: sea

-: breath

-: each

S: Слово, в котором есть звук [O]

-: some

-: small

-: love

-: become
S: Слово, в котором есть звук [t]

-: action

-: kitchen

-: another

-: after
S: Слово, в котором есть звук [tS]

-: future

-: shape

-: health

-: patient

S: Слово, в котором есть звук [S]

-: patient

-: nature

-: bench

-: path
S: Слово, в котором есть звук [h]

-: photo

-: whole

-: hour

-: behavior


S: Назовите слова, которые читаются одинаково

L1: one

L2: too

L3: their

L4: right

R1: won

R2: two

R3: there

R4: write

R5: these


S: Назовите слова, которые читаются одинаково

L1: son

L2: sight

L3: eye

L4: see

R1: sun

R2: site

R3: I

R4: sea

R5: ear


S: Слово, в котором нет звука [L]

-: cause

-: autumn

-: amount

-: trauma


S: Слово, в котором есть звук [k]

-: muscle

-: structure

-: musician

-: change


S: Слово, в котором нет звука [ju]

-: tissue

-: juice

-: blue

-: trauma



V1: Грамматика


S: Вставьте глагол to be в соответствующей форме.

Her son ### a student next year.



S: Вставьте глагол to be в соответствующей форме.

Her friends ### doctors in two years.



S: Вставьте глагол to be в соответствующей форме.

When he studied at school he ### good at maths.



S: Вставьте глагол to be в соответствующей форме.

When I studied at school I ### interested in chemistry.



S: Назовите правильный ответ на вопрос.

Are you a first-year student?

-: Yes, is it.

-: Yes, he is.

-: Yes, you are.

-: Yes, I am.


S: Назовите правильный ответ на вопрос.

Will you be a surgeon?

-: Yes, will I.

-: Yes, I am.

-: Yes, you will.

-: Yes, I will.


 S: закончите предложение.

My friend … a therapeutist.

-: will not be

-: not will be

-: will be not

-: will be no


S: Закончите предложение.

There … some students in the laboratory now.

-: are

-:will be

-: were

-: is


S: Закончите предложение.

There … no coffee left. I’ve drunk it all.

-: has

-: was

-: is

-: are


S: Закончите предложение.

There … no paper on the table. It is on the shelf.

-: are

-: has

-: was

-: is


S: Закончите предложение.

There … table in the room.

-: is no

-: is

-: is not

-: no


S: Закончите предложение.

There is … garden in front of our house.

-: no

-: someone

-: any

-: not


S: Закончите предложение.

There was … shop near our house.

-: any

-: no

-: nothing

-: not


S: Вставьте глагол to be в соответствующей форме.

I … back in five minutes.



S: Закончите предложение.

If you … busy I’ll come tomorrow.

-: will be

-: are

-: is

-: were


S: Закончите предложение.

We had two lectures …

-: yesterday

-: today

-: tomorrow

-: in a week


S: Закончите предложение.

We will have practice …

-: yesterday

-: today

-: last week

-: in a week


S: Укажите правильный перевод предложения.

У меня завтра не будет свободного времени.

-: Tomorrow I have no free time.

-: I tomorrow will have no free time.

-: I will no have free time tomorrow.

-: I will have no free time tomorrow.


S: Укажите правильный перевод предложения.

У меня вчера не было свободного времени.

-: Yesterday I have no free time.

-: I yesterday had no free time.

-: I no had free time yesterday.

-: I had no free time tomorrow.


S: Вставьте предлог.

He is very good ### biology.



S: Вставьте предлог.

My sister is very good ### languages.



S: Вставьте предлог.

The operation was performed ### a new method.



S:Вставьте предлог.

Our classes begin ### 9 o’clock.



S: Вставьте предлог.

The picture was … the wall.



S: Вставьте предлог.

We will go to the country### summer.



S: Вставьте предлог.

We will have exams at the end ### the term.



S: Вставьте предлог.

I’ll be back ### half an hour.



S: Укажите правильный перевод предложения.

В этом институте учатся друзья моей дочери.

