Nouns used in the singular in English but can be both in the singular and in the plural in Russian

Существительные, которые в английском языке употребляются только в единственном числе, а в русском - и в единственном, и во множественном.


advice evidence fruit research news progress совет доказательство, улика фрукт исследование новость успех


Nouns used in the singular and in the plural in English but only in the plural in Russian.

Существительные, которые в английском языке употребляются и в единственном, и во множественном числе, а в русском - только во множественном.


gate(s) clock(s) watch(es) ворота часы часы (наручные)



Nouns which are singular in form but plural in meaning.

Существительные, имеющие форму единственного числа, но по значению - множественное.





clergy - духовенство



The police are controlling the order at the meeting.


The nouns the singular form of which can be used as the singular and the plural.

Существительные, форма единственного числа у которых может иметь значение и единственного, и множественного числа.










The family is large.

(The family is taken as a single unit. Семья рассматривается как единое целое.)

The family are sitting at table.

(The members are taken separately. Семья состоит из отдельных членов.)


The nouns with two plural forms.

Существительные, имеющие две формы множественного числа.


a penny - пенс

pence - по отношению к количеству денег (Eg.: two pence)

pennies - по отношению к монетам (Eg.: Several pennies fell on the floor.)




Choose the correct plural form of the following nouns.

Выберите правильную форму множественного числа.


    a b c
1 money moneys - monies
2 a mouse mouses mice mise
3 a watch watches watch watchs
4 an address - addresses address
5 a tomato tomatoes tomatos tomates
6 a radio radios radioes -
7 a story storys storeys stories
8 a fly flys flyes flies
9 a bus busses buses bussess
10 a dish dishes dishs dish
11 a belief believes beliefs belief
12 a man-servant man-servants men-servant men-servants
13 a penny pennies pennys pence
14 a sledge sledge sledges -
15 a sheep - sheep sheeps
16 a mouth mouths mice mouthes
17 a deer deer deers -
18 a foot foots footes feet
19 advice advice advices -
20 a trout trouts - trout
21 hair hairs hair -
22 a commander-in-chief commanders-in-chief commander-in-chiefs commanders-in-chiefs
23 vacation vacations - vacation
24 a fisherman fisherman fishersman fishermen
25 a boy-messenger boys-messenger boy-messengers boys-messengers
26 a crisis crisis - crises
27 a merry-go-round merries-go-round merries-go-rounds merry-go-rounds
28 evidence evidence evidences -
29 a month monthes months month
30 a passer-by passer-bys passers-byes passers-by
31 a looker-on lookers-on looker-ons lookers-ons
32 a woman-doctor women-doctor woman-doctors women-doctors
33 an index indexs indeces indices
34 a dozen dozen dozens -
35 a stimulus stimuluses stimulus stimuli
36 fireman firemen firemans firesmen
37 a lord-justice lords-justices lord-justices lords-justice
38 scissors scissorses scissors -
39 fish fish fishes -
40 a ship ships ship -
41 tongs tongs tonges -
42 a valley valleys vallies valleis
43 knowledge knowledges knowledge -
44 toothbrush teethbrush toothbrushes teethbrushes
45 jeans jeans - jeanses
46 an umbrella umbrellas umbrellaes umbrellae
47 a formula formulas formulaes formulae
48 a clock clocks clock -
49 a million millions million -
50 news news - newses

Choose the appropriate form of the word.

Выберите соответствующую форму слова.

1. What ___ the news?

a) is; b) are


2. The contents ___ been changed.

a) has not; b) have not; c) doesn’t have


3. We’d like three ____ pencils.

a) dozen; b) dozens; c) dozen of


4. His hair ___ dark.

a) is; b) are


5. Money ___ not everything.

a) are; b) is


6. These shoes cost three ___ dollars.

a) hundreds; b) hundred


7. Mathematics ___ an exact science.

a) is; b) are


8. In summer we eat much ___.

a) fruit; b) fruits


9. The witness gave enough ____ at the trial.

a) evidence; b) evidences


10. We caught a few___

a) fishes; b) fish


11. Schoolchildren have four ____ every year.

a) vacation: b) vacations


12. Our team ___ the best.

a) is; b) are


13. Our team ___ playing well.

a) is; b) are


14. There are ___ people in the street.

a) hundred;   b) hundreds; c) hundreds of


15. The United States ____ a long history.

a) have; b) has


16. Where ____ my glasses?

a) are; b) is


17. ____ very useful for your health.

a) Carrots are; b) Carrot is


18. _____ very cheap.

a) Potatoes are; b) Potato is


19. His _____ high.

a) wages are; b) wage is


20. The gate ___ open.

a) is; b) are


21. He gave me some useful ___.

a) advice; b) advices.


22. There ____ a lot of chalk on the table.

a) is; b) are


23. The ___ of this country ____ happy.

a) people... is; b) people... are; c) peoples... are


24. The storm brought a lot of ____.

a) damages; b) damage


25. The trousers ___ new.

a) is; b) are


26. I feel that the jury ___ thought that you are innocent.

a) have; b) has


27. The government _____able to pursue the policy which had been promised before the elections.

a) was not; b) were not


28. The police ___ investigating the case now.

a) is; b) are


29. The crew of the plane ____ of four people.

a) consist; b) consists


30. The government usually ____ of the prime minister and several ministers.

a) consist; b) consists


31. The average American family ___ three children.

a) has; b) have


32. The family ____ gone to bed.

a) has; b) have


33. Her clothes ___ fashionable.

a) is; b) are


34. That species of spiders ___ commonly seen in North America.

a) is; b) are


35. I think her hair ____ dyed.

a) is; b) are


36. The phenomena ___ unusual.

a) is; b) are


37. The traffic ___ very heavy in this street.

a) is; b) are


38. When the traffic-lights ___ red, don’t cross the street.

a) is; b) are


39. The grapes ___ ripe.

a) is; b) are


40. Athletics ___ an important part of the Olympic games.

a) is; b) are







English nouns denoting human beings have two cases: the common case and the Genitive case.

Английские одушевленные существительные имеют два падежа: общий и притяжательный.





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