Water and its role in human life

Water is the main component of any living organism including people. Nobody will be able to exist without water. It constitutes about 70 percent of a human body and over 90 percent of some vegetables. Water is capable of regulating all vital processes. It:

- normalizes humidity of oxygen increasing its absorbability;

- carries out thermal control of the body;

- dissolves nutrients helping an organism with their assimilation;

- humidifies and creates protection to vitals;

- forms protective lubricant for joints;

- improves exchange processes in activity of systems of an organism;

 - discharges various waste out of the body

It is impossible to allow organism dehydration. By scientific research it is proved that the daily use of enough clear water helps to struggle with serious illnesses. It promotes easing of pains in the back and displays of migraine. It helps to decrease blood pressure and the level of sugar and cholesterol in the blood.

Read the questions in A, choose and read the correct answers in B / Прочитайте вопросы в колонке А, выберите и прочитайте правильные ответы в колонке B

1 What is water? i) Water is capable of regulating all vital processes.
 2 How many percent does it constitute of the human body? j) Yes, it does.
 3 Why is the role of water for the person so high? k) Water is the main component of any living organism.
 4 Does water form protective lubricant for joints? l) No, I cannot.
5 Can you exist without water? e) It constitutes about 70 percent of the human body.

We write / Мы пишем

Fill in the gap / Заполните пропуски используя слова в рамке

 regulates be able   to allow

You will not … to exist without water. It … all vital processes. It is impossible … organism dehydration.

Level B


including – включая exist - существовать percent - процент capable - способный vital -жизненный humidity - влажность absorbability - всасываемость thermal control – терморегуляция dissolve - растворять humidify – увлажнять assimilation - усвоение lubricant - смазка improve - улучшать waste – отходы majority – большинство subsequent - последующий acidulation - закисление dehydration - обезвоживание promote - способствовать display - проявление decrease – уменьшить, понижение cholesterol - холестерин



Read the text «Water and its role in human life» and do the exercises after it.

Water and its role in human life

Water is the main component of any living organism including people. Nobody will be able to exist without water. It makes about 70percent of the human body and higher than 90percent of some vegetables. Water is capable of regulating all vital processes. It:

- normalizes humidity of oxygen increasing its absorbability;

- carries out thermal control of the body;

- dissolves nutrients helping an organism with their assimilation;

- humidifies and creates protection to vitals;

- forms protective lubricant for joints;

- improves exchange processes in activity of systems of an organism;

 - discharges various waste out of an organism.

Long-term blood tests under a microscope proved that the reason of the majority of modern diseases is in dehydration of an organism and the subsequent acidulation of blood. It is impossible to allow organism dehydration. Disturbing symptoms of this trouble are the dry skin accompanied with itching, fatigue, sharp decrease in concentration of attention, arterial blood pressure, headaches and general malaise. By scientific research it has been proved that the daily use of enough clear water helps to struggle with serious illnesses. It promotes easing of pains in the back and displays of migraine. Also it helps to decrease blood pressure and the level of sugar and cholesterol in the blood.


Say it in English:

живой организм

никто не способен

жизненные процессы



усвоение питательных веществ


обменные процессы

выводит отходы

многолетние исследования крови

сухая кожа

чистая вода

снижение уровня сахара.


In pairs, discuss the following questions:

1. What is water?

2. How many percent does it constitute of the human body?

3. Why is the role of water for the person so high?

4. Does water dissolve nutrients?

5. Does water form protective lubricant for joints?

6. Does water humidify and create protection to vitals?

7. Can you exist without water?

8. What are symptoms of dehydration?

9. What is the reason of dehydration?

10. Does water promote to struggle with serious illnesses?

Fill in the missing modal verbs:

Can, may, must, be able to

1. You will not… exist without water.

2. Water … improve exchange processes in activity of systems of an organism.

3. The reason of the majority of modern diseases … be in dehydration of an organism.

4. Pains in the back, displays of migraine … be caused by dehydration.

5. A person … live without water even for a week.

6. You … drink more liquid.

7. An adult … drink 1,5-2 liters of water a day



Speak on the following functions of water:

1. Normalization of humidity of oxygen.

2. Dissolution of nutrients.

3. Formation of protective lubricant for joints.

4. Improvement of exchange processes in activity of systems of an organism.

5. Discharging of various waste from an organism

Тема 8.3. Vitamins and minerals /Витамины и микроэлементы

Level A

We learn the new words / Мы учим слова

minerals – микроэлементы health - здоровье; healthy – здоровый nutritious – питательный perform – выполнять ability – способность fat-soluble – жирорастворимый manganese – марганец copper - медь      renewal – возобновление lack – недостаток lead - вести; leading – ведущий (главный) various – различный useful – полезный  regulate – регулировать  belong to – относиться к substance – вещество  



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