-: At this institute study my daughter’s friends.

-: My daughter’s friends study at this institute.

-: At this institute friend of my daughter study.

-: At this institute study friends of my daughter.


S: Укажите правильный перевод предложения.

В этом отделении работают опытные врачи.

-: At this department work experienced doctors.

-: Experienced doctors work at this department.

-: At this department doctors experienced work.

-: Experienced doctors at this department work.


S: Укажите правильный перевод предложения.

Мне семнадцать лет.

-: I am seventeen years.

-: Me seventeen years.

-: I am seventeen.

-: I am seventy.


S: Укажите правильный перевод предложения.

Мой любимый предмет – анатомия.

-: My favourite subject anatomy.

-: My the favourite subject is anatomy.

-: Anatomy my favourite subject.

-: Anatomy is my favourite subject.


S: Вставьте предлог.

I get up ### 7 o’clock.



S: Вставьте соответствующую форму личного местоимения.

You made many mistakes in … test.

-: yours

-: their

-: you

-: your


S: Вставьте соответствующую форму личного местоимения.

The lecture was very interesting. I liked …

-: she

-: her

-: it

-: its


S: Укажите правильный перевод предложения.

В нашей группе нет плохих студентов.

-: There are not bad students in our group.

-: No bad students are in our group.

-: Bad students are not in our group.

-: There are no bad students in our group.


S: Укажите правильный перевод предложения.

В его работе не было ошибок.

-: There were not mistakes in his test.

-: No mistakes were in his test.

-: Mistakes were not in his test.

-: There were no mistakes in his work.


S: Укажите правильный перевод предложения.

Существует одна новая теория.

-: It is a new theory.

-: This theory is new.

-: There is a new theory.

-: There is a new theory there.


S: Укажите правильный перевод предложения.

Есть несколько методов.

-: It is some methods.

-: These are some methods.

-: There are some methods.

-: There are some methods there.


S: Закончите предложение.

Our group is … than yours.

-: largest

-: the largest

-: larger

-: the larger


S: Закончите предложение.

She is … student in our group.

-: the better

-: best

-: the best

-: better


S:Закончите предложение..

… people smoke now than before.

-: Little

-: Less

-: Few

-: Fewer


S:Закончите предложение..

… people go in for sports now.

-: More than

-: As many as

-: The most

-: More


S: Закончите предложение..

My hair is short. Her hair is … than mine.

-: long

-: longer

-: longest

-: the longest


S: Закончите предложение..

February is… month in the year.

-: shorter

-: more shorter

-: the shortest

-: the most short


S: Закончите предложение.

Chemistry is as … as biology.

-: more interesting

-: most interesting

-: the most interesting

-: interesting


S: Закончите предложение.

Anatomy is as … as chemistry.

-: more difficult

-: most difficult

-: the most difficult

-: difficult


S: Закончите предложение.

Europe is not … Africa.

-: as large as

-: larger

-: largest

-: large as

S: Превосходная степень прилагательного good…

-: the better

-: the goodest

-: the best
-: the most good

S: Превосходная степень прилагательного bad…

-: the baddest

-: the worse

-: the worst
-: the most bad

S: Закончите предложение.

Anatomy is … than biology.

-: most difficult

-: more difficult 

-: as difficult as
-: difficulter


S: Укажите правильный вопрос к предложению.

After work she always go home.

-: Does she always goes home after work?

-: Does she always go home after work?

-: She always goes home after work?

-: Always does she go home after work?


S: Укажите правильный вопрос к предложению.

  The students passed the exam.

-: Have the students passed the exam?

-: Did the students passed the exam?

-: Were the students passed the exam?

-: Did the students pass the exam?


S: Укажите правильный вопрос к предложению.

He had to work very hard yesterday.

-: Did he have to work very hard yesterday?

-: Had he to work very hard yesterday?

-: Had he work very hard yesterday?

-: Did he work very hard yesterday?


S: Укажите правильный вопрос к подчеркнутому слову.

This book was published in London.

-: Where was this book published?

-: When was this book published?

-: Where was this book publish?

-: Where this book was published?


S: Укажите правильный вопрос к подчеркнутому слову.

She got up early today?

-: When did she get up today?

-: When did she got up today?

-: When does she get up today?

-:When she got up today?


S: Укажите правильный вопрос к подчеркнутому слову.

Schools give young people general knowledge.

-: What knowledge give schools young people?

-: What knowledge schools give young people?

-: What knowledge do schools give young people?

-: What do schools give knowledge young people?

S: Назовите правильный вопрос к предложению.

My friend studies at the medical faculty.

-: When does your friend studies?

-: Where your friend studies?

-: What does your friend study?

-: Where does your friend study?

S: Закончите вопрос.

… the surgeon perform this operation successfully?

-: Do

-: Was

-: Did

-: Is

S: Закончите вопрос.

… this nurse work in your department?

-: Do

-: Was

-: Does

-: Is

S: Закончите предложение.

I … the answer to the question.

-: do not know

-: not know

-: does not know

-: is not know

S: Закончите предложение.

I … this article.

-: did not translate

-: not translated

-: did not translated

-: did no translate


S: Вставьте вспомогательный глагол.

### your friend help you to do the work last week


S: Закончите вопрос.

He is a surgeon,### he?



S: Закончите вопрос.

You study at the medical faculty, … you?

-: do

-: don’t

-: did

-: didn’t


S: Закончите вопрос.

You didn’t go to the library yesterday, … you?

-: didn’t

-: weren’t

-: did

-: were


S: Закончите предложение.

… me your textbook.

-: Give, please

-: Give

-: Let’s give

-: Gave


S: Закончите предложение.

… late for classes.

-: Not be

-: Don’t be

-: Let’s to be

-: Don’t to be


S: Закончите предложение.

… him with his work.

-: Let help

-: Let’s help

-: Let I help

-: Let’s to help


S: Закончите предложение.

If Bob … soon, I will go alone.

-: will not come

-: do not come

-: does not come

-: has not come


S: Закончите предложение.

The rain …. The weather is fine.

-: has stopped

-: was stopped

-: stopped

-: has stop


S: Закончите предложение.

I am not hungry. I … dinner.

-: had just

-: just had

-: have had just

-: have just had


S: Закончите предложение.

I … him today.

-: had not seen

-: not have seen

-: have seen not

-: have not seen


S: Закончите предложение.

I was very nervous because I … it before.

-: have not done

-: did not do

-: had not do

-: had not done


S: Закончите предложение.

The doctor said that he … the treatment in a week.

-: will change

-: would change

-: changes

-: changed


S: Закончите предложение.

The children … the exercises now.

-: do

-: doing

-: have done

-: are doing


S: Закончите предложение.

.Sorry, but I … your name.

-: am forgetting

-: have forgotten

-: have forget

-: forgotten


S: Закончите предложение.

I thought I … my telephone in the classroom.

-: left

-: have left

-: had left

-: was left


S: Назовите правильный перевод предложения.

Они еще не закончили работу.

-: They have yet not finished the work.

-: They have not already finished the work.

-: They have not finished the work yet.

-: They not have finished the work yet.


S: Закончите предложение.

In this newspaper you can find … medical articles.

-: any

-: every

-: some

-: something


S: Закончите предложение.

Is there … in the room?

-: somebody

-: nobody

-: anybody

-: something


S: Закончите предложение.

.Wait a little. He is here.

-: nowhere

-: somewhere

-: everywhere

-: anywhere


S: Закончите вопрос.

Can … answer my question?

-: anybody

-: somebody

-: anything

-: something


S: Закончите вопрос.

Was there … useful in the article?

-: anybody

-: somebody

-: anything

-: something


S: Закончите предложение. 

If … happens I can take care of myself.

-: something

-: anything

-: nothing

-: everything


S: Укажите соответствия:

L1: is preventing

L2: prevented

L3: was prevented

L4: will prevent

R1: Present Continuous Active

R2: Past Simple Active

R3: Past Simple Passive

R4: Future Simple Active

R5: Future Continuous Active


S: Укажите соответствия:

L1: were treated

L2: treated

L3: are treating

L4: will treat

R1: Past Simple Passive

R2: Past Simple Active

R3: Present Continuous Active

R4: Future Simple Active

R5: Past Continuous Active


 S: Укажите правильный перевод предложения.

Сейчас они оценивают результаты эксперимента.

-: Now they estimate the results of the experiment.

-: Now they have estimated the results of the experiment.

-: Now they are estimated the results of the experiment.

-: They are estimating the results of the experiment.


S: Укажите правильный перевод предложения.

В данный момент мы работаем в лаборатории.

-: At present we work in the lab.

-: At present we have working in the lab..

-: At present we are worked in the lab.

-: We are working in the lab at present


S: Укажите правильный перевод предложения.

Они все еще пишут тест.

-: They are still written the test.

-: They are still writing the test.

-: They still are writing the test.

-: They still write the test.


S: Закончите предложение.

Students … work hard to be good specialists.

-: must to

-: have to

-: should to

-: must


S: Закончите предложение.

Medical student …know anatomy well.

-: must

-: have to

-: should to

-: must to


S: Закончите предложение.

I was late so I … to take a taxi.

-: must

-: should

-: had

-: had to


S: Закончите предложение.

Not to be late for classes you … get up earlier.

-: must

-: should

-: have

-: should to

S: Укажите предложение, где глагол to have имеет модальное значение…

-: The surgeon has performed many operations.

-: The physician has many patients.

-: The surgeon has to perform the operation.

-: The surgeon has little time to perform the operation.

S: Укажите предложение, где глагол to have имеет модальное значение…

-: The nurse has just taken the patient’s temperature.

-: Nurses have to look after their patients.

-: Nurses usually have much work to do.

-: The nurse has a day off.

S: Укажите предложение, где глагол to have является вспомогательным

-: The patient had to gibe up smoking.

-: The operation has been performed successfully.

-: The students have to answer many questions.

-: The scientist has very interesting results of his experiment..

S: Укажите предложение, где глагол to have является вспомогательным

-: The doctor has a new idea of treating this disease.

-: I have many questions about this new method.

-: This method has been used in practice.

-: The patient will have to visit his doctor twice a year..

S: Укажите предложение, где глагол to have является смысловым иметь

-: The doctor has just changed the administered treatment.

-: The scientist has to carry out many experiments to prove his idea.

-: I have no time to take part in this meeting.

-: A new clinic has been built in our city.

S: Укажите предложение, где глагол to have является смысловым иметь

-: The symptoms of this disorder have been described in details.

-: I will have to agree with his suggestion.

-: The medical students have very little free time.

-: The students have to work hard in the dissecting room.


S: Глаголом является слово …

-: educated

-: founder

-: hospitalize

-: important


S: Глаголом является слово …

-: performing

-: summarize

-: agreement

-: painless


S: Неправильным глаголом является …

-: to treat

-: to know

-: to cause

-: to prevent


S: Неправильным глаголом является …

-: to solve

-: to make

-: to predict

-: to administer


S: Правильным глаголом является …

-: to take

-: to change

-: to do

-: to cut


S: Правильным глаголом является …

-: to get

-: to receive

-: to understand

-: to give


S: Закончите предложение.

.Yesterday it … me an hour to get the university.

-: take

-: takes

-: took

-: taked

S: Закончите предложение.

I did not know that he … English.

-: spoke

-: speaks

-: speak

-: speaked

S: Закончите предложение.

We … that he was a cardiologist.

-: known

-: knowed

-: knew

-: knows


S: Закончите вопрос…

What do you want to do after … school?

-: leave

-: leaves

-: will leave

-: leaving


S: Закончите предложение.

 . Some people are fond of … detective stories.

-: to read

-: read

-: reading

-: be reading


S: Укажите предложение, где причастие I является определением.

-: He is operating the patient now.

-: He is afraid of operating patients.

-: Operating patients the doctor must be very careful.

-: The operating doctor is my father.


S: Укажите предложение, где причастие I является определением.

-: The doctor is examining the patient in the ward.

-: Examining the patient the doctor asked him many questions.

-: Do you know the doctor examining the patient?

-: Examining the patient took much time.


S: Укажите предложение, где –ed является определением.

-: The surgeon described a new a method of treatment.

-: The surgeon performed the operation successfully.

-: The operation performed by the surgeon was successful.

-: A new method of treatment was described in the report


S: Укажите предложение, где –ed является определением.

-: Every educated person should speak English.

-: The teacher asked the students and answered their questions.

-: The students were asked many questions.

-: The ancient Chinese developed the practice of acupuncture.

S: Укажите предложение, где –ing форма переводится существительным.

-: He is preparing for the examination.

-: This disease is common in developing countries.

-: Feeling bad he could not go with us.

-: Walking is very useful for our health.

S: Укажите предложение, где –ing форма переводится существительным.

-: Being at the clinic the patient began to feel better.

-: The nurse was giving injections when we came in.

-: The patient’s coughing was very bad.

-: The surgeon performing the operation is very experienced.

S: Укажите правильный перевод предложения..

Его нет ни на работе, ни дома.

-: He is not at work and at home.

-: He is neither at work not at home.

-: He is not neither at work nor at home.

-: He is not both at work and at home.

S: Укажите правильный перевод предложения..

Они не позвонили ни утром ни вечером.

-: They did not call neither in the morning nor in the evening.

-: They not called either in the morning or in the evening.

-: They called neither in the morning nor in the evening.

-: They called neither in the morning or in the evening.

S: Укажите правильный перевод предложения..

Врач не назначил ни лекарства ни диеты.

-: The doctor administered neither drugs or a diet.

-: The doctor administered neither drugs nor a diet.

-: The doctor did not administer neither drugs nor a diet.

-: The doctor did not administer both drugs and a diet.

S: Укажите слово с отрицательным значением…

-: common

-: valid

-: possible

-: irregular

S: Укажите слово с отрицательным значением…

-: childhood

-: readiness

-: useless

-: particular

S: Укажите слово с отрицательным значением…

-: colorful

-: combined

-: kindness

-: untreated

S: Укажите правильный перевод русской части предложения.

This disease is not common in развитых странах.

-: developing countries

-: develop countries

-: countries which were developed

-: developed countries

S: Укажите предложение со сказуемым в пассивном залоге...

-: A new method of treatment was developed not long ago.

-: Scientists have developed many new methods.

-: The new method will help doctors to treat patients.

-: Scientists are developing a new method of treatment.

S: Укажите предложение со сказуемым в пассивном залоге...

-: He has not administered me a strict diet.

-: He is making a report at the scientific conference.

-: This treatment would be successful.

-: The administered treatment was changed a little.

S: Укажите предложение со сказуемым в пассивном залоге...

-: They have already solved their problems.

-: They will be very tired after this work.

-: The blood pressure was decreased after taking the drug.

-: Their behavior was absolutely predictable.

S: Закончите предложение. The patient … for the heart disease.

-: treated

-: was treating

-: has treated

-: was treated

S: Закончите предложение. Pain … in the heart area.

-: was developed

-: develop

-: developed

-: will be developed

S: Существительным является слово …

-: development
-: developed

-: develop

-: developing

S: Существительным является слово …

-: activate
-: active

-: activity

-: activated


S: Назовите сказуемое в пассивном залоге:

-: has discussed

-: was discussing

-: will discuss

-: was discussed


S: Закончите предложение.

Psychology … with many sciences.

-: connected

-: is connected

-: is connecting

-: has connected


S: Найдите соответствия:

L1: to be taking

L2: to have taken

L3: to be taken

L4: to take

R1: Continuous Active

R2: Perfect Active

R3: Simple Passive

R4: Simple Active

R5: Perfect Passive


S: Найдите соответствия:

L1: to have predicted

L2: to be predicted

L3: to predict

L4: to be operating

R1: Perfect Active

R2: Simple Passive

R3: Simple Active

R4: Continuous Active

R5: Perfect Passive


S: Найдите соответствия:

L1: to operate

L2: to have operated

L3: to be operated

L4: to be operating

R1: Simple Active

R2: Perfect Active

R3: Simple Passive

R4: Continuous Active

R5: Perfect Passive


S: Вставьте предлог.

The nerve cells send impulses### each other.



S: Вставьте предлог.

These reactions do not depend ### the environment.



S: Вставьте предлог.

The patient’s breathing was rapid with 30-40 respirations ###minute.



S: Вставьте предлог.

R. Koch died ### the age of 67.


S: Вставьте предлог.

 I. P. Pavlov was born ### September 14, 1849.


S: Укажите правильный предлог.

Pulse becomes rapid … physical exertion.

-: on

-: in

-: at

-: from


S: Вставьте предлог.

A. Fleming received the Nobel Prize ### his work.



S: Вставьте предлог…

The operation was performed ### a new method.



S: Закончите предложение. 

It is difficult to diagnose a disease but it is … to cure it.

-: the most difficult

-: the more difficult

-: difficult

-: more difficult


S: Назовите предложение с усилительной конструкцией:

-: It is well known that all parts of the body are connected by nerves.

-: It is very important that any human being has a complete rest.

-: It is the brain that is the centre of a wide system of communication.

-: It is estimated that the weight of the brain is about two kg.


S: Назовите неопределенно-личное предложение:

-: It is hard work that makes a person a good specialist.

-: It is very important that any human being has a complete rest.

-: It is the brain that is the centre of a wide system of communication.

-: It is estimated that the weight of the brain is about two kg.


S: Назовите неопределенно личное предложение:

-: It is known that blood becomes oxygenated in the lungs.

-: It is hemoglobin that carries oxygen to different tissues of the human body.

-: It is in infancy that one begins to develop first conditioned reflexes.

-: It is hard work that makes a student a good physician.


S: Укажите правильный перевод предложения.


S:Врач уже определил группу крови.

-: The doctor has determined already the blood group.

-: The doctor already has determined the blood group. 

-: Already the doctor has determined the blood group.

-: The doctor has already determined the blood group


S: Укажите правильный перевод предложения.

Считается, что эта операция не опасна.

-: It thinks that this operation is not dangerous.

-: They think that this operation is not dangerous.

-: One thinks that this operation is not dangerous.

-: Everybody thinks that this operation is not dangerous.


S: Назовите прилагательное:

-: skillful

-: influence

-: readiness

-: possibility


S: Назовите прилагательное:

-: particularity

-: dependence

-: sleepless

-: growth


S: Назовите существительное:

-: radiate

-: importance

-: successful

-: predictable


S: Назовите существительное:

-: hospitalize

-: significant

-: creative

-: possibility


S: Найдите соответствия:

L1: прилагательное

L2: существительное

L3: глагол

L4: наречие

R1: previous

R2: kindness

R3: speculate

R4: closely

R5: himself


S: Вставьте предлог.

Taste buds are located ### the tongue.



S: Назовите правильно составленный вопрос к предложению:

Some kinds of senses give information about the body needs.

-: What some kinds of senses give information about?

-: What do some kinds of senses give information?

-: What do some kinds of senses give information about?

-: What some kinds of senses do give information about?


S: Назовите правильно составленный вопрос к предложению:

The physiology of the lungs is associated with their structure.

-: What does the physiology of the lungs associated with?

-: What is the physiology of the lungs associated with?

-: What is the physiology of the lungs associated?

-: What the physiology of the lungs is associated with?


S: Назовите правильно составленный вопрос к предложению:

The human being smells by the nose.

-: What does the human being smell?

-: What is the human being smell?

-: How does the human being smell by?

-: What does the human being smell by?



S: Закончите предложение.

The patient came to the clinic …

-: to examine.

-: to be examined

-: to be examining

-: to have examined


S: Закончите предложение.

We used a dictionary …the text.

-: to be translated

-: to be translated

-: to translate

-: to have translated

S: Закончите предложение.

The doctor … allow the patient to work hard.

-: does not

-: do not

-: not

-: does no

S: Закончите предложение.

The patient … discharged from the hospital.

-: has not

-: did not

-: not

-: was not


S: Укажите правильный ответ на вопрос.

Have you achieved any results?

-: Yes, I have.

-: Yes, I did.

-: Yes, you have.

-: Yes, I was.


S: Укажите правильный ответ на вопрос.

Did the patient fall asleep after taking the drug?

-: Yes, he did.

-: Yes, he was.

-: Yes, it is.

-: Yes, it did.


S: Укажите правильный ответ на вопрос.

Have you completed your experiment?

-: No, I have.

-: No, you have not.

-: No, I have not.

-: No, I not.


S: Укажите правильный перевод предложения.

Врач не обнаружил никакой патологии.

-: The doctor did not reveal no pathology.

-: The doctor revealed no pathology.

-: The doctor did not reveal pathology.

-: The doctor did not revealed any pathology.


S: Укажите правильный перевод предложения.

В журнале не было ни одной медицинской статьи.

-: There was not a medical article in the journal.

-:There was no medical article in the journal.

-: There was not no medical article in the journal.

-: There was no any medical article in the journal.


S: Назовите предложение, где –ing переводится деепричастием.

-: Dreaming in color is more common among calm people.

-: Visiting hospitals is necessary for all medical students.

-: Studying requires much attention.

-: When helping your patients you should be very attentive and tolerant.


S: Назовите предложение, где –ing переводится деепричастием.

-: Dreaming in color is more common among calm people.

-: Visiting hospitals is necessary for all medical students.

-: Studying requires much attention.

-: When helping your patients you should be very attentive and tolerant.


S: Назовите предложение, где –ing переводится деепричастием.

-: Examining the patients doctors should be very attentive.

-: Examining the patient is necessary to make the diagnosis.

-:You may ask the doctor examining the patient..

-: The doctor is examining the patient in his office.


S: Укажите слово, которое является прилагательным.

-: difference

-: conscious

-: completely

-: penetrate


S: Закончите предложение. 

Many people … remember their dreams.

-: not

-: are not

-: do not

-: do no


S: Закончите предложение. 

We learnt that …

-: Cannon has been written by Avicenna.

-: Cannon had written by Avicenna.

-: Cannon was written by Avicenna.

-: Cannon had been written by Avicenna.


S: Назовите правильный перевод предложения.

Известно, что лейкоцитоз развивается при воспалении.

-: Leucocytosis is known to develop in inflammation.

-: It is known leucocytosis to develop in inflammation.

-: Leucocytosis knew to develop in inflammation.

-: It was known leucocytosis to develop in inflammation


S: закончите предложение.

The lives of many people suffering ### cardiac diseases have been already saved.


S: Укажите сказуемое в Perfect.

-: will be administered

-: has influenced

-: is being prepared

-: was examining


S: Укажите предложение со сказуемым в Perfect.

-: Fever had been persisting for two weeks and had been decreasing gradually.

-: The nurse will give the injection to relieve pain.

-: Hypertension is treated with special antihypertensive drugs.

-: The patient has already restored his health and he can walk.


S: Укажите предложение, в котором глагол to have имеет модальное значение.

-: One of the lungs has three lobes, the other one only two.

-: The patient had the disease of the coxofemoral joints.

-: The patient’s diet had to be limited in salt.

-: The patient did not know what had happened. 


S: Раскройте скобки, употребив соответствующую форму Present Active or Passive

The pain ### (to become) worse on deep breathing in and coughing.



S: Раскройте скобки, употребив соответствующую форму Present Active or Passive

The patient ### (to examine) because of pneumonia.


A method of treatment … (to depend) on the condition of health.


S: Раскройте скобки, употребив Participle I or II.

Discoveries ### (to make) by ancient doctors are used in modern medicine.


V1: Лексика

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